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1、Un i t 1 M y n a m e,s G i n a.(七年级上册)一、N u mberszer o on e two thre e fb u r five six se v en eigh t n i ne te n二、T ele p hone n umbersEnglis h nam e:first n ame+(middle name)+famil y name eg.Jim Alan B ro w nFirst name(gi v en n a me)&F am i 1 y nam e(l a s t n am e/s umame)三、Ex p re s si o ns自我介绍

2、(Int r oduc e y o urself)My n ame is Tony.0 R:Fm Ton y.询问对方/别人姓名:1 .一Whats y o u r n a me?-M y name i s./I a m.2.-Wh a t s his/he r n a me?H is/Her n a me i s.3.一W h a ts yo u r family name/fi r st nam e?My f amil y name/fir s t nam e is.4.-Wh a t s hi s/her f ami 1 y name/f i r s t n ame?-Hi s/h e

3、r fam i ly name/f irst name is.问候别人(Greet p e ople)-Nice to meet you.-Ni c e to m e et y ou.询问和给出电话号码(Ask for&give t e 1 e p h one n um b er)-Whats you r/his/he r tel e p h o n e number?My/His/H e r telep h one n u mb e r is 22 0-13 4 5.OR:-I t s+号码.四、Gr a mma r1 be(i s am are)动 词 用 法:口诀:I 用 a m,y o

4、 u 用 are,is 用 于 她 他 它(s h e he it)单数形式用i s,复数形式要用are.Eg.I am a slud e nt.Yo u are my t e a cher.S h e is a gi r 1.He is a boy.I t is a penWhat is yo u r n a m e?My p h o ne n u mber i s 220-1234.2、本单元出现的形容词性物主代词(Prono u ns for o wne r shi p)m y/y o u r/h is/h e r均为形容词性物主代词,其后面必须跟上用于表达“人 或 物”的名词。eg:m

5、y/y o u r/h is/her b a ckpack/book/base b all/r u 1 e r s/c 1 o cksmy/y o u r/h i s/h e r father/m o ther/c o usin/pare n t s/f riend sUNIT 2 Is this you r p e n c i 1?(七年级上册)一、确认物主关系(I denti f y o wnership)Is t his/that y o u r b a c k p a c k?(单数)Yes,i t i s.Its my ba c kpack./-N o,it is n t.Its h

6、 i s backpac k.二、指明物主关系(Point out own e r s hip)-This/T h at i s(not)his bas e b a 1 1 .(单数)三、失物招领(Lost&fo u n d )1、招领启事2、寻物启事四、E x pres s ion-Wha ts this t h at in En g lis h?-Ifs a an.-H ow do y o u s p e 1 1 i t?(Spel 1 it,p 1 ea s e.)(Ca n-P-E-N.(P-E-N.)(Y e s,P-E-:五、知识点(L anguage points)1 1 os

7、t&foun d(c a s e)失物招领(箱)in the Io s t&f o un d c a s e在失物招领箱里2、sc h ool ID c a rd 学生证3、cal 1 sb.at 7320567 拨打电话 7320567 找某人/打电话找某人,电话号码是73205674、a s et of key s 一串钥匙5 in E n g l i s h 用英语Unit 3 Th i s is my s iste r(七年级上册)一、家庭成员1、f at h er/moth e r(paren t)fat h er&mo t her(parc n ts)2、grandfather(g

8、 randpa)/grandm o the r(grandm a)=gr an d pare n tgr a ndfat h er&gran d m o t h er=g r andparents3、u n c le /aunt br o the r/s iste r/co u sin s on/d au g h t eryou spell it?).)4、grandso n/gr a ndd a u g ht e r二、t his t h es e o t hatt hos e 的用法近处远处Be动词单数thi st h a ti s复数the s eth o sea reThisis a

9、book.。-T hat is a c a r.The s e a re b ook s.T h ose a re car s.三、人称代词、物主代词he-his she-her it-i t s they-t heir I-mWe are stu d ent s.This i s o u r cl a ssro o m.He is a new st u d ent i s nam e is Tom.y w e-o uryou-your四、单数和复数(注意一致性)E g.This i s my bo o k.。That is her f r iend.Those a re名词单数变复数的方法一

