1、毛 额 市 鹤 鹑 阳 光 实 验 学 校 高 考 英 语 第 二 轮 复 习 综 合 练 习 十 一、阅 读 理 解 AWith the start of the new semester students around the countryexchange their fun and fashionable clothes for boring school uniforms.“The uniform makes us look like a bunch of clones,especially whenwe are doing morning exercises in the play
2、ground,“said Qing,a Senior2 from a high school in Shanghai.But we are not exactly the same fromthe top to the bottom.The boys wear different sport shoes and girls havedifferent decorations in their hair.These are the areas where you canexpress yourself said Qing.Although it might be strange for boys
3、 to talk about fashion,theydo care about what they wear in school,especially shoes,according toQing.“Nike and Adidas basketball shoes,although they are still the mustfor many of my friends,are becoming out-of-date,v added.He explained,“Since Liu Xiang ran so fast in Athens,running shoes are becoming
4、 popularin this autumn.“Still in fashion are the various baseball caps and American-styleaccuracy of the written message isnt important.Often,the s aremisspelled.Sometimes they do not even make sense“Qing said witha smi le.Besides sports shoes and T-shirts,styles and colors of school bagsare another
5、 opportunity for students to express their taste in fashion.Some bags are made more eye-catching by decorating them with smallhanging dolls.Other fashionable items are the colorful drink containswhich are now popular among girls this semester.As in China,the new semester in the US also brings new fa
6、shion trends:shirts printed with Chinese s,necklaces with Hebrew(希 伯 莱)orHindi characters,and Brazilian jewelry,are all common in schools inFlorida,according to Carmen Domingues,a high school student.56.What does a bunch of clones”(Paragraph 2)mean?A.All of the clothes are the same.B.All of the exer
7、cises arethe same.C.All of the clothes are different.D.All of the exercises aredifferent.57.How do the students express themselves in school?A.The girls wear different sport shoes.B.All the students wear school uni forms.T-shirts with random English s printed on them,“said Qing.The C.The girls have
8、different decorations in their hair.D.The boys drink water from colorful drinks containers.58.Why are Nike and Adidas basketbal1 shoes becoming out-of-date?A.Because the shoes are not eye-catching.B.Because running shoes become more popular.C.Because the shoes have been popular for a long time.D.Bec
9、ause they have changed their opinions for Liu Xiang.59.Which of the following is NOT the new fashion trends in the US?A.Necklace with Hebrew or Hindi characters.B.Baseball caps and American-style T-shirts.C.Shirts printed with Chinese s.D.Brazilian jewelry.Binformation.Since the people can not learn
10、 through legal channels allthat they are anxious to learn,they pick up news wherever they canand when this happens,rumor grows.Rumors are often repeated even by those who do not believe the tales.There is an interest about them.The reason is that the cleverly designedrumor gives expression to someth
11、ing deep in the hearts of the victims the fears,doubts,forbidden hopes,or daydreams which they hesitateto voice directly.Pessimistic rumors about defeat and disasters showthat the people who repeat them are worried and anxious.Optimisticrumors about record production or peace soon coming point to se
12、lf-satisfaction or confidence-and often to over-confidence.60.The author suggests that,in times of confusion,man oftenRumor is the most primitive way of spreading stories by passingthem on from mouth to mouth,but civilized countries in normaltimes have better sources of news than rumor.They have rad
13、io,television,and newspapers.In times of confusion,however,rumorappears and becomes widespread.At such times the different kinds of newsare in competition:the press,television,and radio against thegrapevine.Especially do rumors spread when war requires control on manyA.stops regular news services B.
