1、国际广告课程教学大纲一、课程基本信息课程代码:课程名称:国际广告英文名称:International Advertising课程类别:专业课学时:48学时学分:3学分适用对象:广告学专业考核方式:考查先修课程:广告学、广告文案与写作、广告心理学等基础学科二、课程简介本课程为最专业选修课,课程内容旨在从宏观上传达国际广告活动的历史、理论、 策略、制作与经营管理等知识,使学生明白国际广告的学科性质、研究方法、基础原 理和运作流程等,并能融会贯通,了解各国的具体情况和对广告的不同态度,了解国 外主流媒体和社交媒体上的广告和传播形式及特点,通过对相关案例的分析,了解中 国国家形象和中国企业对外传播、中
2、国文化对外输出的现状和现存问题,为今后从事 国际广告和国际营销工作,帮助我国国际形象提升和我国企业国际市场拓展、讲好中 国故事做准备。This course is the optional courses of content is designed to convey the international advertising activities of the history, theory, strategy, production and management of knowledge from a comprehensive view and to enable students t
3、o understand the international advertising subject nature, research methods, basic principle and operation process, and can use their knowleage to a new scope to understand the specific situation of different countries and different attitudes on advertising, taking corresponding measures and strateg
4、ies to prepare for a career in international advertising and international marketing career.三、课程性质与教学目的课程性质:选修课教学目的:通过本课程的教学,使学生了解国际广告的概念、本质和内涵,建立广告整体、effectiveness6) the various approaches that can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of IMC promotional tools.2.基本概念和知识点marketing communications res
5、earch; pre- and post-testing of consumer preferences 3.问题与应用(能力要求)Select three advertisements from this textbook. Identify the objective (s) each appears to be attempting to accomplish and then propose which message testing methods you would use to test the effectiveness of each advertisement.(三)思考与
6、实践分析中国国家形象宣传策略,提出我国国际形象传播的问题和建议。了解国际品牌的中国化和全球化表现,讨论如何在国际品牌的globalization和 localization间做到平衡。分析我国企业在国际市场的广告案例,对其广告策略、创意、媒体使用等进行全 面评价。(四)教学方法与手段教学方法:课程讲授、游戏、小组讨论、案例分析等教学手段:新媒体教学手段、问卷星、超星学习通等线上教学平台五、各教学环节学时分配教学环节课程内容讲课习 题 课讨 论 课实验其他教 学环节小计第一板块84214第二板块82212第三板块81110第四板块82212合计329748六、课程考核(-)考核方式考查(二)成绩
7、构成平时成绩占比:50%期末考试占比:50%(三)成绩考核标准 分析维度的全面性和和整体逻辑性 内容分析编码表设计的契合度 样本搜集的数量和质量 理论应用的丰富性和合理性 研究报告PPT制作精良 案表述清晰明确、有吸引力七、推荐教材和教学参考资源推荐教材:Chitty et al. , Integrated marketing communications, Cengage learning Australia , 2015教学参考资源:Advertising&IMC Sandra Moriarty Copyright 2015,2012,2009 by Pearson Education,
8、Inc.体验广告英语王月中国水利水电出版社2008年3月第1版广告与广告英语戚云方编著 浙江大学出版社2003年10月第1版Global Marketing,东北财大出版,Syed Akhter, 1998 出版4A广告提案网八、其他说明大纲修订人:李子大纲审定人:修订日期:2023年2月审定日期:较为全面和全球化的专业视野,具备针对国际市场的营销传播能力,为我国开展对外 交流传播活动和企业进入国际市场的营销传播活动培养一批专业人才。让学生熟悉国际市场上广告的类型与创作方法,掌握国际主流媒体和社交网络上 的传播特征和受众需求;了解中国国家形象和中国企业对外传播、中国文化对外输出 的现状和困难,
9、为从事国际广告和国际营销工作,帮助我国国际形象提升和我国企业 开展国际市场的营销传播活动打下坚实基础。U!、教学内容及要求第一板块 Integrated marketing communicationsA conceptual framework(-)目的与要求After studying this chapter, the student should be able to understand and explain: how the elements of the communication process transfer, meaning from the sender to the
10、 receiver the nature of meaning in marketing communication using a perspective known as semiotics how marketing communicators use the three forms of figurative language (simile, metaphor and allegory) the basic features of the two models of consumer behaviour: the consumer processing model (CPM) and
11、 the hedonic, experiential model (HEM).(二)教学内容第一章 Integrated marketing communications and brand equity enhancement1 .主要内容1) the nature of marketing communications2) the foundations of integrated marketing communications3) the marketing communication process4) the concept of brand equity5) the ration
12、ale of co-branding and world-class brands.2 .基本概念和知识点IMC, Brand equity, Brand Perception3 .问题与应用(能力要求)对则英文广告的构成要素进行深入分析了解在一则国际广告中品牌是如何通过广告来构建自己并且进行营销的。第二章 The communication process1 .主要内容1) how the elements of the communication process transfer, meaning from the senderto the receiver2) the nature of
