1、20242024 届辽宁省实验中学高三下学期考前模届辽宁省实验中学高三下学期考前模拟训练(五模)含部分答案(九科试卷)拟训练(五模)含部分答案(九科试卷)目目录录1.2024 届辽宁省实验中学高三下学期考前模拟训练(五模)地理含答案2.2024 届辽宁省实验中学高三下学期考前模拟训练(五模)化学含答案3.2024 届辽宁省实验中学高三下学期考前模拟训练(五模)历史含答案4.2024 届辽宁省实验中学高三下学期考前模拟训练(五模)生物含答案5.2024 届辽宁省实验中学高三下学期考前模拟训练(五模)数学含答案6.2024 届辽宁省实验中学高三下学期考前模拟训练(五模)物理含答案7.2024 届辽
2、宁省实验中学高三下学期考前模拟训练(五模)英语含答案8.2024 届辽宁省实验中学高三下学期考前模拟训练(五模)语文9.2024 届辽宁省实验中学高三下学期考前模拟训练(五模)政治含答案#QQABQYaUogigAIJAABhCQwWQCEKQkACCCCoORAAMIAAAiANABAA=#2024届辽宁省实验中学高三下学期考前模拟训练(五模)#QQABQYaUogigAIJAABhCQwWQCEKQkACCCCoORAAMIAAAiANABAA=#QQABQYaUogigAIJAABhCQwWQCEKQkACCCCoORAAMIAAAiANABAA=#1 2024 届高三考前模拟训练地理答
3、案 一、选择题(每题 3 分,共 48 分)1.A 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.A 11.B 12.B 13.C 14.D 15.B 16.C 二、综合题(共 52 分)17.(16 分)(1)优点:河流处于枯水期,水位低,利于修筑围堰(2 分);河流封冻,冰层厚,利于物资的运输(2 分)。缺点:该地纬度高,冬季气温低,有冰层、冻土层,增加了施工难度。(2 分)(2)枯水期锁坝阻挡江水进入汊道,减少了流水对汉道河床的侵蚀(2 分);洪水期,含沙量大的河水漫过锁坝,泥沙在汊道沉积,逐年淤积抬高河床,汊道最终消失(2 分)。(3)增加干流流量,提高水位,提
4、高枯水期的航运能力(2 分);集中水量,提高干流流速,输沙能力和冲刷能力增强,河床变深,航运能力提高(2 分);枯水期流量流速增加,封冻期缩短,通航时间延长(2 分)。18.(18 分)(1)北多南少(2 分)。该地位于地中海气候区(2 分),纬度越高(越偏北)受盛行西风控制时间越长,降水越多(或纬度越低(越偏南)受盛行西风控制时间越短,降水越少)(2 分)。(2)缓解南部水资源短缺问题,促进经济发展;有利于南部居民生活用水增加;增加南部水量,有利于生态环境改善。(6 分)(3)农业提高灌溉(滴灌)技术,发展节水农业;(2 分)培育耐旱农作物;(2 分)海水淡化。(2 分)(答案里必须涉及开源
5、、节流两个方面,言之合理,也可得分)19.(18 分)(1)黑龙江省水稻亩均水费较高,波动大且呈下降趋势(2 分);江西省水稻亩均水费较低,波动幅度小,且略有上升(2 分);两省亩均水费变化差异呈减小趋势,但差异仍很大(2 分)。(2)黑龙江省降水总量较少,水稻亩产灌溉水量大(2 分);黑龙江省水资源较少,农业灌溉用水水价较高(2 分);黑龙江省地势平坦,土壤肥沃,气候寒冷,化肥、农药、人工等费用占比较江西省低,在亩均生产成本相近的情况下,水费占比较高(2 分)。(3)培育耐旱水稻品种,减少灌溉用水量;发展智能灌溉技术,提高水资源利用效率,降低单位面积水稻用水量;加大水利设施建设和管理,降低农
7、hCQwGQCEKQkAGCAIoORBAIIAAACRFABAA=#辽辽宁宁省省实实验验中中学学 2024 届届高高三三考考前前模模拟拟训训练练答答案案1D2D3B4B5B6B7D8D9A10D11B12D13A14C15B16(14 分)(1)沉淀过量的S2,使 As2S3(s)+3S2-(aq)2AsS33-(aq)平衡左移,提高沉砷效果(2 分)(2)作氧化剂(或氧化 Fe2+、AsO33-)(2 分)CaSO4(1 分)(3)A 反应H 0,升温促使 A 平衡向左移动,c(Ca2+)和 c(OH)减小,大于温度升高使 B 反应平衡正向移动的影响程度(2 分)(4)2AsO43+2SO
8、2+2H+=As2O3+2SO42+H2O(5)H3AsO3+OH=H2AsO3+H2O(6)1.1856 1011符合17(14 分)(1)10mL 量筒(或量筒)、玻璃棒(各 1 分)(2)(CH3CO)2O+H2SO4(浓)CH3COOSO3H+CH3COOH(2 分)(3)恒压滴液漏斗水浴(各 1 分)a(2 分)(4)取最后一次洗涤液少量于试管中,滴加 BaCl2溶液,若没有沉淀出现说明洗涤干净(2 分)(5)25%(2 分)(6)偏低(2 分)18(14 分)(1)低温自发、A 组C 组=D 组(3 分)22(共 10 分)(1)常(1 分)不遵循(1 分)杂交组合 I 和(正反交
9、)的 F1都表现为野生型(2 分)F2中每对相对性状表型分离比都符合 3:1,而两对相对性状表型分离比不符合 9:3:3:1(2 分)(2)不能(2 分)雌雄(或不同性别)中的眼色表型(及比例)(2 分)23(共 12 分)(1)将细胞与外界环境隔开;控制物质进出细胞;进行细胞间的信息交流(3 分)(2)促进血糖进入细胞进行氧化分解(2 分)(3)抑制 AKT 等蛋白质磷酸化(2 分)(4)血糖(1 分)胰岛素(1 分)(5)引起自由基氧化加剧、DNA 损伤加剧、膜脂氧化剂 MDA 增多(3 分)24(共 10 分)(1)碳元素(1 分)全球(1 分)(2)氮添加和适度放牧对草地生态系统土壤有
