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1、民用机场管理条例(2019修订)Regulation on the Administration of Civil Airports (2019 Revision)制定机关:国务院发文字号:中华人民共和国国务院令第709号公布日期:施行日期:2019. 03.02效力位阶:行政法规法规类别:航空运输Issuing Authority : State CouncilDocument Number : Order No. 709 of the State Council of the Peoples Republic of ChinaDate Issued : 03-02-2019Effectiv

2、e Date : 03-02-2019Level of Authority : Administrative RegulationsArea of Law : Air Transport民用机场管理条例Regulation on the Administration of Civil Airports(2009年4月13日中华人民共 和国国务院令第553号公布 根 据2019年3月2日国务院关 于修改部分行政法规的决定修 订)(2009年4月13日中华人民共 和国国务院令第553号公布 根 据2019年3月2日国务院关 于修改部分行政法规的决定修 订)(Promulgated by Order

3、 No.553 of the State Council of the Peoples Republic of China on April 14, 2009; and revised in accordance with the Decision of the State Council to Amend Certain Administrative Regulations on March 2, 2019)第一章总则第一章总则第一条为了规范民用机场Chapter I General ProvisionsArticle 1 To regulate the construction andAr

4、ticle 21 Airport management bodies shall open and use transport airports within the scope prescribed by the transport airport use permit, and may not close any transport airport without approval.第二十一条机场管理机构 应当按照运输机场使用许可证规 定的范围开放使用运输机场,不 得擅自关闭。Where a transport airport needs to be temporarily closed

5、as it cannot guarantee the safety of civil aircrafts, the airport management body shall immediately notify the relevant air traffic control department and make an announcement thereon to the public.运输机场因故不能保障民用航空 器运行安全,需要临时关闭的, 机场管理机构应当及时通知有关 空中交通管理部门并及时向社会 公告。空中交通管理部门应当按 照相关规定发布航行通告。The air traffic

6、 control department shall make a notice to airmen as required. To close a transport airport, the airport management body shall report to the organ issuing the transport airport use permit at least 45 days beforehand, close it upon approval and then make an announcement thereon to the public.机场管理机构拟关

7、闭运输机场 的,应当提前45日报颁发运输 机场使用许可证的机关,经批准 后方可关闭,并向社会公告。Article 22 The naming or renaming of a transport airport shall be done in accordance with the relevant state laws and administrative regulations.第二十二条运输机场的命 名或者更名应当符合国家有关法 律、行政法规的规定。Article 23 Where a transport airport is to be disused or used for oth

8、er purposes, the airport management body shall go through the examination and approval formalities according第二十三条 运输机场废弃 或者改作他用的,机场管理机构 应当按照国家有关规定办理报批10to the relevant state provisions and make an announcement thereon to the public.手续,并及时向社会公告。Chapter III Safety and Operation Management of Civil Air

9、ports第三章民用机场安全和运营管 理Article 24 The civil aviation authorities and the local peoples governments shall strengthen the leadership in the safety and operation management of transport airports, urge the airport management bodies to perform the safety management functions, and solve the safety and operat

10、ion problems of transport airports upon coordination.第二十四条民用航空管理 部门、有关地方人民政府应当加 强对运输机场安全运营工作的领 导,督促机场管理机构依法履行 安全管理职责,协调、解决运输 机场安全运营中的问题。Article 25 The civil aviation authorities and the local peoples governments shall make transport airport emergency plans according to the relevant state provisions.

