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1、A Study of Chinese EFL Students Acquisition of English Achievement Motion Verbs from the Perspective of Aspect By Shen Shujing Under the supervision of Associate Prof. Yang Ling A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts to the School of Foreign St

2、udies Anhui University March 2016 独创 .性柯 IWf -本人声明所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的 研究成果。据我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其 他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含为获得安徽大学或其他教育机构 的学位或证书而使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均 已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示谢意。 学 位 论 文 作 者 签 名 签 字 曰 期 : 汐 以 学位论文版权使甩授权书 本学位论文作者完全了解安徽大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定, 有权保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印

3、件和磁盘,允许论文被查阅和 借阅 本人授权安徵大学可以将学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行 检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存 、汇 编学位论文。 (保密的学位论文在解密后适用本授权书 ) 学 位 论 文 作 者 签 名 : 导 师 签 名 : 4 b 签字日期: T/OM 、(彳 签字 日 期 : 分 Acknowledgments Here I must express my heartfelt thanks to all the people who offered me help in writing this thesis. First and foremost,

4、I would like to extend my sincere gratitiide to my supervisor, associate professor Yang Ling, for her remarkable insights and patient guidance. During the writing of this thesis, she not only provided valuable advice but also gave constant encouragement. With the help of her, this thesis reaches the

5、 current form. Furthermore, I must extend my earnest thanks to all the teachers from School of Foreign Studies including Professor Zhu Yue, Professor Zhan Quanwang, Professor Hu Jian, Dr Zhu Yubin, Dr Lu Zhihong and Dr Zhang Jun for their precious suggestions and inspiring guidance to me in the proc

6、ess of writing this thesis. From them I gained too much inspiration. In addition, I am also very much indebted to my dear roommates for their countless inspiration and persistent support. They not only brought me the relevant books or materials from the library but also gave me endless encouragement

7、 when I got confused. Last but not least, my cordial thanks go to my family for their everlasting support and endless love. They shared with me my frustrations and heartened me a lot. I am very much grateful to them. Abstract During the process of English learning verbs play a significant role, in w

8、hich English MVs are the pivotal part. Therefore, English MVs have been the research focus for many a scholar. Many researchers have explored English MVs form the perspective of lexicalization. However, little emphasis has been laid upon the aspectual point of view. Thus, based upon the previous stu

9、dies, this research is designed to probe into the Chinese EFL students9 acquisition of English achievement MVs from the perspective of aspect. And thereby two question are raised as follows: 1. What are the similarities and differences between Chinese EFL students and English native speakers in thei

10、r acquisition of English achievement MVs from the perspective of aspect? 2. Aspectually, is Chinese EFL students9 acquisition of English achievement MVs related to their English proficiency level? Taking four frequently used English achievement MVs, namely mr/ve, ”妙,为 / and leave as the research sub

11、ject, this thesis attempts to unveil the features of Chinese EFL students9 acquisition of English achievement MVs from the perspective of aspect. The research corpora used in this thesis are WECCL 2.0 from SWECCL 2.0 and COE from COCA. By means of data analysis and discussion, major findings are sum

12、marized as follows: (1) The biggest similarity shared by Chinese EFL students and English native speakers is that Perfective and Imperfective take up the most part of the total grammatical aspects while Phase and Habitual hold the least. However, the difference is that Chinese English learners use m

13、ore Imperfective than Perfective concerning the four verbs while English native speakers use more Perfective than Imperfective in arrive and leave. It may be attributed to the fact that arrive and leave are often used to denote events that have occurred. In addition, the four different types of aspe

14、cts are all used by native speakers while in WECCL 2.0 there is no use of Habitual for which the semantic feature of achievement MVs may account. As for the tenses of the four verbs used, native speakers share the similarity with Chinese EFL students that they both rarely use progressive tense and f