10、机碳含量的影响(2 分)减缓(2 分)采取措施减少大气氮沉降(减少化石燃料燃烧)(2 分);适度放牧(2 分)25(共 11 分)(1)RNA 聚合酶(1 分)限制酶切割位点、标记基因、复制原点等(2 分)(2)a(2 分)(3)A(2 分)(4)F1、R1(2 分)乙(2 分)学科网(北京)股份有限公司2024 届高三考前模拟训练数学届高三考前模拟训练数学第卷第卷(选择题共选择题共 58 分分)一、选择题:本题共一、选择题:本题共 8 小题,每小题小题,每小题 5 分,共分,共 40 分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求
11、的。1有一组样本数据:1234567,a a a a a a a,其平均数为 2024由这组数据得到新的样本数据:1234567,a a a a a a a,2024,那么这两组数据一定有相同的()A极差B中位数C方差D众数2复数12i1 iz+=-,在复平面内 z 对应的点位于()A第一象限B第二象限C第三象限D第四象限3若ab,则下列说法正确的是()A22abBlg()0ab-C55abD33ab4蜜蜂是母系社会生物,蜂后产的卵若能受精则孵化为雌蜂,若不能受精则孵化为雄蜂即雄蜂是“有母无父”,雌蜂是“有父有母”的,下图是某只雄峰的家系图,规定:其“父母”为上溯第 1 代祖辈其“祖父母”为上
12、溯第 2 代祖辈,以此类推记nF表示该雄蜂上溯第 n 代祖辈数量,例如11F=,那么下列结论中不正确的是()A1nnFF+B1012112FFF+C1055F D71089FFFF+5己知0,3sin2cos212aaa=+,则tan2a=()A2B3C34D436某天小明打算出门去健身中心锻炼,起床发现闹钟停了,随意把闹钟调到 6 点 30 分,并使闹钟正常行走后,就出发去健身房。当到那里时,他看到墙上的时钟显示为 7 点 10 分,在那里跑步一小时五十分钟后结束锻炼,然后用同样的时间回到家,这时家里闹钟显示为 9 点 10 分。请问此时小明该把时间调到几点才和实际时间相符()2024届辽宁
13、省实验中学高三下学期考前模拟训练(五模)学科网(北京)股份有限公司A9 点 20 分B9 点 25 分C9 点 5 分D8 点 55 分7过点,P a b作圆222xy+=的切线,A 为切点,|1PA=,则2ab-的最大值是()A15B13C4D38三棱锥 PABC 所有棱长都等于 2,动点 M 在三棱锥 PABC 的外接球上,且0,|AM BMPM=uuuu r uuuu ruuuu r的最大值为 s,最小值为 t,则:s t=()A2B2C3D3二、选择题:本题共二、选择题:本题共 3 小题,每小题小题,每小题 6 分,共分,共 18 分。在每小题给出的选项中,有多项符合题目要求。全部选对
14、得分。在每小题给出的选项中,有多项符合题目要求。全部选对得 6 分,部分选对得部分分,有选错的得分,部分选对得部分分,有选错的得 0 分。分。9已知函数()sin 20f xxjj=+(1)求证:CD 平面11ADD A(2)若直线1AA与平面1ABC所成角的正弦值为67,求 k 的值(3)现将与四棱柱1111ABCDABC D-形状和大小完全相同的两个四棱柱拼成一个新的四棱柱,规定:若拼成的新四棱柱形状和大小完全相同,则视为同一种拼接方案,问共有几种不同的拼接方案?在这些拼接成的新四棱柱中,记其中最小的表面积为()f k,写出()f k的解析式(直接写出答案,不必说明理由)17(本小题满分
15、15 分)某公司计划购买 2 台机器,该种机器使用三年后即被淘汰,机器有一易损零件,在购进机器时,可以额外购买这种零件作为备件,每个 200 元在机器使用期间,如果备件不足再购买,则每个 500 元现需决策在购买机器时应同时买几个易损零件,为此搜集并整理了 100 台这种机器在三年使用期内更换的易损零件数,得下面柱状图:学科网(北京)股份有限公司以这 100 台机器更换的易损零件数的频率代替 1 台机器更换的易损零件数发生的概率,记 X 表示 2 台机器三年内共需更换的易损零件数,n 表示购买 2 台机器的同时购买的易损零件数(1)求 X 的分布列;(2)若要求0.5P Xn,确定 n 的最小
16、值;(3)以购买易损零件所需费用的期望值为决策依据,在19n=与20n=之中选其一,应选用哪个?18(本小题满分 17 分)在直角坐标系 xOy 中,点 P 到点(0,1)距离与点 P 到直线2y=-距离的差为1,记动点 P 的轨迹为 W(1)求 W 的方程;(2)设点 P 的横坐标为00()0 x x()求 W 在点 P 处的切线的斜率(用0 x表示);()直线 l 与 W 分别交于点 A,B若PAPB=,求直线 l 的斜率的取值范围(用0 x表示)19(本小题满分 17 分)已知*,nnnAa bnN是曲线lnyx=上的点,1,naa S=是数列 na的前 n 项和,且满足22213,2,
17、3,4,nnnSn aSn-=+=L(1)求23,a a;(2)确定 a 的取值集合 M,使aM时,数列 na是单调递增数列;(3)证明:当aM时,弦*1nnA An+N的斜率随 n 单调递减2024 高三模拟数学参考答案1A 2B 3C 4D 5C 6B 7A 8C9ACD 10AD 11BD 1228 1333 143 715解:()32()1f xxaxbx=+,2()32fxxaxb=+令1x=,得(1)322faba=+=,解得3b=-学科网(北京)股份有限公司令2x=,得(2)124fabb=+=-,因此124abb+=-,解得32a=-,因此323()312f xxxx=-+,5