11、第二十五条民用航空管理 部门、有关地方人民政府应当按 照国家规定制定运输机场突发事 件的应急预案。Article 26 The airport management bodies shall, according to the transport airport emergency plans, organize rehearsals and personnel trainings for emergency rescue.第二十六条机场管理机构 应当根据运输机场突发事件应急 预案组织运输机场应急救援的演 练和人员培训。air transport stationed inThe airport

12、 management bodies, enterprises and other entities机场管理机构、航空运输企业以 及其他驻场单位应当配备必要的airports shall equip themselves with necessary 应急救援设备和器材, 并力口强日 equipment and apparatus for emergency rescue 常管理。第二十七条机场管理机构 应当依照国家有关法律、法规和 技术标准的规定,保证运输机场 持续符合安全运营要求。运输机 场不符合安全运营要求的,机场 管理机构应当按照国家有关规定 及时改正。and strengthen r

13、outine management.Article 27 The airport management bodies shall make sure that transport airports consistently meet the safety operation requirements according to the relevant state laws, regulations and technical standards. Where any transport airport fails to meet the requirements, the airport ma

14、nagement body shall immediately correct according to the relevant state provisions.第二十八条机场管理机构 对运输机场的安全运营实施统一 协调管理,负责建立健全机场安 全运营责任制,组织制定机场安 全运营规章制度,保障机场安全 投入的有效实施,督促检查安全 运营工作,及时消除安全事故隐 患,依法报告生产安全事故。Article 28 The airport management bodies shall coordinate and manage the safety operation of transport

15、 airports in a unified way, set up an airport safety operation responsibility system, organize the making of the airport safety operation rules, guarantee the effective use of the investment in protecting airport safety, supervise and inspect the safety operation of airports, eliminate hidden safety

16、 incidents in time and report safety accidents according to law.航空运输企业及其他驻场单位应 当按照各自的职责,共同保障运 输机场的安全运营并承担相应的 责任;发生影响运输机场安全运 营情况的,应当立即报告机场管 理机构。Air transport enterprises and other entities stationed in airports shall, according to their respective functions and duties, make joint efforts in protectin

17、g the safety operation of transport airports and undertake corresponding responsibilities. Where there are any circumstances which disrupt the safety operation of any transport airport, they shall immediately report to the airport management body.12Article 29 The airport management bodies, air trans

18、port enterprises and other entities stationed in airports shall provide necessary safety operation trainings for employees on a regular basis so as to make sure that they have the relevant knowledge and skills.第二十九条机场管理机 构、航空运输企业以及其他驻场 单位应当定期对从业人员进行必 要的安全运营培训,保证从业人 员具备相关的知识和技能。Article 30 The special

19、-purpose equipment of civil airports shall meet the state standards and technical norms, and may not be used in civil airports until it passes the inspection of an institution recognized by the civil aviation department under the State Council.第三十条民用机场专用设 备应当符合国家规定的标准和相 关技术规范,并经国务院民用航 空主管部门认定的机构检验合格

20、 后,方可用于民用机场。The civil aviation authorities shall strengthen the supervision and inspection of the specialpurpose equipment of civil airports.民用航空管理部门应当加强对民 用机场专用设备的监督检查。The catalogue of special-purpose equipment of civil airports shall be made and published by the civil aviation department under the

21、 State Council.民用机场专用设备目录由国务院 民用航空主管部门制定并公布。Article 31 When a transport airport is open for use, construction work is prohibited in the fly zone or any terminal area adjacent to the fly zone of the airport. Where it is really necessary to do so, it is required to get the approval of the regional civ

22、il aviation authority at the place where the transport airport is located.第三十一条 在运输机场开 放使用的情况下,不得在飞行区 及与飞行区临近的航站区内进行 施工。确需施工的,应当取得运 输机场所在地地区民用航空管理 机构的批准。13Article 32 Where any emergency occurs to a transport airport, the local peoples government at the place where the transport airport is located, c

23、ivil aviation authority, air traffic control department and airport management body shall immediately take measures to make effective rescue according to the requirements of the emergency plan.第三十二条 发生突发事 件,运输机场所落地有关地方人 民政府、民用航空管理部门、空 中交通管理部门、机场管理机构 等单位应当按照应急预案的要求 及时、有效地开展应急救援Article 33 The airport

24、management bodies shall be responsible for coordinating and managing the operation of transport airports in a unified way, maintain their normal order and provide fair, equitable and convenient services for air transport enterprises, other entities stationed in airports, passengers and consignors.第三

