1、九年级英语导学案Unit 1 How ca n we b e come good le a rne rs?年级:九年级 课型:听力课 课时:第 1课时一、学习目标1.知识与技能学会谈论学习英语的方法,能用How ca n we b e come good le a rne r?提问,并做出相应的回答I study it b y doing sth.2.过程与方法小组合作探讨学英语的困惑,并给出解决方法与策略。3.情感、态度与价值观学会和他人交流,学习他人如何学英语,并设法制定出适合自己的学习方法。二、重点难点重点:Words:fla shca rd,voca b ula ry,a loud/l
2、oudly,pronuncia tion/pronounce;te xtb ook,conve rsa tion,se nte ncese nte nce s:How ca n we b e come good le a rne rs?一How do you study for a te st?一I study b y working with a group.Wha t a b out re a ding a loud to pra ctice pronuncia tion?It s too ha rd to unde rsta nd spoke n EnglishHa ve you e v
3、e r studie d with a group?Ye s,I ha ve .V ve le a rne d a lot tha t wa y.The more you re a d,the fa ste r you 11 b e.难点:How对方式进行提问及用b y+do i ng回答。三、知识梳理语句结构:1.do sth b y+doingI study it b y re a ding a nd liste ning.2.Wha t a b out+doing?/How a b out+doing?/Le t s+do;Wha t a b out doing liste ning t
4、o the ta pe s?How a b out liste ning to the ta pe s?Le t s re a d a nd liste n to the ta pe s.3.do sth a lot./do a lot of thingsI le a rnt/a te /sle pt a lot.4.b eIt s too he a vy for the little b oy to ca rry.5.pra ctice sth/doing sthTony pra ctice s footb a ll pla ying footb a ll(de le te)a lot.To
5、ny pra ctice s pla ying footb a ll a lot.6.improve sthRe a ding b ooks a lot ca n improve the a b ility of your re a ding.7.Ha ve you e ve r done sth?Ha ve you e ve r studie d with a group?8.Some time s,some time s,some timeHe some time s goe s the re on foot.He ha s b e nn the re for some time s.He
6、 will go the re some time.He e ve r we nt the re some time (some da y/one da y).9.pronuncia tion/pronounceHis pronuncia tion is ve ry good.He ca n pronounce we ll.10.sound/voice /noise /noisyHe r voice is swe e t.The ide a sounds good/nice .The re is too much noise .It*s too noisy.11.归纳b y 的用法:1)I s
7、tudy b y ma king word ca rds.(通过制作单词卡)2)I go to school b y b ike.(骑自行车)3)Come a nd sit b y me.(在我旁边)4)Ca n you ma ke dumplings b y yourse lf.(独 自/一个人)5)I ha ve to go to b e d b y 10:00 p.m.(不迟于晚上 10 点)6)Tha t a rticle wa s writte n b y my siste r.(由我妹妹)7)By the w a y,(顺便说一下)the G re a t Wa ll wa s b
8、 uilt b y ha nd.(用手)By的汉意有:1)表示方法,手段,b y doing sth.意为2)表示旅行,运输等的路线,工具,b y+交通工具.意为一3)表示位置,可与b e side 换用,意为4)与反身代词连用,表示5)表示时间,意为6)用于被动结构中,意为7)用于固定短语中b y the wa y顺便说一 下,little b y little 一点一点的,b y h a n d 用手,b y t h e n 到那时,b y on e s e l f 独自的,b y m i s t a k e 错误的,b ya c c i d e n t 偶然四、学法指导1 .自学l a,
