1、在罗马尼亚的酒乡中徜徉传说,酒神狄厄尼索斯就降生在Thracia,即今罗马尼亚境内。葡萄在罗马尼亚的栽培已有至少4000年的历史。今天,优越的葡萄种植环境可与法国南部相媲美,自然也孕育着品质优秀的葡萄酒,并且成为世界第四大葡萄酒生 产国。让我们把目光聚焦在罗马尼亚,关注罗马尼亚的葡萄酒和葡萄酒 产业!罗马尼亚的葡萄酒产业罗马尼亚的葡萄酒生产有着悠久的传统,可以追溯到十五世纪, 有些老牌酒馆已有300年以上的历史,其优越的葡萄种植环境可与法 国南部相媲美,充足的阳光、稳定的降雨量和较高的平均气温,使罗 马尼亚的葡萄味道甜美,成为世界知名的自然甜酒产区。罗马尼亚地 处欧洲中部,气候宜人,优质的水资
2、源十分适合种植优质葡萄,是世 界最大葡萄酒生产国之一。从2006年最新资料显示:罗马尼亚的葡 萄酒生产居世界第四位,出口居世界第十位。罗马尼亚葡萄酒可以和法国葡萄酒媲美,因为它的成熟化过程采 用一种白色的橡木,而这种橡木只在地球纬度45度的地方生长,法 国和罗马尼亚正好处于这一纬度。罗马尼亚还有一套比较老的法律, 规定不允许勾兑葡萄酒,这也让罗马尼亚葡萄酒变得特别纯正。而且,罗马尼亚最古老、最有名的葡萄园就是科特纳里葡萄园,该葡萄 园位于雅西县的西北部,在善良的阿里克桑德鲁大公在位期间就有其 记载,同时,在摩尔多瓦记述一书中,迪弥特里坎特米尔对其 进行称赞。这是罗马尼亚少有的葡萄园之一,在这里
3、保留了科特纳里 的格拉瑟、白色菲特亚斯卡以及特枚约瑟的从未破坏的传统。著名的 葡萄种植专家科特亚说过,科特纳里的葡萄酒总会为品尝过它的人带 来不同的感受。罗马尼亚葡萄酒酿造专家的宝库在科特纳里的格拉瑟, 在那里,在深秋季节才开始采摘葡萄,由此,葡萄能够含有更多的糖。 葡萄酒的香味可以使我们回想起干杏的味道。除了葡萄酒之外,旅游 者还可以在科特纳里进行参观。这里的地窖可以追溯到斯特梵大公期 间,在地窖中有6百万升葡萄酒,分装在橡树制成的木桶中,进行葡 萄酒调制的容量为1600万升,收藏葡萄酒样品为80万瓶。往南走就是弗朗恰地区,这里的葡萄园分布在卡尔巴仟山的弯弧 处,这里也是旅游者的一个独特的游
4、览之地,正如维里塔斯潘丘公 司总经理阿得力安托马所说:“在我们这里可以接待游客,我们可 以为他们提供潘丘葡萄园产的各类葡萄酒,可以观赏葡萄园美丽的景 致,还可以参观进口的罗马尼亚的83种葡萄。我认为,这里拥有罗 马尼亚最多种类的葡萄。还可以参观葡萄酿造、各个阶段的技术、斯 特梵大公的地窖,在这个地窖中根据酿造香槟酒的方法生产起泡葡萄 酒。这个地窖可以追溯到1494年,地窖的长度为3公里,在地下; 同时还有一部分较现代化的建筑,于1983年完工,可以提供独特的 潘丘泡沫济葡萄酒。在这里还有潘丘香槟酒博物馆,在这里可以品尝 葡萄酒。我们还可以提供传统的摩尔多瓦餐饮,我们饭店的接待能力 为100人。
5、游客还可以参观布勒兹修道院,这个修道院可以追溯到 1460年,弗朗恰县主保圣人特奥多塞二世的圣t蜀于4年前安置于此。 除了饭店之外,我们正在修建一个小型的宾馆,拥有12个房间,4 套公寓,还有一个总面积为11公顷的乡村客栈即将竣工。游客可以 在这里品尝葡萄酒、吃传统的天然饮食,我们还有一个小型鱼塘、野 生动物、网球场和运动中心。因此,对那些来这里游玩2 3天的人 来说我们拥有各种条件。”多瑙河和黑海地区因为拥有连绵不断的丘陵和平地,这里享有充 足的日照,因此是种植葡萄的理想之地。多布罗加地区有众多当时人 们从事葡萄园和葡萄酒生产的用具,如达契亚人的酒罐、公元前4 3世纪希腊人的双耳尖底瓮、罗马
6、尼亚人的器皿和碗、浅浮雕和货币 等。由于多布罗加地区干燥的气候,以及充足的日照使得这里的葡萄 长势良好,正如穆尔法特拉尔Murfatlar葡萄园市场部总经理丹多 穆纳鲁对我们所说:“从葡萄园的最高处可以观赏到优美的景致,这 是穆尔法特拉尔旅游的主要王牌之一。除了优美的景致之外,还可以 在葡萄园进行游览,包括参观葡萄园和葡萄酒博物馆,以及品尝葡萄 酒。从古代时候起,多布罗加就应种植葡萄而闻名。当时葡萄酒是已 经成为当地人和希腊殖民者进行贸易交换的主要产品。在葡萄园和葡 萄酒博物馆中可以发现有关这样的陈列品,记载了在多布罗加地区参 与葡萄种植的历史长达2500年。在这里还陈列了一些经考古发掘的 具
7、有重要价值的文物,其中有商人们用于运输和储藏葡萄酒用的双耳 尖底瓮以及中世纪的木制榨机。同时,旅游者还可以参观穆尔法特拉 尔葡萄酒在国内外比赛中获得的各种奖章。还可以在储藏葡萄酒的大 厅进行参观。我们提供的饮食包括传统的食品,有羊肉风干肠、烤肉 卷等。”The Romanian vineyards in AutumnAutumn is synonymous with harvest time in all wine growing areas across Romania. The time is ripe for farmers to pick up grapes, under the au
8、tumnal sun, from their vineyards, stretching all the way from hills and sunny slopes to valleys.Wine growing dates back to times immemorial. Many biblical texts, for instance, make reference to wine, describing it as a liquor for both saints and humans. Fortunately Fortunately, Romania boasts a rich
9、 soil, ideal to grow sweet, dry, semidry wines, both white and red, which can easily compete with the most appreciated international wines.One of the oldest and most renowned vineyards in Romania is Cotnari, north-west of Iasi county. It had been attested in documents even before the rule of Alexand
10、er the Kind (1400-1432) and was very much appreciated by ruler and writer Dimitrie Cantemir, in his book aDescriptio Moldaviae (A Description of Moldavia). Cotnari is one of the few vineyards in Romania that has preserved unaltered its traditional types of wine:“Grasa de Cotnari” , aFetesca Alba” an
