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1、自考英语英语二课后题答案Section C1, from 2, out 3, with 4, off 5, up 6,of3,Translation1, She glanced around/round the room.2, gesturing to me to follow him.3, Once the paper is positioned correctly.4, speak out the view on political issues.5, It is vital to deliver the medical supplies to this region.成功人士具备一些关键

2、的能力来在失败中前进, 而不是把每个挫折都看成是个人的问题。首先, 当成功人士失败的时候,她们不是责备自己。她 们对每一次挫折负责任,可是并不按个人观点看 待失败。其次,成功人士并不因个别的失败来定 义自己。她们承认每一个挫折是整体失败的一小 部分。第三,获得成功的人很乐意改变她们解决 问题的方法。这对各行各业来说都是很重要的。如果一种方法对你来说不奏效,如果它使你接连 失败,那么换另一种方法试试。要在失败中前进, 你必须用对你奏效的方法,而不必是是对其它人 管用的方法。最后,成功人士有韧性很达观。她 们不会让一个小错误把在自己打倒,她们从错误 中吸取经验教训,然后再继续前进。UNIT 3 F

3、riendship and Loyalty Reflections: Friendship and LoyaltyYour Comprehension3,B4,A5,BYour3,undisputed3,challenges6, generationText A 1,Checking 1,A2,A29Building Section A 1,recognition 4,loyalty 5, essential Section B 1,sought 4,mutual 5, virtue4,AVocabulary2,reflection6, arrurance2,requestedSection

4、C l,of 2,in 3,Bridging 1,While 4,oppsites 7,Whatever 10,share3,on6,that9,a couple of3,of 4,of 5,through the Gap2,wisely5,personalities8,unique4,Translation Section A1,continued activitiestoengagein criminal2,exploit naturalresources3,must request approval4,had betrayed her parents trust5Jead to seve

5、re consequences/serious resultsSection B我们很容易就把好朋友想当然了。老朋友就像一 副舒服的手套,戴着最顺手。可是友谊经不起因 忙碌或相互之间太熟悉了而被忽视太久。友谊也 需要更新。如果你想要且需要保持一段真挚的友情长存,请仔细地再三考虑一下有关重要的品质 列表。可能它会帮助你来理解为什么你和你最好 的朋友几年了都没有打过电话,为什么当你被问 到“这周末你打算和谁一起玩? ”时,你会感到 尴尬。你可能时不时的忽略了你的亲密朋友,可 是如果你没能培养好这些品质一一忠诚、宽恕、 诚实以及奉献精神一一你将不大可能维持住真 正的朋友。Text B A Tribu

6、te to the Dog1, CheckingYour Comprehension1,Y2,Y 3,N4,NG5,N6,Y1,ungrateful2, their faith 3, sacrificed4, prosperity and in poverty, in health and insickness5, a prince6,accompany him2,Building Your Vocabulary1,pursuit2, faithful3,ungrateful4, fiercely 5,prosperity6,reputationSection B1,privileges2,

7、prone 3, poverty 4, alert 5,scene6, desertedSection Cl,by2,to3, against 4, to 5,to6,down3,Translation1, home is the best place to lick your wounds2, If only i had time to review my lessons3, be alert to risks of tourism4, enjoyed certain privileges5, will be the first encounter among the party leade

8、rs.如今,好朋友的概念始终是能提供给你两个选择 中更好的选择的那个人。她会在你受到惊吓时, 紧握你的手;帮你击退想占你便宜的坏蛋;当你 不在她身边,却还不时地关心你;提醒你已经忘 了的事;帮你把往事抛诸脑后,却能在你需要依 恋过去时理解你;陪在你身边,给予你信心;特地为你腾出时间;为你引起的纠纷善后;帮你应对来自她人的压力;帮你成为一个更好的人, 为重要的是,爱你!UNIT 4 The Joy of WorkTEXT A Working is a Blessing1, Checking Your Comprehension 1,B 2, A 3,D 4, C 5,B2,Building Yo

9、ur Vocabulary l,dearlers 2, complain 3, rarely 4, blessing 5, contribute 6, illegal1,committed 2,subsistence 3,immigrants4,unrest5,quit6,victim1,about 2,of 3,to 4,in5,in 6,againBridging the Gap1,improve 2,check out 3,stressed4,arrive 5,clearing away 6,priority7,weight8,routine9,different10,routeTran

