1、幼儿园周计划Theme: Ready for school: At schoolClass: Mickey Class Date: 21- 25 February 2022 Week:2DayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayMorningReview classroom vocabulary-Sentence: Where is the? Its overthere/ prepositions of place.Math class:-Count to 70, Fill in the missing numbers (1 will count and s
2、kip some numbers.Students have to listen, and pick up which numbers 1 skipped)PE class:- Activities forFirst Graders- Elastic jump-Ball skills- Make Sock Puppets and let it dry- Learn the dialog (about going to Primary school) for the role play activity.Practice with a friend Afternoon: Perform the
3、role play for the classScience class: Toilet paper, cups and food coloring-Fill out a formSocial studies:-Talk about being grateful-Look at photos of schools from around the world-Reflect and talk about thing to be grateful for in our school-Make thank you- book”社会活动:认识文具和学具音乐活动:郊游(歌曲)语言活动:铅笔盒上的秘密健康
4、活动:文具安全数学活动:感知过去、现在和将来AfternoonWelcome and introduction. Speak about our weekends Review previous unit words and sentence Introduce unit 11Welcome and introduction.Unit 11 gr, pr Words: grandfathec grass, prince, prize Sentences: My prince grandfather won a prize for cutting his grass.Welcome and in
5、troduction.Unit 11Find the letters and sounds Write the wordsWelcome and introduction. Write and the sounds and words.Make new sentences with our new words.Welcome and introduction. Complete worksheets of this weeks phonics work.Review the work of the week.CornerGames1 .美工区:新增卡纸、牙膏盒等、可让幼儿受试制作铝邕盒;提供彩
6、泥等,可让幼儿自制各种 不同的文具;提供复写纸,可让幼儿尝试画有关学习用品的对称画;2 .数学区:新增过去、现在、将来卡片,幼儿根据线索更行排序;提供小学图片、幼儿根据线 索进行拼图,提供数字天平,幼儿可根据提示进行比大小;3,科学区:新增天平、文具等材料,幼儿根据轻重进行实验并记录;提供扑克牌,可让幼儿尝 试搭教学楼;提供各种文具,可让幼儿进行沉浮实验;4 .语言区:新增绘本铅邕盒上的秘密可让幼排序并自由讲述;提供文具图片骰子,可让幼 儿自由创编故事;提供小学图片,幼儿自由讲述向往的小学生活;5 .建构区:新增块状硬纸板,幼儿可自行运用插接、排列、旋转等技能选行教学楼的搭建;提 供茶叶罐,幼
7、儿可自由运用架空、组合、对称、按规律排序等技能进行拼搭小学的大门;Outdoor Activity1、体育游戏:贴烧饼、放鞭炮、Build sandcastle滚球、炒豆子等2、自选材料:飞盘、呼啦圈、保龄球、篮球、绳子。3、早操活动:队形变换速度快。Habit FormationStudents will learn to reflect on their surroundings and the future, and be grateful for the things we haveHome ConnectionTalk to students about these concepts. Practice skip- counting