11、d Tamaioasa Romaneascan . An oenologist of high repute, V. D. Cotea says the wines produced in Cotnari have always had a certain aromatic of apricot, leaving a strong impression on all those who have ever tasted them.The leading wine brand in Romania is “Grasa de Cotnari”, which is made of grapes, r
12、ich in sugar, harvested in late autumn. It has been described as having the bitterish taste of a nutshell and a strong apricot-like flavour, with touches of sweet almonds. Apart from tasting wines, visitors can take a tour of the tourist attractions in Cotnari, such as the cellars dating back to the
13、 time of Stephen the Great (1457-1504), where over 6 million litres of wine are being aged in oak barrels. The wine-making plant has a production capacity of 16 million litres of wine and also boasts a wine library (vinoteque) of more than 800 thousand bottles.Southward, near Vrancea county, at the
14、curvature of the Southern Carpathians, one can visit another tourist attraction, as Mr Adrian Tome, director of the “Veritas Panciu” company has told us, We, the Veritas Panciu company, we are happy to welcome tourists, who can enjoy a breathtakingly beautiful bird s eye view of the Panciu vineyard,
15、 and can also visit an exhibition, a sort of collection numbering more than 83 grape varieties, both Romanian and foreign. In my opinion, this is the largest collection of its kind in Romania. Tourists can also visit the Wine Making Plant, to become familiar with all technological stages of wine mak
16、ing, or the cellars of Stephen the Great, where we produce sparkling dry white wine, after the method used in Champagne, France. The cellars date back to 1494, are more than 3 km long, and together with a modern, newer wing, offer special conditions to produce this sparking wine of Panciu. We also b
17、oast a Museum of “Panciu” Champagne, where wine tasting sessions are being organised. Our restaurant, with a capacity of 100 seats, offers traditional, local dishes. Tourists can also visit the Brazi monastery, dating back to 1460, where the relics of St. Teodosie the 2nd, the patron saint of Vrance
18、a county, were brought 4 years ago. A 12 r oom and 4 suite mini-hotel is under construction near the restaurant. Building works on a guest house, with a garden covering an area of 11 hectares, will soon be completed. Here, visitors can taste wines in an elegant vinoteque as well as ecological food,
19、cooked right before their eyes. We also have a small fish-pond, wild animals, a tennis court and a sports base. So, we have many offers for those who want to spend 2-3 days in our vineyard.”今年春季阿尔巴县理事会同罗马尼亚最重要的葡萄酒生产商基 得维公司一同发起了一个项目,用以推广该县的旅游资源以及提尔纳 维葡萄园的旅游。从西山脚下出发一直到提尔纳维高原地带的中心是 “葡萄酒之国”,这里是最重要的葡萄酒生产
20、地带之一,将成为参观 葡萄园的游客的独特的旅游地。每年的9月份在这里举行“金色葡萄 节”,已经有几年的时间,这是一个同葡萄园和葡萄酒相关的节日, 正如阿尔巴县理事会副主席弗罗林摩尔金内岩对我们所说:“在今 年这届葡萄酒节上,我们有幸请到了来自法国的欧洲葡萄园地区协会 副秘书长多米尼克让宁先生、南部跨多瑙河地区发展协会的代表马 特彼德先生以及匈牙利塞克斯亚德葡萄酒之路协会一主席、葡 萄酒酿造专家安格勒金加女士。来自特兰西瓦尼亚和基德维的葡萄 酒,由于那里的土壤气候条件,使得那里的葡萄酒具有特殊品味。我 们拥有强劲的葡萄酒,具有一定的酸度,而且具有甜美的味道。”A realm of legend,