15、uture tense of English achievement MVs. It is worth noting that progressive tense is embodied mainly by enter and fall And the progressive tense of arrive and leave are mainly used to indicate future time and thereby falls into the type of future tense. However, they differ in the most used tense. I

16、n WECCL 2.0 it is the simple present tense of all the four verbs that is most used while in COE when concerning arrive and leave it is the simple past tense that is used in highest frequency. (2) In terms of grammatical aspects of the four English achievement MVs, Imperfective is used in highest fre

17、quency by Chinese English learners and Perfective comes second regardless of the students English proficiency. Whats more, there is no token indicating the use of Habitual in WECCL 2.0. The biggest difference among Chinese EFL students is that Phase is rarely used and only used by students of high E

18、nglish proficiency, revealing the use of Phase is closely related to Chinese EFL students English proficiency. With regard to the tenses of the four English achievement MVs, simple present tense takes up the most part despite the students English proficiency level. Whats more, the rarely used tenses

19、 of English achievement MVs mainly consist of progressive tense and future tense except fall of which perfect is least used. In addition, the progressive tense of the chosen English achievement MVs are only used by students of intermediate and high English proficiency which probably suggests the clo

20、se link between the use of progressive tense and students9 English proficiency. This thesis is composed of five chapters. Chapter one is a general introduction consisting of research background, significance of the research and organization of the thesis. Chapter Two is literature review, presenting

21、 a general review of aspect and English MVs as well as their acquisition. Chapter Three introduces research methodology, posing two research questions and depicting the method of data collection and the procedure for data analysis. Chapter Four is the core chapter. First, it introduces the aspectual

22、 characteristics of the four chosen English achievement MVs. Then it moves to describe the usage of the four words via contrasting the data from SWECCL 2.0 and COCA from the perspective of grammatical aspect and tense in sentences. And through the comparison and analysis of the usage, some discussio

23、ns are made, aiming at supplying answers to the two research questions. Chapter Five presents a conclusion, reporting the major findings of the research and the implications on the aspects of English achievement MVs learning and teaching. In addition, limitations of the study and suggestions are giv

24、en to enlighten further research. Key words: English achievement MVs; aspect; acquisition 摘要 在英语的学习过程中,动词有着举足轻重的地位。而在英语动词的学习中, 运动动词是重点 。因此,英语运动动词也就成了众多学者研宄的焦点。但是,大 多学者都是从词汇化等视角进行探讨,鲜有人从体视角对运动动词的习得进行研 宄。因此,基于前人的研究成果,本文试图从体的角度,探究中国英语学习者英 语成就类运动动词的习得特征,并提出以下两个研究问题: 1. 中国英语学习者英语成就类运动动词体特征习得与本族语者有何异同? 2.

25、 中国英语学习者英语成就类运动动词体特征习得与其英语水平有无联 系? 本研宄以四个高频英语成就类运动动词 ( amVe, /, / eave)为研究 对象,以中国学生英语口笔语语料库中的笔语语料库以及美国当代英语语料库中 的教育子语料库为研究语料,从体的视角,来探宄中国英语学习者运动动词时体 特征的习得特点。通过数据分析和讨论,本文得出以下结论 : (1) 就英语成就类运动动词体特征而言,中国英语学习者与本族语者之间最 大的相同之处在于完成体以及未完成体使用最多,而时相以及惯常体使用极少。 不同之处在于四个运动动词中国学习者均是未完成体使用多于完成体,而本族语 者在使用 arr/ve 以及 /

26、eove 时却是完成体多于未完成体,这与 amve 以 及 常 用 来 表达己完成事件有关 。此外,四种语法体本族语者均有使用,而中国学习者均未 使用惯常体,这可能与运动动词的语义特征有关。 就英语成就类运动动词时态而言,母语使用者与中国学习者均是进行时和将 来时使用极少。需要说明的是,和和 /使用的是进行时,而 am ve 和 /eave 的进 行时形式表达的却是将来意义。不同之处在于,四个运动动词中国学习者均是一 般现在时使用较多,而母语使用者在使用 amVe 和 /eove 时,却是一般过去时较多。 (2) 就英语成就类运动动词体特征而言,不论英语水平高低,中国英语学习 者均倾向于使用未

