1、Le sson 1T a sk 1:T h is Is Y our Lif e!T h is Is Y our Lif e is one of th e most popula r prog ra mme s onBritish a nd A me ric a n te le vision.E ve ry we e k a f a mous pe rsonis invite d to a te le vision stud io,with out knowing th a t h e orsh e will b e th e sub je c t of th e prog ra mme.T h
2、 e c ompe re me e tsth e pe rson outsid e th e stud io a nd sa ys T h is is your lif e!*T h e pe rson th e n me e ts f rie nd s a nd re la tive s f rom h is or h e rpa st a nd pre se nt.S tud io 4 is wh e re th e prog ra mme is re c ord e d.T h e prog ra mme b e g ins a t e ig h t o5 c loc k.It,s 6:
3、45 now a nd th ed ire c tor is c h e c king th e pre pa ra tions with h is ne w prod uc tiona ssista nt(P A).T h e sub je c t of tonig h ts sh ow will b e a n a c tor,Ja son Doug la s.T h e c ompe re,a s usua l,will b e T e rry Donova n.Dire c tor:Le ts just c h e c k th e a rra ng e me nts.W e re b
4、 ring ingJa son Doug la s h e re in a stud io c a rh e th inks h e s c oming toa d isc ussion prog ra mme!T h e d rive r h a s b e e n told to a rrive a te xa c tly 7:55.Now,th e prog ra mme b e g ins a t e ig h t oc loc k.A tth a t time Ja son will b e wa lking to th e stud io.T e rry Donova nwill
5、sta rt h is introd uc tion a t 8:01,a nd Ja son will a rrive a t8:02.T e rry will me e t h im a t th e stud io e ntra nc e Ca me ra4 will b e th e re.T h e n h e 11 ta ke h im to th a t se a t.It 11 b eon Camera 3.Jason will be sitting there during the wholeprogramme.For most of the show Terry will
6、be standing in themiddle,and he 11 be on Camera 2.The guests will come throughthat door,talk to Terry and Jason and then sit over there.Director:Now,is that all clear?PA:Yes there,s just one thing.Director:Well,what is it?PA:Who,s going to look after the guests during the show?Director:Pauline is.PA
7、:And where will they be waiting during the show?Director:In Room 401,as usual.Pauline will be waiting withthem,and she11 be watching the show on the monitor.She11tell them two minutes before they enter.PA:I think thats everything.Terry:Good evening and welcome to This is Your Life.Thisis Terry Donov
8、an speaking.We re waiting for the subject oftonights programme.He,s one of the world,s leading actors,and he thinks he*s coming here to take part in a discussionprogramme I can hear him now yes,here he is!JasonDouglas This is your life!Jason:Oh,no.I dont believe it!Not me.Terry:Yes,you!Now come over
9、 here and sit down.Jason,youwere born at number 28 Balaclava Street in East Ham,Londonon July 2nd,1947.You were one of six children,and your fatherwas a taxi driver.Of course,your name was then Graham Smith.Terry:Now,do you know this voice?I remember Jason when hewas two.He used to scream and shout
10、all day.Jason:Susan!Terry:Yes all the way from Sydney,Australia She flewhere specially for this programme.Its your sister,SusanFra se r!Ja son:S usa n W h y d id nt you te ll me oh,th is iswond e rf ul!T e rry:Y e s,you h a ve n,t se e n e a c h oth e r f or 13 ye a rs ta kea se a t ne xt to h im,S
11、usa n.Y ou sta rte d sc h ool a t th e a g e off ive,in 1952,a nd in 1958 you move d to La ne E nd S e c ond a ryS c h ool.T e rry:Do you re me mb e r th is voic e?S mith!S top looking outof th e wind ow!JJa son:O h,no!Its Mr.Hoope r!T e rry:Y our E ng lish te a c h e r,Mr.S ta nle y Hoope r.W a s J
12、a son ag ood stud e nt,Mr.Hoope r?Mr.Hoope r:E h?No,h e wa s th e worst in th e c la ss b ut h ewa s a b rillia nt a c tor,e ve n in th ose d a ys.He c ould imita tea ll th e te a c h e rs?T e rry:T h a nk you,Mr.Hoope r.Y ou c a n spe a k to Ja son,la te r.W e ll,you we nt to th e Lond on S c h ool
13、 of Dra ma in 1966,a nd le f tin 1969.In 1973 you we nt to Hollywood.T e rry:Do you know th is voic e?Hi Ja son Ca n you rid e ah orse ye t?Ja son:Ma ria!T e rry:Ma ria Montrose wh os c ome f rom Hollywood to b e withyou tonig h t.Ma ria:He llo,Ja son its g re a t to b e h e re.He llo,T e rry.Ja son
