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1、24小时第5季第13集前情提要我现在正在改编门卡的程序Im reprogramming the CTU key card right now.毒气罐正在被送往各个目的地很快各就各位Good. Couriers are delivering the canisters to the targets. Theyll be in place soon.什么时候发动袭击? 等你处理完反恐局的事之后When are you launching the attacks? - After youre done at CTU.当恐♥怖♥分♥子♥袭击的时候

2、你要维持秩序When these terrorists attack, youll need to maintain order.我们需要考虑在洛杉矶提前宣布对大部分地区进行戒♥严♥We should think of a pre-emptive declaration of martial law in the greater Los Angeles area. 如果反恐局找不到比尔克我们就要遭受袭击了If CTU cant find this man Bierko, were gonna get hit.为什么不告诉我你还活着?Why didnt you jus

3、t tell me you were alive?如果你知道我还活着你就会处于危险之中我别无选择If you knew I was alive you would have been at risk. I had no choice.我很高兴你还活着真的Im happy that youre alive. I am.但我不能给你现在所期望的But I canrt give you what you want right now.米歇尔的遇害只是Michelles murder was part of a bigger plan恐&hearts怖♥分♥子&hearts

4、;准备进行Sentox神经毒气恐怖袭击计划的一部 分to supply terrorists with Sentox nerve gas.谁是幕后主使? 克里斯托弗亨德森Who was behind it? - Christopher Henderson.他没告诉我们的都是重点他能忍&hearts浸人所不能忍♥受的折磨Whatever hes not telling us is important. He can tolerate an inhuman amount of pain.成千上万的生命危在旦夕告诉我怎么阻止这场袭击求你了Thousands of lives are a

5、t stake. Tell me what I need to know to stop this insanity. Please.抱歉杰克但是我不能告诉你想知道的Im sorry, Jack, but I cant tell you what you wanna know.我是鲍尔This is Bauer.我们被入侵了有人用偷来的门卡进入反恐局Weve been compromised. Someone used a stolen key card to access CTU.别动!扔掉枪如果你不介意站到一边去让我好工作的话我会很感激你If you dont mind stepping

6、aside so I can do my job, Id appreciate it.你不需要有能力帮助人们你只需要在那儿就行了You dont have to be qualified to help people, you just have to be there.就像你曾经在我女儿身边一样Like you were there for my daughter.这什么意思?What does that mean?你比她大20岁,我知道你在想什么Youre 20 years older than she is. I know what youre doing.我什么都没做只是试着帮她你怎么

7、敢你怎么敢说我在占便宜?Ive done nothing but try and help her. How dare you accuse me of taking advantage? 你是的You did.爸爸随便你怎么气我都行Dad, you can be angry at me all you want.但是在我遇见巴里之前我都不想活了你明白吗?But before I met Barry, I didnt want to live. Do you understand that?好了我回去工作大家都放松些Fine, Ill get back to work. If everyone

8、 could just relax.杰克我们有麻烦了Jack, we have a problem.什么?What?克萝伊我刚才看见警报了出什么事了?Chloe, I just saw the alarm. What*s going on?污染区域的密封指示器显示有进一步聚合的迹象Pressure indicators in contaminated zones are showing traces of sublimated polymer. 这什么意思? 意味着神经毒气正在混合成一种酸性物体What does that mean? - The nerve gas must be mixed

9、 with an acid.这种酸正在侵蚀房♥间的密封层The acids breaking down the seal between the rooms.密封层要多久才会失效?-还很难说How long till the seal fails completely? - Its hard to say for sure.给我个大概时间侵蚀地很快Give me an estimate. - Its deteriorating quickly.15分钟最多20分钟然后呢?15 minutes, 20 at the most. - And then what?毒气渗透密封层进入房&

10、hearts;间一切就完了Gas permeates the seal and enters the room. Then it*s over.给我所有独♥立♥区域的图纸Get me schematics on all the isolated zones.尊敬的副总统阁下我并不是在逾越您的权利Mr Vice President, with all due respect, Vm not trying to usurp your position.我只是想尽全力来帮助总统Im simply trying to serve the president the best

11、 way I can.是长官Yes, sir.怎么了?What was that about?我在说服加德纳让我帮他起草总统的声明I was trying to convince Gardner to let me help him draft the presidents statement.查尔斯让哈尔写他的声明?Charles is letting Hal write his statement?他坚持这样总统让他这么干的Hes insisted. And the president gave him the go-ahead.那就意味着加德纳就可以全权做决定了你必须阻止他That me

12、ans Gardners effectively making policy. You gotta stop him.我在努力Pm trying.但你知道他今天所承受的压力他想得到所有能得到的建议But you know the pressure hes under today. He wants all the counsel he can get.而哈尔只是急着想帮忙And Hals only too eager to help out.他当然着急他的眼睛一直盯着总统办公室Of course hes eager. Hes got his eye on the Oval Office.他所做