14、turns to primitive waysfor supportC.distrusts his fellow man D.loses complete controlof himself61.The underlined grapevine“in Paragraph 1 probably meansA.rumor B.newspaper C.information D.timeimportant matters.The normal news sources no longer give out enough 62.The author states that during wartime
15、 the regular sources of newsprovide only.A.false information B.optimistic reportsC.limited information D.pessimistic reports63.Which of the following statements is mentioned as a reason forpeople to repeat a rumor?A.They are too willing to believe.B.They take an interest in rumor.C.They have a stron
16、g desire to make a fool of other people.D.They find some rumors reflect their own unexpressed beliefs.CJenny Bowen,an American living in Beijing,has been selected as theonly American to carry the 2008 Beijing Olympic torch on Chinese soil.Sheand seven other non-Chinese winners were chosen from a poo
17、l of 262applicants from 47 countries in a contest organized by Chinese computermaker Lenovo Group and the official English-language newspaper,ChinaDaily.When Bowen runs with the Olympic torch,she will not only berepresenting the United States,but also be representing thousands ofChinese orphans.Bowe
18、n,a mother of two adopted Chinese daughters,is the executivein 1998 and aims to enrich the lives and improve the prospects fororphaned children in China.In nearly 10 years,Bowen and Half the Skyhave touched the lives of over 13,000 chi Idren.Half the Sky is now presentin 36 welfare institutions in 2
19、8 Chinese cities.About 4,000 chiIdrenare active in the program,which provides trained staff,educationaltools,medical support and nurturing love for orphans.Bowen hopes that running with the Olympic torch would help drawattention to the children in China.She will be among 19,400 runners whowill carry
20、 the flame along an 85,000-mile,130-day route across fivecontinents.Beijing organizers say it will be the longest torch relayin Olympic history.Like Bowen,the seven other non-Chinese winners,including a Germanengineer and a Venezuelan graphic designer,live in China.Othercountries represented will be
21、 the Philippines,Colombia,India,Japanand Russia.According to Olympic organizers,candidates were selected based onan online vote,committee selection,their love of Chinese culture andhistoryn and devotion to communicating information of a real Chinato their native countriesw.Each runner will carry the
22、 torch for 200meters on Chinese soi1.director of Half the Sky Foundation,an organization which was founded 64.According to the text,Jenny BowenA.is in te r e s te d in C hinese s p o rtsB.founded H alf th e Sky,an o rg a n iz a tio n which aim s to h elpC hinese orphansC.has adopted 13,000 c h ild r
23、e n d u rin g 10 y e a rsD.lo v es C hinese c u ltu r e and h is to r y65.Bowen hopes th a t b ein g a to rc h ru n n e r wou1d h elp _.A.c o l l e c t e d u c a tio n a l to o ls,m edical su p p o rt,e tc,f o r orphansB.make H alf th e Sky F oundation w ell knownC.communicate in fo rm a tio n o f A
24、mericaD.draw a tte n tio n to orphans in China66.Which o f th e fo llo w in g about th e 2008 to rc h r e la y is W R O N G?A.The c o n te s t f o r i t s ru n n e rs i s o rg a n iz e d by Lenovo Group andC hina D aily.B.I t has e ig h t fo re ig n ru n n ers,in c lu d in g an American,a Germanand
25、a V enezuelan.C.I t w ill be th e lo n g e st r e la y w ith th e most ru n n e rs in Olympich is to r y.D.I t w ill be an o p p o rtu n ity to communicate in fo rm a tio n o f a r e a lC hina to th e w orld.67.Whaty s th e b e s t t i t l e fo r th e p assag e?A.A US W O M A N TO C A RRY 2008 OLYMP
