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1、卡斯帕Caspar?是你吗Is that you?跟我说话啊卡斯帕Talk to me, Casp.我在这儿Im here.卡斯帕你在哪Where, Casp?你在哪呢Where?我能感觉到你的存在I feel you.我就在这里呢Im right here.卡斯帕给我点提示Give me something, Casp.杰米拉Jamila.(地球英国威灵顿堡现状:安全在宣布外星人入侵四个月后Four months after the declaration of alien invasion仍然没有与它们的飞船交流也没有确认它们的意图and still no communication wi

2、th their ships, nor confirmation of their intent, 难民危机持续存在数百万人在寻找避难所the refugee crisis continues with millions seeking shelter.你还在伤心这很正常Ifs only natural youd still be grieving.伤心我还在做这些梦妈妈Grieving? My dreams arent going away, Mum.我知道你非常沮丧但你要对自己有耐心I know youre gutted, but you need to be patient with y

3、ourself.我一直都很有耐心Ive been patient.如果这都不是梦呢What if theyre not dreams?你这是在胡言乱语-妈妈听我说Youre not making any sense. - Mum, listen.卡斯帕会做一些不合常理的事Caspar could do things that dont make sense.杰姆Jam?(妈妈)我知道你读完后会很伤心I know this is gonna hurt.我知道你不会想读这封信I know this is not what you wanna be reading.我知道外面的世界危险重重我知道你很

4、害怕Im aware of the dangers out there, and I know youre scared.我也一样And so am I.但我不能坐以待毙But I cant sit around and do nothing.我不能躲起来等待世界末日的到来I cant hide and wait for the world to end.尽管在外面的生活会困难重重但最难的其实是离开家As hard as it may be out there, the hardest part is leaving home. 离开你Leaving you.但我要去追寻那些梦But Im g

5、oing out to chase my dreams,即使它们只是梦而已even if they*re just dreams.因为有可能这个绝地武士的超自然能力Because this Jedi shit might be the one and only thing是唯一能拯救地球的方法了that could save our planet.卡斯帕我来了Im coming; Casp.这其实是你的错真的Its your fault, really.是你教我要为自己的信仰而战Youre the one who taught me to fight for what I believe in

6、, 不顾一切危险no matter what.而我对此深信不疑And I believe in this.我爱你I love you.杰姆Jam.(妈妈永远爰你(失踪贝蒂琼斯(失踪紧急呼吁) 空气有毒不安全 The airs not safe. 我要去医院I need to get to the hospital!我们会带你去最近的一家Well take you to the nearest one.不是那家能带我去圣伯恩瓦尔德医院Not that one. St. Beornwald?那个区域也被封锁了That areas shut down too.你受伤了 -我只是要去Are you h

7、urt? - Just need to get海德公园角有个儿童收♥容♥所♥ Theres a childrens shelter in Hyde Park Corner. 那不是我要去的地方Thats not where Im going. 我说了我要去相反的方向I said Im going the opposite direction.恐怕我们不能让你去那边Im afraid we cant let you go that way.喂回来Oi! Get back here!姑娘Girl!泡子Spores.出来Come out.你在这里很危险You

8、re not safe here.我们可以帮你We can help you.我们可以带你去一个安全的地方 We can take you somewhere clear. 听到的话就出来If you can hear me, come on out. 我们只是想帮你 We just wanna help you.我们会留个防毒面具给你Were gonna leave a mask here.你会用得上亲爱的Youll need it, love.拜托Come on, come on.给我点信息吧Give me something.(在麦柯廷县和世界各地)(目击到螺旋状物体)MCUM, & U

9、.(M A C I C N U R T(麦柯廷)好Okay.(麦柯廷县)(俄克拉荷马州麦柯廷县的图片俄克拉荷马州Oklahoma?维度.一时间到了Latitude. - Times up.时间到了你得走了Times up! You gotta go.好Yeah.我确实得走了Yeah, I do.(佛罗里达州州界)(你即将离开阳光之州)卡斯帕请不要在里面Please dont be in there, Casp.(9名字:卡斯帕莫罗病人编号♥:13472)(病历室)“卡斯帕莫罗存放柜8898”Caspar Morrow. Bin 8898/怪胎Freak.老师怎么了Sir? - W