9、2 b 单词及短语,并能用他们进行简单的说话练习。2 .自学l c,2 c,并能模仿练习。3 .听力检测。4 .课堂检测。五、学习过程(一)导入新课(二)出示目标1 .教师出示学习目标2 .流程:自学一讨论一 展示一 评价(三)自学讨论1 .自学指导(1)自读听力提示。(2)听录音。(3)练习对话。e.g.A:H ow d o y ou s t u d y E n g l i s h?B:I s t u d y E n g l i s h b y w or k i n g w i t h f r i e n d s.2 .小组自学(1)学会对话中词语的发音,正确理解句义。(2)根据所学内容自编
10、对话。(3)找出重点短语、句型并造句。(四)练习展示1.结合单元课题展示对话。2.结合书中所提供的信息,进行听力练习。3.对话练习。(五)检测评价1 .检测听力答案。2.根据听力材料回答问题或口头作文。Unit 1 How ca n we b e come good le a rne rs?年级:九年级 课型:精读课 课时:第2课时一、学习目标1 .知识与技能学会谈论学英语的方法,能 用 H ow d o y ou s t u d y E n g l i s h?问,并做出相应回答I s t u d y i t b y d oi n g s t h.2.过程与方法学生小组合作学习,探究如何有效
11、地进行英语的学习;完成表格后,让学生们根据来口头讲诉。3.情感、态度与价值观让学生尽量参加小组英语活动,让学生意识到生活处处皆学问,只要找到正确应对学习的困难,就能提高英语。二、重点难点重点:1.读懂文章,理解文章大意。2.文中出现短语的正确运用。难点:3.文中出现短语的正确运用。4.复述课文三、知识梳理1.the wa y to do sth,the wa y of doing sthThe wa y to study English is pra cticing more.=The wa y of studying English is pra cticing more .2.ha ve
12、troub le doing sth=ha ve a difficulty doing sth=ha ve a ha rd timedoing sthEve ryone ha s troub le le a rning English.3.e nd up+doing sth.=e nd up with sthThe cla ss e nde d up ha ving a ga me.The cla ss e nde d up with a ga me .4.v+ing做主语.Re a ding b ooks is he lpful.5.find it+a djLots of stude nts
13、 find English is ve ry difficult(for the m tostudy).Compa ring the words:1.slow/slowlyThe tra in to Tib e t is slow.The tra in goe s to Tib e t slowly.2.he lp/he lpfulP le a se give me some he lp.Don t worry.I ca n he lp you.Re a ding b ooks is ve ry he lpful.3.e xcite /e xcite d/e xcitingDon t e xc
14、ite .Don t b e e xcite d.It s a n e xciting ne ws.4 que stion/prob le mTe a che r,ca n I a sk you a que stion?P opula tion is a ve ry b ig prob le m.5.b ore /b ore d/b oringDont b ore me .It s a b oring thing.He got b ore d.6.ke e p sth+a dj/ke e p sth+a dv/ke e p sth/ke e p a dia ryP le a se ke e p
15、 your cla ssroom cle a n.K e e p the b a gs he re.She ke e ps some sna ke s.Try to ke e p a n English note b ook.I ke e p a dia ry.7.ta ke pa rt in/joinHe ta ke s pa rt in a n English conce rt.I wa nt to join the a rt club.8.spe a k/sa yWha t did he sa y to you just now?We ca n sa y it in English.He
16、 ca n spe a k Fre nch.9.look for/findI looke d for it e ve rywhe re,b ut I couldn,t find it a nywhe re .10.me mory/me morizeI ha ve a good me mory.I ca n me morize the ne w words.动词做主语用动词的一ing形 式+动 词(单数)四、学法指导1.读文章,掌握大意。2.读文章,完成3b,3c.3.小组讨论,掌握gra mma r focus.4.根据问题,复述文章。五、学习过程(一)导入新课Do you ha ve a n