21、 stretching from the Danube to the Black Sea, a succession of hills and plains, bathed in warm light all day long, Dobrogea offers ideal conditions for vine-growing. In Dobrogea, archaeologists have unearthed many vestiges and artefacts, testimonies of a population that praised the vine and wine: Da
22、cian vases, Hellenistic amphorae dating back to the 4th -3rd centuries BC, Roman bowls and mugs, bas-reliefs and coins. In Dobrogea s dry climate, vines grow very well near bodies of water, where the air is more humid, says Dan Domnaru, marketing director at the Murfatlar vineyard. zzThe beauty of t
23、he landscape which can be admired from the highest point of the vineyard is one of the main tourists attractions in Murfatlar. Apart from the landscape, a tour of the vineyard would be incomplete without a visit to the Vine and Wine Museum or to the Wine Tasting Hall. As early as the Antiquity, Dobr
24、ogea was already known as a wine-growing area. The wine made in Dobrogea was-at the time- the main merchandise , traded by the locals with the inhabitants of the Greek settlements on the Black Sea Coast. Proof of this is the collection of exhibits included on the heritage list of the Vine and Wine M
25、useum, which attests that wine has been grown on the territory of today s Dobrogea for more than 2,500 years. Valuable exhibits brought to light by archaeologists are put on display: from Antique amphorae in which merchants used to carry wine up to wooden presses used in the Middle Ages. Tourists ca
26、n also visit an exhibition of more than 130 medals that have been awarded to Murfatlar in national and international competitions. Visitors can also take a tour of the production halls and cellars, which are equipped with state of the art equipment used for producing and processing wine. The local c
27、uisine includes “ghiudem” ( a sort of dry mutton sausages), rolls made of whether meat or of pike-perch, minced meat rolled in vine leaves, roast sirloin and cheese pie, sweet cheese pancakes with cream cheese. International dishes are also served. ”Last spring, the Alba County Council together with
28、 one of the largest wine producers in Romania-the Jidvei company -initiated a project meant to promote the county and one of the best known vineyards in the country: Tirnave. Stretching from the foot of the Apuseni Mountains to the Tirnave Plateau, the Tirnave is also dubbed the “Wine County” the ar
29、ea is a chain of small vineyards, an important point on the Wine Tourist Route. Every September, it is here that the “Golden GrapeFestival is held. But further details on the festival from the vice-president of Alba County Council, Florin Marginean. Z/At this edition of the festival we ve had such h
30、onorary guests as Mr. Dominique Janin, Deputy Secretary General of the French Association of European Wine-Growing Regions, Mr. Mathe Peter, representative of the South-Trans-Danubian Regional Development Agency and Mrs Angler Kinga, oenologist and president o the “Wine Route” Association in Szeksya