18、(1)2f=-,又3(1)232f=-=-,故曲线在点 1,1f处的切线方程为53(1)2yx-=-,即6210 xy+-=()由()知2()333xg xxxe-=-从而有2()39xg xxx e-=-+,令 0gx=,则0 x=或3x=当(,0)x-时,0gx,当(3,)x+时,0gx,2()333xg xxxe-=-在 x0 时取极小值(0)3g=-,在3x=时取极大值3(3)15ge-=16()取 CD 中点 E,连接 BE,/AB DE,3ABDEk=四边形 ABED 为平行四边形/BE AD且 BEAD4k在BCE中,4,3,5BEk CEk BCk=,222BECEBC+=90
19、BEC=,即BECD,又/BE AD,所以CDAD1AA 平面 ABCD,CD 平面 ABCD1AACD,又1AAADA=I,CD平面11ADD A()以 D 为原点,1,DA DC DDuuu r uuur uuuu r的方向为 x,y,z 轴的正方向建立如图所示的空间直角坐标系(4,0,0)Ak,11(0,6,0),(4,3,1),(4,0,1)CkBkkAk,所以11(4,6,0)(0,3,1)(0,0 1,),ACkkABkAA=-=uuuruuuruuur设平面1ABC的法向量(,)nx y z=r,则由100AC nAB n=uuurrr学科网(北京)股份有限公司得46030kxk
20、ykyz-+=+=取2y=,得(3,2,6)nk=-r设1AA与平面1ABC所成角为,则1121,66sincos,7|3613AA nkAA nAAnkq=+uuurruuurruuurr,解得 k1故所求 k 的值为 1()共有 4 种不同的方案2257226,018()53636,18kkkf kkk k+17(1)由柱状图并以频率代替概率可得,一台机器在三年内需更换的易损零件数为 8,9,10,11 的概率分别为 0.2,0.4,0.2,0.2,18从而(16)0.2 0.20.04P X=;(17)2 0.2 0.40.16P X=;(18)2 0.2 0.20.4 0.40.24P
21、 X=+=;(19)2 0.2 0.22 0.4 0.20.24P X=+=;(20)2 0.2 0.40.2 0.20.2P X=+=;(21)2 0.2 0.20.08P X=;(22)0.2 0.20.04P X=所以 X 的分布列为X16171819202122P0.由(1)知(18)0.44,(19)0.68P XP X=,故 n 的最小值为 19(3)购买零件所用费用含两部分,一部分为购买零件的费用,另一部分为备件不足时额外购买的费用当19n=时,费用的期望为:192005000.210000.0815000.044040;当
22、20n=时,费用的期望为:202005000.0810000.044080可知当19n=时所需费用的期望值小于20n=时所需费用的期望值,故应选19n=18解:(1)设点 P 的坐标为(,)x y由题意得22(0)(1)|(2)|1xyy-+-=-即22(1)|2|1xyy+-=+-所以2220,(1)1.yxyy+-=+或2220,(1)3.yxyy+-=-学科网(北京)股份有限公司整理得220,4.yxy+=或220,88.yxy+=+=+因为直线 PM 的方程为1MMyxxyk=-+,所以20014MMxxxyk=-+即22001224xxkkmk=-+从而2200224xxmkk=+-
23、因为216160kmD=+,所以222002204xxkkk+-,即2002220 xxkkkk-+等价于2002022xxk kkk-+(其中00 x)当20804x-,此时002xk当20804x-=时,即04 2x=-时,有200024xxk kk-+,此时002xk时,即0(,4 2)x -时,有220000032320244xxxxxk kkk-+-,学科网(北京)股份有限公司其中220000032320244xxxxx-+-,所以22000003232,0,244xxxxxk-+-U综上,当0 4 2,0)x -时,0,02xk;当0(,4 2)x -时,22000003232,0
24、,244xxxxxk-+-U19(1)22213nnnSn aS-=+,令2n=,得222212aaaa+=+解得2122aa=-令3n=,得2212331227aaaaaa+=+,即:22331227(12)aaaa+-=+-,解得332aa=+(2)当2n 时,22213nnnSn aS-=+,1nnnaSS-=-,213nnSSn-+=,于是213(1)nnSSn+=+,两式相减得163(2)nnaann+=+,于是2169nnaan+=+两式相减得26(2)nnaan+-=所以数列2ka和21ka+分别是以23,a a为首项,6 为公差的等差数列,所以*222132246(1),6(1
25、),6(1)kkkaakaakaakkN+=+-=+-=+-数列 na是单调递增数列120aa且221220kkkaaa+对任意的*kN成立120aa且23406(1)6(1)6(1)akakak+-+-+-1234915001223218244aaaaaaaaa-+-即所求 a 的取值集合91544Maa=,设函数00lnln()xxf xxx-=-,则0020lnln1()xxxxfxxx-+=-,学科网(北京)股份有限公司设函数00()lnln1xg xxxx=-+,则 00221xxxgxxxx-+=-+=所以()g x在00,x上单调递增,在0,x+上单调递减0()0g xg x=,
26、所以()f x在00,x和0,x+上都是减函数。由()知当aM时,数列 na是单调递增数列,取1201212lnlnlnln,nnnnnnnnnnnnnaaaaxaaaakaaaa+-=-Q取12202121122lnlnlnln,nnnnnnnnnnnnnaaaaxaaaakaaaa+-=-Q所以1nnkk+,即弦*1nnA An+N的斜率随 n 单调递减学科网(北京)股份有限公司2024 届高三考前模拟训练英语届高三考前模拟训练英语第一部分第一部分 听力听力(共两节,满分共两节,满分 30 分分)第一节第一节(共共 5 小题;每小题小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分分,满分 7.5 分分)听下