10、slationl,she is looking forward to meeting you.2,If you always complain about being short of time for work3,will contribute to the development of suburbs4,reminds her of her miserable childhood.5,we were prepared for the worst.Section B无论你是一个餐厅服务生还是一个脑外科医生,你所从事的任何工作都是在为她人服务,进而在 一定水平上让她们的生活更加美好。我们都是这

11、 样的经历,那就是一些人的工作提升了我们的生 活,让我们的日子发生变化,或是让我们的日子 每况愈下。我们也都遇到过一些很棒的清洁人 员,但也碰到过一些有着好工作却不怎么样的工 作人员。因此不论你从事什么工作,你该如何把 爱心投入到工作中?请对工作怀有感恩的心,感 恩并不意味着你必须做你不喜欢的工作,而是指 当你在那工作时,它会帮助你发展积极的心态。 你不喜欢你的工作,可是你可能喜欢和你的同事 在一起。这也是能够感恩的一面。当你学会感恩 时将会在工作上更加乐观,心情也更加愉快。TEXT B How to Start Your Own BusinessSection A1,Y 2,NG 3,N 4

12、,N 5,NG 6,NSection B1,challenge and reward2,potential clients3,the purpose of your business and not solely on the logistics4,your financial boundaries 5,sound advice and criticism 6,the planning and start-up process Building Your Vocabulary Section A l,exhausitive 2,survival 39various 4,motivation 5

13、,profession 6,competitiveSection BUnit 1 The Power of Language Text A Critial Reading Exercises1,Checking Your Comprehension.1,B2,A 3,D4,A5,C2, Building Your Vocabulary.Inconsistent (be consistent with与相符)2,statement3, reflect4,invalid5,considerably6,comparisonSection B1, credible 2, identify 3, ass

14、umption4, represents 5, evaluated 6, appropriate Section C1, to 2, forth 3, into 4, on 5, with 6, to3, Bridging the Gap1, defines 2, action 3,tears 4, good5, express 6, powerful 7, internally8, shapes % responds to 10, personal1,sound2,exceeds3,prioritize 4,unique5,pattern 6,routineSection Cl,in 2,f

15、rom 3,for 4,out 5,for 6,inTranslation1,A11 the people who feel privileged to work with him2,we need to arrange security guards in place 3,we can totally assume that he is not in this city 4.the refugees may not survive this winter.5.for those drives who exceed the speed limit.Section B在你下定决心走哪条发展道路之

16、前,请认真的, 诚实的审视一下促使你去创业的动力。有太多人 想要发财,逃避公司枯燥乏味的工作,缩短工作 时间而有更多休闲时光。这些理由都不大可能带 来成功。如果你致力于解决客户的问题或满足她 们的需求,相信自己能比其它任何人做得都要优 秀,而且你也渴望长时间工作,身兼数职,和应 付无穷无尽的责任,那你的创业态度就是正确 的。你还需要具备一些性格特质。其中一条是, 你要乐于承受一个人辛苦工作的艰辛,至少在创 业的第一年里(可能会更长)是这样的。UNIT 5 Keeping Your Dreams AliveTEXT A Life is difficultExercises1,A2, A 3,C4

17、, A 5,CSection A1, wisdom2,deliberately3, anxiety 4,belief 5, uncomfortable 69equivalent Section B1,distinguished2, instruction3,equal4conflicts 5, quilty6,anxiousSection C1, of 2, about 3, of 4, between 5, forth 6, asBridging the Gap1, satisfy 2, than 3, foucs on4, the middle 5, sense 6, but7, chal

18、lenged 8, inner 9, fit109 thinking ofTranslationSection A1, has called forth the anger of the local people.2, A series of accidents3, because of the rain4, is a talented musician as well as a photographer5, distinguish between reality and fiction把生活想象成一种在空中抛接五只的游戏,这五 只球依次叫做:工作,家庭,健康,友谊,精神, 你把她们都放在空中

