1、2016THANKS TO CONNECTED DEVICES LIKE TABLETS AND SMARTPHONES,THE WAY PEOPLE SHOP IS CHANGING DRAMATICALLY.We aim to better prepare brands for the future of retail.So for the fifth consecutive year,DigitasLBi has conducted a groundbreaking global survey into the emerging trends of multi-platform shop
2、ping across 15 countries.(They include:Australia,Belgium,China,Denmark,France,Germany,Hong Kong,India,Italy,the Netherlands,Singapore,Spain,Sweden,the United Kingdom and the USA.)The study reveals the latest technology trends and consumer habits that are transforming how,where,and why we buy.METHODO
3、LOGYSample size:1,000 web users per country aged 18 64(quota m ethod:gender,age,incom e or social profil e,region).USAGESMARTPHONES ARE INCREASINGLY IMPORTANT DURING ALL STAGES OF THE CUSTOMER JOURNEY.What devices do online shoppers own and how do they use them?WHICH DEVICES DO ONLINE SHOPPERS USE?O
4、wnership of mobile devices is now widespread across all countriesUSAGESMARTPHONE94%in 201673%in 201690%in 201675%in 2016TABLETLAPTOPDESKTOP29%in 2016WEARABLEDEVICESWhat devices do you personally use?61%in 2016CONNECTED TVSMARTPHONESDaily usage and shopping onlineUSAGE50556065707580859095100707580859
5、095100Daily general usage among users(%)Smartphone used to purchase online(in%)High smartphone usage for online purchasesLow smartphone usage for online purchasesMid smartphone usage for online purchaseMedium smartphoneusage for online purchasesMULTI-DEVICE BEHAVIOURSAnytime,anywhere,on any deviceON
6、 AVERAGE PEOPLE USE 3.9 DEVICESWhat devices do you personally use?USAGEHow frequently do you purchase online,by device used?SHOPPING BEHAVIOUR BY DEVICEOnline shopping has become common in all countries,although there are some differences in terms of sophistication.ECOMMERCESMARTPHONE68%of online sh
7、oppers55%of online shoppers83%of online shoppers68%of online shoppersTABLETLAPTOPDESKTOPUSAGEPRE-BUYING BEHAVIOURHOW DO SHOPPERS RESEARCH PRODUCTS?FIRST SOURCE OF INFORMATIONMain sources of information usedPURCHASE PROCESSWhat resources do you use to search for information on a product or service?I
8、consult.Please grade your responses where 1 is the one you use the most.MULTI BRAND RETAILER WEBSITES ARE THE MAIN SOURCE OF INFORMATION:-Retailer websites or apps are the first digital information source in all countries-most notably in the USA,UK,Germany,France and China.-Price comparison services
9、 are next(45%).These are most widely used in Germany,the Netherlands,Denmark,Sweden and Italy.-In total,29%of consumers use brand websites or apps(this figure is higher in the USA,UK,Belgium,Sweden,Denmark and Australia).-In total,reviews by online users or consumers are used by 35%of shoppers(espec
10、ially in Germany,the Netherlands,Denmark and Italy).INFLUENCERS ARE NOT CONSULTED IN THE BUYING PROCESSWhen looking for information on a product or service:-Only 15%use them during the research process.-The immediate social circle(friends,family,colleagues)are the real influencers.They are consulted
11、 by 35%of buyers.26%in 2016RETAILER WEBSITE APPS8%In 2016STORE10%In 2016FAMILY&FRIENDS16%In 2016PRICE COMPARISONSITESFriends and family are important in the buying cycle:35%of shoppers consult them as much as they use consumer review sites:Consumer reviews are important in the pre-purchase journey.7
12、8%of online shoppers look for other users opinions before purchasing.This is even more important in Asian countries and in South Europe(Spain,Italy)We can deduce that users opinions are mostly read on retailers websites/apps Brands websites do not always provide users comments.Perhaps this explains
13、why they are less used before online purchasesUSERS OPINIONS AND COMMENTSImpact of digital voices in the purchase process78%of online shoppers who search for products online look for other users opinions and commentsHere are several things that people have said about online purchases.For each of the