14、 a nd I we re in a movie tog e th e r in 1974.Ja son h a d to le a rnto rid e a h orse W e ll,Ja son d oe sn51 like h orse s ve ry muc h.Ja son:Like th e m!Im te rrif ie d of th e m!Ma ria:A nywa y,h e pra c tise d f or two we e ks.T h e n h e we nt to th ed ire c tor it wa s Ch a rle s O rson a nd
15、sa id,W h a t d o youwa nt me to d o?Ch a rle s sa id,I wa nt you to f a ll of f th e h orse.Ja son wa s f urious.He sa id,W h a t?Fa ll of f!Ive b e e npractising for two weeks.I could fall off the first daywithout any practice!*Task 2:What Are Your Ambitions?Interviewer:Good morning,sir.Im from ra
16、dio station QRX,and I wonder if youd mind answering a few questions for oursurvey today.David:Uh.sure,why not?Interviewer:Whats your name?David:Uh,my name is David George.Interviewer:David,what do you do for a living?David:r m a professional baseball player.Interviewer:Really?David:Mm-hmm.Inte rvie
17、we r:T h a ts te rrif ic.W h a t d o you d o f or f un?Da vid:W e ll,I like to re a d th e c la ssic syou know,Dic ke ns,S h a ke spe a re,uh .b ooks like th a t.Inte rvie we r:Fa b ulous.A nd wh a ts th e most e xc iting th ingth a ts h a ppe ne d to you re c e ntly?Da vid:Just c a ll me Da d.My wi
18、f e a nd I.uh .h a d our f irstb a b y.Inte rvie we r:O h,(Y e a h.A little g irl.)th a ts wond e rf ul.Da vid:Mm-h mm.Inte rvie we r:W h o d o you a d mire most in th is world?Da vid:W e ll,I a d mire my wif e uh .sh e,s te rrif ic.S h e sg oing to b e a g re a t moth e r,g re a t moth e r.Inte rvi
19、e we r:T e rrif ic.W h a t d o you wa nt to b e d oing f ive ye a rsf rom now?David:Well,uh.five years from now Id like to be afather of five.Id like to have lots of kids around the house.Interviewer:Thats fabulous.David:Yeah.Interviewer:Thanks very much for talking to us,David.David:Well,thank you.
20、Interviewer:Good morning.Im from radio station QRX,and Iwondered if you5 d mind answering a few questions today for oursurvey.Suzanne:Not at all.Interviewer:Whats your name?Suzanne:Suzanne Brown.Inte rvie we r:S uza nne,wh a t d o you d o f or a living?S uza nne:Im a la wye r.Inte rvie we r:A la wye
21、 r?A nd wh a t d o you d o f or f un?S uza nne:I like to run.Inte rvie we r:U h-h uh.R unning,like一S uza nne:Jog g ing.Inte rvie we r:Jog g ing.A nd wh a ts th e most e xc iting th ingth a ts h a ppe ne d to you re c e ntly?S uza nne:I g ot to run in th e Boston Ma ra th on.Inte rvie we r:Cong ra tu
22、la tions.A nd wh o d o you a d mire most inth e world?S uza nne:O h,we ll,Id h a ve to sa y Ma rtin Luth e r King,Jr.Interviewer:Mmm,yes.And what do you want to be doing fiveyears from today?Suzanne:Well,dare I say win the Boston Marathon?Interviewer:Wonderful.Thanks a lot for talking to us today,Su
23、zanne.Suzanne:You5 re welcome.Interviewer:Good morning,sir.Im from radio station QRX,and I wonder if you could answer a few questions for our surveythis morning.Adolfo:Oh,yes,yes.Interviewer:What,s your name?Adolfo:My name is Adolfo Vasquez.Interviewer:Adolfo,what do you do for a living?A d olf o:r
24、m a d a nc e r.Inte rvie we r:A d a nc e r.A nd wh a t d o you d o f or f un?A d olf o:I wa tc h uh .music a l movie s.Inte rvie we r:Music a l movie s.A nd wh a ts th e most e xc itingth ing th a ts h a ppe ne d to you re c e ntly?A d olf o:O h,a b out six ye a rs a g o I move d to U nite d S ta te
25、 s,(U h-h uh.)a nd th a ts quite e xc iting f or me.Inte rvie we r:Y e s,th a t is ve ry e xc iting.W h a t d o youwh o d oyou a d mire most in th e world?A d olf o:I a d mire a lot um.S oph ia Lore n,th e moviea c tre ss.Inte rvie we r:I und e rsta nd c omple te ly.(Mm-h mm.)W h a t d o youwa nt to