17、y prob le m in le a rning English?How do you de a l with the m?(二)出示目标教师出示学习目标。流程:自学一讨论一展示一评价(三)自学讨论1.自学指导(1)出示预设问题。Why did We i Fa ng find it difficult to le a rn English?Wha t did she do in English cla ss?Wha t is the se cre t to la ngua ge le a rning?(2)自学讨论:找出文中的重点短语的句型。害怕;像噩梦一样;爱上;的秘诀;(3)正确理解文中
18、的重难点语句。(4)再读课文,学会运用重点词汇。2.小组自学(1)快读课文并找出问题的答案。(2)出示重点短语和句型(汉语)(3)组长组织理解重难点语句点的意思。(4)再读课文,初步学会重点词汇的用法。(四)练习展示1 .回答文中的问题。2 .找出文中的重点短语及句型。b e a fra i d o f/t o;b e l i k e b a d d rea m;fa l l i n l o v e w i t h;t h e s ec ret t o3.用重点单词、短语、句型造句。(五)检测评价基础题a.短语1 .学英语的最好方式 t h e b es t w a y t o l ea rn
19、 E n g l i s h2 .读英语杂志 rea d E n g l i s h m a g a z i n e3.对.感到兴奋 b e/g et ex c i t ed a b o u t /(d o i n g )s t h4 .一点也不 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _L et t h e s t u d en t s p ra c t i c e s a y i n g s en t en c es w i t h t h em.b.根据单词的适当形式填空1.S h e fi n d s i t i m p o s
20、s i b l e fo r t h e m(w a l k)t h ere.2.P ra c t i c i n g _(P ra c t i c e)E n g l i s h c a n h el p u s a l o t,I t h i n k .3.T h e g i rl w h o i s i n red l o o k s (h ea l t h)4.H e o ft en p ra c t i c es _ _(p l a y)b a s k et b a l l w i t h h i s fri en d s.达标题a.根据汉语意思完成句子。1.他说记忆流行歌曲的歌词也
21、能够起一定作用。H e s a i d t h a t _ m em o ri z i n g _ t h e w o rd s o f p o p s o n g s a l s o _ h el p fu l _.2 .参加英语俱乐部是提高英语水平的最好方式。Jo i n g _ t h e E n g l i s h c l u b w a s t h e b es t w a y t o i m p ro v e_ E n g l i s h.3.他认为和朋友对话根本没用。H e s a i d t h a t h a v i n g c o n w ers a t i o n s w
22、 i t h fri en d s w a s _ n o t _-h e 1 p fu l _ a t a l l _.4 .李雷认为他提高英语的最好方式是读英语书。L i L ei t h i n k s rea d i n g b o o k s i s _t h e b es t w a y _ t o i m p ro v e h i s E n g l i s h.b.句型转换。1.I p ra c t i c e p l a y i n g fo o t b a l l a l o t.I p ra c t i c e _fo o t b a l l _ a l o t.2.I
23、d o n t k n o w w h a t I s h o u l d d o.(改为同义句)I d o n t k n o w _w h a t t o d o.3.H e o ft en a s k s t h e t ea c h er q u es t i o n s.(改为否定句)H e_d o es n1t o ft en _a s k t h e t ea c h er q u es t i o n s4 .K a t e h a s a l rea d y h a d l u n c h.(改为一般疑问句)_ H a s _K a t e _ h a v e_ l u n
