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2、叙事文中会打乱时间顺序和因果关系,从而淡化人物和情节;二是情节平淡、朦胧乃至支离破碎,故事成自然状态,在情节淡化中,作品会有意无意地放弃”序幕、开端、发展、高潮、结局、尾 声”的情节模式,不以高潮和悬念取胜,叙述的只是故事的自然流程;三是故事中非动作因素比重增大,故事充满各种议论和感觉。读后续写是语言模仿与创造性使用的有机结合,是语言理解与产出交互协同、相互促进的结果,有助于激发学生的想象力、创造力,达到以读促写、以写促读的外语学习效果。读后续写的阅读材料一般以叙事性文本为主,故事情节多有曲折,故事线索清晰,逻辑性强。目前学生在读后续写中存在的问题主要有续写情节偏离主题、续文结构松散无序、语言

3、知识不足以表达思想等。情节在读后续写中占据十分重要的地位,一个好的情节会让人产生情感共鸣与价值认同。然而,在续写过程中,学生往往会出现续写情节偏离主题、隐性话语(伏笔)未能回应、内容单薄、因果不清、时空混乱、角色引入失当、结局模糊与价值升华缺失等现象,表明他们缺乏情节设置的基本策略。长此以往,学生难免会产生读后续写的畏难 情 绪。为此,熟悉并使用读后续写的情节设置策略是考生取得读后续写成功的关键因素之一。以方法策情节是叙事性文本的构成要素之一,由一系列相互关联的事件构成,是叙事性文本中最为典型、最为生动的内容。解读叙事性文本,不仅应抓住情节的起因、发展、高潮、结局,更应抓住情节的内在冲突、矛盾

4、等。一方面,高考续写内容主要集中在情节的高潮和结局部分。此部分反映个体经验及思想上的困惑与冲突、危机的出现或转折、矛盾冲突以某种方式得到解决及事件的最终结局。因而,合理的续写情节应包括矛盾冲突、危机转折、问题解决和最终结局。另一方面,高考读后续写不是独立存在的,它是已有叙事情节的延续,这就要求学生在主题、情感、人物和事件等方面与已有情节保持一致。读后续写中,学生可以利用如下步骤进行故事的情节分析及设置:1.研读续写源语篇,确定故事话题与主题读后续写,首先在于“读”。“读”的一个重要意图在于确定材料的主题。主题也称之为“中心思想”,是语篇的灵魂。因此,续写情节应紧紧围绕主题这个核心,突显 主题的

5、现实价值和情感意义。主题的确定有两条途径:一是提炼,二是感悟。认识事物是由浅入深、由表及里的过程。我们要对已有材料进 行分析、归纳、筛选,并从不同的角度进行比较鉴别,去粗取精,由感性到理性,这样才能提炼出事物的本质和深刻的主题。感悟来自苦思而产生的灵感。苦思的过程就是对材料信息 进行去伪存真、由表及里的感悟过程。主题始终蕴藏着作者的意图或价值取向。主题一般包括中心内容与价值取向两个方面 中心内容是文章所负载的信息。价值取向是作者想要通过作品传达的思想。作者可能会用标题、一个词、一句话或一段话呈现主题,而学生需要敏锐地获取这些关键信息以提炼出主题及作者的价 值 取 向。一般来说,作者的价值取向包

6、括历史意义、伦理意义、人生意义、现实价值、情感价值等。2.寻找语篇的隐性话语,发现隐藏在故事背后的问题隐性话语(隐性话语(伏笔)是上文看似无关紧要的事或物,对下文将要出现的人物或事件预先作出的某种提示或暗示 隐性话语(伏笔)有以下三种作用:为故事的展开服务,给予读者暗示;制造悬念,提高读者继续阅读的兴趣;强调伏线必须有始有终,前文的迹象提示必在后文中体现。阅读材料中的隐性话语(伏笔)在续写部分得以体现,才能使得续文情节合情合理,即学生在续写中要遵循“寻找隐性话语(伏笔)一 回应隐性话语(伏笔)”的写作规则。然而,隐性话语(伏笔)经常零星散落在试题材料中,不 易 发 觉。有 时,试题材料中看似“