10、般在名词后+S r u ler r ulers以s sh ch x 等结尾+e s b uT hese a re myher friend s.s buses watc h以辅音字母+y结尾 改 Y 为 1 +e s s tudy以O 结尾+S 或 es(奇数+S 偶数+e s)。z oos。bo o ks.wat c hesstu d i e st om a t o e s单、复数的形式同样 s heep不规则 man me n w o man w o men 0 c h i 1 d。c hil d r e n五、介绍别人,确认人物介绍别人1、T h i s/T h a t is(not)m

11、y s i s t er/his b r other/Tom.2 These/Tho s e are(n ot)her pa r e n t s/f r i ends.确认人物1、-I s t his/t h at you r f ather?Ye s,i t i s./No,i t is n2、-Are these/t h o se Jims fr i ends?-Y e s,t h e y are./N o,they a rent3、-1 s h e/she yo u r brot h e r/s i s ter?Y es,he/she i s./No,h e/she i snt.4、-A

12、 re th ey you r siste r s fr i ends?-Y es,t he y are./No,the y a ren,t.六、短信的格式七、知识点1、t h ank you fbr.=thanks f or.谢谢你的.e g:T hank yo u fb r y o u r he Ip/your pe n.谢谢你的帮助/钢笔.2、t he photo/picture of y o u r f am i ly你的全家福/全家人的照片m y f amily p h o to我的全家福/全家人的照片3、a pi c lure of Jim 一张吉姆的照片(照片上是吉姆)Jims

13、p icture吉 姆 的 张 照 片(不是别人的)Unit 4 Wheres my backp a c k?(七年级上册)一重点词汇:ta b 1 e,b ed,dr e s s e r,bookca s e,draw e r,sofa,chair.C D,plant,alarm cloc k,math bo o k,vi d eo tape,ha t,ect二、表达地点或位置的介词1 i n:大家好!我是介词i n,我性格内向,非常害羞,总爱躲在某个物体的里面2 on:Hi,e veryone!我是介词o n,我最喜欢和某一物体的表面“密切接触”。3 un d er:Hello!我是介词o

14、 n的弟弟u n d er,我常与o n唱反调,喜欢待在某物的下面。拓展4 b ehind表达“在.后面”,常指一个物体在另一个物体的后面。5 ne x t t o紧挨着;在.旁边:与.邻接6 b e tw een表达“在两者之间”,通常与and连用7 near表达“在.附近“三、重要句型、语法询问位置1、Where is y o ur p e nc i 1?Ifs on the des k/in the b a c k p ack/u nder t h e chair.2、W her e ar e my b o ok s?-They r e i n th e d rawer/o n the

15、d r esser.指明位置1、The b a ske t b a 1 1 is(not)u nder th e table.H e r sk i rtis(n o t)on t h e be d.2 The key s a r e(n ot)in the dra w er.My s h oes a re(no t)under the bed.确认位置1 -1 s his e r a se r in the p encil cas e?-Yes,it i s./No,it is n*t.2、-A r e h er sock s in the b a g?-Ye s,they a re./No,

16、they a r e n.(w here is=w heres,w h e re 与 are 不缩写)E g:(1)Wher e s my b a c kpack?I t s u nder the tab 1 e.(2)Wh e re are your boo k s?Theyre o n th e so f a.(3)Wher e is the compu t er gam e V It u n d e r t he bed.(4)W h e r e are h i s/her key s?The y re in t he drawer.(5)A:Whe r es th e al a rm

17、c loc k?B:I dont know.I s it o n t he dr e s s er?A:Yes,i t is./NO,i t isnt.2辨析(l)desk与tab I e两者都有“桌子”之意,但d esk指供读书、写字、办公用的桌子,一般带抽屉;table侧重于指吃饭、品茗或其他用途的桌子,通常没有抽屉。(2)on th e b e d与in be d两者都有“在床上”之意,但on the bed指东西在床上;in bed指卧床/唾在床上。(2)t a k e.t o.与bring.t o两者都有“带走”,“拿走”之意,但t ake指从这里把某人或某物带走、拿走;而b rin

