1、出版管理条例(2001年12月25日中华人民 共和国国务院令第343号公布 根据2011年3月19日国务 院关于修改出版管理条例 的决定第一次修订根据 2013年7月18日国务院关 于废止和修改部分行政法规的 决定第二次修订根据2014 年7月29日国务院关于修 改部分行政法规的决定第三 次修订 根据2016年2月6 日国务院关于修改部分行政 法规的决定第四次修订根 据2020年H月29日国务出版管理条例(2020修订)Regulation on the Administration of Publication (2020 Revision)制定机关:国务院发文字号:中华人民共和国国务院令第
2、732号公布日期:施行日期:效力位阶:行政法规法规类别:出版与出版物市场管理Issuing Authority :State CouncilDocument Number : Order No. 732 of the State Council of the Peoples Republic of ChinaDate Issued : 11 -29-2020Effective Date : 11-29-2020Level of Authority : Administrative RegulationsArea of Law : Administration of Publication an
3、d Publication MarketRegulation on the Administration of Publication (Promulgated by Order No. 343 of the State Council of the Peoples Republic of China on December 25, 2001; revised for the first time according to the Decision of the State Council on Amending the Regulation on the Administration of
4、Publication on March 19, 2011; revised for the second time in accordance with the Decision of the State Council on Repealing and Amending Some Administrative Regulations on July 18, 2013; revised for the third time in accordance with the Decision of the State Council on Amending Some Administrative
5、Regulations on July 29, 2014; revised for the fourth time in accordance with the Decision of the State Council on Amending Some Administrative Regulations on February 6, 2016; and revised for the fifithstatus, it shall also go through the modification registration formalities at the organ in charge
6、of registration of public institutions with the approval documents; and if it is a corporate enterprise, it shall also go through the modification registration formalities at the industrial and commercial administration with the approval documents.Article 18 Where a publishing entity intends to susp
7、end its publishing activities, it shall go through the filing formalities at the local competent publication department of the peoples government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government, and give the reasons and time limit for suspension. The publishi
8、ng activities of the publishing entity shall not be suspended for more than 180 days.文件到工商行政管理部门办理 变更登记。第十八条 出版单位中止 出版活动的,应当向所在地 省、自治区、直辖市人民政府 出版行政主管部门备案并说明 理由和期限;出版单位中止出 版活动不得超过180日o出版单位终止出版活动的,由 主办单位提出申请并经主管机 关同意后,由主办单位向所在 地省、自治区、直辖市人民政 府出版行政主管部门办理注销 登记,并报国务院出版行政主 管部门备案。出版单位属于事 业单位法人的,还应当持批准 文件到事业
9、单位登记管理机关 办理注销登记;属于企业法人 的,还应当持批准文件到工商 行政管理部门办理注销登记。Where a publishing entity intends to terminate its publishing activities, its sponsor shall file an application with the competent authority and, upon the consent of the competent authority, go through the cancellation formalities at the local compet
10、ent publication department of the peoples government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government, and report to the competent publication department of the State Council for archival purposes. If the publishing entity is a public institution with the lega
11、l person status, it shall also go through the cancellation registration formalities at the organ in charge of registration of public institutions with the approval documents; and if it is a corporate enterprise, it shall also go through the cancellation registration formalities at the industrial and
12、 commercialadministration with the approval documents.Article 19 Where a book publishing house, audio and video recording publishing house or electronic publication publishing house is not engaged in publishing activities after 180 days as of its registration, or where a newspaper office or periodic
