1、新视野大学英语视听说教程4(第二版)单元测试答案Unit 2 testPart I ScriptDirections:Listen to the short dialogs,and then choose the correct answersto the questions.You will hear the recording twice.After the first playing,there will be time for you to choose the correct answers.U se the second playingto check your answers.1
2、.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)C A.T he man is for the woman?s plastic surgery.巴 B.T he man thinks the woman can not afford the plastic surgery.v E C.T he man thinks the woman is beautiful enough.C D.T he man recommends the woman save some money for the plastic surgery.2.(Listen t
3、o the audio recording for the question.)C A.T he man is holding a party.v E B.T he man is quite at loss with strangers.巴 C.T he man is outgoing.C D.T he man has already had a girlfriend.3.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)巴 A.An ugly duckling.匕 B A traditional beauty.“巴 C A beauty in
4、a special way.C D.A plain J ane.4.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)巴 A.Steve is better-looking than his girlfriend.E B.Steve,s girlfriend is better-looking than he is.巴 C.T hough Steve is plain-looking,his girlfriend loves him.C D.T hough Steves girlfriend is plain-looking,he loves h
5、er.5.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)C A.T he woman speaker.C B.No one.C C.One who has white skin.E D.One who has good personality.Part II ScriptD irections:Listen to the passage three times.When the passage is read forthe first time,listen for the general idea.When the passage is r
6、ead the secondtime,fill in the blanks numbered from(1)to(7)with the exact words you hear.F or blanks numbered from(8)to(10),write down either the exact words youhear or the main points in your own words.When the passage is read the thirdtime,check your answers.A 20-year-old Australian model and danc
7、er won the Miss U niverse,】,/n I co n tes t i i i ,i.title in a two-hour beauty I watched by televisionviewers around the world.J ennifer H awkins,a 5-foot-l1 blonde with blue eyes,was chosenfrom 8 0 beauty(2)1 queens.Miss U.S.A.,Shandi F innessey,wasawarded second place.H awkins received the crown
8、from I outgoing_ Miss U niverse,A m elia Vega,an d th en walked th e len gth o f th e s tage to th echeerso f th e cro wd.Sev eral tim es s h e reach ed up to to uchh er cro wn,as if to rem in d h ers elf s h e h ad actually wo n th e(5)1 title.Bes id es m o d elin g an d d an cin g,Hawkin s als o o
9、 rgan iz es a d an ce teamth at(6)1 I。A us tralia.Her in teres ts in clud e s urf in g,cam pin g an d watch in g ballet.Bef o re th e co n tes t began,Cuban-A m erican s in ger Glo ria Es tef an,wh o (7)1 perf o ln icd at th e M is s Un iv ers e f in als,d ef en d ed beautyco n tes ts f ro m critics
10、 wh o in s is t s uch ev en ts treat wo m en m erelyas play th in gs.Sh e s aid,Des pite Es tev an,s s uppo rt,m an y peo ple q ues tio n th e v alue o fbeauty co n tes ts.(9)I-.Co n s erv ativ e religio us gro ups in In d ia f o rced s uch co n tes ts tom o v e f ro m Calcutta wh en th ey th reaten
11、 ed bo m bin gs.(10).T h ey h o pe A us tralia is go in g to s h in e f o r wh at it is,anun f o rgettable place.Yo ur an s werCo rrect an s werco n tes tco n tes t“q ueen sq ueen s,3)o utgo in go utgo in gch eersch eers,5)titletitle,6)to ursto urswo uld d raw wo rld atten tio n toth e beauty o f th
12、 eir co un try an dattract to uris ts,7)(8)perf o rm ed perf o rm edA beautif ul wo m an h as v ery greatpo wers to co n v in ce,an d we h av es een m an y m is s es wh o h av e d o n e agreat jo b(9)Wo m en,s liberatio no rgan iz atio n s in th e Un itedStates regularly d em o n s trate inpro tes t
13、 o uts id e M is s A m erica an dM is s Wo rld co n tes ts(10)A ll th e s am e,s o m e A us tralian swere h o pin g th e two-h o ur s h o wPart III ScriptD irections:L is ten to th e f o llo win g reco rd in g,an d th en ch o o s e th e co rrectan s wers to th e q ues tio n s.Yo u will h ear th e re
14、co rd in g twice.A f ter th e f irs tplay in g,th ere will be tim e f o r y o u to ch o o s e th e co rrect an s wers.Us e th e s eco n dplay in g to ch eck y o ur an s wers.1.Wh y d o es Pam ela wan t to h av e plas tic s urgery?E A.T o beco m e a m o v ie actres s.C B.T o beco m e an an ch o rwo m