7、闲笔”之处却是重要的伏笔信息。学生如何才能精准地找出“潜伏”在 试题材料中的隐性话语(伏笔)?通过梳理历次高考读后续写试题材料,我们发现,隐性话语(伏笔)通常体现在特定的人、物(事件)、语言、情感、主人公期待和反常情境六个方面。通过关注这六个方面,我们就能找到隐性话语(伏笔),进而通过回应隐性话语(伏笔)来设置合理的情节。需要注意的是,试题材料中可能会有很多隐性话语(伏笔),而续写内容不可能回应所有隐性话语(伏笔),这就需要学生选取有助于推动情节发展或能突显试题材料价值取向的隐性话语(伏笔)来 设 置 情 节。例如,以 2 0 2 1 年 6月浙江卷读后续写试题的隐性话语(伏笔)及其回应为例进

8、行详细阐述:【物(事件)】隐性话语(伏笔):My dad earned money to pay family expenses from age 14.(2)1 didnt really understand his world.I thought that I would surpass anything he had accomplished after high school gradua-tion.I planned to do with the pay as I wished.I wasnt interested more work.I understood immediately

9、 what my parents were worried about.the truck回应:He exerted all his energies to support the family without any bitter words.I now understand all the efforts my dad put into the family.I would never surpass what my dad did for the family due to my little responsibility tak-en forthe household.1 decide

10、d to contribute all my money to mend the truck instead of buying a new basket-ball.That night,before I went to bed,1 decided to continue my work if I could because I learned thetrue meaning of growing up.My parents had intended to fix the bro-ken truck but couldnt get enough money to afford it.通过梳理试

11、题材料中人、物(事件)、语言、情感、主人公期待及反常情境等隐性话语(伏笔)信息,我们能够快速把握叙事的情节,找到矛盾冲突的原因,进而发现亟待解决的问题。3.丰富故事情节的内涵,突出问题解决的实际意义历次高考读后续写试题材料多为遇险脱困、生活趣事等常见的个体经历,其情节主线并不 复 杂。学生三言两语便能写完情节主线内容,而这又引发了另一个问题:学生写出的情节徒有主线骨架,并 无“血肉二 例如,2021年新高考I 卷读后续写试题中写完Jenna和Jeff做好早餐送到母亲床前,看着母亲吃完早餐的时候,是否就应该结束续写呢?其实不然。我们还可以从环境、心理、动作、语言和情感等五个方面着手,丰富情节内容

12、,推动问题的解决。4.聚焦事件发生始末,确保叙事的层次性叙事文本就是叙述人物活动、事件发生经过、作者抒发情感的语篇,其结构一般遵循以下三种顺序:(1)时间顺序:叙事主要用来叙述过去发生的事件,这个事件既可以是真实的,也可以是虚构的O叙事的特点是,叙事中事件发生的时间顺序就是事件实际发生的时间顺序。如果叙述的时间发生改变,那么叙述的事件也会发生相应改变。例如:事件一:On the way home full of excitement,I thought about how to make use of the“hugesum of money,need a new football in th

13、e future.whispered to myself.Approaching myhouse,I noticed my dad and mom standing beside the old truck of my family,looking sad.事件二:On the way home full of excitement,I thought about how to make use of thehugesum of money.Approaching my house,I noticed my dad and mom standing beside the oldtruck of

14、 my family,looking sad.I need a new football in the future.事件一是基于2021年 6 月浙江卷读后续写试题材料进行的续写,其传递的是作者可能会改变钱的用途,将钱用于解决家里的困难。而事件二则恰恰相反,其传递出作者即便知道了家里的困难,仍然想买新足球的想法。事件一、二传达的意义之所以大相径庭,原因就在于改变了叙述的时间。(2)空间顺序:叙事文本尤其是关于景物的叙事文本,常常会出现空间位移的现象,这在一定程度上是由于景物都是以一定的空间为背景的。空间位移一般可以分为两种:一种是以作者的位置为中心,推向其他人或物的位置;另 一种是作者在行动

15、中,按行动路线所涉及的空间逐个叙事状物,即人们常说的“移步换形:例如:(2018 年 6 月浙江卷读后续写)I knew we had gotten hopelessly lost.After seeminglyages,there came a loud cry of my dad.As a quick response,I shouted in a loud voice.Dad,I m here!”Tracing my voice,Dad finally found me and we got reunited.(2021 年 6 月浙江卷读后续写)On ihe way home full

16、 of excitement,I thought about how tomake use of the“huge sum of money.Approaching my house,I noticed my dad and momstanding beside the old truck of my family,looking sad.That night,before I went to bed,Idecided to continue my work if I could because I learned the true mean-ing of growing up.(3)情感顺序

