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1、第 二 版 新 视 野 大 学 英 语 读 写 教 程 第 三 册 imiLimilO答 案 U nitlIII1 beneath 2 disguised 3 whistles 4restrain 5 grasp 6 longing 7 praying8 faithful 9 pledge 10 drainIV1 tell.on you 2 track down 3 workit out 4 picking on me 5 reckonedwith6 call on 7 on his own 8 get through 9in disguise 10 revolves aroundVG O D

2、 IK L B F A NVI1 advise 2 level 3 problems 4necessity 5 skills 6 experience 7solution8 value 9 tool 10 mannerVII1 air-conditioned(装 空 调 的;有 冷 气 的)2 handmade(手 工 制 作 的)3thunderstruck(非 常 吃 惊 的)4heartfelt(衷 心 的;诚 挚 的)5data-based(基 于 数 据 的)6self-employed(自 主 经 营 的)7custom-built(定 制 的;定 做 的)8weather-bea

3、ten(饱 经 风 霜 的)VIII1.well-informed(对.非 常 熟 悉 的)2 new-found(新 获 得 的)3hard-earned(辛 苦 挣 得 的)4soft-spoken(说 话 温 柔 的)5newly-married(新 婚 的)6widely-held(普 遍 认 为 的)7well-meant(出 于 好 意 的)8well-educated(受 过 良 好 教 育 的)IX1 no matter how different it mayseem form any other substance2 no matter what a woman tries

4、 to doto improve her situation3 no matter what excuse he gives4 no matter what anyone else maythink5 no matter how they rewrite historyX1 just as we gained fame in victory,we lost nothing in defeat2 just as the head teacher plays asignificant role in the school,Janeplays a significant role f leader

5、in theclassroom.3 whoever was out there obviouslycouldnt see him just as he couldntsee them.4 she has been searching all her lifefor the perfect chocolate just as Ihave been searching for the perfectbeer.5 you can make those kinds ofcomparisons just as you were doingthe analyses a minute ago.XI1.No

6、matter how experienced aspeaker you are,and how well youhave prepared your speech,you willhave difficulty making a speech atsuch a noisy reception.2.Just as all his sisters friends caredabout him,Jimmy cared about them.3.Car manufacturers stamp avehicle identification number atseveral places on new

7、cars to helptrack down stolen vehicles.4.If you dare tell on me when theteacher gets back I wont say a wordto you any more.5.Some elderly people prefer to liveon their own while the great majoritychoose to live with their children.6.Here is something that needs to bereckoned with:how to get theneces

8、sary finances to establish thecompany.XII1.每 当 有 人 帮 了 你,无 论 事 情 大 小,无 论 他 地 位 高 低,你 都 应 该 对 他 说 声“谢 谢”。2.蒸 汽 机 的 发 明 使 船 舶 发 生 了 变 化,正 如 其 已 经 改 变 了 陆 地 运 输 一 样。3.尽 管 经 理 努 力 帮 忙,他 还 是 不 能 找 到 问 题 的 根 源 所 在。4.这 个 女 孩 的 生 活 天 天 围 着 哥 哥 转,完 全 明 白 该 做 什 么 来 使 哥 哥 高 兴。5.如 果 你 不 知 道 自 己 想 要 什 么,你 最 终 得

9、到 的 可 能 都 是 自 己 不 想 要 对。6.吉 米 有 他 妹 妹 帮 助 他 度 过 那 些 没 有 父 亲 的 艰 难 日 子。XIII1 B 2 A 3 C 4 A 5 D 6 A 7 D 8 D 9 C10B 11B 12B 13A 14C 15D16C 17A 18C 19D 20AUnit 2III1 moderate 2 consume 3 advisable 4modified 5 evidence 6 restricted 7calculate8 remedy 9 impact 10 sufficientIV1 bounce back 2 summed up 3 Up