19、。很快地,你就会发现“工 作”是个弹力球儿。就算你松开手不去管它,它 还会是再次跳起来。可是其它的那四个球儿 家庭,健康,友谊,和精神一一它们是玻璃制作 成的。如果你丢下它们中的任何一个,它注定就 会磨损了,划伤了,有擦痕了,破损了,甚至裂 成碎片了。再不可能完好如初了。因此,你必须 了解这点,并为掌握它们之间的平衡而努力。Text B Begin AgainExercisesSection A,Y 2,N3,N 4,Y5, Y 6, YVocabulary2, threaten 3,5, valuable2, challenge5, contact3, out 4,a good ( or i

20、n liferecover6,quotation3, cheerful6, inspiringover 5, backSection B1, health issues2, a resourse of here or bad) example of what to do3, useless or uncaring4, unreceptive5, failed marriage6, giving up Building Your Section A 1, imagination4, inspire Section B 1, desperate4, valuable Section Cl,on 2

21、, with 6, aboutTranslation1, on her feet2, has brought about manychanges3, walked out on her4, should have fought back5, sank into desperation生活是挑战,迎接它吧! 生活是丰富多彩的,充实它吧! 生活是美好的,发现它吧! 生活是幽默的,享受它吧!Money Wisely4, C 5, B2, indulgented4, responsibility6,unnecessary2, budget 3, principle5, monthly 6, tempt

22、ationUNIT 6 The Value of Money Text A Teaching Children to SpendPocket Exercises1, B 2, B 3, D Section A1, differentiate3, resistance5, formation Section B 1, constraint 4, scheme Section C1, to 2, in 3, on 4, in 5, within 6, In Bridging the Gap1, basic 2, invest 3, direct 4, Ideally5, called6,waste

23、ful7, when 8, Nowthat 9, accumulated 10, growTranslation1, come to conclusions on the basis of experiments.2, she has never been indulged in alcohol3, is not responsible for his behaviors4, my teaching experience stands me in good stead.5, have resulted in head injuries.无论是否允许孩子处理她们自己的零花钱,父母 以及继父母都要

24、确保为子女每天的需求做好的 预算。孩子并不需要一大笔钱,最理想的情况是, 她们应该有足够的钱来学会如何消费和节省。很 多父母经过要求孩子把她们的零花钱分为至少 三份这种方法来帮助孩子懂得消费的重要性。第 一份用于即时消费,第二份用于短期储蓄(远足 旅行,电子游戏,等等),第三份用于长期储蓄(买车,上大学,等等)。在一些家庭里,她们 还加了第四份,即用于捐赠,来教育孩子帮助不 幸的人们的价值和重要性。Text B The Importance of Money inLifeExercises1,Y2,Y3, NG 4,N5,Y6,YSection B1, always dreamt of 2,

25、the opposite3, traitsgiving attitude5, joyful 6, a healthier view of moneyBuilding Your Vocabulary1, abundance 2, favourite 3, scared4, donationSection B1, available4,charity5, originally2, abundant5, universe6, economic3, stimulated6, readilySection C1, of 2,as 3, between4, down 5,up 6, in Translat

26、ion1, as long as the new information is available2, to open up a new world in front of me which iam not familiar with.3, to stimulate economic growth4, had donated more than $100,000 for cancer research5, deserves our careful consideration人们是如何看待金钱的? 一个事实就是很多人 都把钱看得太重了。她们认为金钱就是一切,并 相信“有了钱什么都可做到。因此她们

27、能做出 任何事情,甚至是不道德的和违法事情以达到赚 钱的目的。抢匪为了仅仅几十美元做好了杀死她 人的准备。商人为了赚取更多的钱不惜在生意场 上中欺骗。拥有很多权力以及社会影响力的官员 却践踏她们自身的荣誉,侵犯她人的利益。4,Translation1, take interests of different social groups into accuount.2, Compare the recent work with the previous one3, was not consistent with statement to the police4, was not relevant

28、 to the affair5, Please inform us of any change in your caseSection B为了成为一名灵活的读者,你需要知道怎样选择和使用阅读方式,来与你的阅读目的相一 致。懂得何时以及怎样选用不同的阅读方式会使 你成为一个灵活的读者。当读者的目的是需要很 高的阅读理解能力来读懂难度很高的阅读材料 时,精读是一名灵活的读者使用的阅读方法。使 用该方法时,你应该比平时的阅读速度稍慢些。 而且,读的时候,你必须挑战自己,让自己理解 这些阅读材料。精读一般需要你读不止一遍材 料,以便能更好地理解它们。有时候,读出声儿 也能帮助你更好地理解。资料仅供参考