10、hats going on?卡斯帕嘿Caspar? Casp? - Hey, hey, hey!卡斯帕我听到了I hear you, Casp.我会找到你Im gonna find you.(卡斯帕莫罗)(巴黎圣保罗医院)(转移到巴黎的圣保罗医院)(来自地球防卫联盟的特别命令他在求你帮忙我在请求你Hes asking for help. Im asking.因为我不能待在这里Cause I cant be here,千里迢迢回到这里却一无所获all the way across the world, to be back here again for nothing.既然我在这里肯定有原因Ca

11、use there has to be a reason.他就是原因Hes the reason.那个画本就是原因That book is a reason.嘿你叫什么Hey, whats your name?崔凡特Trevante.我叫卡斯帕Im Caspar.好奇的卡斯帕Curious Caspar.嘿Hey.卡斯帕你好是我没错Whatrs up, Caspar? - Thats me.(欢迎来到俄克拉荷马州)(我们信仰上帝)(地球美国俄克拉荷马州麦柯廷县)嘿Hey.对不起先生这里是路的尽头前方不能通行Sorry, sir. Road ends here. No access past t

12、his point.我看得出来为什么Well, I can see that. Why is that?这是为你好前方不安全Its for your own good. It*s not safe.可后方也不安全Oh, well, it ainrt safe back there either.如果你朝那边行驶大约40公里那里有上46号♥公路的坡道If you head that way for about 25 miles, theres a ramp for Route 46.从那过去就能往南走了Thatrll take you south.那个方向没有无人居住区Theres

13、 no dead zones in that direction.好吧祝你平安All right. Be safe.你也是先生You too, sir.打扰一下你见过这家人吗没有Sorry, have you seen this family? No?你见过这家人吗Have you seen this family?你好打扰了你见过这家人吗没有-没有Hi. Sorry, have you seen this family? No? - No, no, no.你见过没有Have you seen this- No.打扰一下见过这家人吗没有Excuse me. Do these look fami

14、liar to you? No?没有吗没有应该没有No? No. - Td say no.你见过这家人吗Have you seen this family?没有抱歉No, sorry.你见过这家人吗我正在找他们Have you seen this family? Im looking for them.没有吗一个都没见过杰米拉该死No? None of them? - Jamila! Jamila! Fuck.天达尔文-是你Oh, my Darwin! - Its you, its you!你怎么来这儿了我以为你该What the fuck are you doing here? I thou

15、ght you were supposed to be 在乡下呢之前是在in the countryside. -1 was, yeah.你家人在这里他们很好Is your family here? - Theyre fine.真的一天啊你怎么在这Really. - Oh, God. Why are you here th-这里完全是僵尸肖恩里的景象Its fucking Shaun of the Dead shit.这是什么Whats that?你是来找阿尔夫的You came looking for Alf?他在这里吗Is he here?杰姆出什么事了Jam, whats going o

16、n?他从停尸房♥被转移回重症监护室He was moved from the morgue back to the ICU然后被送去了这个机构and then taken to this facility.巴黎WDC下的命令Paris? - By some order of the WDC.嘿达尔文看看这个Hey, Darwin, look at this.是不我真的搞不懂我也是Yeah, no, I really don*t get it. - Me neither.但我觉得我是说我知道卡斯帕还活着But I think, I mean, I know Caspars aliv

17、e.杰姆你上次睡觉是什么时候的事Jam, whens the last time you slept?我觉得他们知道他很特别And I think they know hes special.你说“很特别是什么意思What-What do you mean special/ though?我亲眼看到的好吗I saw it happen, all right?外星人来时我们被困在我妈妈之前工作的医院里When the aliens came and we were trapped in Mum*s old hospital, 卡斯帕和它们说话了Caspar talked to them.他们说的