13、的任何事情只是在加速查尔斯的倒台从而让他进一步接近总统的位置Anything he can do to speed up Charless downfall puts him closer to the presidency.玛莎Martha,你必须插手you have to intervene.哈尔左右了总统的想法Hal feeds the president ideas.我们在世贸组织见过这样的情况在芝加哥也见过We saw it at the WTO. We saw it in Chicago.事情顺利哈尔就取得容易事情搞糟了总统就要承担责任When they work, Hal tak

14、es the credit for em. When they dont, the president takes the hits. 你提醒过查尔斯这些吗?-我不能Have you reminded Charles of that? -1 cant.哈尔是副总统而我只是参谋长Hals the vice president. Tm just the Chief of Staff.你的影响力超过了任何实权阶层You have influence that supersedes any constitutional rank.而现在就是使用的时间了And nows the time to use

15、it.声明写好后我要看一下好的I want to see the statement when its issued. - You will.我检查了所有未污染区域的读数I checked the readings from all uncontaminated zones.和你们在各自区域检测的结果一样The testing youve been doing in your respective areas is consistent.通风系统里的Sentox毒气正在和腐蚀物发生化学反应The Sentox gas released into the air duct system cont

16、ains a corrosive agent那些将侵蚀安全区域的密封条that is eating away at the barrier seals protecting safe zones.我没有夸大其词化学反应小组来不及救我们了Im not gonna pull any punches. CRT will not be here in time to help us.从这一点来看我们唯一的希望就是自救At this point, our only hope is to help ourselves.我们需要在密封条失效毒气进入安全区域之前We need to find a way to

17、 either neutralise or flush the Sentox out of contaminated areas 找到一种可以中和或者清理污染区域的Sentox的办法 before the barrier seals fail, and the gas enters the safe zones.所有工作人员集中解决这个问题我们没有时间了I want all personnel working on this problem. We dont have much time.尽可能做Do what you can.希望如此最好Well hope for the best.或者还有

18、其他办法进入通风系统Maybe we can do something. Access the ventilation system.就算我能也不代表我们能做什么Even if I could, it doesnt mean we could do anything.就试一下Just try.或许没那么糟或许读数错误了Maybe it*s not so bad. Maybe the numbers are off.它们没错They*re not.就算密封层泄露了化学反应小组也会及时赶到的Even if the seals leak, CRT could get here in time.她在这

19、里的唯一原因是因为我让她留下来The only reason shes here is because I asked her to stay.如果她发生什么事情都是因为我If something happens to her, its going to be because of what I did.你也不知道反恐局会受到袭击There is no way you could know that CTU was vulnerable.杰克Jack.发现什么了?Have you got something?如果我减缓密封层的腐蚀我就能通过空调系统将污染空气清理干净If I slow the

20、seals breakdown, I can flush the area using the air conditioning.做吧Do it.有问题了这不起作用-为什么?Somethings wrong. It isnt responding. - Why not?它被程序锁死了我进不去Its being blocked by some program I cant get to,有可能是4号♥禁闭室的电脑上probably on a computer near holding four.我能到那里去吗? 这是个夹墙那里的空气是干净的Can you get me in the

21、re? - This is a false wall. The air in there is clean.他能到电脑那里去吗? 是的Can he get to the computer? - Yes.但是通过安全区域之后他会暴露在污染区But after the safe zone, hell be in a contaminated area.什么?他不能通过污染区域What? He can*t go through a contaminated area.我可以闭气Sentox不会在很短时间内被吸入I can hold my breath. Sentox wonrt be absorbe

22、d over that short a time.我会很好的你不能闭那么长时间的气ril be fine. - You cant hold your breath that long.我只需要到达电脑那里关闭程序进入通风房♥间I only have to get to the computer, disconnect the program and get to the ventilated room. 我回到安全区后需要多久时间来清除Sentox毒气?Once Im back, how long will it take to clear the Sentox?大概每立方尺需要

23、20秒About 20 seconds, based on the cubic footage.杰克要是我们不能把房♥间毒气清空呢?-克萝伊认为我们可以这是唯一的选择 Jack, what if we cant ventilate that room? - Chloe thinks we can. This is our only option. 化学反应小组无法及时赶到-百分之八十的密封已经被腐蚀了CRT is not gonna get here in time. - The seals are now 80% % gone.还有多久时间? 我们还有不到20分钟Whats t

24、he bottom line? - We have less than 20 minutes.我们在一号♥通道如果你需要其他人我们会给你接通We are on channel one. If you need anyone else, weH patch you through.我一通过你马上堵上这个As soon as I go through, you have to replace this behind me.杰克是时间了快行动Jack, its time. Go now.现在Now.克萝伊我堵住了入气孔准备进入通风区Chloe, I just completed the

25、 airlock. Im getting ready to move into the ventilation room. 当我返回安全区域是我会敲打通信器三次Fil tap my comm unit when Im back in the safe room.好的杰克如果入气孔泄露我们都会在不到三分钟内死去All right. Jack, if that airlock leaks, well all be dead within the next three minutes.不会泄露的克萝伊Its not gonna leak, Chloe.好OK.我要进去了 -好Im going in.