31、rd, Hungary. Together with our guests we have officially opened the Wine Route. The wines made in Transylvania and Jidvei have some particularities, given the special soil and climate conditions.We produce strong, robust wines, with a high level of acidity, with strong, persistent flavours, because
32、summers are milder, and autumns last longer in that part of the country. All these enhance the quality of grapes, and implicitly of wines, which are exceptional. ”酒尚采访罗马尼亚公使衔参赞奥古斯丁约希沸斯库酒尚:很多人都不太了解罗马尼亚葡萄酒,这是源于何因?参赞:罗马尼亚传统技术生产的葡萄酒,质量非常好,一些古老 的欧洲葡萄酒品种,现在只有在罗马尼亚才能找得到。罗马尼亚葡萄 酒重返西欧市场的时间比较晚,90年代末才开始进入,在市面上
33、刚 刚找到了自己的地位,这也可能是在中国市场不多见的原因。Vino Vogue: Many people are not very familiar with Romanian wine. Do you know why?Counsellor: The traditional wine produced in Romania is of good quality. And right now some classic European wine grapes can only be found in Romania. It was in the late 1990s that Romanian
34、 wine returned to markets in West Europe. Romanian wine has just established it position in market shares. Maybe that is why it is rare to see Romanian wine in China s market.酒尚:您如何评价罗马尼亚和中国之间经贸往来的现状?参赞:我们对去年中罗两国的贸易状况做了一下总结。两国间的 贸易较之前年有比较大的增长,增长率约为30%,但两国间的贸易发 展并不平衡,贸易逆差很大。所以我们商务处的主要任务就是在发展 贸易的同时保持平
35、衡,我们的主要目标是促进更多罗马尼亚公司的产 品进入中国市场。目前,我们的主要目标是发展机床、化工品和以葡萄酒为主的新 型酒业。从去年开始,我们已经举办了一些小型专业活动,来推介罗 马尼亚的葡萄酒。但遗憾的是,罗马尼亚的葡萄酒在中国市场不是很 普遍,只偶尔有中国公司进口一些罗马尼亚的葡萄酒,不像法国、西 班牙或澳大利亚的葡萄酒在中国有着广泛的市场。所以,今年的主要 任务就是在使馆和其他地方举行一些活动,推广罗马尼亚的葡萄酒文 化。Vino Vogue:What do you think of the current situation of the commercial cooperation
36、 between China and Romania?Counsellor: We made a survey of last year? s trade situation between China and Romania. Compared with the year before last, the trade increased rapidly with a ratio by about 30 percent. However, it is not well-balanced between the two countries with great trade deficit fro
37、m Romania to China. Therefore, the main task of our commercial sector is to keep balance in trade development, and our major objective is to promote the entry of more products of Romanian companies intoChina s market. 罗马尼亚所采用的生物化成熟过程,能使葡萄酒在三十天内高低温的 条件下稳定下来,不加药,没有化学元素,保留了葡萄酒的纯正口味。 罗马尼亚的气候和土壤特别适宜生产不同品
38、种的葡萄酒,这其中就包 括:Cotnari DealuMare HalewoodPrahovaValley Jidvei 和 Odobesti 等。罗马尼亚主要的葡萄酒产区生态气候决定了罗马尼亚与其他国家的重要的不同之处,这种特 殊的气候条件使同样一种葡萄具有特殊的生长和成熟期,海拔、位置、坡度以及含水盆地也导致了部分的不同。 这样一来,这些历史上交错形成的区域所具有的生态气候条件、种植 种类、技术水平、生产能力和产品的品质特征等各种因素就形成了不 同的葡萄生长区。对于每一个葡萄酒生长区域的一般特征来说,由于不同的生态气 候条件所导致的差异,从而诞生了许多葡萄园(罗马尼亚 “Podgorie”
39、)和葡萄种植兼葡萄酿酒业中心(罗马尼亚中心 “Viticole”)一共有6个主要葡萄种植兼葡萄酿酒业地区,37个 葡萄园,和123个葡萄种植酿酒中心。The Wine Industry of RomaniaRomania has a long tradition of wine production, which can be dated back to the 15th century. Some old restaurants have a history of over 300 years. The excellent environment here for planting grap
40、es can match with that of South France. The grapesAt present, our main aim is to develop machine tools, chemical products and new-style alcohol industry, especially the wine industry. Since last year, we have held some small-scale professional activities to introduce and promote Romanian wine. But i