18、 g指从别处把某人或某物带走、拿走。3情态动词can(1)表 达 能 力“会,能”e g:Can you/h e /sh e/th e y p la y tenn i s?Y e s J/he/s h e /t hey can.No,I/he/s he/the y ca n t.(2)表达有礼貌地征询对方意见或许可“你能吗?”e g Can you bring some th i ng s to school?-Sure/Certainly/Of cou r s e.(肯定回答)Sor r y,I c a n t (婉言拒绝)U n it 5 D o you hav eas o ccer ba

19、ll?(七年级上册)体育器材大比拼。a1.ab a s eball2.b ase b all b a t3.af oo t ba 1 14.at ennis b all5.tennis r acket6.a bask e7.ap i n g-p o n g b a ll8.p in g pon g ba t9.a s o cc e r ba 1 1aat b a 1 110.a vol 1 eyball二、重点词汇。1 .play ba s eba 1 1 /foo t b all/1 e n n i s/ba s ketb a 11/ping-pong/soc c er/vol 1 e y

20、ball2.ha v e/has3.do/d o e s4.le t 5s=1 et us5.so u nd good/i n teresting/fun/d iffic u It/bo r i ng/r e 1 a xing6.do n o t=d ont7.does not=do e snt8.have a gre a t/sma 1 1 s p o rts c o 1 le c t ion9.watch T V10.e very day13.play s por t s14.spo r ts c lu b三、重点句子。1.Do you h a v ea TV?1 2.but11.onl

21、yYes,I d o.I ha v e a TV.NO,I don 1.1 d o nt have a T V.2.D o t h ey h a ve a c ompute r?Ye s,the y do.T hey have a c omputer.No,t h ey dont.Th e y dont h a v e a c o mputer3.D oes he/s he h a ve a tennis ra c k et?Ye s,he/s h e does.H e/She h a s a t en n is r a ck e t.No,h e/she d o es n z t.He/S

22、h e do e s n,t h a ve a te n n is racke t4.L e tz s p 1 ay s o cce r.That sounds good/i n tere s t i ng/f u n/d i f f i c u l t/b o ring/relaxing.5.I ha v e a great s p ort s col 1 ection.I h a ve 8 basketballs,2 ba s eballs and 3 v o 1 ley b a l l s.S he/H e h a s a spo r t s collection.四、语法讲解。1.用h

23、av c对物品的所属进行提问以及应答,使用d o和d o e s引导的一般疑问句。(见重点句子1至3)2.用祈使句型L et,s一提建议,谈论自己喜欢哪些球类运动,不喜欢哪些球类运动。(见重点句子第4)3.学会名词复数的使用。(见重点句子第5)4.运用所学的知识谈论自己或别人的拥有,进行适当的阅读和写作练习。(见重点句子第5)Unit 6 Do y ou like ban a n a s?(七年级上册)一 词汇1.C o untab 1 e noun:hamburger t o m a t o b an a n a s t r a w berry egg ca r r o t app 1e c

24、hick e n veg e table p ear2.Unc o unta b 1 e nou n:b rocc o 1 i br e akfast.1 unc h.di n ne r3.C o unta b 1 e noun and unco u ntab 1 e n o un:orange i c e ere a m sala d f r u itFr e nch f ries(pl)二句型1.Do you like salad?Yes,I do.I 1 i ke sa 1 ad.N o,I don*t.I d o n,t 1 i k e-a I a d.2.Do t hey 1 ike

25、 Fre n ch f r ie s?Yes,t h ey do.The y 1 ik e F r ench fri e s.No,the y d o nt.They d o n t like French f ri e s.3.Does h e/she li k e p ears?Yes,h e/sh e doe s.H e/She 1 i kes pear s.No,h e/sh e d oesnt.He/S hed o esnt 1 i ke p e a rs.4.T h e y lik e sa lad.T h ey d ont I i ke s alad.5.S h e/He lik

26、es b ananas.6.S he/H e doe s n t li k e ba n a n as.7.1 1 i k e o r anges but I dont 1 ike apples.8.I 1 i ke o r anges.I do n t 1 ike oranges.9.For breakf a s t,T om li k es eggs,b an a n a s and ap p le s.F o r 1 u n ch,he h a s hamburgers,sala d a nd pears.A n d for dinner,he li k es chicken,t o m