26、IC TO RCH IN CHINA.B.HAPPY LIFE OF A US W O M A N IN CHINA.C.DEVELOPM ENT OF CHINESE W ELFARE INSTITUTIONS.D.THE LONGEST TO RCH RELAY IN OLYMPIC HISTORY.DShopping f o r c lo th e s is not the same experience fo r a man as i tis f o r a woman.A man goes shopping because he needs som ething.Hispurpose
27、 is s e t t l e d and decided in advance.He knows what he wants,andh is o b je c tiv e is to fin d i t and buy i t;th e p r ic e i s a secondaryc o n s id e ra tio n.A ll men sim ply walk in to a shop and ask th e a s s i s t a n t f o rwhat th ey want.I f th e shop has i t in sto c k,th e salesm an
28、 prom ptlyproduces i t,and th e b u sin e ss o f tr y in g i t on fo llo w s a t once.A ll b eingw ell,th e deal can be and o fte n is com pleted in le s s than fiv e m inutes,w ith h a rd ly any c h a t and to everyone,s s a t i s f a c t i o n.For a man,s l i g h t problem s may b eg in when th e
29、shop d o esn t have whathe wants.In th a t case th e salesm an,as th e name im plies,t r i e s to s e llth e custom er som ething e ls e,he o f f e r s th e n e a re s t he can to th e a r t i c l ere q u ire d.No good salesm an b rin g s out such a s u b s titu te im p o lite ly;hedoes so w ith s k
30、 i l l:I know th is ja c k e t is not th e s ty le you want,s i r,but would you lik e to tr y i t f o r s iz e?I t happens to be th e c o lo r youm entioned.Few men have p a tie n c e w ith t h i s tre a tm e n t,and th e u su alresp o n se i s:T his is th e r ig h t c o lo r and may be th e r ig h
31、t s iz e,bu t Ishould be wasting my time and yours by trying it on.Now how does a woman go about buying clothes?In almost every respectshe does so in the opposite way.Her shopping is not often based on need.She has never fully made up her mind what she wants,and she is only“having a look round”.She
32、is always open to persuasion;indeed she setsgreat store by what the saleswoman tells her,even by what companionstell her.She will try on any number of things.Uppermost in her mindis the thought of finding something that everyone thinks suits her.Contrary to a lot of jokes,most women have an excellen
33、t sense of valuewhen they buy clothes.They are always on the lock-out for the unexpectedbargain.Faced with a roomful of dresses,a woman may easily spend anhour going from one rail to another,to and fro,often retracing her steps,before selecting the dresses she wants to try on.It is a laboriousproces
34、s,but apparently an enjoyable one.Most dress shops provide chairsfor the waiting husbands.68.According to the passage,when a man is buyingc l o t h e s,.A.he buys cheap things,regardless of qualityC.he does not mind how much he has to pay for the right thingsD.he buys good quality things,so long as
35、they are not too dearA.They welcome suggestions from anyone.B.Women rarely consider buying cheap clothes.C.Women often buy things without giving the matter proper thought.D.They 1isten to advice but never take it.70.Many jokes make fun of women shoppers by saying t h a t.A.they waste money on inferi
36、or goodsB.they should buy only the best clothesC.they are much more sensible than menD.they think of the price of clothes and nothing else二、任 务 型 阅 读 请 认 真 阅 读 下 列 短 文,并 根 据 所 读 内 容 在 文 章 后 表 格 中 的 空 格 里 填 入 最 恰 当 的 单 词。注 意:每 空 格 1个 单 词。Much of our good health depends on the cooperation between subs
37、tances.When they work together,chemical reactions take place smoothly.Bodysystems are kept in balance.Some of the most important helpers in thejob of good health are the substances we call vitamins.Vitamin A is needed to produce a light-sensitive substance in theeyes.People who do not get enough vit