10、 to4 at risk 5 went to zero6 goes up 7 interfere with 8 derivedfrom 9 In general 10 take inG K O N J A C D F IVI1 cost 2 pollution 3 potential 4quality 5 chance 6 crime7 interest 8 efficiency 9 strength 10creativityVII1 appearance 2 utterance 3attendance 4 hindrance 5maintenance6 resistance 7 perfor

11、mance 8existence 9.occurrence 10.acceptanceVIII1.world-famous 2 ice-cold 3snow-white 4 waterproof 5waist-deep 6 carefreeIX1 Mr.Howe,my favorite professor,has received a Distinguished TeacherAward.2 Yesterday I went fishing,somethingI hadnt done in years.3 Some women are normally inactivebut then all

12、 of a sudden start aprogram of intense exercise,anaction that breaks the laws of sportsscience.4 Even a brief visit to Greece,amodern country with ancientcivilization,gives you a deep sense ofits culture.5 The ancient Chinese,a people ofinventors,discoverers,philosophers,soldiers,poets,craftsmen,gav

13、e theworld many of its most useful things.X1 His homework done,hiscomposition written,Larry decidedto go and see the film.2 The manager sat quietly in theoffice,(his)eyes closed,waiting forthe telephone to ring.3 The room was a mess,emptybottles and beer cans(being)everywhere.4 When I walked in,Gran

14、dpa wassitting at the kitchen table,thenewspaper spread before him.5 Diana stood motionless at the endof the diving board,tears streamingdown her cheeks.XI1.The defendant,a woman of only 30,kept insisting on her own innocence.2.All tings considered,dates,beansand some leafy green vegetables arethe b

15、est sources of iron.3.No beverages are served withmeals because they interfere withdigestion.4.Taking the popularity of the regioninto consideration,it is advisable tobook hotels in advance.5.If you have a feeling of wanting tothrow up after taking this drug,stoptaking it immediately and consultyour

16、 doctors as soon as possible.6.Summing up the discussion,hesaid both parties should consider themost effective way to solve theproblem.XII1.作 为 补 救 缺 铁 的 一 种 方 法,专 家 推 荐 食 用 肉、鸡 和 鱼,它 们 是 最 好 的 铁 质 来 源,也 是 唯 一 最 容 易 被 身 体 吸 收 的 铁 质 来 源。2.铁 质 储 量 为 零 时,你 会 觉 得 虚 弱,疲 乏 无 力,喘 不 过 气,这 是 缺 铁 第 三 阶 段 的 典

17、型 症 状。3.耐 力 运 动 员,尤 其 是 女 性,经 常 会 缺 铁,如 果 增 食 肉 类 食 物 或 服 用 铁 质补 剂,能 够 恢 复 到 健 康 状 态。4.这 位 运 动 医 学 专 家 认 为,感 到 劳 累、工 作 效 率 差 的 人,最 好 食 用 牛 肉、羊 肉,它 们 含 有 最 易 被 吸 收 的 铁 质。5.铁 质 储 量 低 的 人 应 该 去 咨 询 医 生,看 看 是 否 应 通 过 调 整 饮 食 或 服 用 铁 质 补 剂 来 校 正 不 足。6.一 般 说 来,如 果 你 忽 视 自 己 摄 入 的 铁 质 含 量,不 在 铁 质 储 备 失 去 之

18、 前 注 意 警 告 信 号,你 会 有 危 险。XIII1 D 2 C 3 C 4 A 5 D 6 A 7 B 8 D 9 C10B 11A 12B 13D 14A 15D16 A 17 D 18 C 19 C 20 AUnit 3Ill1 cultivate 2 comprehensive 3controversial 4 suspend 5 insulted 6preliminary7 conventional 8 reform 9worthwhile 10 publicityIV1.His girlfriend father saw him asa man who could not

19、make a living.2.The course was canceled over thestudents9 protest.3.The problem is so difficult that wecannot work it out without the helpof our teacher.4.Children tend to do/try theirutmost when they know their parentsare making similar efforts.5.The new teaching program didntwork well in the schoo

20、l at the outset.6.I was kind of excited when Ireceived the letter that offered me aninterview.7.The school is scheduled to open onSeptember 1.8.They appeared to offer a freecomputer,complete with softwareand a printer.9.In spite of hardships,they madereal efforts that have resulted inmore progress t