27、atoes a n d broc c o 1 i.1 0-Wh a t do yo u 1 i ke most?I like i c e cream a nd ca r r ot s.1 1 -W h a t d o y o u li k e for bre a k f ast?-1 lik e b re a d and mi 1 k.12-W h at d oes h e/s he 1 i k e fo r lun c h?-He/Sh e likes b r oc c o 1 ian d tomatoes for lunch.三 语法1 一般现在时般现在时重要表达经常性或习惯性的动作、现在

28、的特性或状态以及普遍真理。例如:When I come aero s s a new word I c o nsult th e English d i c t i o n a r y.每当我碰到一个新词时,我就查字典。Tom 1 ives in Eng 1 a n d.汤姆住在英国。He like s to read.他喜欢看书。L ight tra v e 1 s f aster than sound.光速比音速快。一般现在时的否认式和疑问式都需要用助动词do和d o e s。do用在第一人称、第二人称、第三人称复数和其他的复数名词前,do e s用在第三人称单数前,无实在意义。如:D o

29、es Tom liv e i n Eng l a n d?汤姆住在英国吗?Yes,h e does.是的。Do t h ey l i k e to g o h i k i n g?他们喜欢远足吗?No,they d o n t.不,他们不喜欢。2单 词1 ike(1)介 词b e/look lik e像,看起来像She i s/looks li k e h e r m o t h er.(2)动词 1 i k e s t h/ik e to do s th/1 ike do i ng sthI lik e appl e s.Sh e does n t li k e t o b e 1 at e

30、.He 1 ik e s playi n g so c cer.特别注意:1.在一般现在时中,当主语是第三人称单数时,其肯定句的谓语由动词原形+s(es)构成。否认句的谓语由doesn,t+动词原形构成。一般疑问句句首用Does,句中的谓语用动词原形充当。当主语是第一、二人称单复数和第三人称复数时,肯定句的谓语由动词原形充当。否认句的谓语由d。n,t+动词原形构成。一般疑问句句首用D 0,句中的谓语用动词原形。2.主语第三人称单数:he,s h e,i t,my father,y o ur sis ter,Tom 等等。四词组1 hea 1 thy food 2 go on a p i c n

31、ic 3 m a k e a lis t o f food 4 lo t s of/a lot of5 how m an y /how muchU n it 7 How m u ch a re the pa n t s?(七年级上册)一、重点句型问价格1.How much i s t hi s T sh i r t?I t?s 1 0 do 1 lars.2.How much a r e th e y?They are 100 d o 1 la r s.3.How much i s t he red swe a t e r?Its eig h t dollars.4.How much is t

32、h i s b 1 ue s k i r t?I t s seven do 1 1 ars.5How much is that w h it e b ag?I t nine dollars.6.H o w much ar e t hese b la cp a nts?T h eyre ten dol 1 a r s.7.Ho w much a r e t h o s eb lu e s ocks?They,r e thr e e d o Ila r s.问颜色 What c o 1 o r do you w a nt?Wh a t c o lor is it?二、购物用语:1.C a n I

33、h e Ip y o u?/W h a tc a n I d o f o r you?Yes,please./N o,than k s.2 T h a t,s to o e xpe n s i ve!Thafs f i ne,I 1 1 ta k e it.3.Th a n k y o u.5.Youre w e 1 come.=Thats a 1 1 r ig h t.Im p o r t ant wordsan d express i on sc 1 othes:pa n ts shorts s o cks shir t T-s h ir tskir t swe a t e r shoes

34、clo t h e spant s.s ho r t s,so c ks sh o es 一般情况下用,复数形式.例如:How muc h ar e t h e p a n ts?How muc h ar e the shoes?H ow muc h ar e t h e sh o r t s?How much are th e so c ks?s o me c o 1 ors:r e d green blac k whit e bl u e yel 1 owp i n k purpl e g r a y orang eb i g smal 1 (大,小)sh o r t Ion g(短,长)