15、 an.匕 C.T o beco m e a f as h io n m o d el.C D.T o f in d a wh ite-co llar jo b.2.Wh at s urgery h as Pam ela alread y h ad?巴 A.En largin g h er breas ts.巴 B.Rem o v in g wrin kles f ro m h er n eck.C C.M akin g h er f ace th in n er.E D.M akin g h er n o s e tip m o re po in ted.3.Wh at d id Pam e
16、la th in k abo ut beauty an d ch aracter?A.Beauty is as im po rtan t as a n o ble ch aracter.B.Beauty is m o re im po rtan t th an a n o ble ch aracter.Beauty is les s im po rtan t th an a n o ble ch aracter.Beautyan d a n o ble ch aracter are les s im po rtan t th an ability.E C.4.Ho w d o Pam elas
17、 paren ts an d bo y f rien d react to h er plas tic s urgery?C A.Her bo y f rien d isagain s t it wh ile paren ts are f o r it.E B.Her bo y f rien d isf o r it wh ile h er paren ts o pin io n is un kn o wn.C c.Bo th h er paren tsBo th h er paren tsan d bo y f rien d are f o r it.an d bo y f rien d a
18、re again s t it.5.Ho w lo n g wo uld h er n ew lo o ks las t,acco rd in g to Dr.Cars o n?匕 A.On e to two y ears.E B.T h ree to f iv e y ears.C.Nearly a d ecad e.C D.Un pred ictable.Part IVDirections:Ch o o s e th e bes t an s wer to each o f th e f o llo win g s tatem en ts.1.But y o ur h aircuts h
19、av en t been y o ur ch aracter.Yo ur h airis at war with y o ur s o ul.A.with h arm o n y inB.with h arm o n y toC.in h arm o n y with巴 D.in h arm o n y toIfI m ays ay,r m anex pert at m atch in g h airs ty lespers o n alities.A.inB.o nC.atD.to3.By puttin g a f ew y ello win y o ur h air,it will bec
20、o m e a wo rk o fart.A.s treaksC B.lin es匕 C.th read sE2 D.wires4.So m e f am o us s tars alway s lo o k s ty lis h.T h ey h av e un lim ited clo th in g bud getsth at put th e lates t lo o ks !巴 A.in th eir h an d sB.in th eir po ckets巴 C.o n th eir f acesD.at th eir f in gertips5.I wo n d er wh at
21、 s h e lo o ks like with o ut all th at m akeup.I d o n,t un d ers tan dm en f in d s o attractiv e abo ut h er.C A.h o wB.wh ichC.wh yD.wh at6.Yo u,d better us e th e m akeup th at is m ad e f ro m n atural pro d ucts f ro m th eDead Sea,s o it wo n,t _ y o ur s kin.C A.irrigate B.irritateC C.im it
22、ate巴 D.in tim ate7.T h e blue co lo r will perf ectly co m plem en t th e res t o f y o ur m akeup.匕 A.withG B.inf C C.toC D.alo n g8.Yo u can wear a pair o f black tro us ers an d a wh ite d res s s h irt s ev eral tim esa week,with d if f eren t acces s o ries.C A.pairin g 巴 B.pairedC.to pairD.pai
23、r9.I want to become beautiful and make other girls into _ monsters.匕 A.red-eyedE B.green-eyesC C.red-eyes“匕 D.green-eyed10.r 11 bet you believe in those sayings like,“Beauty is in the eye of theC A.bewilder、,_E B.beholder巴 C.upholderC D.holderUnit 3 testPart I ScriptDirectio n s:Listen to the short
24、dialogs,and then choose the correct answersto the questions.You will hear the recording twice.After the first playing,there will be time for you to choose the correct answers.U se the second playingto check your answers.1.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)7 E A.4.0.C B.4.5.C C.6.0.巴 D
25、.6.5.2.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)C A.T he crops were all failed in this area because of the drought.C B.T he area was hit by the worst drought in the last 30 years.D C.T he government should improve the development of the infrastructurein the area.已 D.T he irrigation system in
26、 this area played an important role in copingwith the drought.3.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)巴 A.T here will be a volcanic eruption on La Palma Island.巴 B.La Palma Island will be completely submerged.C C T idal waves will strike the coasts of two continents.C D.T idal waves will
27、die down along the coasts of Africa and NorthAmerica.4(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)C A.T he man thinks human beings can change nature.C B.T he woman thinks human beings can change nature.已 C.T he man thinks human beings can do nothing in the face of naturedisaster.国 D.T he woman
28、thinks human beings can do nothing but minimizing lossesin the face of natural disasters.5.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)已 A.T he man thinks modern technology can tame nature while the woman doesnot.已 B.T he woman thinks modern technology can tame nature while the man doesnot.巴 C.