21、han expected.10.Many people make things moredifficult for themselves because theystill operate on the principle that youshould not ask for help,or you mightseem weak.VF M K D C G L O IBVI1 cold 2 competition 3 debate 4 desire5 fear 6 heat 7 interest8 love 9 pleasure 10 enthusiasmVII1 historic 2 atom

22、ic 3 optimistic 4energetic 5 economic 6 heroicVIII1.responsibility 2.rapidity 3.mobility 4.curiosity 5.publicity plexityIX1 In Britain,as in America,there is agreat demand for educationalreform.2.In Greece,as in Italy,people use alot of olive oil in cooking.3.As in the Hyde School,values suchas cour

23、age,integrity,leadership,curiosity and concern are the first,most important lesson in some publicinner-city schools in Maryland.4.In China,as in Japan,a largenumber of middle school studentstake supplementary classes in orderto get into a famous university.5.As in the middle of the 1950s,many young

24、people went down to thecountryside in the late 1960s andearly 1970s.X1 Once youve practiced a bit,youllfind that its quite easy.2.Once the meal was finished,thediscussions began.3.Once you show any fear,he willattack you.4.Once parents make a commitmentto the program,they will be dailyrole models fo

25、r their children.5.Once customers come to rely onthese systems,they almost never taketheir business elsewhere.XI1.In his thinking,as in his behavior,he is very traditional.2.Once the teachers agree to acceptthe new teaching program,they haveto face the strain it puts on them.3.In the long run,it is

26、worthwhile topursue ones study after graduatingfrom university instead of going towork directly.4.As the school operates on theCharacter First principle,moralvalues and academic achievementsare stressed equally.5.It is said that the meeting,which isscheduled to be held this month,willbe put off till

27、 next month.6.The school sees its job aspreparing its students for life bycultivating a comprehensive set ofprinciples that can benefit all ofthem.XII1.跟 在 法 国 一 样,美 国 在 2 0世 纪 60年 代 也 发 生 过 文 化 革 命。2.他 一 旦 下 定 决 心 去 干 一 件 事,就 根 本 拦 不 住 他。3.学 校 强 调 的 观 点 是:家 长 和 孩 子一 起 参 加 学 校 的 活 动 是 值 得 的。4.快 下 课

28、时,老 师 让 学 生 用 最 后 的 五 分 钟 来 展 开 激 烈 的 讨 论,依 照 11 0 的 评 分 标 准 相 互 评 价 他 们 当 天 的 课 堂 表 现。5.为 了 避 免 引 发 针 对 他 们 的 品 格 培 养 方 案 的 争 论,该 校 校 长 解 释 说,品 格 第 一 并 不 是 要 强 迫 学 生 接 受 某 一 套 道 德 原 则 或 宗 教 观 念。6.并 非 所 有 的 家 长 都 相 信 海 德 中 学 的 办 学 原 则,即 如 果 你 向 学 生 传 授 诸 如 求 真、勇 敢、正 直 领 导 能 力、好 奇 心 和 关 心 他 人 等 美 德 的

29、 话,学 生 的 学 习 成 绩 就 自 然 会 提 高。XIII1 B 2 D 3 A 4 B 5 D 6 B 7 A 8 D 9 C10B 11B 12A13C 14C 15A16B 17C 18A 19D 20BUnit 4III1.inspected 2.assembled 3.exaggerated 4.versions 5.universal6.approved 7.recruit 8.evolved 9.dedicated 10.solemnIV1.worked on 2.approve of 3.wentahead 4.for sale e up with6.refashion

30、ed into 7.rise to fame 8.captures my attention 9.evolvedfrom10.named afterC E F N O K A H L IVI1.respect 2.influence 3.credit 4.confidence 5.support6.acceptance 7.fame 8.insight 9.recognition 10.experienceVII1.intelligence 2.consequence 3.significance 4.ignorance5.indifference petence 7.brilliance 8