26、 b e d oing f ive ye a rs f rom now?A d olf o:I like ve ry muc h wh a t Im d oing rig h t now,so I re a llywould like to keep doing it.Interviewer:Very good.(Mm-hmm.)Thanks for speaking to ustoday,Adolfo.Adolfo:Okay.Youre welcome.Interviewer:Good morning,Miss.Im from radio station QRX,and I wonder i
27、f you could answer a few questions for our survey.Linda:Sure.Interviewer:Whats your name?Linda:Linda Montgomery.Interviewer:Linda,what do you do for a living?Linda:Uh,well,right now Im going to beauty school.Interviewer:Beauty school?Lind a:Y e a h.Inte rvie we r:U h-h uh.A nd wh a t d o you d o f o
28、r f un?Lind a:O h,wh a t f or f un,I h a ng out with my f rie nd syou know,g o f or pizza,stuf f like th a t.Inte rvie we r:I und e rsta nd.W h a ts th e most e xc iting th ingth a ts h a ppe ne d to you re c e ntly?Lind a:O h,th is wa s so g re a t!(Y e a h?)Four of my f rie nd s a ndI,we we nt to
29、a Bruc e S pring ste e n c onc e rt.W e a c tua llywe g ottic ke ts.Inte rvie we r:W ond e rf ul.Lind a:It wa s th e b e st.Inte rvie we r:W h o d o you a d mire most in th e world?Lind a:W h o d o I a d mi-I g ue ss(Mm-h mm.)my d a d,(U h-h uh.)prob a b ly my d a d.Y e a h.Interviewer:And what do y
30、ou want to be doing five years fromnow?Linda:I would love it if I could have my own beauty salon.Interviewer:Uh-huh.Linda:That would be great.Interviewer:Thanks very much for talking to us today.Linda:Okay.In Your Own WordsAnnouncer:And now,at 10:50 its time for“In Your Own Words”,in which we interv
31、iew people with unusual stories to tell.Hereto introduce the programme is Patricia Newell.Good morning,Patricia.Patricia:Good morning,and good morning everyone.With me inthe studio now is this morning5 s guest,Trevor Cartridge.Goodmorning,Trevor.Trevor:Good morning,Patricia.Patricia:Trevor,you have
32、one of the most unusual stories Iveever heard.Yet,nowadays,you seem to lead a very ordinarylife.Trevor:Yes,Patricia.Im a dentist.I live and work in London.Patricia:But at one time you used to have a different job?Trevor:Yes,I was a soldier.Patricia:A soldier?Trevor:Thats right.Patricia:And how long
33、ago was that?Trevor:Oh,about two thousand years ago.P a tric ia:T h a ts rig h t.T re vor Ca rtrid g e b e lie ve s th a t h e wa sa sold ie r in th e a rmy of Julius Ca e sa r.He re me mb e rs c omingto Brita in with th e R oma n a rmy two th ousa nd ye a rs a g o.T re vor,te ll us your re ma rka b
34、 le story in your own word s!T re vor:W e ll,f unnily e noug h,it a ll b e g a n b e c a use I wa nte dto g ive up smoking.P a tric ia:Give up smoking!T re vor:Mm,I use d to smoke too muc h a nd I trie d to g ive upse ve ra l time s,b ut I a lwa ys sta rte d smoking a g a in a f e w d a ysla te r.In
35、 th e e nd I we nt to a h ypnotist.He h ypnotize d me,a ndI stoppe d smoking a t onc e.I wa s d e lig h te d,a s you c a n ima g ine.P a tric ia:Y e s?T re vor:T h a t ma d e me ve ry inte re ste d in h ypnotism,a nd I ta lke dto th e h ypnotist a b out it.He told me th a t some pe ople c ouldre me
36、mb e r th e ir pa st live s wh e n th e y we re h ypnotize d,a nd h ea ske d if I wa nte d to try.I d id nt b e lie ve it a t f irst,b utin th e e nd I a g re e d.He h ypnotize d me,a nd sure e noug h,Iremembered.I was a Roman soldier in Caesars army.Patricia:You didn,t believe it at first?Trevor:I
37、didnt believe it before we tried the experiment.Now r m absolutely convinced its true.Patricia:What do you remember?Trevor:Oh,all kinds of things,but the most interesting thingI remember is the night we landed in Britain.Patricia:You remember that?Trevor:Oh yes.It was a terrible,stormy night.There w
38、erea hundred or more of us in the boat.W e were all shut in,becausethe weather was so bad and most people were sick,because itwas very stuffy.There was a terrible smell of petrol,Iremember.Lots of men thought we should go back to France.Itwasnt called France then,of course.Patricia:And there was a s