17、:情感顺序指将客观事物固有的逻辑关系巧妙地组合在思想情感发展的线索中,组成一个层次式的语篇,体现了人在认识事物过程中的情感变化与不断成长的心路历程,以及面对矛盾冲突时的思想转变和情感变化。情感层次的不断提升不仅有助于推动情节的发展、矛盾冲突的解决,更有助于突显语篇的情感价值,进一步升华主题。例如:(2021 年 6 月浙江卷读后续写)From age 14,my dad earned and used it to pay familyexpenses.I didnt really understand his world either.At home,my dad said,A jobs a

18、big step togrowing up.Tm glad you will be contributing to the household.?,My dads words made me realizethat my earnings might not be mine to do with as I wished.My labors lasted about two weeks,and the farmer said there might be more work,but I wasnt interested.I decided it was not fair thatI had to

19、 contribute my money.I understood immediately what my parents were worried about.My parents had intended tobuy a new truck but couldnt get enough money to afford it.Suddenly,I realized what I should domy part in the family responsibilities.Hold-ing the money,I said,“Dad,here is what I got for mywork

20、.I hope it would help.That night,before I went to bed,I decided to continue my work if Icould because I learned the true mean-ing of growing up.2021年 6 月浙江卷读后续写试题材料体现出作者情感层次的不断递进和升华。首先,语篇描写了作者情感的第一层次一自私。作者不理解为何父亲从小就赚钱养家,对父亲暗示他要将打 工赚来的钱用于补贴家用较为抵触。两周后,作者便萌生了不愿再工作的想法,并认为将自己辛苦赚来的钱用于补贴家用是不公平的。接着,语篇描写了作者情

21、感的第二层 次 一 责 任。当作者意识到父母因没有足够的钱购买全家赖以生存的卡车而担忧时,他主动把赚来的钱交给父母。最后,语篇描写了作者情感的第三层次一成长。作者决定继续工作,主动承担起一份家庭责任。上述语篇通过情感描写的不断递进,既推动了情节的发展,又突显了主题。5.基于故事进展引入新角色,以合理解决矛盾冲突续写内容中最主要的情节就是故事的高潮部分。所谓高潮就是矛盾冲突激化最激烈、涉事各方最终角力即将分出胜负的关键节点。一旦矛盾冲突得以解决,叙事就走向结局。在有些情形下,主人公会碰到自己无法解决的矛盾冲突,此时就需要叙事材料中其他涉事人或物来帮助主人公走出困境。如果协助主人公走出困境的其他人

22、或物已在试题材料中出现,我们称之为介质。介质在高考读后续写试题中经常出现。介质就是作者安排的某个人物或事件为下一个人物或事件的出现埋下的隐性话语(伏笔)。如果协助主人公走出困境的人物或事件没有出现在试题材料中,或试题材料只是暗示这一人物或事件即将出现,我们称之为第三方角色。第三方角色引入的唯一目的就是帮助主人公脱离困境,使叙事朝着主人所期待的结局发展。例如,2020年 7 月浙江卷读后续写试题最后解决人熊大战这一矛盾冲突的第三方角色是护林员(rangers)。护林员这个角色虽然在所给材料中并未出现,但试题材料己对其进行了暗示I radioed the camp manager for help

23、.He told me a helicopter was on itsway.o 叙事情节中矛盾冲突的解决要遵循“意料之外,情理之中”的原则,即无论作者设计的情节多么惊险曲折,介质的回应或第三方角色的引入必须合乎情理,并能助力问题的解决。6.点明人物或故事的结局,回应源语篇的隐性话语结局是指一系列事件的结束,包括人或物的下场、目的的实现或失败等。叙事的结局是指主要矛盾冲突解决后至故事结束的阶段。在此阶段,事件最终以符合主人公预期的结局收尾,即便结局不符合主人公预期,那也对主人公有着重要的意义或价值。结局是建立在开端、发展、高潮基础上的对整个故事情节所做的最后完结和交待,其不是孤立存在的,具有不

24、可替代性。结局若设置巧妙则对作品的内容、主旨都具有画龙典型句式之用;结局若草率结束则成狗尾续貂之憾。结局的设置有虚实两种情况。虚的结局是指作者不直截了当告知读者事件的准确结局,而是留有空间让读者去想象;实的结局是指作者明确告知读者事件的结局。例如,在 2018年 6 月浙江卷读后续写试题中,对 于“we”能否找到回农场的路,虚的结局可以设置为And just when all hope seemed lost,anxious shouts were heard inthe distance with torches coming into sight.,实的结局则可以设置为Finally,Un