38、amin A cannot see well in the dark.The best source of vitamin A is fish liver oil.It is also found in the69.What does the passage tell us about women shoppers for clothes?yellow part of eggs.In addition,squash,sweet potatoes,carrots andother darkly colored fruits and vegetables contain substances th
39、at thebody can change into vitamin A.Vitamin B_1 is also called thiamine.It changes starchy(含 淀 粉 的)foods into energy.It also helps the heart and nervous system worksmoothly.Without it,we would be weak and would not grow.Thiamine isfound not just in whole grains like brown rice,but also in other foo
40、ds.These include beans and peas,nuts and meat and fish.Vitamin B_12 is needed so folic acid can do its work.Together,theyhelp produce red blood cells.Without them,a person suffers from anemia(贫 血 症).Vitamin B_12 is found naturally in foods such as eggs,meat,fish and milk products.Vitamin C is necess
41、ary for strong bones and teeth,and for healthyblood vessels.It also helps wounds heal quickly.The body stores verylittle vitamin C.So we must get it every day in foods such as citrusfruits,tomatoes and uncooked cabbage.Vitamins _ OfvitaminFunctionsProblems causedby _ of it _Vitamin AHelping prevent
42、poor(4)_al nightInability to secwell at nightFish liver oil.yellow part of eggs,darkly colored fruitsand vegetablesVitamin B-l(5)_ starchy foods intoenergy;Being good for the(6)work of the heart and(7)_ healthand slow growthWhole grains,beans,peas,nuts,meat and fish参 考 答 案 与 解 析 nervous systemVitami
43、n B-l2Helping prevent a(8)_ disease calledanemiaAnemiaFoods like eggs,meat,fish and milkproducts(9)_in itVitamin CA(10)_ for strongbones and teeth and healthyblood vesselsNot mentionedCitrus fruits,tomatoes anduncookedvegetables一、阅 读 理 解 56.A.词 义 猜 测 题。根 据 短 文 第 一 段”新 学 期 开 始 了,大 家 都 换 成 校 服“这 一 意 义
44、 可 得 出 答 案.57.C.细 节 题。从 第 二 段 中 The boys wear different sport shoes andgirls have different decorations in their hair.”一 句 分 析 可 得 出 答 案.58.B.细 节 题。根 据 第 四 段 中 的 z,Since Liu Xiang ran so fast in Athens,running shoes are becoming popular in this autumn.”一 句 可 得 出 答 案.59.B.事 实 确 认 题。根 据 短 文 最 后 一 段 所
45、表 述 的 事 实 可 得 出 答 案。60.B.推 理 题。根 据 第 一 段 的 意 思:混 乱 时 谣 言 就 会 传 播 开 来,而 谣 言 是 一 种 最 原 始 的 传 播 消 息 的 方 法,由 此 推 测 出“人 们 常 常 会 求 助 于(依 靠)这 些 原 始 的 方 式”。61.A.词 义 猜 测 题。根 据 短 文 第 一 段 最 后 一 句,其 意 为、电 视、电 台 进 行 新 闻 来 反 击 谣 言。62.C.推 测 题。根 据 第 二 段 首 句 句 意,即”当 战 争 需 要 对 很 多 重 要 的 事 情 进 行 控 制 时,谣 言 更 会 传 播 开 来
46、可 推 测 出,战 时 一 般 只 提 供 有 限 的 消 息”。63.D.细 节 题。分 析 最 后 一 段 第 三 句 话 可 得 出 答 案。64.Do根 据 文 章 最 后 一 段,火 炬 手 选 拔 的 之 一 为 love of Chinese cultureand history”,由 此 可 推 断 Jenny Bowen是 热 爱 中 国 文 化 和 历 史 的;A 项 文 章 并 未 提 到;B、C 项 与 文 章 内 容 不 符。65.Do 根 据 第 三 段 Bowen hopes that running with the Olympic torchwill help
47、 draw attention to the children in China.”可 得 出 答 案。66.Co 第 三 段 提 到“it will be the longest torch relay in Olympichistory.”,但 文 章 并 未 提 到 是 runners最 多 的;根 据 u in a contest organizedby Lenovo Group and China Daily.A 的 表 述 是 正 确 的;根 据 倒 数 第 二 段,B 表 述 正 确;根 据 最 后 一 段,D 表 述 正 确。67.Ao主 旨 大 意 题。文 章 主 要 讲 的
48、 是 生 活 在 北 京 的 Bowen将 成 为 为 北 京 奥 运 会 传 递 火 炬 的 唯 一 一 位 人。68.C.短 文 介 绍,男 人 去 购 物 目 的 是 能 买 到 想 要 的 东 西,价 格 则 是 次 要 的 事 情。69.A.短 文 介 绍,女 人 买 东 西 时 往 往 看 重 价 格,选 购 某 样 东 西 时 总 是 想 听 一 听 别 人 的 建 议、忠 告 或 看 法。文 Contrary(相 反 的)to a lot of jokes,most women have an excellent sense of value when they buy clothes.可 知,女 人 购 物 时 最 看 重 价 格 而 往 往 把 商 品 的 质 量 忽 视,因 此 她 们 会 浪 费 许 多 钱 来 购 买 一 些 劣 质 的 东 西。1.Types 2.lack 3.Sources 4.eyesight 5.Changing6.smooth 7.Poor/Bad 8.blood 9.rich/abundant 10.must/necessity二、任 务 型 阅 读