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1、新 视 野 大 学 英 语(第 二 版)综 合 训 练 3 答 案 24.Barbara just lay there her mouth trembling her eyes unfocused unable tosay a word.5.Then the two players let himfall to the track his chest landing first hishead following bouncing and finally lying still.X1 Most snakes although with a threatening appearance aren

2、,t reallydangerous if you leave them alone.2.Women even though with the same abilities have failed to approach theincome of men.3.Though with a severe lack of coal the principle was not forced to closethe school.4.She is capable of making complete French meals even though withno cheese after salad.5

3、.When in doubt about the result of your test call the test office.XI 1.Everything considered this city is the worldJ s most exciting city.2.Though with no approval from his parents he went ahead with his plan tostudy abroad.3.The bridge was named after the hero who gave his life for the cause ofpeop

4、le.4.It is said that the painter used his mother as the model in the paintingwhose face represented suffering yet strength.5.The writer instantly rose to fame in 1950 with the publication of a novelinspired by his experience with a girl on a farm.6.One story says that“US”was short for uUncle Sam“who

5、se real name was Sam Wilson who had onceworked with a man who had signed a contract with the government to providemeat to the US Army.XII1.这 副 画 上 一 个 神 色 严 肃 的 男 子,身 旁 站 着 位 女 子,身 后 是 所 农 舍。他 们 的 原 型 分 别 是 画 家 的 牙 医 和 姐 姐。2.公 司 的 申 请 书,不 管 是 代 表 自 己 还 是 代 表 他 人,都 应 该 有 官 员 的 签 名。3.做 了 脱 口 秀 之 后,约 翰

6、 和 妻 子 在 广 播 和 电 视 节 目 上 出 了 名,这 些 节 目 给 普 通 民 众 以 启 迪,而 不 只 是 向 他 们 提 供 信 息。4.尽 管 有 些 人 不 赞 同,可 市 领 导 还 是 决 定 实 施 这 个 计 划,在 湖 边 建 造 两 个 五 星 级 宾 馆,以 吸 引 更 多 的 游 客。5.那 位 著 名 画 家 去 世 了,曾 经 给 他 当 模 特 的 妻 子 立 即 担 任 了 他 装 潢 公 司 的 总 经 理 职 务。6.宴 会 上,他 们 的 衣 着 都 很 华 丽,但 吸 引 我 注 意 力 的 却 是 他 们 的 交 谈 方 式,使 得 我

7、 很 想 和 他 们 交 谈。XIII1 A 2 C 3 B 4 D 5 B 6 D 7 A 8 C 9 A 1 0 B 1 1 A 1 2 C 1 3 A 1 4 C 1 5 C 1 6 A 1 7 D18 D 19 A 20 DUnit 5III 1.switch 2.decay 3.secured 4.loose 5.slid 6.privileges 7.interval8.outline 9.preceding 10.shallow IV 1.reached for 2.feel for 3.trying toavoid breathing 4.so that 5.managed t

8、o accomplish 6.sense my thoughts 7.provide for 8.spared me 9.read about 10.go aboutVN I K G M L A F C DVI1.pain 2.fear 3.tension 4.mind 5.stress 6.crisis 7.anger 8.anxiety 9.signs 10.hungerVII 1.growth:the act of growing or developing;physical or naturaldevelopment2.warmth:the state or quality of be

9、ing warm;warm-heartedness and kindness3.depth:the distance from the top to the bottom of something 4.truth:thestate or quality of being true;the actual facts orreality of something 5.length:the measurement of how long something is insize 6,breadth:the distance from one sideof something to the other

10、7.width:the distance from one side of something to the other;the quality of beingwide 8.death:the state of being deadVIII1.exposure 2.failures 3.disclosure 4.pressure 5.mountaineers 6.closure7.profiteers 8.seizureIX 1.did he realize that the task was a little too difficult for the newsecretary to fi

11、nish on her own 2.did Mary stop weeping 3.will all theemployees know the result of their performance evaluation 4.did she becomeaware how hard it was for her mother to have brought up her sister and her onher own 5.did I get to know what happened in the end to the main charactersX 1.Having finished

12、their morning work,the clerks stood up behind theirdesk,stretching themselves.2.The secretary worked late into the night,preparing a speech for the President.3.Seeing noprospect of success,we quitted the attempt to climb the mountain.4.Knowing that they were going traveling,the students began to mak

13、epreparation.5.Having been found guilty,the man was given a severe sentenceby the judge.XI 1,Not until he saw his mother lying in bed,dying,did he realize howmuch he loved her.2.Taking into account of his recent physical condition,Tthink he has done quite well in the exam.3.Mrs.Clark lies in bed mot