26、 - OK.密封层腐蚀已达百分之八十六我们还有什么能做的吗?The seal corrosion is now at 86%, - Is there anything we can do here?只有等待我们没办法帮助你♥爸♥爸加快速度Just wait. Theres nothing we can do to get your dad out any faster.别这样跟我说话克萝伊-听着我们现在都处在危急时刻对吗?Dont talk down to me, Chloe. - Listen, were in a crisis situation here, O

27、K?大家都有火气调节一下呼吸吧Tempers are bound to flare. Just everybody breathe.又是你和你的呼吸?你还有别的解决办法吗?Whats with you and the breathing? Is that your solution to everything?他返回房♥间了 真快Hes back in the room. - Its too soon.他不可能会找到程序关闭它He couldnt have found the program and disabled it yet.房♥间清空前他还有15秒Hes g

28、ot 15 more seconds before the room clears.他完成了意味什么? 我不知道What*s it mean that hes finished? -1 dont know.难道不好吗? 有可能好有可能不好It could be good, right? - It could be good or bad.这就是“我不知道”的意思Thats what I don*t know means.好房♥间清理干净了你还好吗?All right, the room is clear. Are you OK?我没有办到克萝伊你是对的我看见它了I couldnt

29、 get to it. Chloe, youre right, I saw it.交流控制系统有一个程序正在运行但是通风口上安装有防护网Theres a program running on the AC control, but theres a security grate behind the vent. 我在系统上看不见相信我那有防护网I dont see it on my system. - Trust me, its there.我找到了它是前两年安装的安全升级装置I just found it. It was a security upgrade in the last two

30、years.有人没有正确输入文件所以我没看见Somebody didnt file it properly so I didnt see it.还有其他通风口进入那扇墙吗?Are there other vents into that wall?他们全都升级过这儿有个门是通往哪里的?Theyve all been upgraded. - There*s gotta be a door. Where does it lead?通往4号♥禁闭室上方的走廊我们都到不了那里To a corridor above holding four. None of us can get there

31、.谁在4号♥禁闭室? 林恩麦吉尔Whos in holding room four? - Lynn McGill.这儿有通风口能让我们去他那儿吗?Are there any vented rooms we can get him to?没有杰克一个都没有No, Jack. There*s nothing.给我接通他Patch me through to him.麦吉尔在这儿林恩我是杰克McGill here. - Lynn, its Jack.我们在交流控制系统发现组织程序We found a computer interrupt in the AC control.如果在几分钟

32、内关闭程序就能阻止毒气侵入安全区域If we shut that down in the next few minutes, we can stop the gas permeating safe zones. 这是个好消息Well, thats good news.问题是你是唯一一个能够进入那里的人克萝伊?The problem is, youre the only person close enough to get to it. Chloe?就在你现在所处位置的上方Its above the room where you are now.上台阶然后拐弯左手边的房♥间Take

33、 the stairs, go around the corner, its the room on your left.好我们要怎么做到杰克?OK. How are we gonna do this, Jack?林恩事实是如果我能到达那里我会自己做这些事情但是我靠近不了Lynn, the truth is if I could get there, I would do this myself, but Im not close enough.反恐局活着的人中你是唯一一个可以这么做的人No one still alive is. Youre the only person who can d

34、o this.但是你必须在没有保护措施的情况下做这些But you have to do it without protection.我明白-不你不明白I see. - No, you dont.一旦你打开房♥门你的房♥间就会充满毒气As soon as you open the door, your room will become contaminated.你可以屏住呼吸来解决问题但是我们没办法封锁住你的空气You can hold your breath long enough to fix the problem, but we can*t airlock

35、you.我们这里有两个人杰克There are two of us in here, Jack.长官我是哈利斯温顿Sir, this is Harry Swinton.你是说如果他这么做我们两个都要死?So youre saying that if he does this, then were both gonna die?对不起Im so sorry.我们别无选择哈利We don*t have a choice, Harry.我们怎么知道你是不是为了避免牺牲自己来编造这一切的呢?How do we know that youre not making this up so you dont