31、.magnificenceVIII1.coexists 2.co-director 3.cooperate4.co-pilot 5.co-authorIX1.Jimmy walked slowly to the cornerof the playground,his face coveredwith tears.2.The taxi sped away,its lightsdisappearing into the distance.3.Their stomachs crying for food,their back burning from too muchsun,both boys ga

32、thered their thingsand headed for home.4.Barbara just lay there,her mouthtrembling,her eyes unfocused,unable to say a word.5.Then the two players let him fall tothe track,his chest landing first,hishead following,bouncing,and finallylying still.X1 Most snakes,although with athreatening appearance,ar

33、ent reallydangerous if you leave them alone.2.Women,even though with thesame abilities,have failed toapproach the income of men.3.Though with a severe lack of coal,the principle was not forced to closethe school.4.She is capable of making completeFrench meals even though with nocheese after salad.5.

34、When in doubt about the result ofyour test,call the test office.XI1.Everything considered,this city isthe worlds most exciting city.2.Though with no approval from hisparents,he went ahead with his planto study abroad.3.The bridge was named after thehero who gave his life for the cause ofpeople.4.It

35、is said that the painter used hismother as the model in the paintingwhose face represented suffering yetstrength.5.The writer instantly rose to famein 1950 with the publication of anovel inspired by his experience witha girl on a farm.6.One story says that US wasshort for“Uncle Sam whose realname wa

36、s Sam Wilson,who had onceworked with a man who had signed acontract with the government toprovide meat to the US Army.XII1.这 副 画 上 一 个 神 色 严 肃 的 男 子,身 旁 站 着 一 位 女 子,身 后 是 所 农 舍。他 们 的 原 型 分 别 是 画 家 的 牙 医 和 姐 姐。2.公 司 的 申 请 书,不 管 是 代 表 自 己 还 是 代 表 他 人,都 应 该 有 官 员 的 签 名。3.做 了 脱 口 秀 之 后,约 翰 和 妻 子 在 广 播 和

37、 电 视 节 目 上 出 了 名,这 些 节 目 给 普 通 民 众 以 启 迪,而 不 只 是 向 他 们 提 供 信 息。4.尽 管 有 些 人 不 赞 同,可 市 领 导 还 是 决 定 实 施 这 个 计 划,在 湖 边 建 造 两 个 五 星 级 宾 馆,以 吸 引 更 多 的 游 客。5.那 位 著 名 画 家 去 世 了,曾 经 给 他当 模 特 的 妻 子 立 即 担 任 了 他 装 潢 公 司 的 总 经 理 职 务。6.宴 会 上,他 们 的 衣 着 都 很 华 丽,但 吸 引 我 注 意 力 的 却 是 他 们 的 交 谈 方 式,使 得 我 很 想 和 他 们 交 谈。

38、XIII1 A 2 C 3 B 4 D 5 B 6 D 7 A 8 C 9 A10 B 11A 12 C 13 A 14 C 15 C16A 17D 18D 19A 20DUnit5III1.switch 2.decay 3.secured4.loose 5.slid6.privileges 7.interval 8.outline 9.preceding 10.shallow1.reached for 2.feel for3.trying to avoid breathing 4.sothat5.managed to accomplish 6.sense my thoughts 7.prov

39、idefor8.spared me 9.read about10.go aboutVN I K G M L AF C DVI1.pain 2.fear 3.tension4.mind 5.stress6.crisis 7.anger 8.anxiety 9.signs 10.hungerVII1.growth:the act of growing ordeveloping;physical or naturaldevelopment2.warmth:the state or quality ofbeing warm;warm-heartedness andkindness3.depth:the

40、 distance from the top tothe bottom of something4.truth:the state or quality of beingtrue;the actual facts or reality ofsomething5.length:the measurement of howlong something is in size6.breadth:the distance from oneside of something to the other7.width:the distance from one sideof something to the