14、ionless,and I wondered briefly if she is still alive.4.The building was darkened except for a single light burning in a third-storey window.5.These soldiers have received very stricttraining and are well equipped to fulfill the new task.6.He reached forthe phone,picked it up,and dialed the hotel s n

15、umber.XII 1.直 到 6 0 年 代 早 期,人 们 似 乎 才 普 遍 认 同 英 国 不 再 是 以 前 心 目 中 那 样 的 大 国 了。2.在 决 定 了 租 房 之 后,我 们 便 着 手 与 市 内 所 有 的 房 屋 代 理 商 联 系。3.我 小 心 翼 翼 地 替 她 擦 身 子,尽 量 避 免 弄 疼 她,因 为 她 瘦 的 只 剩 皮 包 骨 了。4.我 心 间 对 这 位 老 人 涌 起 了 一 股 感 情。他 那 暗 黄 的 皮 肤 松 弛 地 裹 在 显 得 异 常 大 的 骨 头 上,深 陷 的 胸 部 随 着 不 均 匀 的 呼 吸 一 起 伏。5.

16、你 在 报 上 读 到 那 位 著 名 画 家 的 消 息 了 吗?他 实 际 上 是 为 了 要 成 为 视 觉 艺 术 大 师 的 抱 负 而 累 死 的。6.有 迹 象 表 明,这 位 老 太 太 想 孤 独 地 离 开 人 世,不 让 她 的 家 人 看 到 他 们 或 许 无 力 面 对 的 人 生 插 曲。XIII 1 B 2 C 3 B 4 A 5 D 6 B 7 D 8 A 9 C 1 0 A 1 1 C 1 2 A 1 3 C 1 4 B 1 5A 16 D 17 D 18 A 19 B 20 AUnit 6Ill 1.sensible 2.detect 3.precauti

17、on 4.occurrence 5.withstand 6.resistant 7.vertical 8.accidental 9.enclosed 10.fastened IV e out of2.watch for 3.resistant to 4.put out 5.After all 6.make adifference to 7.agree on 8.attach labels to9.if necessary 10.In addition toV E J K O B L C H G NVI1.sense 2.message 3.argument 4.image 5.idea 6.b

18、elief 7.knowledge 8.reputation 9.standard 10.habitVII1-f cupboard 橱 柜 2T motorcycle 摩 托 车 3-1 silkworm 蚕 4-k teardrop 泪 滴 5-g bloodstain 血 迹 6-a sawdust 锯 木 屑 7-ecabinet-maker 细 木 工 匠 8-j steamboat汽 船 9-b arrowhead 箭 头 10-h shirtsleeves 衬 衫 袖 子 1 l-d windowpane 窗 玻 璃 12cmanservant 男 佣 人 VHI1.encoura

19、ge 2.enlarge 3.encircles 4.enable 5.endanger 6.enlightened 7.ensure 8.enforce 9.enacted 10.endearIX1.so that the baby would not catch cold2.so that more people would vote for him3.so that his father might forgive him for his failure in the math exam4.so that it would go on smoothly 5.so that you can

20、 judge for yourselfX1.She cycled from Shanghai to Beijing,which is pretty difficult for awoman of 50.2.He wore his swimming things in the office,which shocked his bossa greatdeal.3.They ran out of drink,which actually didn t bother me because I wasn tdrinking.4.They will win the match,which will ple

21、ase my brother.5.She borrowed a book on literature,which suggests that herliterature teacher was having some influence on her.XI 1.We should try ourbest to forecast earthquakes so that destruction of property caused by themcould be prevented as much as possible.2.A farmer noticed large schools offis

22、h swimming near the surface of the water,which,he said,indicated thepossible occurrence of an earthquake.3.Keep an English-English dictionaryhandy,and when you cannot understand a word with accuracy,you may refer toit any time.4.Ifnecessary,people who live in the area where an earthquakeis about to

23、occur may sleep in tents.5.A master s degree does make a greatdifference to a student who wants to get a job.6.In addition to theknowledge about earthquakes,the book tells us how to prepare for them.XII1.由 于 在 地 震 中 遇 难 的 人 大 部 分 都 是 被 倒 塌 的 建 筑 物 砸 死 的,所 以 一 定 要 改 进 建 筑 结 构,以 便 它 们 能 够 抵 御 地 震 的 力