25、cle Paulfound us and we were back,safe and sound.因此,成功的结局只是叙事活动在时空上的暂时停止,其文本的现实价值与精神意义由读者去想象和阐释,从而赋予文本更长久的生命力。践强化1.(2022.江苏盐城.三模)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。From the time I was old enough to help on our Indiana farm,I knew what my father expectedof me.Three generations of men in my family w

26、ere doctors.I heard stories of the lives mygrandfather had saved and I heard similar tales about my father.As Dad grew ever more godlike inmy mind,so did the force of the expectation that I would follow in the family tradition.But as college neared,I began to feel that becoming a doctor was not what

27、 I really wanted todo.I didnt dare tell him about my uncertainty.With the weight heavy on my mind the summerbefore college,I was given a challenge that I hoped would be a distraction.Dad kept several bird dogs which I trained on our farm.As usual,Dad turned Jerry over tome.”See what you can do with

28、him,he said.I didnt anticipate problems.Jerry was a willing dog of about ten months.The first part of histraining was easy.He mastered the basics:sit,stay,down,walk.His only problem was come.Idcall Jerry!Here!,He would turn and look at me,then go on about his business.In the followingdays,I noticed

29、he would just take off through the grass,fast as a wild thing.Despite my intensedesire to train him well,I began to feel a strange sense of joy when he ran.“Why wont he do what I want him to?”I asked myself.I had never failed with a dog before,but I was surely failing now.When September came,I final

30、ly had to tell Dad that this bird dogwouldnt hunt.The thought that I had failed us both made me guilty.“Son,I know this dog doesnt do what he should,he said,44but what he does do is somethinghe likes.He continued to look at me firmly.For a moment I felt he could see into my very heart.注意:1.续写词数应为150

31、左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。“Dad,I dont think I can do medicine,I took a solid breath.He gave me a tight hug,said good night and left me.【答案】“Dad,I don 7 think I can do medicine,I took a solid breath.Hearing this,he lowered his eyes,obviously disappointed.He appeared so sad that 1 almost felt close to te

32、ars.But to my great relief,his face lit up when he looked at me again.Staring at Jerry beside his feet,he said gently,“Thinkabout Jerry,son.You expected him to be the hunter you trained him to be.But he just isnt.It is agood thing,and now well just wait to see how you run.He gave me a tight hug,said

33、 good night and left me.At that moment I understood my father asI never had before,and the love and trust I felt seemed to fill the room.I looked at Jerry,asleep,his legs stretching suddenly as if to be running even in his dreams.To him,running was a greathonor and birds no longer mattered to him.To

34、 me,being a doctor is not my ideal choice,but newones await me in the future.【写作解析】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述r 作者在家庭的影响下,选择了成为医生。但是随着大学临近,作者开始觉得成为一名医生并不是自己真正想做的事情。结果父亲从作者训狗这件事中,察觉到了作者并不喜欢学医,并表示支持作者选择自己喜欢的事业。1.段落续写:由第段首句内容“爸爸,我觉得不能学医 我深深吸了口气”可知,第一段可描写父亲听到作者的话后的反应以及表示对作者选择的理解。由第二段首句内容“他紧紧地拥抱了我,道了晚安就离开了我。”可知,第二段可描写

35、作者听了父亲的话后的心理活动以及感悟。2.续写线索:告诉父亲内心感受父亲表示理解作者感动作者感悟3.词汇激活行为类:(I)深呼吸:take a solid breath/take a deep breath;(2)在旁边:beside/next to;(3)重要:matler/count情绪类:(1)悲伤:sad/sorrowful;(2)理想:ideal/dream【典型句式】句型 1 Hearing this,he lowered his eyes,obviously disappointed.(运用 了现在分词作状语)句型 21 He 叩peared so sad that I almo

36、st felt close to tears.(运用 了 结果状语从句)2.(2022 河北模拟预测)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。The winter of 1933.All around us was rough reality.Lots of folks found themselvespenniless.But life went on.New Year was almost upon us.One day Mr.Breiten,our teachen had a bright idea to cheer usup.With a big sm

37、ile he proudly announced a gift exchange game.We each pulled a slip of paperwith a name on it.Maxine had selected Fleener.Hildes name was on my slip of paper.My mom was a geniuswith a needle and thread,and I knew shed sew something up.When we figured out who had myname,I about fainted.It was Betsy!H