41、other;the qualityof being wide8.death:the state of being deadVIII1.exposure 2.failures 3.disclosure 4.pressure5.mountaineers 6.closure7.profiteers 8.seizureIX1.did he realize that the task was alittle too difficult for the newsecretary to finish on her own2.did Mary stop weeping3.will all the employ

42、ees know theresult of their performanceevaluation4.did she become aware how hard itwas for her mother to have broughtup her sister and her on her own5.did I get to know what happenedin the end to the main charactersX1.Having finished their morningwork,the clerks stood up behindtheir desk,stretching

43、themselves.2.The secretary worked late into thenight,preparing a speech for thePresident.3.Seeing no prospect of success,wequitted the attempt to climb themountain.4.Knowing that they were goingtraveling,the students began to makepreparation.5.Having been found guilty,the manwas given a severe sente

44、nce by thejudge.XIl.Not until he saw his mother lyingin bed,dying,did he realize howmuch he loved her.2.Taking into account of his recentphysical condition,I think he hasdone quite well in the exam.3.Mrs.Clark lies in bed motionless,and I wondered briefly if she is stillalive.4.The building was dark

45、ened exceptfor a single light burning in athird-storey window.5.These soldiers have received verystrict training and are well equippedto fulfill the new task.6.He reached for the phone,picked itup,and dialed the hoteFs number.XII1.直 到 6 0年 代 早 期,人 们 似 乎 才 普 遍 认 同 英 国 不 再 是 以 前 心 目 中 那 样 的 大 国 了。2.在

46、决 定 了 租 房 之 后,我 们 便 着 手 与 市 内 所 有 的 房 屋 代 理 商 联 系。3.我 小 心 翼 翼 地 替 她 擦 身 子,尽 量 避 免 弄 疼 她,因 为 她 瘦 的 只 剩 皮 包 骨 了。4.我 心 间 对 这 位 老 人 涌 起 了 一 股 感 情。他 那 暗 黄 的 皮 肤 松 弛 地 裹 在 显 得 异 常 大 的 骨 头 上,深 陷 的 胸 部 随 着 不 均 匀 的 呼 吸 一 起 一 伏。5.你 在 报 上 读 到 那 位 著 名 画 家 的 消息 了 吗?他 实 际 上 是 为 了 要 成 为 视 觉 艺 术 大 师 的 抱 负 而 累 死 的。6

47、.有 迹 象 表 明,这 位 老 太 太 想 孤 独 地 离 开 人 世,不 让 她 的 家 人 看 到 他 们 或 许 无 力 面 对 的 人 生 插 曲。XIII1 B 2 C 3B 4 A 5 D 6B7 D 8 A 9 C 10 A 11 C12 A 13 C14 B 15 A 16 D 17 D18 A 19 B 20 AUnit 6III1.sensibleprecautionwithstand6.resistantaccidental2.detect 3.4.occurrence 5.7.vertical 8.9.enclosed 10.fastenedIVe out of 2.

48、watch for 3.resistant to 4.put out5.After all6.make a difference to 7.agree on8.attach labels to 9.if necessary10.In addition toVE J K O B L CH G NVI1.sense 2.message 3.argument 4.image 5.idea6.belief 7.knowledge 8.reputation 9.standard 10.habitVII1-f cupboard 橱 柜 2-1 motorcycle摩 托 车 3-1 silkworm 蚕

49、4-kteardrop 泪 滴5-g bloodstain 血 迹 6-asawdust 锯 木 屑 7 ecabinet-maker 细 木 工 匠 8-j steamboat 汽 船 9-barrowhead 箭 头 10-hshirtsleeves衬 衫 袖 子 11-d windowpane 窗 玻 璃 12-cmanservant 男 佣 人 VIII1.encourage 2.enlarge 3.encircles 4.enable 5.endanger6.enlightened 7.ensure 8.enforce 9.enacted 10.endearIX1.so that t

50、he baby would not catchcold2.so that more people would vote forhim3.so that his father might forgivehim for his failure in the math exam4.so that it would go on smoothly5.so that you can judge for yourselfX1.She cycled from Shanghai toBeijing,which is pretty difficult for awoman of 50.2.He wore his


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