35、tall-short(高,矮)三、基数词 f r om t h i rt e e n t o ni n e t e e n t h i r t een four te e n fi f teen s i xteenseven t ee n eighteen n in e t een.二十(twenty)t h i r t y)o n s a l e出售Man y thin g s are o n sal e in this s h o p.这家商店有很多东西出售.Th a t ha t i s o n sale fo r seven do 1 lars 那顶帽子售价七美元at a good p

36、 r i cehave a look a t.b ags for sportsUnit 8 When i s your bir t hday(七年级上册)一、重点短语l.how old 2.ba s ke t ball game 3.vol 1 eyb a I 1 game 4.y e a r(s)ol d5.speec h co n t e s t 6.school t rip 7.b irthd a y p arty 8.Art F estival9.Sch o o 1 Day 1 0.Chin e s e Contest 11.M u sic F est i v a I 12.Engli

37、 s h P arty二、重点句型W hen is your b irth d ay?M y b i r t hday is Novem b er 1 1 t h.Whe n i s L iu P i ngs birt h d a y?Her b i rthday is S cp t emb e r 5th.When is yo u r fa t her,s b irth d ay?H i s bi r t hday i s A u gust 22nd.Do you h a ve an Ar t Festi v al?Yes,we do.Wh e n i s it?Itz s April 19

38、th.三、语法点1 .掌握月份的名称及缩写2.序数词的运用表达数口多少或顺序多少的词叫数词,数词分为基数词和序数词。表达数目多少的数词叫基数词;表达顺序的数词叫序数词。基变序口决基变序有规律,词尾加上-th;一二三特殊记,单词结尾td d;八 减t,九减e,f要把ve替;t y把y改为i,记住前尚有e;若碰到几十几,只把个位变序1)序数词往往与定冠词t h e连用t he ninth mont h on the tw e Ifth flo o r2)基数词变为序数词的规律(详见 一课三练4 5页语言点1知识梳理部分)3)序数词的缩写形式:fi r st-1st se c o n d -2nd

39、t hirty-first-31st四、年、月、日表达法年的读法:用基数词,两位一读月份名称的首字母要大写日期:用序数词表达,前面可加t h e,也可省略,但读要读出the年、月、日在英语中的顺序是月、日、年3名词所有格1.T h e (c h ild)books a re in t e resti n g.2.This i s the(te a ch e r)r o om.3.(Tom and J i m)m o th e r is a t e a c h er.4.(Tom an d Jim)moth e rs are a II tea c hers.U n it 9 Do yo u w

40、a n t to go to a m o vi e?(七年级上册)一单词1 表达电影类别的名词:mo v ie ac t ion movie comedy thriller docume n t aryBeijing Oper a2 表达品质的形容词:s c a ry f unn y s ad ex c iting successf u 1 fav o r i t e di f ficu 1 t b orin g rel a xing gr e at inte r e st i ng二 语法1名词复数的构成规则(1 )一般情况下在词尾加上s(2)以s/sh/ch/x 结尾的加上es(tom a

41、 to/pota t o 变为复数时应加上es)(3)以辅音字母加y 结尾的,先把y 改为i 再加es(4)以f/f e 结尾的,把 f/f e 改为v 再加es2 一般现在时表达现在的状态,经常的或习惯性的动作,也表达主语具有的性格和能力。(1)肯定句:主语+谓语动词+其他.(2)否认句:主语+do n t/doesn t+动词原形+其他.(3)一般疑问句:D o/D oes+主语+动词原形+其他?Y e s,主语+do/does.N 0,主语+d ont/d oesnt.(4)特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+d o/d oe s+主语+动词原形+其他?3 w a n i的用法:w a nt+n.想

42、要某物want+to d o sth.想要做某事eg:H e wants som e a p pies.I want to b u y two books.4连词and,but的用法:an d表 达 并 列“和,并且“b u t表 达 转 折“但是”eg:I 1 i ke t h rille r s and I lik e c omedie s.11 i k e a p pie s b ut m y sis t e r d o esnt.三.常用句子1.Do y o u want t o go to a mo v ie?Yes,I d o.No,I dont.2.Doe s he/she wa