27、面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.What does the man do now?A.A musician.B.An accountant.C.A college teacher.2.What is the womans old laptop like?A.It starts up slowly.B.It doesnt work.C.It is heavy.3.Where does the conversation take place?A.In
28、an office.B.In a garage.C.At home.4.What does the woman want to know from the man?A.The cost.B.The weather.C.The address.5.What does the woman want to do?A.Find a new job.B.Make more friends.C.Rent an apartment.第二节第二节(共共 15 小题;每小题小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分分,满分 22.5 分分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个
29、选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。6.Why does the man come in?A.To express gratitude.B.To train staff members.C.To work an evening shift.7.What will the man probably do next?A.Walk home.B.Change shoes.C.Take medicine.听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。8.What
30、is the problem with the camera?A.Its battery is dead.B.It is delivered late.C.There is a mark on it.9.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A.Colleagues.B.Provider and supplier.C.Deliveryman and receiver.听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。10.Why did the woman stay in Milan for three years?A.For
31、 work.B.For study.C.For sightseeing.11.How long will the man spend touring Milan?A.One day.B.Four days.C.Five days.12.What does the woman suggest the man do?2024届辽宁省实验中学高三下学期考前模拟训练(五模)学科网(北京)股份有限公司A.Avoid a group bus tour.B.Turn to local people for help.C.Find more information online.听第 9 段材料,回答第 13
32、 至 16 题。13.Why does the woman talk to the man?A.To ask for a favor.B.To seek cooperation.C.To give comments.14.What is key to attracting the audiences attention in the mans opinion?A.Providing data.B.Showing pictures.C.Explaining an outline.15.What is the mans suggestion for the woman at last?A.Maki
33、ng a to-do list.B.Thinking positive.C.Expressing herself freely.16.What will the woman do to relieve anxiety?A.Practice in advance.B.Give a speech to the man.C.Get advice from the audience.听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。17.How many members does Duolingo have?A.Less than 23 million.B.About 59 million.C.Over
34、 120 million.18.Where is Severin Hacker from?A.Switzerland.B.Guatemala.C.Costa Rica.19.Why did Luis von Ahn create Duolingo?A.To do some research on English.B.To allow people to learn for free.C.To promote economy in his town.20.How was Duolingo originally funded?A.By a town.B.By schools.C.By big we