24、c h _y et _ _ _?5.Ann le a rnt English b y re a ding the te xtb ook.(对画线部分提问)_How did _Ann_ le a rn English?反思:The mia n conte nt of the unit is to ta lk a b out how to study in thestructure of“ve rb+b y with g e r u n d.But the y re a lly ha ve difficultie swhe n ta lking a b out the diffe re nt wa
25、 ys of solving the ir prob le ms,e spe cia lly,whe n you a sk a nd a nswe r or do some e xe rcise.The y ne e d to pa yclose a tte ntion to it“ve rb+b y with ge rundv.Unit 1 How ca n we b e come good le a rne rs?年级:九年级 课型:泛读课 课时:第 3 课时一、学习目标1.知识与技能正确理解学习中存在的问题,设法告诉他人自己的学习方法,及谈论学习英语的困惑和忧虑,并找出合适的解决的办法,
26、并能给他人以合理的建议。2.过程与方法正确理解学习中存在的问题,谈论学习英语的困惑和忧虑,并找出合适的解决的办法,并能给他人以合理的建议。3.情感、态度与价值观每个人在学习中都会存在各种各样的困惑和困难,但我们要正确对待,要找出适合自己的学习方法。二、重点难点重点:Words:b orn,a b ility,cre a te,b ra in,a ctive,a tte ntion,conne ct,re vie w,knowle dge,wise lyphra se s:(Db e b orn with pa y a tte ntion to conne ct with (4)le a rn
27、fromwrite down de pe nd on ke e p doingSe nte nce s:Eve ryone is b orn with the a b ility to le a rn.G ood le a rne rs ofte n conne ct wha t the y ne e d le a rne d with some thinginte re sting.(3)G ood le a rne rs will ke e p pra cticing wha t the y ha ve le a rne d,a nd the y a renot a fra id of m
28、a king mista ke s.He succe e de d b y trying ma ny time s a nd le a rning from his mista ke s.K nowle dge come s from que stioning.难点:正视学习中存在的问题,并找出合适的解决的办法,能给他人以合理的建议。Finsh a n a rticle b y the cha rt.三、知识梳理1.find,look for,find out:1)look f o r表示“寻找”,强调找的过程。He s looking for his dog,b ut he ca nt fi
29、nd it.2)find 表示“找到,发现“,强调寻找的结果。3)find o u t表示 查出,查明,弄清,多指通过观察、思考、探索而弄明白某事。2.spe a k,ta lk,te ll,sa y1)ta lk指交谈,侧重双方行为。2)s a y指说话的内容,常引出别人说的原话。3)te ll“告诉 te ll sb.sth./te ll sth to sb .te ll sb.to do sth.te ll storie s/te ll lie s.4)spe a k 说话的能力,也指说某种语3.a nothe r,the othe r,othe rs,the othe rs:a not
30、he r指(三个或三个以上的)另一个,后接单数名词,相当于one more。the othe r指(两个中的)另一个,常用于one.the othe r.结构。I ha ve two a pple s.O ne is b ig a nd the othe r one is sma ll.othe rs指(三个以上之中)其他的,表示除去一部分以后的另一些,但不是全体。相当于othe r+复数名词。The othe rs指(三个以上之中)其余的,剩下的,表示一定范围内除去一部分外剩余的是全体,相 当 于 the othe r+复 数 名词。4.find的用法:1)find+n.找到某物(结果)/l
31、ook for(过程)She wa nts to find he r b ike .2)find+宾语+宾补,其中宾补可使用现在分词、形容词或过去分词。A:I found a b oy cryingon the stre e t.B:Whe n we got to the b a nk,we found the door close d.3)find+从句He found tha t the movie wa s so b oring.4)find+it(形式宾语)+形容词(宾补)+to do sth.We find it difficult to study English.四、学法指导1.