18、是英语Well, they spoke, like, Eng-English or shit?不是No, no.他让它们停止攻击我们He got them to stop attacking us.就好像它们能读懂卡斯帕的想法卡斯帕也能读懂它们的想法It was like they could read Casparrs mind, and he could read theirs.他这样做完后大脑就停止运转了但他仍在呼吸After he did it, his brain shut down, but he was still breathing.他还活着这证明了这一点He-He was s

19、till alive, and this proves it.我把卡斯帕留在医院五天后就开始梦见他I started dreaming of Caspar five days after I left him at the hospital.做梦是什么样的梦啊Dreaming? What kind of dreams are we talking about?我还没亲眼见到伦敦的红色月亮时就梦见它了I dreamt of that red moon over London before I even saw it.还有卡斯帕他总出现在我的梦里And Caspar, hes always the

20、re.他的声音His voice.杰姆我每天都在想卡斯帕Jam, I think of Casp every day.说实话但是-我知道我的话听起来像什么Honestly. But- -1 know what I sound like.就像我完全疯了一样Like Ive gone completely shit-brain mad.但这是我这辈子最确定的事了But this is the surest that Ive been of anything in my whole life.你们不必相信我You dont have to believe me.我来找你们是因为我想在去巴黎前让你们知

21、道I came looking for you because I thought you should know that hes alive 他还活着before I leave for Paris.巴黎Paris?是但法国很久以前就关闭边境了Yeah, but th-they shut their borders down, like, ages ago.你怎么去呢-我会想出办法的What are you gonna do about that? - Ill find a way.我都走到这一步了我找到了你们不是吗I made it this far. I found you, didn

22、t I?卡斯帕可能是结束这一切的关键Casp may be the key to ending all this.外星人侵略The aliens, the invasion.如果他能阻止它们一次他可能就是我们唯一的希望If he got them to stop once, he may be our only hope.但如果他真的能做到这些But if he can really do all that shit,那么政♥府♥当然也可以让他阻止外星人所有的进攻then surely the government can get him to stop all t

23、his alien stuff anyway.我们不知道他们正对他做些什么We dont know what theyre doing with him,或者他们是否违背他的意愿扣押了他or if theyre holding him against his will.你们看过E.T.吧-是Youve seen E.T., right? - Yeah.是一回事Yeah. Same shit.我感觉他遇到麻烦了处于极大的危险中I have a feeling he*s in trouble, like proper danger.为什么这么说Why do you say that?我能从他在梦中

24、呼唤我的方式中感觉到I can feel it in the way he calls out to me in my dreams.就好像他想让我找到他Like he wants me to find him.如果不是因为我知道这是真实的我是不会离开家人的I wouldnt have left my family if I didn*t know this was real.所以我想让你们知道So I wanted you to know.万一我死了我希望某个人知道这些情况I wanted someone to know in case I dont make it all the way.

25、听着就.我们先吃点东西吧杰姆Look, just- Lets just get some food, Jam.热巧Cocoa?好我们离开这里走吧Yeah. Let*s get out of here. - Come on, come on.进去吧In here.谢谢Thanks.我们刚刚聊了一下So, we had a chat.想都别想Oh, piss off.如果你们认为能阻止我认为我走了这么远If you think you can stop me, if you think Ive walked all this way 只是为了回头.-不我们知道自己无法阻止你just to turn

26、 back- - No! We know we cant stop you.因此我们和你一起去Thats why- - Were going with you.什么What?我们和你一起去Were going with you.对简单是的Yeah, simple. - Yeah.等等不你们没必要这么做W-Wait. N-No. You dont have to do that.我来不是为了这个Thats not why I came.你们还有有家人呢-是你不也是嘛Youve got family. - Yeah, and so do you.如果你以为我们会让你一个人去巴黎And if you

27、 thought we were going to let you go to Paris alone, 你就是个疯子youre a fucking nutter.我们支持你We got your back.你先睡一觉You get some sleep.我们在日出前溜出去Well sneak out just before sunrise.卡斯帕Casp.卡斯帕Casp.这是什么地方What is this place?怎么这么久Whats taking so long?阿尔夫这是一个巨大的门又不是果酱瓶Alf, its a massive fucking hatch. Its not a