25、十三条机场管理机构 统一协调、管理运输机场的生产 运营,维护运输机场的正常秩 序,为航空运输企业及其他驻场 单位、旅客和货主提供公平、公 正、便捷的服务。The airport management bodies shall conclude written agreements with air transport enterprises and other entities stationed in airports so as to clarify the rights and obligations of all parties in terms of the operation an

26、d management of airports as well as delay of scheduled flights.机场管理机构与航空运输企业及 其他驻场单位应当签订书面协 议,明确各方在生产运营、机场 管理过程中以及发生航班延误等 情况时的权利和义务。Article 34 The airport management bodies shall organize air transport enterprises and other entities stationed in airports to work out the service norms and make them p

27、ublic.第三十四条机场管理机构 应当组织航空运输企业及其他驻 场单位制定服务规范并向社会公 布。Article 35 The airport management bodies shall第三十五条机场管理机构14have waiting, catering, parking and first-aid establishments and facilities and provide corresponding services according to the relevant state standards.应当按照国家规定的标准配备候 机、餐饮、停车、医疗急救等设 施、设备,并提供

28、相应的服务。Article 36 The airport management bodies shall set up an information sharing mechanism with air transport enterprises and the air traffic control departments so as to provide necessary operation information for each other and accurate information for passengers and consignors.第三十六条 机场管理机构 应当与航

29、空运输企业、空中交通 管理部门等单位建立信息共享机 制,相互提供必要的生产运营信 息,及时为旅客和货主提供准确 的信息。Article 37 The airport management bodies, air transport enterprises and other entities stationed in airports shall take effective measures to strengthen coordination and cooperation so as to jointly guarantee the normal operation of schedul

30、ed flights.第三十七条机场管理机 构、航空运输企业以及其他驻场 单位应当采取有效措施加强协调 和配合,共同保证航班正常运 行。Where any scheduled flight is delayed, the airport management body shall coordinate with the air transport enterprises and other entities stationed in the airport to jointly provide good services for passengers and consignors and ti

31、mely notify the relevant information. Air transport enterprises and their agents shall provide corresponding services for passengers and consignors according to the relevant provisions and their service commitments.航班发生延误,机场管理机构应 当及时协调航空运输企业及其他 有关驻场单位共同做好旅客和货 主服务,及时通告相关信息。航 空运输企业及其代理人应当按照 有关规定和服务承诺为

32、旅客和货 主提供相应的服务。15第三十八条机场范围内的 零售、餐饮、航空地面服务等经 营性业务采取有偿转让经营权的 方式经营的,机场管理机构应当 按照国务院民用航空主管部门的 规定与取得经营权的企业签订协 议,明确服务标准、收费水平、 安全规范和责任等事项。Article 38 Where any retail business, catering business, ground aviation service or any other profit business inside an airport is operated in the mode of paid assignment

33、of management power, the airport management body shall, according to the provisions of the civil aviation department under the State Council, conclude an agreement with each enterprise which gets the management power to clarify the service standards, charging rates, safety management rules, responsi

34、bilities and other relevant issues.对于采取有偿转让经营权的方式 经营的业务,机场管理机构及其 关联企业不得参与经营。The airport management body or any affiliated enterprises thereof may not participate in the operation of any business which is operated in the mode of paid assignment of management power.第三十九条机场管理机构 应当向民用航空管理部门报送运 输机场规划、建设和

35、生产运营的 有关资料,接受民用航空管理部 门的监督检查。Article 39 The airport management bodies shall file materials on the planning, construction and operation of transport airports with the civil aviation authorities and accept the supervision and inspection of the latter.第四十条 民用航空管理部 门和机场管理机构应当建立投诉 受理制度,公布投诉受理单位和 投诉方式。对于旅客

36、和货主的投 诉,民用航空管理部门或者机场 管理机构应当自受理之日起10 个工作日内作出书面答复。Article 40 The civil aviation authorities and airport management bodies shall set up a complaint acceptance system and publish the entities responsible for accepting complaints and the ways for making complaints. For a complaint made by a passenger or