29、Both the man and woman think mankind can conquer nature.E D.Neither the man nor the woman thinks mankind can conquer nature.Part II ScriptDirections:L is ten to th e pas s age th ree tim es.Wh en th e pas s age is read f o rth e f irs t tim e,lis ten f o r th e gen eral id ea.Wh en th e pas s age is
30、 read th e s eco n dtim e,f ill in th e blan ks n um bered f ro m (1)to (7)with th e ex act wo rd s y o u h ear.Fo r blan ks n um bered f ro m (8)to (10),write d o wn eith er th e ex act wo rd s y o uh ear o r th e m ain po in ts in y o ur o wn wo rd s.Wh en th e pas s age is read th e th irdtim e,c
31、h eck y o ur an s wers.A f ew y ears ago,m y f rien d an d I were walkin g(1)n o o n o n a s treet n ear m yh o m e in a n o rth erno f T eh eran.T h is area is well-kn o wn becaus e it isa beautif ul av en ue th at(3)1 co n n ects-t w o majo r traf f ic circles.It is lo cated at,/.I bo tto mth e(4)
32、1o f a h igh m o un tain.T h at d ay,th e s un wasbut th e weath er s ud d en ly ch an ged.(5)|s h in in g(产we were walkin g between th e two circles,it s tarted rain in g v ery h ard.We s tartedto (7)1 th e bo ulev ard to get to th e s eco n d circle.It was rain in g s o h ardth at we d ecid ed to
33、go in s id e a res tauran t in s tead.T en m in utes later,as we were lo o kin g o ut th e win d o w,we s aw ev ery o n e was run n in g away f ro m s o m eA t f irs t,we d id n o t kn o w wh at was go in g o n.We wen t o uts id e th e res tauran t to s eewh at was h appen in g.Peo ple s eem ed s h
34、o cked.A h uge f lo o d was s tream in g d o wn th e m o un tain.We were s tan d in g o n a h igh er place,s o we co uld s eWe were s cared.Cars,ro cks,an d peo ple were f lo atin g o n th e water like little to y sto ward th e little m arket at th e s o uth en d o f th e circle.T h e h eigh t o f t
35、h e waterwas alm o s t to th e to p o f th e trees.A f ter a f ew m in utes,th e f lo o d,s f lo w was red uced,s o we d ecid ed to leav e th e areabef o re th e water en tered th e s treet we were o n.It was repo rted th at th e f lo o d d es tro y ed a big area an d appro x im ately 300 peo ple we
36、re killed o rL ater,we als o learn ed th at a d am h ad burs t d urin g th e rain.Correct answer at,2)section,3)connects,4)bottom,5)shining,6)As5 cross,8)T en minutes later,as we were lookingout the window,we saw everyone wasrunning away from something3 A huge flood was streaming down themountain.We
37、 were standing on a higherplace,so we could see everythingD (10)It was reported that the flooddestroyed a big area and approximately300 people were killed or disappearedthat dayPart III ScriptDirectio n s:Listen to the following recording,and then choose the correctanswers to the questions.You will
38、hear the recording twice.After the firstplaying,there will be time for you to choose the correct answers.U se the secondplaying to check your answers.1.Why was the door to the balcony wide open?QE A.T he weather was hot.C B.It was too moist inside.巴 C.It was too dry inside.C D.T he scene outside was
39、 beautiful.2.Why was the speaker unable to close the windows?C A.T he window was deformed.E B.T he wind was too strong.C C.H e was scared stiff by the loud thunder.匕 D.H e was frightened by the lightning.3.H ow did the speaker manage to close the window?C A.H e asked his wife to close it together.U