28、fucking jam jar.你会说笑话了 -是的Oh, you got- You got jokes, innit? - Yeah, I do.把手电筒给我你们能闭嘴吗Give me the torch. - Could you kindly shut up?为什么总是我Why is it always me?我的妈呀Holy balls.我怎么跟你说的What did I fucking tell you?新晋的暴发户不会开这么有型的车YUNGBLUD dont drive cars this fresh.这就和大卫贝克汉姆一样有钱Its like some David Beckham

29、shit.法拉利阿斯顿保时捷Ferrari, Aston, Porsche.太棒了圣诞节提前到了Wicked. Christmas came early.我叫邦德詹姆斯邦该死My name*s Bond. James Bo- Fuck!安静Quiet!它可真美对吧我肯定要开保时捷She is a beauty, innit? All right, were defo taking the Porsche.该死的保时捷詹姆斯邦德的车是保时捷你先把名字读对了再Fucking Porsche. James Bond rides- - Porsche. Get it right first, befo

30、re- 保时捷阿尔菲好了把钥匙给我快点Porsche, Alfie. All right, give me the keys. Come on.别抢我不是一两位Get off! Tm not- - Guys?拜托你们别闹了 给我钥匙Come on, guys, stop! - Give me the keys!滚开给我钥匙Get the fuck off! - Give me the keys!放手停手-拜托我只是想看看Let go! Stop it! - Come on! Im just gonna see it.看看你干了什么-谁把它关了把它关掉Look what youve done.

31、- Someone turn it off. Just turn it off!他用意念阻止了外星人He stopped the aliens with his mind.是一颗核弹阻止了它们而不是你的绝地武士A nuclear bomb stopped them things, not your Jedi shit.是吗那它们为什么还在这里Yeah? So, why are they still here then?每天数量都在增加More and more of them every day.混球为何我们的核弹对它们的死星毫无作用Why our nukes done nothing to

32、their Death Star, you tosser?杰米拉Jamila!对不起妈妈但是我Im sorry, Mum. But I我能感觉到卡斯帕他还存在I can feel it. You know, Caspar. Hes out there.以某种方式活在某处Somewhere, somehow.他可能是拯救我们的唯一希望了He might be the only shot weve got.妈妈你每天都在救人Mum, you help save people every day.如果你有机会救不仅仅一整个帐篷的病人呢What if you had the chance to sav

33、e more than a tent-full of patients? 比一整个医院还多More than a hospital-full?如果你能拯救所有人呢What if you could save everybody?听着杰米拉这些梦会消失但我知道你勇敢不放弃的精神永远都在Look, the dreams will fade, Jamila. But I know your spirit never will.这才能拯救我们Thats the kind of thing that will save us.而不是魔法也不是某个死去的男孩Not magic, not some- som

34、e boy thats gone.我很抱歉但他已经死了Im sorry, but hes gone.我得走了I have to go.这是什么What is that?我需要它妈妈用来保护自己给我随便按哪个按钮没看见我在努力吗Press anything! - Can you not see Im trying?我想这把钥匙坏了-住手I think this key doesnt work! - Stop!我觉得,.我们没事I th- I think were gravy.到底怎么回事What in the holy fuck?蒙蒂注意你的语言Language, Monty.外星人入侵后我们一

35、直都是靠自己Weve been on our own since it happened.爸爸妈妈去度假了所以我们必须待在家里Mum and Dad are on holiday, so we have to stay in place 直到他们回来until they come back.这是规矩Thats the rule.你家真不错Nice yard.你们得离开这里You have to get out of here.他们已经疏散伦敦市中心我知道TheyVe evacuated Central London. -1 know that.你们是怎么弄到食物的How you lot eve

36、n getting food?蒙蒂在酒窖里发现了樱桃蜜饯Monty found candied cherries in the wine cellar.他说它们太甜了所以大部分都给我吃了He says theyre too syrupy, so I get most of them.你们只有蜜饯吃Is that all youve got to eat?等等One second.嘿你干什么那是我们的旅行食品Hey, what are you doing? Thats our travel food!你们请随意吃Bloody help yourself.就像你们刚随意去开我爸的保时捷那样Like