37、consignor, the civil aviation authority or the airport management body shall give a written reply within 10 workdays after accepting it.16第四十一条在民用机场内 从事航空燃油供应业务的企业, 应当具备下列条件:第四十一条在民用机场内 从事航空燃油供应业务的企业, 应当具备下列条件:Article 41 An enterprise which supplies aircraft fuel for civil airports shall meet the fo

38、llowing requirements:(一)取得成品油经营许可和危 险化学品经营许可;1. having the license for trading product oil and the license for trading hazardous chemicals;(二)有符合国家有关标准、与 经营业务规模相适应的航空燃油 供应设施、设备;(二)有符合国家有关标准、与 经营业务规模相适应的航空燃油 供应设施、设备;2. having the aircraft fuel supply facilities and devices which meet the relevant sta

39、te standards and the business scale of the enterprise;(三)有健全的航空燃油供应安 全管理制度、油品检测和监控体 系;(三)有健全的航空燃油供应安 全管理制度、油品检测和监控体 系;3. having good aircraft fuel supply safety management rules and an effective oil product testing and monitoring system; and(四)有满足业务经营需要的专 业技术和管理人员。(四)有满足业务经营需要的专 业技术和管理人员。第四十二条申请在民用机

40、 场内从事航空燃油供应业务的企 业,应当向民用机场所在地地区 民用航空管理机构提出申请,并 附送符合本条例第四十一条规定 条件的相关材料。4. having the professional technologies and management personnel required by its business operations.Article 42 An enterprise which applies for supplying aircraft fuel for a civil airport shall file an application with the regional

41、 civil aviation authority at the place where the civil airport is located, attached with the relevant materials which meet the requirements prescribed in Article 41 of this Regulation.地区民用航空管理机构应当自受 理申请之日起30个工作日内, 作出准予许可或者不予许可的决 定。准予许可的,颁发民用机场The regional civil aviation authority shall, within 30 wo

42、rkdays after accepting the application, make a decision of approval or disapproval. In the case of approval, it shall issue the applicant a safety operation permit for supplying aircraft fuel17for civil airports; in the case of disapproval, it shall notify the applicant in writing and give reasons.航

43、空燃油供应安全运营许可证; 不予许可的,应当书面通知申请 人并说明理由。Article 43 Aircraft fuel suppliers shall supply aircraft fuel which meets the airworthiness standards for aircraft fuel.第四十三条航空燃油供应 企业供应的航空燃油应当符合航 空燃油适航标准。Article 44 The aircraft fuel supply facilities of civil airports shall be made equally available to all aircr

44、aft fuel suppliers.第四十四条民用机场航空 燃油供应设施应当公平地提供给 航空燃油供应企业使用。Article 45 Where an enterprise supplying aircraft fuel to a transport airport stops operating the business, it shall notify the regional civil aviation authority at the place where the transport airport is located, the airport management body

45、and the relevant air transport enterprises at least 90 days beforehand.第四十五条运输机场航空 燃油供应企业停止运输机场航空 燃油供应业务的,应当提前90 日告知运输机场所在地地区民用 航空管理机构、机场管理机构和 相关航空运输企业。Chapter IV Protection of Safe Environment in Civil Airports第四章 民用机场安全环境保护Article 46 The regional civil aviation authority第四十六条民用机场所在18where a civil

46、airport is located and the local peoples government shall delimit the obstacle clearance protection zone of the airport according to the relevant state provisions and announce it to the public.地地区民用航空管理机构和有关 地方人民政府,应当按照国家有 关规定划定民用机场净空保护区 域,并向社会公布。Article 47 Where a local peoples government at or abo

47、ve the county level examines a construction project within the obstacle clearance protection zone of a civil airport, it shall solicit the opinion of the regional civil aviation authority where the civil airport is located in writing.第四十七条县级以上地方 人民政府审批民用机场净空保护 区域内的建设项目,应当书面征 求民用机场所在地地区民用航空 管理机构的意见。Article 48 To build a power transmission tower of 220,000 voltage or more within the obstacle clearance protection zone of a civil airport, it is required to set aero obstruction light


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