27、完成体,完成体次之,且惯常体 均未曾使用。不同之处在于时 相使用极少且只有高水平英语学习者使用,揭示了时相的使用与中国英语学习者 的英语水平有直接的联系。 就英语成就类运动动词时态而言,不论英语水平高低,中国英语学习者均倾 向于使用现在时;除了 /fl/是完成时使用少之外,其他运动动词均是进行时以及 将来时使用极少。并且,进行时只有英语中高水平学习者使用,这表明进行时的 使用与学习者英语水平之间有直接的联系。 全文由五章组成: 第一章为导论。主要介绍了本文的研究背景,研究意义以及论文的框架。 第二章是文献综述。本章主要总结了国内外学者对动词的体特征,英语运动 动词及其习得的研究现状。 第三章是

28、研宄方法。首先,提出了研宄问题。接着,描述了数据的收集方法。 最后,介绍了分析的过程。 第四章是本研究的重点。首先,介绍了四个英语成就类运动动词的体特征。 其次,从这四个运动动词的语法体以及时态这两个视角,通过比较 SWECCL2.0 和COCA 这两大语料库,对中国英语学习者英语运动动词的习得进行描述。最后, 就语料库数据的统计进行分析和讨论。 第五章是结语。本章主要总结了研宄的结果以及对英语成就类运动动词教 学 以及学习的启示。同时,也指出了研宄的不足,并对未来的研究提出了建议。 关键词 :英语成就类运动动词:体视角;习得 Contents Acknowledgments . i Abst

29、ract . ii m 要 . v Contents . vii List of Figure and Tables . ix List of Abbreviations . x Chapter One Introduction . 1 1.1 Background of the Research . 1 1.2 Significance of the Research . 2 1.3 Organization of the Thesis . 2 Chapter Two Literature Review . 4 2.1 Studies of Aspect . 4 2.1.1 Introduc

30、tion to Aspect . 4 2.L2 Studies of Lexical Aspect . . . 5 2.13 Studies of Grammatical Aspect . 8 2.2 Studies of English Motion Verbs. 9 2.2.1 Studies of English Motion Verbs Abroad .10 2.2.2 Studies of English Motion Verbs at Home .11 2.3 Acquisition of English Motion Verbs .13 2.3.1 . Studies on th

31、e Acquisition of English Motion Verbs Abroad . 13 2.3.2 . Studies on the Acquisition of English Motion Verbs at Home . 15 Chapter Three Research Methodology.18 3.1 Research Questions .18 3.2 Data Collection .18 33 Procedure of Analysis .20 Chapter Four Chinese EFL Learners5 Acquisition of English Ac

32、hievement MVs22 4.1 Aspectual Features of the Four Achievement MVs .22 4.2 The Grammatical Aspects of Chinese EFL Learners9 English Achievement MVs . 25 4.2.1 . Grammatical Aspects of Arrive in the Corpora . 26 4.2.2 Grammatical Aspects of Enter in the Corpora . 28 4.2.3 . Grammatical Aspects of Fal

33、l in the Corpora . 29 4.2.4 Grammatical Aspects of Leave in the Corpora . 30 4.2.5 Discussion . 31 4.3 The Tenses of Chinese EFL Learners English Achievement MVs . 33 43.1 Tenses oiArrive in the Corpora . 33 4.3.2 Tenses of Enter in the Corpora . 34 43.3 Tenses of Fall in the Corpora . 35 4.3.4 Tenses of Leave in the Corpora . 36 43.5 Discussion . 37 Chapter Five Conclusion . 39 5.1 Major Findings of the Research . 39 5.2 Implications of the Study. 40 5.3 Limitations of the Study and Suggestions for Further Research . 42 References . 43 Publications . 47


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