24、量。2.人 们 应 该 在 家 里 和 工 作 地 点 储 备 些 水 和 食 物,这 在 可 能 发 生 地 震 时 是 特 别 必 要 的。3.在 日 本 和 中 国,人 们 长 期 以 来 一 直 相 信 通 过 观 察 动 物 行 为 可 以 预 测 地 震。4.除 了 努 力 改 进 建 筑 结 构 之 外,地 震 多 发 地 区 的 人 们 还 应 该 在 其 他 几 个 方 面 为 可 能 发 生 的 大 地 震 做 好 准 备。5.明 智 的 做 法 是 每 个 家 庭 都 制 定 地 震 应 急 计 划,而 且 所 有 的 家 庭 成 员 都 应 该 知 道 在 地 震 过

25、后 的 混 乱 中 如 何 离 开 那 个 地 区。6.由 于 剩 下 的 几 条 可 用 电 话 线 路 将 会 很 忙,所 有 的 家 人 都 应 该 往 往 在 远 离 地 震 区 域 的 某 个 朋 友 或 亲 戚 家 中 打 电 话 报 平 安。XIII1 B 2 C 3 A 4 B 5 C 6 D 7 A 8 C 9 D 1 0 A 1 1 B 1 2 B 1 3 D 1 4 C 1 5 D 1 6B 17 A 18 C 19 D 20 DUnit 6Section A.How to Prepare for Earthquakes.PartII,p.1581.They have w

26、ired the Earth and sea to detect movements.2.They have traditionally watched animals and plants for warning signs ofearthquakes.3.They are killed by falling buildings.4.They design buildings so that the building s columns andhorizontal beams are of equal strength,and vertical support columns areinse

27、rted deep into solid soil.5.They should regularly check and reinforce their homes,place heavyobjects in low positions,attach cupboards and cabinets to walls,and fastendoors so that they will not open accidentally during an earthquake.6.People in these regions should have supplies of water and food a

28、t homeand at work.It is best to store several gallons of water per person.It isalso important to have something that canclean water and kill bacteria,sowater from other sources can be made safe to drink.Store one week s food foreach person.Earthquake survival supplies include a radio receiver,a torc

29、h,extra batteries,first-aid supplies,a spade,a tent,some rope,and warmclothing.7.To have all of the family members call to check in with a friend orrelative who lives more than a hundred miles away.8.Educationconcerning how to survive an earthquake.Part,p.158 withstand detected r

30、esistant handy chaos forecast precautionoccurrencePart 4 le out of 2.watch for 3.resistant to 4.put out 5.After all,6.make much a difference to 7.agree on 8.attach labels to PartV,p.159 1.principal 2.considerable 3.continual 4.great 5.environmental 6.growing 7.global 8.exclusive Part VI,p.159 1+f f

31、cupboard 碗 厨 2+if motorcycle 摩 托 车 3+1 f silkworm 蚕 4+k teargas 催 泪 毒 气 5+g-bloodstain 血 迹 6+a-sawdust 锯 木 屑 7+e f tortoise-shell 龟 壳 8+jf steam-engine 蒸 汽 机 9+barrowhead 箭 头 10+h-*shirt-sleeves 衬 衫 袖 11+d-*window-pane 窗 玻 璃 12+c-manservant 男 佣 人 Part,p.160 encourage enlarge enci

32、rcles enable endanger enlightened ensureenforce9.enacted 10.endear PartVIII,p.161 1.sothat the baby would not catch cold 2.so that more peoplewould vote for him 3.so that his father might forgive him for his failure inthe math exam 4.so that it would go on smoothly 5.so that you can judge foryoursel

33、f PartIX,p.1611.She cycled from Shanghai to Beijing,which is pretty good for a woman of50.2.He wore his swimming things in the office,which shocked his boss agreat deal.3.They ran out of drink,which actually didn tbother me because I wasn tdrinking.4.They will win the match,which will please my brot

34、her.5.She borrowed a book on literature,which suggests that her literatureteacher was having some influence on her.PartX,p.1611.The world has learned something concerning earthquake prediction fromthe Chinese,who have noted that before an earthquake,some animals wouldchange their normal behavior.2.A

35、s most of the people who die in earthquakes are killed byfalling buildings,building structures must be improved so that they canwithstand the power of earthquakes.3.Besides working to improve buiIding structures,people in areas whereearthquakes are common should also prepare for the possibility of a

36、 greatearthquake in several other aspects.4.Keep an English-English dictionary handy,and when you cannot interpreta word with accuracy,you may refer to it any time.5.It is sensible for every family to make earthquake emergency plans andallthe family members should know how to leave the area during the chaosfollowing an earthquake.6.As the few remaining working telephone lines will be very busy,all ofthe family members should call to check in with a friend or relative who livesfar aw ay from the earthquake-stricken area.


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