36、 have to sacrifice yourself?你没办法知道我所能要求你的只是相信我我告诉你的是事实You dont. All I can ask you to do is believe me. Im telling you the truth.说起来简单长官又不是你要送死Thats easy for you to say, sir. Youre not about to die.我说出这些并不简单Its not easy for me to say.等等Hold on.我们必须这么做哈利否则我们都要死We have to do this, Harry. We*re gonna di

37、e anyway. If we dont, so will everyone in CTU. 我们必须这么做如果不这样反恐局所有人都得死We have to do this.好杰克说吧OK, Jack. Go ahead.一旦你进入通风区电脑就在你右手边Once you get into the ventilation room, the computer will be on your right.有台电脑的程序正在运行你需要退出程序Theres a program running on the computer. You need to quit out of it.林恩我们没有足够时间L

38、ynn, we dont have a lot of time.我来做Ill do it.克萝伊Chloe,我很抱歉我之前的行为很抱歉你的朋友去世Im sorry about how I acted earlier, and about your friend that died.好OK.谢谢-我一直等着你问问题Thanks. - Fve been wanting to ask you something.我爸爸失踪的时候你跟他联♥系♥过吗?Did you have contact with my dad while he was gone?我每月给他发一条信息哪种

39、类型的信息?I sent him information about once a month. - What kind of information?各种各样有关于我的吗?A lot of different things. - About me?实际上基本上都是关于你的你和蔡斯的分手你受的打击Actually, almost all of it was about you. Your break-up with Chase, your depression.你怎么得到-我很善于得到消息How did you get. Im really good at getting informatio

40、n.我不评论这些事情我只是传话I don*tjudge it, I just pass it on.对你和蔡斯分手我很抱歉那一定很难过Im sorry about you and Chase. It must have been really painful.是的是那样的Yeah. It was.所以你也和他谈过?So you talked to him too?蔡斯?不-你知道他在哪?Chase? No. - You know where he is?不但如果你想知道我会找出来的不不不用No, but I could find out if you want. - No, no. It*s

41、all right.巴里认为我应该忘记这一切也许他是对的Barry thinks I should let that go. Hes probably right.心理学家总是给别人一些他们自己不会遵守的建议Yeah, well, shrinks are always giving advice that they probably dont follow themselves.你过得怎样?-早上醒来身边的那人再也看不见了How are you doing? -1 woke up with a guy Ill never see again.而我又亲眼目睹最好朋友的死亡我想过得并不好And I

42、 just watched one of my best friends die right in front of me, so I guess not that great. 是呀Yeah.打开面板调出观察室的反馈系统Replace the panel. Pull up the security feed from the observation room.做妈妈的乖女儿好吗?You be a good girl for Mommy, OK?如果她告诉你必须上♥床♥睡觉那就去睡觉If she tells you you have to go to bed, yo

43、u have to go to bed.你几时回家?-我不知道亲爱的When are you coming home? -1 dont know, honey.如果我睡着了你会叫醒我吗?-当然If I fall asleep, will you wake me up? - Of course I will.是的? 是Yeah? - Yeah.好OK.我要进去了哈利跟我说再见Im going in now, Harry. Say goodbye.我爱你我也爰你爸爸I love you. -1 love you too, Daddy.再见宝贝女儿Bye, baby girl.克萝伊准备好了我们要进

44、去了Chloe, we*re ready. Tm going in.祝你好运感谢你做的这一切OK. Good luck. And thanks for doing this.好Yeah.他做到了 交流系统有反应吗?He did it. - Is the AC responding?是-中和Sentox需要多久?Yes. - How long before the Sentox is neutralised?至少15分钟但它可以减缓密封层腐蚀的速度At least 15 minutes. But it should stop eating away at the seals immediatel

45、y.聚合体消散了看起来这些密封层可以坚持到空气清理干净Polymer count is down. It looks like the seals will hold until all zones are clear.林恩哈利我不知道你们能不能听到但是你们做的很成功Lynn, Harry, I dont know if you can still hear me, but what you did was successful.密封层保住了The seals are holding.我将亲自通知你们的家人告诉他们你们所做的牺牲I will personally notify your fam

46、ilies and tell them of the sacrifice you made.我很抱歉Im so sorry.我不知道还有什么可以说I dont know what else to say.谢谢你Thank you.我还活着Im OK.我还活着Im OK.打开通向医疗室的反馈系统Pull up the security feed to Medical.你能听见我吗?你叫什么名字?Can you hear me? Whats your name?没No.没名字No name.你是在浪费时间Youre wasting your time.我是杰克鲍尔你从亨德森那里得到些什么?Its Jack Bauer. What have you got from Henderson?一无所获他什么都不肯说Nothing. Hes still not talking.继续一旦防护栏打开我马上去你那儿OK, keep working on him. As soon as the barriers go up Ill get back to you.克萝伊我想我们


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