13、al office does not publish any newspaper or periodical after 90 days as of its registration, the competent publication department which handled the original registration shall cancel the registration, and shall report to the competent publication department under the State Council for record.In case
14、 of either of the circumstances in the preceding paragraph due to force majeure or a other justifiable reason, the publishing entity may apply to the competent publication department which handled the original registration for an extension of period.第十九条图书出版社、 音像出版社和电子出版物出版 社自登记之日起满180日未从 事出版活动的,报社、
15、期刊社 自登记之日起满90日未出版 报纸、期刊的,由原登记的出 版行政主管部门注销登记,并 报国务院出版行政主管部门备 案。因不可抗力或者其他正当理由 发生前款所列情形的,出版单 位可以向原登记的出版行政主 管部门申请延期。第二十条图书出版社、 音像出版社和电子出版物出版 社的年度出版计划及涉及国家 安全、社会安定等方面的重大 选题,应当经所在地省、自治 区、直辖市人民政府出版行政 主管部门审核后报国务院出版 行政主管部门备案;涉及重大 选题,未在出版前报备案的出 版物,不得出版。具体办法由 国务院出版行政主管部门制 定。Article 20 The annual publication pl
16、ans of a book publishing house, audio and video recording publishing house or electronic publication publishing house and the key titles selected thereby in respect of national security and social stability, etc. shall be subject to the examination and verification of the competent publication depar
17、tment under the peoples government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government at its locality before being submitted to the competent publication department under the State Council for record; the publication on the key selected titles shall not be publi
18、shed until they are submitted for record before publication. The specific measures shall be enacted by thecompetent publication department under the State Council.A periodical office that intends to select key titles shall go through the formalities for record in accordance with the preceding paragr
19、aph.Article 21 A publishing entity shall not sell or transfer in any other form to any entity or individual its name, book number, serial number/publishers code, layout, nor shall it lease its name or serial number.A publishing entity and its employees shall not seek any other illegal benefit by mea
20、ns of publishing activities.Article 22 A publishing entity shall submit free samples to the National Library of China, the Archives Library of Chinese Publications and the competent publication department of the State Council according to the relevant provisions of the state.Chapter III publication
21、of Publications期刊社的重大选题,应当依照 前款规定办理备案手续。第二十一条出版单位不 得向任何单位或者个人出售或 者以其他形式转让本单位的名 称、书号、刊号或者版号、版 面,并不得出租本单位的名 称、刊号。出版单位及其从业人员不得利 用出版活动谋取其他不正当利 、乙HTL o第二十二条出版单位应 当按照国家有关规定向国家图 书馆、中国版本图书馆和国务 院出版行政主管部门免费送交 样本。第三章出版物的出版第二十三条公民可以依 照本条例规定,在出版物上自 由表达自己对国家事务、经济 和文化事业、社会事务的见解和意愿,自由发表自己从事科 学研究、文学艺术创作和其他 文化活动的成果。A
22、rticle 23 A citizen may, in accordance with these Regulations, freely express in publication his opinions and willingness towards national affairs, economic and cultural careers, and social affairs, and freely publish its achievements in respect of scientific research, literary and artistic creation
23、 and other cultural pursuits.Lawful publication shall be protected by law, and no organization or individual may illegally disturb, impede or destroy the publication of publications.Article 24 A publishing entity shall a system of editors responsibility, which guarantees the contents included in the
24、 publications conform to these Regulations.Article 25 The following contents are prohibited from being included in any publication:1 .Which object the basic principles determined in the Constitution ;2 .Which endanger the unity of the nation, sovereignty or territorial integrity;3 .Which divulge sec
25、rets of the State, endanger national security or damage the honor or benefits of the State;4 .Which incite the national hatred or discrimination, undermine the solidarity of the nations, or infringe upon national customs and habits.5 .Which propagate evil cults or superstition;合法出版物受法律保护,任何 组织和个人不得非