39、mell of petrol?Trevor:Yes,it was terrible.The weather got worse and worse.W e thought we were going to die.In the end the boat was pushedup onto the sands,and we climbed out.I remember jumping intothe water and struggling to the beach.The water was up to m yshoulders and it was a freezing night.A lo
40、t of men were killedby the cold or drowned in the storm,but I managed to get ashore.Patricia:You did?Trevor:Yes.There were about ten survivors from our boat,buteven then our troubles werent over.W e found a farmhouse,butit was deserted.W hen the people read the newspapers,and knewthat we were coming
41、,they were terrified.They took all theiranimals and all their food,and ran away into the hills.Ofcourse,there were no proper roads in those days.Well,we wentinto the house and tried to light a fire,but we couldn,t evendo that.W e always kept matches in our trousers,pockets,sonaturally they were all
42、soaked.W e couldn*t find anything toeat,except one tin of cat food.W e were so hungry,we brokeit open with our knives,and ate it.W e found a tap,but thewater was frozen.In the end we drank rainwater from the tin.We sat very close together and tried to keep warm.We couldhear wolves but we didnt have
43、any weapons,because our gunswere full of seawater.By the morning,the storm was over.Wewent on to the beach and found what was left of the boat.Wemanaged to find some food,and we hoped there was some winetoo,but when we opened the box all the bottles were broken.Patricia:So what happened?Trevor:We wa
44、ited.Finally another boat came and took us away,and we joined the other soldiers.I remember going into thecamp,and getting a hot meal,and clean clothes.It waswonderful.We were given our pay,too.I remember the date onthe coins,50 BC.It was an exciting time.Patricia:And did you stay in Britain?Trevor:
45、Oh yes,I was here for five years,from 50 BC to 55BC.I enjoyed my stay in Britain very much.Patricia:And then you went back to Rome?Trevor:I cant remember anything after that.Patricia:Well,Trevor Cartridge,thank you for telling us yourstory,in your own words.Study Skills:How to Predict?(1)Bob,do you
46、think you could possibly turn off that radio?I*m(pause)trying to write a letter.(2)A:I don,t want a double room.I want a single room.B:r m sorry,sir,but Im afraid 43(pause)is the onlysingle room available at the moment.(3)A:Just look what Ive got.B:Let me see.Fifty pounds!(pause)Where on earth didyo
47、u get it?(4)A:Oh bother the Sex Discrimination Act.Surely they can tforce me to take on a married woman.B:They can t force you to,Mr.Clark,but(pause)youmustn*t discriminate against someone just because they*remarried.(5)A:r m g la d Im not a princ e ss.It must b e a d re a d f ul lif e.B:Dre a d f u
48、l?(pa use)I would n,t mind b e ing a princ e.(6)r m a re a sona b ly h a rd-working pe rson.But(pa use)Im nota worka h olic.(7)A:Ha d your b roth e r b e e n ne rvous a b out it h imse lf?B:W e ll,h e d id nt sa y,b ut possib ly(pa use)h e h a d b e e n.Dic ta tionT h e Knowle d g eBe c oming a Lond
49、 on ta xi d rive r isnt e a sy.In ord e r toob ta in a lic e nc e to d rive a ta xi in Lond on,c a nd id a te s h a veto pa ss a d e ta ile d e xa mina tion.T h e y h a ve to le a rn not onlyth e stre e ts,la nd ma rks a nd h ote ls,b ut a lso th e quic ke st wa yto g e t th e re.T h is is c a lle d
50、 T h e Knowle d g e,b y Lond on c a bd rive rs a nd it c a n ta ke ye a rs of stud y a nd pra c tic e to g e t T h eKnowle d g e5.Ca nd id a te s a re e xa mine d not only on th e quic ke stroute s b ut a lso on th e quic ke st route s a t d if f e re nt time s ofth e d a y.P e ople wh o wa nt to pa