1、幼儿I计划Theme: Ready for school: Our Amazing BodiesClass: Mickey Class Date:20-24 June 2022 Week:19DayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayMorning- Practice Graduation show- Practice Graduation PoemSensory exploration:- Explore sounds, sights, smells, textures and tastes.- Complete a questionnaire (find
2、 things in the classroom or outside that are)Drawpictures- Present findings to the rest of the classHealthy Skeleton:- Bones- How to get healthy bones- Make an artwork of the skeletonClass Farewell PartyGamesDance Party美术活动:身体里的管子社会活动:不怕冷数学活动:圆柱体语言活动:我们的身体Afternoon- Practice Graduation show-Practice
3、 Graduation PoemWelcome and introduction Watch a video about Primary school Review and discuss the videoWelcome and introduction Where will we go during the holiday? What will we do at this place?Welcome and introduction Learn how to make modes of travel out of paper.Corner Games1 .美工区:提供画纸、彩笔等,可让幼儿
4、尝试画人体部位;提供棉签、白乳胶、黑色卡纸,幼儿 自由拼搭人体构造;提供服饰形状图、羽毛、吸管等,幼儿可进行装饰画;2、数学区:提供水和不同形状和大小的容器,可让幼儿探索容积守恒;提供圆柱体和圆形等物体 和图片,让幼儿感知圆柱体的特征并进行分类;提供身体部位图、数字、记录表,幼儿可进行数 物对应;提供服饰卡片、钱币、价目表等,幼儿可两两进行20以内买卖游戏;3 .科学区:提供身体各器官,可让幼儿自由探索;提供乒乓球、磁铁、水,幼儿探索水上莲花; 提供乒乓球、冰棍棒、磁铁等,幼儿探索如何能使磁铁两端保持平衡;提供提示卡、磁铁、记录 表,幼儿探索磁悬浮的奥秘;提供磁铁、迷宫图、记录表等,幼儿可探索
5、磁铁走迷宫的奥秘;4 .语言区:提供指偶、手偶,幼儿可两两进行身体部位的描述对话;提供身体操作书,幼儿两两 边操作边对话;提供提示卡、幼儿两两进行洗衣服的对话步骤;提供故事情节图、部分内容的线 索,幼儿可猜想、续编、创编故事;5:建构区:提供块状硬纸板,幼儿可自行运用插接、排列、旋转等技能进行教学楼的搭建;提供 茶叶罐,幼儿可自由运用架空、组合、对称、按规律排序等技能进行拼搭小学的大门。Outdoor Activity1、体育游戏:勇往直笛、人墙、跳大绳、投彩球、争分夺秒等2、自选材料:大龟背、飞盘、轮胎、地垫、篮球。3、早操活动:在体能环节能加快游戏的速度,不拖拉。Habit Formati
6、onStudents must perform their words and actions for the show and the poem. They will review the different factions and senses of body parts, and learn about our skeletons.Home ConnectionTalk to students about Graduation day, and help to prepare them for the separation from their friends and teachers