37、 you were going to help yourself to my dads Porsche?是的我们会的谢谢So, yeah, we will, thanks.你们就不应该在这里这样你们就可以偷车You werent supposed to be here. - So that makes it all right then? 去拯救世界To save the world?是的我认为这是一个很好的理由Yeah. I think thats a pretty good reason.我可以和你换薯片我有地图I can trade you for the crisps. I have

38、maps.看这张是南极洲的Look! This ones of Antarctica.我还有急救箱小佩I also have a first aid kit. - Pen,他们才不要你那愚蠢的地图或急救箱呢好吗they dont want your stupid maps or first aid kit, okay?这可说不准You dont know that.我为哥哥的行为道歉Sorry about my brother.妈妈说他一直停留在可怕的两岁Mum said he never outgrew his terrible twos.闭嘴吧你Mug off.在南华克有一个帐篷城那里有巴

39、士Theres a tent city down in Southwark, and theyre running buses开往乡下孩子们在那儿会很安全to the countryside where kids can be safe.你们的父母会知道去那里找你们Your parents will know to look for you there.我们待在家里这样我们才不会迷路We stay in place. Thats how we dont get lost.我保证你们不会迷路的不行I promise you. You wont get lost. - No.别管我们了好吗Just

40、 leave it, all right?你们有人会开车吗Can any of you lot even drive?那你们打算怎么处理一辆偷来的车What were you planning to do with a jacked car then?你看过速度与激♥IW♥吗Have you ever watched Fast & Furious?搞什你玩过侠盗猎车手吗The fuck- - Have you even played GTA?开车并不难每天都有数百万的白♥痴♥在开车Its not that hard. Millions o

41、f idiots drive every single day.我们会没事的荒唐至极你们的计划糟透了We will be fine. - That*s ridiculous. Your plan is shite.你还真是一点都没变对吧So you havent changed one bit, have you?你真是个该死的白♥痴♥-是吗再说一遍Youre a fucking idiot! - Yeah? Say that again!否则怎样-去死吧你再说一遍Or what? - Fuck that! Say that again!否则怎样你能怎么样Or wh

42、at? What are you gonna do?去死吧你再说一遍-住手Fuck that! Say it again! - Stop it!该死Fuck.低空飞行Flyovers.他们在寻找外星人Theyre searching for aliens.走开Go away, go away, go away, go away.妈妈爸爸走开.Mum, Dad, Mum, Dad. Go away, go away, go away, go away.妈妈爸爸Mum, Dad.走开Go away, go away, go away, go away.不妈妈爸爸No, no; no. - Mum,

43、 Dad.嘿佩妮没事了-妈妈爸爸Hey, Penny, Penny. Youre okay. - Mum, Dad.佩妮你没事的是我走开Penny, you*re okay. It*s me. - Go away.好吗Okay?听我说小佩好吗Listen, listen, Pen. Okay?嘿我们在哪儿在丹伯里的迷宫里Hey, where are we? In the maze around Danburys.在迷宫里我们要往哪走我们向前走然后右转Where do we go in the maze? We go forward and turn right.然后我们往哪走一往左走And t

44、hen where do we go? - Left.很好我们到了我们成功了知道吗Nice. Were there. Were there. We did it. Okay?听着你们可以在这里过夜开走一辆车Look, you can stay the night, take a car.我不在乎快滚就是了I donrt care. Just fuck off!崔凡特科尔前来报到Trevante Cole reporting for duty.我刚到Just shipped in.我们今天预计没有任何新士兵来We werent expecting any new troops today.你从哪

45、来的布兰丁营Whered you come from? - Camp Blanding.被外派过两次阿富汗Did two tours. Afghanistan.回家后又把我派到这里没说原因Came home, sent me here, didnt say why.本应该上周就到的但我搭乘的交通工具在路上被袭击了Wouldve been here last week but the transport got hit on the road.部队其余的士兵都死了Rest of the troops didnrt make it back.很遗憾Im sorry.这是一段漫长的旅程Its been a long haul.是我想睡一觉找个床铺吃点什么都行


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