35、bsites.第二部分第二部分 阅读阅读(共两节,满分共两节,满分 50 分分)第一节第一节(共共 15 小题;每小题小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分分,满分 37.5 分分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。ALaguna Beach Festival of ArtsFestival StorePlenty of people attend Laguna Beach Festival of Arts just to admire the works of art.However,for serious art buyers,attending early in
36、 the season means a lot,since excellent pieces often sell early.Weekdays are less busy,but there are fewer artists present.They often meet crowds in the evening that show up for the Pageant(盛会)of the Masters.Some artists may negotiate prices at the end of the season.If you just want souvenirs of you
37、r visit,a variety of products are available in the festival Store.Fun ActivitiesPart of the fun of the festival comes from the activities that go on during the event.Tours and art workshops are available every day.Weekends are full of live music and special events.To get best value for the money you
38、 spend during the week,Thursday is the day to go for art talks by participating artists and evening jazz.学科网(北京)股份有限公司Food&DrinksFood and drinks are sold at the snack bar.Tivoli Terrace caf and restaurants are on site for more formal dining.Picnics are welcome during art talks or music shows,and
39、 there are tables set up in the courtyard for you to enjoy your homemade or take-away food.But alcohol is forbidden here.On Thursdays,central tables are reserved for ticket holders.Cost of the TicketsEntrance admission:$60 per person(the Pageant of the Masters and live music shows included)Joint pas
40、s:$120 per person(free of charge for all the performances)Notes:Since there are many visitors on the weekends,the ticket office may be crowded.For faster service,call toll-free number 24 hours a day.For more information,visit www.LagunaBeachFestivalofA.21.What should one interested in good pieces of
41、 art in the festival do?A.Go there on weekdays.B.Turn to artists for advice.C.Go there as soon as it starts.D.Show up for the Pageant of the Masters.22.What can all visitors do in the courtyard?A.Drink alcohol.B.Have a formal dinner.C.Appreciate music while eating.D.Eat at central tables as they lik
42、e.23.If a couple want to see live music shows,how much should they pay at least?A.$60B.$120C.$180D.$240BI had just delivered a memorable speech that I had labored over for months,and I was about to learn how the experts judged my performance.The audience leaned forward in their folding chairs.Silenc