41、t is a pity that Romanian wine is not yet widely accepted in China and it is only on rare occasions that a small number of Chinese companies import Romanian wine. The case of Romanian wine is very different from that of French, Spanish or Australian wine, which takes up a great share in China s mark
42、et. Thus this year s major task is supposed to hold some activities in our embassy and other places to promote the transmission of our wine culture.酒尚:您认为罗马尼亚葡萄酒的哪些特点会吸引到中国消费者?参赞:作为罗马尼亚葡萄酒相比其他国家的葡萄酒,第一,价格 便宜。第二,罗马尼亚葡萄酒都是纯正的葡萄酒。第三,罗马尼亚葡 萄酒的特点是按地区分类。罗马尼亚有海,有丘陵和平原,生产的葡 萄酒也因为地区不同会有不同的特征,可以满足很多人的口感喜好。 第四
43、,罗马尼亚葡萄酒品种较多,有干的、半干的、甜的、红色的和 白色的。而且,我想罗马尼亚传统的葡萄酒酿造工艺一定会受到中国 消费者的喜爱。Vino Vogue:What features do you think Romanian wine has toattract Chinese consumers?Counsellor: Compared with wines produced in othercountries. Romanian wine has the following advantages: Firstly, its low price; secondly, its purity;
44、 thirdly, classification of its characteristic in terms of regions. There are seas, hills and plains in Romania, and wines produced in different regions have different features; fourthly, its good variety, such as dry wine, semi-dry wine, sweet wine, red wine and white wine. Moreover, I believe that
45、 Romanian winemaking technology will be surely popular among Chinese consumers.酒尚:请您谈谈罗马尼亚在吸引外资方面有哪些优势?特别是 2007年罗马尼亚加入欧盟后会给投资合作带来怎样的影响?参赞:罗马尼亚正在积极加入欧盟,在吸引外资方面提供了很多 优惠条件.这是一个很好的机会,中国公司可以多去罗马尼亚投资, 可以买罗马尼亚工厂和公司的部分股份,参加罗马尼亚私有化过程。 希望有更多的中国公司去罗马尼亚投资。加入欧盟后,罗马尼亚公司 包括合资公司都属于欧盟的公司,不缴税,还可以享有很多优惠条件, 这是中国公司去罗马尼亚
46、投资的最大利处。农业方面,我们也希望与中国有新的合作机会。加入欧盟后,罗 马尼亚的耕地面积在欧盟所有国家排第三位,第一是法国,第二是波 兰。我们已经和中国农业部探讨,在罗马尼亚种一些中国水稻来发展 中国的技术。另外,在种植大豆方面,罗马尼亚也同中国有着很好的 合作机会。罗马尼亚的地适合种大豆,罗马尼亚以前豆制品不多,种 大豆主要是饲料用,但现在也开始进口豆制品,作为食品来使用了, 罗马尼亚的土地很肥沃,农业方面会有很大的发展前景。Vino Vogue:Could you please say something about Romanian advantages in attracting f
47、oreign capitals? Especially what effects will be brought about on investment and cooperation with Romania s entry into European Union in 2007?Counsellor:Romania is actively making preparations for its entry into the European Union, which will create a favorable environment for foreign capitals inves
48、tment. It is a very good opportunity. Chinese enterprises can go to Romania to invest capitals, purchase the stock of some Romanian factories and companies, and engage in Romania? s privatization. We hope more Chinese enterprises will invest in Romania. After the entry into the European Union, all R
49、omanian enterprises including joint ventures will belong to the companies of European Union. They may enjoy many favorable conditions and don t need to pay taxes. This is the most favorable advantage for Chinese enterprises to invest in Romania.In agriculture, we also hope to have new cooperation with China. After joining the European Union, the plantation area of Romania will be the third largest in the Union, with France at the top-list and Poland a