29、UNIT 7 Inner VoiceTEXT A Your Inner VoiceExercises 1,D2, C 3,B4, A 5, ASection AImprecisely 2, hesitate 3, wonderful 4, emotion 5,ignorance6, completeSection B1, attached2, attempts3, upset4,overwhelming 5, prompt 6, innerSection C 1, took 2, with 3, for 4, took 5, in 6, withBridging the Gap1, choos

30、e 2, opportunity 3, view4, accordingly5, end up 6, interact 7, whose 8, what9, nonstop 10, nightTranslation1, agreed without the slightest hesitation2, In desperation, I called the doctor3, prompted me to write this article4, the best solution (that) they had come up with5, Despite a shortage of ste

31、el supply Section B你内心的声音引导你走过人生的道路。有多少次 却选择了无视它的提示,结果发现犯了一个大 错?我敢打赌,那个时候,你对自己说,“我本 应该听从自己的心声J有时候我们的心声暗示 非常微妙而不易察觉的,提醒我们付账或是打电 话给朋友。还有些时候我们的心声可能是更加显 著的连续的,可能连续好几天,好几个星期甚至 好几年,不断地提醒我们那些未完成的事情。如 果你的心声持续了超过一个星期,也就是说,你 三番五次地发觉相同的想法或是感觉,那么你就 知道这是你的心声在寻求表示。相信你所接到的 信息,并用它来引导你的行动。你的心声告诉你去做什么事情,而你,反过来,Text B

32、 Make a Good First Impression Exercises1,N2,Y3,N4, NG 5,Y6,YSection B1, sourness and selfishness2, have their pets inoculated3Jwaste time sitting in that office4, the long wait for service5, to talk with others6, your goodwillBuilding Your Vocabulary1, boredom 2, namely 3, character4, tension5, sour

33、6, pleasingSection B1, modest2, wears3, brightened 4,radiate5, goodwill6, inheritedSection C1, under 2, up 3, of 4, As 5, into 6, skinTranslation1, He is so eager to study2, joining in celebration activities3, inheriteda considerable large fortune from his father4, converts the suns radiation into e

34、lectric power.5, make a good impression on everyone you meet 微笑不费分文,却给予很多,受之者得益甚多,失之者却不受损,弹指瞬间事,却有时令人终生 难忘怀。任她富贵甲天下,不可一日无微笑,任 她贫无力锥地,亦能受益而富有。微笑使家庭温 馨又快乐,令商界诚信有善意,它是友谊的奠基石,它给疲惫者送来扶手,给失志者送来欢乐, 给伤心者送来阳光,它是自然界最好的烦恼消除 剂,然而够求借偷,样样行不通,若不给与她人, 于已价值全无。当她人疲惫不堪,无心对你微笑 时,就奉送你自己的微笑给她们吧,最需微笑者, 莫若无微笑可施者。UNIT 8 The

35、 Great MindsText A Life Without Limits1, C 2, C Section A 1, perfection persistent4, disposal Section B 1,obstacle4, perspective profound3, D 4, B 5, A2, accomplishment3,5, effective 6, motivational2, incredible3, vision5, fulfill6,Section C1, from 2, from 3, with 4, at 5, in 6, ofBridging the Gap1,

36、 confused4, likelyto7, Even if10, markTranslation1, found it2, natural 3, intentionally5, potential 6, as opposed8, known 9, called upondifficult to adapt to their new school life 2, children was willing to share their stories with.3, elected one of their members as the spokesman.4,only to find that

37、 they had to overcomeflnancialproblemsby themselveSe 5, stress the importance of balanced diete总有一瞬间,让人感觉留给我们的唯一的事情就 是质疑我们自身的存在。我们总有感到孤独和沮 丧的一段日子,仿佛整个世界都黯然无色。我们 也总有感觉毫无生存缘由的时候,生活看起来是如此艰难以致于我们希望没有诸如明天这种事 物。可是话又说回来,我们也应该明白,困难只 不过是人生中的另一种苦难,试图扭转我们每一 个人的人物命运,而且败坏我们对于人生的认 知。在这个时候,请不要屈服于投降的诱惑。是 的,唯一能够快乐的方