14、m,please indicate if you agree or notPURCHASE PROCESSRETAIL(STILL)RULESIN-STORE SHOPPING STILL DRIVES 90%*OF SALESUnderstanding the real reason for retail preference*FEVAD SOURCEMOBWhich one of the following is most likely to make you prefer to buy in-store rather than online?RETAIL RESISTANCEPRODUC
15、T TESTING(67%)AVAILABILITY(65%)STORE PROXIMITY(43%)12THE ADVANTAGES OF BUYING IN-STORE3Physical,in-store shopping has 3 main advantages over the online experience:It allows shoppers to test products(this was the main driver for 38%of people interviewed,especially in Hong Kong and Singapore(47%)Items
16、 are immediately available(this was the key priority for 27%of consumers overall-34%in UK and 37%in the USA).Physical proximity is an important consideration for in-store shopping.In particular in the US(53%),UK(50%)and Australia(48%).Sales advisers expertise is not seen as a key benefit(32%of respo
17、ndents referred this,only 10%first)There is a lack of perceived added value as consumers are now as informed as salesmen thanks to the internetONLINE PURCHASE ADVANTAGESRETAIL RESISTANCEAVAILABILITY OF PRODUCT(59%)Expectations from a retailer or a brand when buying online?123PRODUCT INFORMATION(54%)
19、is the maximum In general,what is the maximum delivery time you will expect?delivery time you will expect?CONSUMER EXPECTATIONMaximum delivery time ECOMMERCEof peopleexpectmore than1 day to be the maximum delivery timeof peopleexpect 1 day or less82%VS18%PURCHASE FROM CATEGORIESTop 3 per countryECOM
21、iaSingaporeHong-KongUnited StatesEnglandFranceBelgiumGermanyTechnology87%Technology88%Technology81%Leisure-travel77%Fashion90%Householditems88%Leisure-travel80%Householditems80%Fashion87%Fashion87%Leisure-travel84%Fashion86%Technology87%Leisure-travel86%Householditems89%Technology74%Fashion85%Leisur
22、e-travel79%Fashion82%Culture82%Householditems90%Technology89%Fashion93%Fashion92%PRICEis the main online purchase driver in all product categories,ahead of choice and comfort.ONLINE PURCHASE DRIVERWhat was the main motivation behind this purchase?ECOMMERCE46%OF PURCHASES ARE MOTIVATED BY THE PRICE18
23、%OF PURCHASES HAPPEN BECAUSE THE PRODUCT WAS NOT AVAILABLE IN-STORE14%OF PURCHASES TAKE PLACE ONLINE BECAUSE THE SHOPPER WANTS STAY AT HOMEMAINLY FORMAINLY FOR MAINLY FOR Although online purchases are mainly made alone,some products are bought when the shopper is accompanied.This happens most often
24、when purchasing home equipment and leisure-travel products.PURCHASE ALONE OR ACCOMPANIEDDid you make this purchase alone or accompanied by someone?ECOMMERCE62%OF PURCHASES ARE MADE ALONE38%OF PURCHASES ARE MADE ACCOMPANIEDALONE FORTOGETHER FOR SHORTLONGShopping for food and DIY products requires les
25、s dedicated concentration.Multitasking is not common with leisure-travel and technology shopping,as it requires expertise and time to research the right products.PURCHASE AND MULTITASKINGDuring the purchase While you make your purchase,were you doing another activity at the same time?ECOMMERCE25%OF
26、PURCHASES ARE MADE WHILE WATCHING TV 13%OF PURCHASES ARE MADE WHILE LISTENING TO THE RADIO OR MUSIC7%OF PURCHASES ARE MADE WHILE EATINGSPECIALLY FORSPECIALLY FOR SPECIALLY FOR In summary,the quality of recommendations should be improved and consumer reviews are an important part of the online purcha
27、se journey.ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENTLevel of satisfactionAnd in detail,how satisfied were you with the purchase process?By this,we mean the full process,in relation to the app/website used.Please rate each item between 0 and 10 where 0 means that you were not satisfied at all and 10 that you were completely satisfiedECOMMERCEPRICEWEBSITE AND APP EASE OF USEEASE TO FIND THE PRODUCTAMOUNT OF CHOICEQUALITY OF RECOMMENDATIONSESPECIALLY FOR