13、 meaning in marketing communication using a perspective known as semiotics3) how marketing communicators use the three forms of figurative language (simile, metaphor and allegory)4) the basic features of the two models of consumer behaviour: the consumer processing model (CPM) and the hedonic, exper
14、iential model (HEM).2 .基本概念和知识点communication process; CPM; HEM3 .问题与应用(能力要求)以我国在国际市场上有一定知名度的品牌为例,如海尔、小米、华为等,分析其如何 在国际市场上构建品牌并进行营销的,目前在国际传播中面临的主要问题是什么,并 提出自己的传播建议。第三章 Persuasion1.主要内容in marketing communications1) the nature and role of attitudes in marketing communications2) the role of persuasion in
15、 marketing communications3) the elaboration likelihood model (ELM) and its implications for marketing communications4) practical marketing communication efforts that enhance consumers? motivation, opportunity and ability to process messages5) tools of persuasion from the marketing communicator? s pe
16、rspective.2 .基本概念和知识点Tri-component model of attitudes ; the elaboration likelihood model3 .问题与应用(能力要求)Fully explain the similarity between the concepts of elaboration and active synthesis.Assume that you are responsible for the marketing communications of an online retailer. You know that consumers
17、have positive evaluations for the convenience of online shopping, but many are distrustful of unknown retailers and are wary of providing their credit card number online.第四章 Market segmentation and brand positioning1 .主要内容1) the major demographic developments, such as changes in the age structure, o
18、f the Australian population2) demographics and geo-demographics targeting; values and lifestyle targeting3) how the Roy Morgan Values Segments can be used to segment consumer groups4) the role of online behavioral targeting5) the concept of brand positioning and the role it plays in developing marke
19、ting communications strategies.2 .基本概念和知识点Secondary Research, Seeking Seekers , Marketing Research3 .问题与应用(能力要求)互动讨论 Consumer Insight and Account Planning Account Planning举例说明How do we Segment Markets and Target Audience?(三)思考与实践思考我国企业在国际传播中的品牌形象和品牌资产现存问题,分析其定位和市场划分现状和 问题;针对某一品牌进行其营销的定位和市场分析。(四)教学方法
20、与手段教学方法:课程讲授、游戏、小组讨论、案例分析等教学手段:新媒体教学手段、问卷星、超星学习通等线上教学平台第二板块 Managing Integrated marketing communications(一)目的与要求1. the nature and importance of IMC budgeting and the practical considerations that guide budgeting2. the features of effective advertising3. the alternative styles of creative advertising
21、(二)教学内容第五章 Advertising and digital marketing communications1 .主要内容1) price and advertising elasticity influences and investment in advertising2) the functions of advertising and how to set achievable advertising objectives3) the hierarchy-of-effects model and how it influences setting advertisingobj
22、ectives4) the relationship between a brand s share of market (SOM) and its share of voice (SOV)2 .基本概念和知识点advertising elasticity ; SOM; SOV3 .问题与应用(能力要求)寻找案例,分析其在效果模型个层次的具体表现,从而了解该广告的优劣。第六章 Planning and implementation1 .主要内容1) the role of advertising agencies and the relationship between agency and
23、client2) the concept of means - end chains and their role in formulating advertising strategy3) corporate image and issue advertising (including the roles of endorsers, humor, fear and guilt in advertising)4) how advertising is implemented.2 .基本概念和知识点the concept of means - end chains3 .问题与应用(能力要求)进行
24、国际广告创意和文案的撰写;找几则中国企业的国际市场传播的广告案例,分析其创意和文案的优劣,是否适 合国际市场消费者的心理需求,并总结出我国企业对外传播时应注意哪些因素。(三)思考与实践思考我国企业在国际传播中的广告策划和创意问题,是否能有效与国际市场消费者开展对话。针对某一我国品牌进行其国际市场广告传播中开展广告策划和创意。(四)教学方法与手段教学方法:课程讲授、游戏、小组讨论、案例分析等教学手段:新媒体教学手段、问卷星、超星学习通等线上教学平台第三板块Media Channel(一)目的与要求1. the advantages and limitations of different med
25、ia as a multichannel marketing communications print medium(二)教学内容第七章 Broadcast media1 .主要内容1) the strengths and limitations of television advertising2) the issues associated with purchasing television advertising3) the radio industry in Australia4) the strengths and limitations of radio advertising.