43、nt t o g o to a mov i e?Yes,he/she does.N o,he/she doesn t.3.Wh a t kind of m o v i e s do y o u lik e?I l i k e comedies.4.S he t hinks d o c um e n tari e s ar e b oring.5.1 think i t is inte r e s t i n g.6.1 oft e n g o to a m o vi e o n w eek en d s.7.We c a n 1 ea r n a b out t h e Chinese h i

44、story.U ni t 10 Can y o u pl a y the gu i t a r?(七年级上册)一、情态动词c a n的用法表达能力(如体力和脑力),意为“能,会”等,can+动词原形C a n y ou speak En g 1 i s h?你会讲英语吗?二、P h r a s e s1、English clu b英语俱乐部,art c lu b艺术俱乐部,m u si c club 音乐俱乐部,ch e ss c 1 u b象棋俱乐部,sw i mining c l u b 游泳俱乐部,b a s ket b all c 1 ub 篮球俱乐部 join t he chess

45、club加入象棋俱乐部2、动词p lay的用法:play与球类棋类之间无冠词,如:play c he s s 下象棋,p 1 ay b a sketb a 1 1 /ba s cball.打篮球,打棒球,等。p l a y 与乐器之间必须加冠词the,如:p lay t he p i a n o 弹钢琴,play the t r u m p e t 吹喇叭,p 1a y the d r urns 打鼓,p 1 ay I h e v i olin 拉小提琴,p 1 ay t he guit a r 弹吉他,等等。3.招聘广告标题:Help W a n te d 需要帮助 Mus i c ian

46、s Wan t e d 招聘音乐人 等等。4.b e go o d wit h.与.处得好,擅长与.相处Ar e you g ood wit h k i d s?你擅长与孩子们相处吗?5.n e e d help for 需要.的帮助 I nee d h e 1 p for m y E n g 1 ish.我需要有人帮我学英语。6.help sb.w i th s th.=h e Ip sb.to do s t h.帮助某人做某事H e can h e Ip me wi t h m y En g 1 ish.=He c an h e Ip me to I e a r n English.他能帮

47、我学英语。7.sc h oo 1 co n c e r t 学校音乐会 8.ro c k b a n d 摇滚乐队9.be in 参与You can b e i n o u r s c h o ol mu s ic festiva 1 .你可以参与我们学校的音乐节。lO.sh o w 的用法:1 )作名词时意为“表演,展览,如 S cho ol sh o w 学校公演 f ashion show 时装表演,时装秀,TVshow 电视表演,lalk show 访谈节目 等等2)作动词时意为“展示,出示,给.看“,常见短语有:s how sb.s th.=s h o w st h.to s b.把

48、某物给某人看。Ex:Je n nifer sh o ws u s h er n e w piano.=J enn i f e r shows h e rn e w piano tou s.詹妮弗把她的新钢琴展示给我们看。11.c all s b.a t+电话号码 打电话.与某人联系 12.do C h i n e s e k u n g f u 会中国功夫13.e-mai 1 a ddre s s 电子邮箱地址1 4.连词:and(表达并列、递进关系),but(表达转折关系),oi(表达选择关系)肯定句中“or”表达“或,还是”,否认句中的“o尸表达”和都不”,肯定句中的an d变否认句时应变

49、为or。15.a lit t 1 e 一点儿 E x:I can speak a 1 i t t 1 e E n glis h.我会讲一点儿英语。三.Ex pre s sions1 .Ca n you p lay t h e g u itar?Y e s,I can.No,I can t2.Can h e/she sing?Y es,h e/s he c a n.No,h e/sh e cant.3.Wha t c a n you do?4.Wh a t c 1 ub d o you wa n t to j o in?A:What c lu b do yo u want t o jo in?你

50、想参与什么俱乐部?B:I w a n t to j o i n th e mus ic c lu b.我想参与音乐俱乐部。A:Wh a t c a n y ou do?Ca n you pla y the p iano,t h e d ru m s,th e voi 1 in,th etrumpe t o r t he gu i t a r?你会什么?会弹钢琴、打鼓、拉小提琴、吹喇叭或是弹吉他吗?B:I can pl a y the p i a n o.我会弹钢琴。A:Can you p 1 ay it wel 1?弹得好吗?B:Yes,I can p lay i t wel 1 .1 als


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