38、式就是心甘情愿承受这一 切。Text B An Unwanted Baby, Steve Jobs1, Y 2, NG 3,N4,Y5,Y6, NSection B1, the computing world2, finance the production3, worked on a new machine4, fired5, billions of dollars6, new and innovative technologies Building Your Vocabulary Section A1, adoption2,appointment3,convincing4, initial

39、ly5, recruitment6,successiveSection B1, foundation 2, innovative 3, possession4, insanely5, immense 6,unexpected Section C1, among 2, with/by 3, as 4, of 5, in 6, inTranslation1, he dropped out of school after only one year.2, established charity foundation in memory of his father.3, turned out to b

40、e more difficult than i had expected.4, expect look forward to a bright future under his leadership.5, such a tragedy wouldhappen tohim史蒂夫乔布斯被加利福尼亚州山景城的一个家Text B The Language of Confidence1,Checking Your Comprehension.1,Y 2,N 3,Y 4,N 5,Y 6, NGSection B1,Mastering our language2,our quality of life3,d

41、etermination4Jive whatever life we desire5,some alternatives2,Building Your Vocabulary l,confidence2,creative3,eliminate4,dramatically5,significant 6Jimit1,matter2,commonly 3,please4,infinite5,commands6,quality1, out2,up39on/upon4,to5,in6,over3,TranslationSection Al,have a dramatic impact on the cou

42、ntry*s庭收养。在她还上高中的时候,她就对电子学感 兴趣,这促使她打电话给威廉姆休利特,要一 些用来做学校项目的零件。休利特提供了这些零 件,并给乔布斯提供了一个暑期到惠普公司实习 的机会。在那儿,乔布斯遇到了斯蒂夫沃兹尼 亚克,一个极有天分的知识渊博的工程师,她比 当时还在高中生的乔布斯年长五岁。她们的友情 最终成为苹果公司成立的基础。UNIT 9 Facing Lifes ChallengesTEXT A300 HurdlesExercisesSection A1,despair2, negative 3, individually 4,tougher5,incredible 6, s

43、ymbolizeIJeaped 2, arose 3, lost 4, paced 5, through 6, positivel,with 2, up 3, over 4, with 5,like 6, toBridging the Gap l,struggling 2, arose 3, respectively 4, turned5, observed 6, tasted7,weak8, inside9,circumstance 10, worst Translation1,instead of waiting until tommorrow.2,overseas investment

44、has a positive effect on export.3 Jook back on my days in middle school 4, you will end up getting into troubles.5, he had great difficulty keeping up with other students.这些恐惧和自我怀疑决定了我们工作的交往方 式和行为。职场是一个残酷的竞技场。你需要做 好自我保护。为了要在这场竞技中生存,你要变 得独立,有责任心,有自信心和决断力。首先, 你要正确评价自己,意识到自己的价值。要不然, 你就死定了!任何一种职业都需要你对自己

45、充满 信心。这就是为什么你发现一些人资质平庸,可 是却拥有强大的内心驱动力,能够取得比有天分 的人更大的成就。积极的思维方式就会产生积极 的态度,回应以及情绪,这些反过来都能促进成 功。另一方面,消极的态度,充满恐惧,怀疑和 焦虑就会使行为更加消极。可是,我们能够清空 这些消极的想法,加满积极的信息。用信心来取 代恐惧,决断来取代怀疑,工作来取代焦虑,用 爱心取代憎恶Text B A Violin with Three StringsExercises1,N2, NG 3,Y4,N5,Y6, NSection B1, no small achievement2, signaled the co

46、nductor to begin again3, just three strings.4, how much they appreciated what he had done.5, more beautiful, more scared, more memorable, than any that he had ever mode before.6, with what we have left.Building Your Vocabulary1, sudden 2, appreciate 3, purity 4, applause 5, shaky 6, boastful Section B1, aid 2, proceeded 3, singnaled 4, undid5, figured 6, bewilderingSection C1, up 2, take 3, around 4, sudden 5, to6, AtTranslation1, made our way to the place for our appointment .2, appreciated by those who like q


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