40、E B.H e used a mop to close it.巴 C.H e waited until the wind was less strong.C D.H e waited until the hail was over.4.What did the speaker do after seeing the lightning?C A.H e closed the window.巴 B.H e turned off the T V.C C.H e turned off the lights.E D.H e pulled out the electrical plugs.5.What i
41、s the sequence of the events?A.Sun-wind-thunder and lightning-sun-hail.C B.Sun一hail-thunder and lightning一wind一sun.E C.Sun一wind一thunder and lightning一hail一sun.C D.Sun-wind-hail一thunder and lightning-sun.Part IVDirectio n s:Choose the best answer to each of the following statements.1.Our flight to T
42、okyo was delayed by 12 hours.A typhoon_the east coastand it was chaos.C A.beatE B.hitC C.struck at匕 D.attacked on2.T sunami waves can be meters high.T hey toss cars and housesaround as though they were children,s toys.C A.a dozen ofC B.dozen of匕 C.dozens E D.dozens of3.A blizzard is a severe weather
43、 c o n d i t i o n low temperatures andstrong winds,greater than 35 miles per hour,bearing a great amount ofsnow.f E A.characterized by匕 B.characterized withE 2 C.characteristic ofC D.characteristic with4.But it is generally agreed that in order to be classified as a blizzard,merely a winter storm,t
44、he weather must meet severalconditions.C A.which opposed toB.which opposed withC.as opposed to巴 D.as opposed with5.When all of these conditions continue after snow has stopped falling,thestorm a ground blizzard.匕 A.is referred asE 2 B.is referred toE C.is referred to as巴 D.referring to as6.People in
45、 a whiteout can quickly become disoriented,their sense of up and down as well as their sense of direction.巴 A.catching.losingC B.caught.loste C.catching.lostC D.caught.losing7.T he scale of the resulting deaths or property damage depends on the humanability to the disasters.C A.resistC B.resist toC
46、C.resist against匕 D.resist from8.During a drought,food and water supplies can.C A.run lowly匕 B.run low巴 C.drop lowlye D.drop low9.T housands of stock farmers will have to slaughter their livestockbecause there is no grass left.C A.on a big way匕 B.with a big way匕 C.in a large scale.C D.on a large sca
47、le10.T he fire department from the nearby town was called to put the f i r e.VE A.out匕 B.downE C.away D.offUnit 4 testPart I ScriptDirections:Listen to the short dialogs,and then choose the correct answersto the questions.You will hear the recording twice.After the first playing,there will be time f
48、or you to choose the correct answers.U se the second playingto check your answers.1.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)匕 A.T he man has been offered many good jobs because he is well-rounded.巴 B.T h e m an is h av in g an in terv iew.C C.T h e wo m an wan ts to jo in in s o m e co urs
49、es to o.E D.T h e wo m an th in ks it,s un n eces s ary to learn o ccupatio n al s kills.2.(L is ten to th e aud io reco rd in g f o r th e q ues tio n.)A.Sh e th in ks th e m an will be f ired.B.Sh e th in ks th e m an will be s ev erely pun is h ed.C C.Sh e th in ks th e m an s wo rk will be giv e
50、n to h is co lleagues.Sh e th in ksth e m an s h o uld be co urageo us to ad m it th e m is take.3.(L is ten to th e aud io reco rd in g f o r th e q ues tio n.)v C A.He is a s elf-m ad e s ucces s f ul bus in es s m an.C B.He in h erited a large f o rtun e.巴 C.He is a s ucces s f ul y o un g trad e