26、法干扰、阻 止、破坏出版物的出版。第二十四条出版单位实 行编辑责任制度,保障出版物 刊载的内容符合本条例的规 定。第二十五条任何出版物 不得含有下列内容:(一)反对宪法确定的基本原则 的;(二)危害国家统一、主权和领 土完整的;(三)泄露国家秘密、危害国家 安全或者损害国家荣誉和利益 的;(四)煽动民族仇恨、民族歧 视,破坏民族团结,或者侵害 民族风俗、习惯的;(五)宣扬邪教、迷信的;(六)扰乱社会秩序,破坏社会 稳定的;6 .Which disturb the public order or destroy the public stability;7 .Which propagate ob
27、scenity, gambling, violence or instigate crimes;8 .Which insult or slander others, or infringe upon the lawful rights and interests of others;9 .Which endanger public ethics or the fine folk cultural traditions;10 . Other contents prohibited by laws, administrative regulations or provisions of the S
28、tate.Article 26 Publications catering to minors shall not include any content enticing minors to imitate the acts in violation of public ethics or illegal or criminal acts, nor shall they include such contents harming the physical and mental health of minors as terror, cruelty, etc.Article 27 Where
29、the contents in a publication are not true or not just, thus infringing upon the lawful rights and interests of a citizen, of a legal persons or any other organization, the publishing entity shall make a public correction, eliminate the bad consequences, and bear other civil liabilities in accordanc
30、e with the law.(七)宣扬淫秽、赌博、暴力或 者教唆犯罪的;(八)侮辱或者诽谤他人,侵害 他人合法权益的;(九)危害社会公德或者民族优 秀文化传统的;(十)有法律、行政法规和国家 规定禁止的其他内容的。第二十六条以未成年人 为对象的出版物不得含有诱发 未成年人模仿违反社会公德的 行为和违法犯罪的行为的内 容,不得含有恐怖、残酷等妨 害未成年人身心健康的内容。第二十七条出版物的内 容不真实或者不公正,致使公 民、法人或者其他组织的合法 权益受到侵害的,其出版单位 应当公开更正,消除影响,并 依法承担其他民事责任。报纸、期刊发表的作品内容不 真实或者不公正,致使公民、 法人或者其他组
31、织的合法权益受到侵害的,当事人有权要求 有关出版单位更正或者答辩,Where the contents in the works published by a newspaper or a periodical are not true or not just, thus infringing upon the lawful rights and interests of a citizen, of a legal person or of any other organization, the party concerned is entitledto demand the relevant
32、 publishing entity to make a correction or plea, which the publishing entity shall publish in the recent newspaper or periodical; otherwise, the party concerned may bring a lawsuit to the peoples court.Article 28 A publication must, according to the relevant provisions of the state, state the names
33、and addresses of the author, publisher, typographer/reproducer or distributor, the book number, serial number/version number, data on catalogue in publication, the publication date, issue and other relevant items.The specifications, format, typography, binding, and proofreading, etc. of a publicatio
34、n must be in compliance with national standards and criteria, so as to guarantee the quality thereof.有关出版单位应当在其近期出 版的报纸、期刊上予以发表; 拒绝发表的,当事人可以向人 民法院提起诉讼。第二十八条出版物必须 按照国家的有关规定载明作 者、出版者、印刷者或者复制 者、发行者的名称、地址,书 号、刊号或者版号,在版编目 数据,出版日期、刊期以及其 他有关事项。出版物的规格、开本、版式、 装帧、校对等必须符合国家标 准和规范要求,保证出版物的 质量。出版物使用语言文字必须符合 国家法律
35、规定和有关标准、规The language used in a publication must comply with the legal provisions of the state and the relevant standards and specifications.Article 29 No entity or individual shall forge or counterfeit the name of a publishing entity or of a newspaper or periodical to publish publications.第二十九条任何单位
36、和 个人不得伪造、假冒出版单位 名称或者报纸、期刊名称出版 出版物。第三十条中学小学教科 书由国务院教育行政主管部门 审定;其出版、发行单位应当 具有适应教科书出版、发行业 务需要的资金、组织机构和人Article 30 The textbooks for secondary and primary schools shall be examined and determined by the education administrative department of the State Council; and an entity publishing or distributing su
37、ch textbooks shall have the funds, organizations, personnel and other员等条件,并取得国务院出版 行政主管部门批准的教科书出 版、发行资质。纳入政府采购 范围的中学小学教科书,其发 行单位按照中华人民共和国 政府采购法的有关规定确 定。其他任何单位或者个人不 得从事中学小学教科书的出 版、发行业务。conditions required for the publication or distribution of textbooks, and have obtained the qualification for publis