32、读文章,完成2e.2,读文章,概括文章大意。3.读文章,找出文中重点短语。五、学习过程(一)导入新课H o w c a n yo u b e c o m e a s u c c e s s f u l l e a r n e r?(二)出示目标教师出示学习目标。流程:自学一讨论一展示一评价(三)自学讨论1 .自学指导(1)自读2 b,理解大意(2)根据提示,找出重点短语及句型。天生具有;注意;学习习惯;学习技巧;熟能生巧;做笔记;寻找;(3)阅读文章,回答课后问题。2.练习互帮(1)以小组为单位,读课文掌握文章大意。(2)找出短语并口头造句。3.运用短语造句。(五)检测评价基础题翻译下列短语1
33、.拼写一些英语单词 2.首先3.明白英语口语4.造完整的句子5 .犯语法错误6 .帮助很大7.阅读很慢8.做大量语法笔记9.正确发音正确发音1 0.嘲笑1 1.做事有困难1 2.过会儿13.害 怕 14.决定做什么事15.过得很愉快过得很愉快Le t the stude nts who a re N O.2 a nd N o.3 pra ctice sa ying se nte nce s withthe phra se s incla ss.达标题1.完成句子1)每天晚上练习弹钢琴2)对他来说要完成一篇作文不是一件容易的事情3)他有一些建议也许能帮助你4)他们最终决定在成都5)他们最终决定去
34、成都2、选词填空:look for,look up,look ove r1)If you don t know his phone numb e r,it on the ye llow pa ge ofthe2)phone b ook.2)I it e ve rywhe re,b ut I still ha ve n t found it ye t.3)The doctor for a nima ls my pe t dog ca re fully a nd sa id the re wa s nothingse riousta ke pa rt in,join1)Do you wa nt u
35、s in going shopping?2)Wha t kind of sports you la st we e k?a nothe r,the othe r,othe r1)The twins a re b oth in our school,b ut one is a b oy,is a girl2)V m so hungry tha t I ca n e a t 3 ca ke s.3)He is ve ry kind-he a rte d.He is ofte n re a dy to he lp pe ople,a ma zing,a ma ze dThe y we re a ll
36、 a t such ne ws.Unit 1 How ca n we b e come good le a rne rs?年级:九年级 课型:复习课 课时:第4课时一、学习目标1.知识与技能正确理解学习中存在的问题,并找出合适的解决的办法,并能给他人以合理的建议。2.过程与方法小组总结出一些好的学习方法,来帮助有困难的同学解决学英语的实际困难。3.情感、态度与价值观让学生明白,遇到困难迎刃而上,这是积极的人生态度。知道并掌握些好方法会给自己的学习和未来的生活很有帮助。二、重点难点重点:Some use ful words a nd phra se s:(1).de a l with(2).tr
37、y one*s b e st to do sth=do one*s b e st to do sth=try ha rd to dosth(3).se e sb.doing sth./se e sb do sth(4).forge t,le a veThe se nte nce structure:(1).It s our duty to try our b e st to de a l with e a ch cha lle nge in oure duca tion with the he lp of our te a che rs.(2).How do we de a l with ou
38、r prob le ms?Wha t do we do with our prob le ms?难点:Ma ste r the ma in ide a a b out the re a ding a nd unde rsta nd some use fulse nte nce s.三、知识梳理w i t h 的用法:用某种工具lwith+工具:I write with my pe n.2.with+身体部位:I wa lk with my le gs.i n 的用法:用某种语言Wha t s this in English?on 的用法:on+电器/媒介 on TV/ra dio/the In
39、te rne t.2.b y a sking the te a che r for he lp 短语 a sk f o r 请求,要某物a sk sb.a b out sth.询问 sb 关于 stha sk sb.to do sth.a sk sb.not to do sth.3.de a l with;do with.在构成疑问句de a l with 与how搭 配,do with 与wha t 搭配。He re a lly doe sn,t know how to de a l with the ma th prob le m.Do you know wha t to do with
40、thedog?4.forge t;le a ve 的区别:两个词均表示 忘了“,但forge t多用于“忘记某人、某事”。而le a ve 多用于“忘 记/落下,忽略拿/带汉语中意思是“把忘/丢在某地”,在英语中用“le a ve sth.+地点状语”这一结构。I forgot my ke ys.I forgot Mr.Wa ng.She le ft he r b ooks a t home.se e sb doing sth/se e sb do sthI sa w he r pla ying ping pa ng the re just now.The old ma n sa w him