26、2 .基本概念和知识点strengths and limitations of television advertising; strengths and limitations of radio advertising3 .问题与应用(能力要求)能够掌握电视媒体和广播媒体的优劣势,具备分析其广告效果的专业技能思考 What types of products might be advertised on radio?第八章 print and support media1 .主要内容1) the advantages and limitations of newspapers and mag
27、azines as a multichannel marketing communications print medium2) the roles that out-of-home plays as a marketing communications medium3) the role that point-of-purchase plays as a marketing communications medium.4) how the VIEW model can be used to evaluate package effectiveness5) a five-step packag
28、e design process2 .基本概念和知识点advantages and limitations of newspapers and magazines ; VIEW model; package design process3 .问题与应用(能力要求)能够掌握纸质媒体和其他支持类媒体的优劣势,具备分析其广告效果的专业技能思考 What types of products might be advertised on print media?第九章 Media analysis1 .主要内容1) the media planning process2) the meaning of
29、reach, frequency, gross rating points, target audience rating points, effective rating points and other media concepts3) the logic of the three-exposure hypothesis and its role in media and vehicle selection4) the use of the efficiency index procedure for media selection5) the differences between th
30、e three forms of advertising allocation: continuous, pulsed, and flighting schedules6) the principle of the recency, or shelf-space model and its implications for allocating advertising expenditures over time7) how to calculate the cost-per-thousand statistic.2 .基本概念和知识点reach, frequency, gross ratin
31、g points, target audience rating points, effective rating points3 .问题与应用(能力要求)分析 MEDIA PLANNING AND NEGOTITION 的策略了解 MULTIPLATFORM BRAND COMMUNICATION 的内涵(三)思考与实践分析一个国际品牌的多媒介平台应用之道;分析国际社交平台上我国企业的传播策略,如中粮集团、中国航空、小米、华为等在 Facebook和twitter上的传播现状和问题,并提出改进建议。(四)教学方法与手段教学方法:课程讲授、游戏、小组讨论、案例分析等教学手段:新媒体教学手段、问
32、卷星、超星学习通等线上教学平台第四板块 Supporting elements of IMC (一)目的与要求Understanding the characteristics of direct-response marketing, digital marketing, personal selling, Marketing public relations and sponsorship marketing(二)教学内容第十章 Direct marketing and sales promotion1 .主要内容1) the different media available for d
33、irect-marketing activity2) the role of databases and data mining3) the nature of sales promotion and its purpose4) the circumstances that determine when promotions are profitable5) the objectives of trade-orientated promotions and the factors critical to building a successful trade promotion program
34、.6) The objective of direct marketing (DM) is to encourage purchases (or other immediate responses).7) DM aims to seek out the best prospects? to achieve the objective.8) DM is an interactive process that does not merely pass9) on information.10) In DM, when frequency increases, awareness falls dram
35、atically (unlike other forms of advertising).2 .基本概念和知识点direct-marketing; sales promotion3 .问题与应用(能力要求)能够掌握DM的优劣势,具备分析其广告效果的专业技能思考 What types of products might be advertised by DM?第H*章 digital marketing1 .主要内容1) the key differentiating features of digital marketing2) the role of digital marketing wi
36、th other promotional tools in facilitating marketing objectives3) the differences and similarities of modes of advertising4) alternative approaches to measuring the effectiveness of digital marketing.2 .基本概念和知识点digital marketing; measuring the effectiveness of digital marketing.3 .问题与应用(能力要求)能够掌握Dig
37、ital Marking的优劣势,具备分析其广告效果的专业技能 思考 What types of products might be advertised by Digital Marking?第十二章 personal selling1.主要内容1) the role of personal selling in the marketing commimicat ions mix2) the key advantages and disadvantages of personal selling3) the principles underlying modern selling philo
38、sophy4) the type of personal selling jobs and the activities performed5) the elements of the personal selling process6) the importance of personal selling for building customer relationships7) the determinants of salesperson performance8) the role of sales management.2 .基本概念和知识点personal selling; sal
39、es management3 .问题与应用(能力要求)能够掌握personal selling的优劣势,具备分析其广告效果的专业技能思考 What types of products might be advertised by personal selling?第十三章 Marketing public relations and sponsorship marketing1 .主要内容1) the difference between public relations (PR) and marketing public relations (MPR)2) the difference be
40、tween a range of public relations tools and tactics3) the difference between proactive and reactive MPR4) the differences between sponsorship, cause-related marketing (CRM) and corporate image advertising.2 .基本概念和知识点Marketing public relations; sponsorship marketing3 .问题与应用(能力要求)能够掌握 Marketing public
41、 relations 和 sponsorship marketing 的优劣势,具备分析 其广告效果的专业技能思考 What types of products might be advertised by Marketing public relations or sponsorship marketing?第十四章 Evaluation of IMC1 .主要内容1) the rationale and importance of marketing communications research2) various research techniques used to measure consumers? recognition and recall3) measures of emotional reactions to marketing communications4) the role of persuasion measurement, including pre- and post-testing of consumer preferences5) the meaning and operation of single-source measures of advertising