38、hing or distributing textbooks as approved by the competent publication department of the State Council. As for a textbook for secondary or primary schools, which are included in the government procurement scope, its distributing entity shall be determined according to the relevant provisions of the
39、 Governmentprocurement Law of the Peoples Republic of China . No any other entity or individual shall engage in the publication or distribution of textbooks for secondary and primary schools.第四章出版物的印刷或者复 制和发行Chapter IV The Printing/Reproduction and the Distribution of Publications第三十一条 从事出版物 印刷或者复制业
40、务的单位,应 当向所在地省、自治区、直辖 市人民政府出版行政主管部门 提出申请,经审核许可,并依 照国家有关规定到工商行政管 理部门办理相关手续后,方可 从事出版物的印刷或者复制。Article 31 An entity engaged in the business of printing/reproducing publications shall apply to the competent publication department under the peoples government of the province, autonomous region or municipal
41、ity directly under the Central Government at its locality for examination and permission, and may not be engaged in the printing/reproduction of publications until having completed the relevant formalities in the administrative department for industry and commerce in accordance with the relevant pro
42、visions of the State.未经许可并办理相关手续的, 不得印刷报纸、期刊、图书, 不得复制音像制品、电子出版 物。Which has not been permitted and has gone through the relevant formalities shall neither print newspapers, periodicals or books, nor reproduce audio and video recordings or electronic publications.第三十二条出版单位不 得委托未取得出版物印刷或者 复制许可的单位印刷或者复制
43、Article 32 A publishing entity shall not entrust an entity who has not obtained the license for printing/reproducing publications to print/reproduce publications.出版物。出版单位委托印刷或者复制单 位印刷或者复制出版物的,必 须提供符合国家规定的印刷或 者复制出版物的有关证明,并Where a publishing entity entrusts a printing/reproducing entity to print/repro
44、duce publications, it must provide the relevant attestation on printing/reproducing publications, which is in compliance with the State provisions, and conclude a contract with the printing/reproducing entity in accordance with the law.依法与印刷或者复制单位签订 合同。A printing/reproducing entity may not accept th
45、e entrustment of an entity or individual who is not engaged in the publication to print newspapers, periodicals or books or to reproduce audio and video recordings or electronic publications, nor may it print or distribute newspapers, periodicals or books or reproduce or distribute audio and video r
46、ecordings or electronic publications without authorization.印刷或者复制单位不得接受非 出版单位和个人的委托印刷报 纸、期刊、图书或者复制音像 制品、电子出版物,不得擅自 印刷、发行报纸、期刊、图书 或者复制、发行音像制品、电 子出版物。Article 33 A printing/reproducing entity may, upon approval by the competent publication department under the peoples government of the province, autono
47、mous region or municipality directly under the Central Government at its locality, under take the business of printing/reproducing overseas publications; that the printed/reproduced overseas publications be totally transported to the outside of the territory instead of being distributed inside the t
48、erritory.第三十三条 印刷或者复 制单位经所在地省、自治区、 直辖市人民政府出版行政主管 部门批准,可以承接境外出版 物的印刷或者复制业务;但 是,印刷或者复制的境外出版 物必须全部运输出境,不得在 境内发行。境外委托印刷或者复制的出版The contents of a publication that are printed or reproduced by a party from outside the territory物的内容,应当经省、自治 区、直辖市人民政府出版行政 主管部门审核。委托人应当持 有著作权人授权书,并向著作 权行政管理部门登记。shall be examin
49、ed and consented by the competent publication department under the peoples government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government. The entrusting party shall hold the written authorization by the copyright owner, and shall go through the registration in the administrative department for copyright.第三十四条