41、climb the a pple tre e.四、学习过程1.小组合作,复习巩固本单元重点知识。.2.归纳本单元重点短语和句型。.3.用所归纳的短语和句型进行造句练习。.五、学习过程(一)出示目标1.教师出示学习目标2.流程:自学讨论归纳整理达标检测(二)自学讨论1.小组找出单元重点词汇、短语。2.小组找出单元重点句型。3.理解单元语法内容。(三)归纳整理1.归纳单元重点词汇及短语的用法。2.归纳单元重点句型并能够造句。H o w d o y o u l e a r n En g l i s h?I l e a r n b y s t u d y i n g w i t h a g r o u
42、 p.H o w c a n I i m p r o v e m y p r o n u n c i a t i o n?O n e w a y i s b y l i s t e n i n g t o t a p e s.3.归纳语法知识并能正确掌握。(四)检测评价基础题1、翻译下列词组1)根本不2)犯错3)随后4)害怕去做5)取 笑(某人)6)做笔记7)说本族语的人8)结 束(做某事)9)学习语法 10)首先L e t t h e s t u d e n t s s a y s e n t e n c e s w i t h t h e p h r a s e s i n c l a s
43、 s e s .2、用所给单词的适当形式填空:1).I dont think t hat(watch)English movies is a bad way.2).She e n j o y s(p l a y)the piano very much.3).She studies b y(m a k e)flashcards.4).I heard h i m(sing)when I passed his room.5).China is one of the(develop)countries in the world.6).She said the t wi ns(come)to our c
44、ity the next day.7).Why not _ (read)English aloud in the morning?8).Im truely_(true)happy to hear the news.9).Are you afraid o f(s p e a k)in public?10).Would you please help u s(c a r r y)the water?达标题1 .The boy is short.He cant reach the apple on the tree.(合并成一句)The boy is _too_ short to reach the
45、 apple on the tree.2.He thinks joining an English club is a great way to learn English.(提 问)he is a great way to learn English?3.She has found out where she can buy fruit cheaply.(同 义句)She has found out where to buy fruit cheaply.4.Jim cant pronounce the new word correctly.(同 义句)Jim can*get the.5.Mr
46、 Li is ill,so Mrs Fu has to take a lesson instead(同义句)Mrs Fu has to take a lesson Mr Li.反思:The mian content of the unit is to talk something about how to studythe structure of“verb+by with gerund”.But in fact,some of the weekSs often make the same mistakes when they use the structure.That meansthey
47、really don t know the true meaning of the structure,especially,when they write their own compositions.They need to make sure the exactme a ning of“ve rb+b y with ge rund”b y doing some e xe rcise like this.U n i t 2 I t h i n k m o o n c a k e s a r e d e l i c i o u s.年级:九年级 课型:听力课 课时:第1课时一、学习目标知识与
48、能力1.掌握情态动词could和行为动词的运用2.掌握 Could you ple a se?Could you?和 Could I?问句3.教学生掌握运用could表示委婉提出礼貌的请求和请求他人的允许过程与方法3.To tra in the stude nts5 a b ility of liste ning,spe a king,re a ding a ndwriting.4.To tra in the stude nts a b ility of communica tive compe te nce.情感态度价值观5.He lp the stude nts know how to m
49、a ke polite re que sts a nd how to a sk forpe rmission polite ly.二、学习重难点重点1.本课重点短语。2.如何运用could表示委婉提出礼貌的请求和请求他人的允许。难点如何运用could表示委婉提出礼貌的请求和请求他人的允许。三、知识梳理L如何礼貌地提出请求或提议Could I/you ple a se ,?Ca n y o u /1?W o u l d y o u l i k e +s t h./t o d o s t h.?M a y I +d o s t h.?S h a l l w e +d o s t h.?W o u
50、l d y o u m i n d +s t h./d o i n g s t h.?W h a t /H o w a b o u t +s t h./d o i n g s t h.?肯定回答有:S u r e./O f c o u r s e./Ce r t a i n l y./O K./Gr e a t./W e l l./Go o d i d e a./I a g r e e.等。否定回答有:S o r r y-/N o,y o u c a n t.等。2.h e l p o u t动词短语,表示在某人繁忙或遇到困难时“给予帮助”。h e l p和o u t之间还可以加入具体的“人”