43、e fell across the room and the drum rolled in my heart.The contest organizer announced the third-place winner.The name was not mine.Then the second,and once again it was not me.At last,the moment of truth came.Either I was about to be lost in the warmth of victory or regretted the last several month
44、s preparation.While neither of these came to pass,my heart just sank.Losing is a part of life,but it was an indescribable depression to drive 200-mile round trip,get up early on a freezing Saturday morning,and yet still finish fourth out of four competitors.After Lincoln lost the 1858 Illinois Senat
45、e(参议院)race,he said,“I felt like the 12-year-old boy who kicked his toe.I was too big to cry and it hurt too bad to laugh.”Oh yeah,I could relate.I had spent hours in front of a computer and in libraries doing research for the Lincoln Bicentennial(两百周年纪念)Speech Contest.As I read through several biogr
46、aphies,one idea stood out:Lincoln was handed many sound defeats,but he never allowed them to permanently stop his spirit or ambition.I thought“failing successfully”was a very appropriate topic,given the many letdowns Lincoln experienced,and so this became the title of my speech.Never mind the lost p
47、rize money and praise-I did gain a new perspective.Now,whenever Im faced with a failure,I remember what Lincoln said after his unsuccessful 1854 Senate race,“The path was worn and difficult.My foot slipped from under me,knocking the other out of the way,but I recovered and said to myself.Its a slip
48、and not a fall.”学科网(北京)股份有限公司24.How did the author feel when waiting for the announcement of the result?A.Thrilled.B.Nervous.C.Depressed.D.Relieved.25.Why did the author mention Lincolns failures in Senate race?A.To show Lincolns determination to win Senate race.B.To present his research findings of
49、 Lincolns biographies.C.To indicate that he got inspiration from Lincolns failures.D.To declare what they had in common in their experiences.26.Whats the authors attitude towards the lost prize money and praise?A.Disappointed.B.Positive.C.Concerned.D.Anxious.27.What can be a suitable title for the t
50、ext?A.A Successful FailureB.A Difficult Path.C.An Unexpected SpeechD.An Impressive ExampleCA study of 8 different experiments showed that our brains tend to prefer addition rather than subtraction when it comes to finding solutionsin many cases,it seems we just dont consider the strategy of taking somet