38、er family was poorer than the rest of us.What am I goingto do,Maxine,when my name is called?Stand up there looking stupid while everyone is watchingme?That Betsy should not even have taken a name!Finally the date for the big program arrived.When I reached Maxines house to meet her,hermother called u

39、s to see what Maxines aunt had sent.A pair of red gloves was out on the table.“Oh,Maxine screamed with delight.Look at the angels!She pulled off her worn brown glovesand slipped her hand into the new one.“Snow angel gloves,5,she breathed.44Oh,Delores.Look!”Tve never seen anything so beautiful in my

40、whole life,“I sighed.Well,I was happy forMaxine,but the sight of those gloves made me feel even sorrier for myself.Then the gift exchange began.One name was called and then another Kids jumped up,laughing happily.When Hildes name was called,I fished in my pocket for the little doll Mom hadmade.“Bets

41、y,Mr.Breiten called.I saw Betsy stand up hesitantly.Then Maxine stood up!I caught Maxines arm.Ybu have Fleener,I reminded her.I traded with him,shewhispered as she walked over and handed her gift to Betsy.Betsy carefully unfolded the package.My eyes popped out.Maxines red snow angel gloves lay in Be

42、tsys palms.She was speechless,and tears began to fill the corners of her eyes.She murmured her thanks and sank down into herchair.Maxine!”I whispered.I searched her eyes,and she looked back at me with that steady wayshe had.Betsy didnt have any gloves.”注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。“Delores,M

43、r.Breiten called out and my turn came.I saw Maxines red snow angel gloves and another small item.【答案】“Delores,Mr.Breiten called out and my turn came.I looked across to see Betsy comingtoward me.Betsy handed me a small brown paper pack.Merry Christmas,?she said with a lowvoice.1 looked at her standin

44、g there and seemed to see her for the first time.Her delicate face wassmiling at me and searching my eyes for a message of friendly acceptance.Thank you/Imurmured awkwardly,and opened the pack.Astonishment took away my breath.I saw Maxines red snow angel gloves and another small item.It was a star m

45、ade of branches,which must have taken hours to make.But Betsy,the gloves.”I started to say.The glow on herface stopped me.It occurred to me that Td never seen her smile in all the weeks shed been amongus.Across the room Betsy was still shining,after giving me the best thing she had ever owned.Ithoug

46、ht,Betsy,you are the one who showed me what real charity look like.How on earth doesyour small,skinny body hold a heart so big?【写作解析】本文以人物为线索展开,主要讲述了 1933年的冬天,许多人都过得穷困,节H前夕,老师想出了一个交换礼物的好主意。Maxine选择了 Fleener,而作者匹配到了家里几乎最穷的Betsy。交换礼物那天,Maxine收到了自己姑姑寄来的新的红色手套,并将其送给了 Betsy o1.段落续写:由第一段首句内容“Delores,“Brei

47、ten先生喊道,轮到我了。”可知,第一段可描写Betsy送礼物给作者,得到作者的感谢后非常开心,作者打开包裹。由第二段首句内容“我看到了 Maxine的红色雪天使手套和另一件小东西。”可知,第二段可描写作者看到了包裹中的礼物,知道Betsy把最好的东西给了自己,感受到了真正的仁爱是什么样子。2.续写线索:Betsy送礼物作者尴尬作者惊讶最好的礼物Betsy开心作者理解真正的慈善3.词汇激活行为类:递:hand/pass;低声说:said with a low voice/whisper/speak in a low voice;拥有:own/possess情绪类:善意的:riendly/kin

48、d;尴尬地:awkwardly/in embarrassment【典型句式】【句型 1 It was a star made of branches,which must have taken hours to make.(由关系代词which引导非限制性定语从句)【句型 2 I thought,Betsy,you are the one who showed me what real charity look like.(由关系代 词 w ho引导限制性定语从句,由连接词what引导宾语从句作动词showed的宾语)3.(2022 广 东 二 模)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写

49、两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。Music has always been an essential part of my family.As a little girl,I often watched mymom singing with others in the church.As I grew older,she and I would sing while we did thedishes or hung clothes.My brother Dean was also a musical soul.In good time or in bad,therewas always musi

50、c in our house.It shaped us,comforted us,and gave us a way to express feelingsthat might otherwise have gone unspoken.After Dean became a father,we learned that his oldest son was on the autism spectrum.Mynephew Dj did not handle social situation well,and sometimes even for him to speak aloudoutside


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