1、UNIT 2 WILDLIFE PROTECTION续写语料积累XUXIE YULIAO JILEI增 厚 文 学 底 蕴背诵句之美欣赏语之秀1.(行为描写)(2020浙江卷)A young m al epol ar bear who was pl ayi ng i n a nearby l akesniffed,and smelled our garl i c bread.2.(心 理 描 写)(2021-连 云 港 市 模拟)Confused and frightened at m yapproach,t he w ol f backed away.3.(景物描写)(2021丹东市质量测试
2、)Oneday,duri ng t he ni ght,t here was a stormwith heavy rain and high winds.(2021海口市调研测试)Oneday w hen I was si x,he lookedme straight in the eye,aski ng,“Are you w i l l i ng t o do anyam ount of w ork t o becom eM i chael Jordan?”I hesitatedfor a moment,feeling theweight of his words,but t hensmil
3、ed brightly and nodded.基础知识梳理JICHU ZHISHI SHULI 构 建 知 识 体 系课标单词背诵(先填后背)1.post er n.海报2.hunt vt.&二.打猎;搜寻;追捕3.shark n.鲨鱼4.raten.速度;(比)率”.划分等级5.rat i ng n.等级;级别6.m ass adi.大量的:广泛的n.大量;堆;群7.habitat”.(动植物的)生活环境;栖息地8.average n.平均数;平均水平a分平均的;正常的;普通的9.l i vi ng adi.居住的:活的;在用的n.生活;生计10.adapt况.适 应”.使适应;使适合11.
4、aut hori t y H,官方;当权;权威12.pressure n.压力;要求13.w hal e n.鲸14.pl ai n n.平 原 a力.简单明了的;直率的;平凡的15.beaut y n.美;美人;美好的东西16.profi t n.利润;利益17.at t ack n.,乙攻击;抨击18.recover应恢复;康复口.找回;寻回19.rem ove .去除:移开;脱去2 0.空道位.存在;生存21.goods n.商品;货物22.creat ure n.生物;动物23.deern.鹿24.kangaroo n.袋鼠25.due adj.由于;因为26.i nsect n.昆虫
5、 n.=Int ernet;网/.净得的;纯的28.nei ghbourhood n.临近的地方;街区29.dol phi n n.海豚30.em ot i on n.感情;情感;情绪31.ski n 皮;皮肤32.unusual”力.特另U的:不寻常的 单词拼写.运用核心单词语境运用1.m easure n.措施;方法测量;度量;估量2.reserve n.(动植物)保护区;储藏(量)”.预订;预留;保留3.rem i nd vt,提醒;使想起用所给词的适当形式填空。1.The cam pai gn i s i nt ended t o educat efeducat e)t he publ
6、 i c t o respect t he envi ronm ent.2.In m y vi ew,we shoul d t ake som e st ri ctm easures(m easure)t o ensure food safet y.4.i nt end vi.&vt.打算;计划;想要5.i m m edi at el y adv.立亥U6.observe 观察(至察;注视;遵守7.shoot vt.&vi.(shot,shot)射杀;射伤;发射8.speci es n.物种3.There i s som e cl ever di rect i on and t he fi l
7、 m i svery wel l shot(shoot).4.The book caught t he aut hor,s eye because i trem i nded(rem i nd)hi m of hi s ow n dog.5.W e w ere t ol d t hat t he l argest room had beenreserved(reserve)by an i m port ant guest.6.Thi s new l aw m ust be st ri ct l y observed(observe)or i t wi l l l ose i t s power
8、.7.Chi l dren get t hi s show across i m m edi at el y(i m m edi at e)but t hei r parent s t ake l onger t ofi gure i t out.8.Thi s speci es i s(be)rare;i t has onl y beenfound i n coast al w at ers around t he Indi an Oceanso far.派生单词语境运用1.l egal adj,合法的f l egal l y adv,合法地-illegal adj.不合法的;非法的-ill
9、egallyadv.不合法地;非法地2.concern y/.涉及;让.担忧儿忧虑;担心;关切;关爱;关怀f concerned adi.担心的;关切的f concerni ng prep.关于;有关;涉及3.ext i nct adj.已灭绝的f ext i nct i on 灭绝4.effect i ve a力,有效的;生效的f effectn.影响;结果;效应一effect i vel y adv.有效地;生效地5.t hreat n.威胁f t hreat en vt,威胁;危用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Si nce i t i s i l l egal t o sel l ci ga
10、ret t est o chi l dren w ho are under 18,t hegovernm ent m ust t ake l egal act i on t oprevent peopl e i l l egal l y sel l i ngt hem,(l egal)2.Peopl e are al arm ed at t he fact t hatt he rai n forest s are di sappeari ng at anal arm i ng rat e,(al arm)3.Cl oni ng m ay be t he best way t osave som
11、 e speci es from ext i nct i onbefore al l hopes are ext i nct,(ext i nct)4.O ur parent s are concerned aboutour heal t h.A s far as T m concerned,高 考 热 点 熟 词 生 义 选 出 黑 体 字 在 句 中 的 正 确 汉 语 意 思及一t hreat eni ng adj.带有威胁的6.harm ony n.和谐;融洽一harm oni ous时.和谐的;融洽的7.re d u c e 减少f reduct i on n,减少;下降8.al a
12、rm i ng a.惊人的;使人惊恐的-alarm ”.使惊恐;使害怕;使担心.恐慌;警报;警报器一逅 皿 支 a力恐慌的9.aw are q力知道;发觉;有.思识的-aw areness n.认识;意识;感悟能力we shoul d t al k w i t h t hem and l ett hem know our concerns,(concern)5.Cooperat i ve act i vi t i es are essent i alfor effect i ve com m uni t y w ork,whi chi n t urn wi l l have a good ef
13、fect oncooperat i on,(effect)6.The i ncrease i n raci al t ensi onconst i t ut es a t hreat t o our soci et y,whi ch m ay t hreat en m any aspect s oft he soci et y,(t hreat)1.(2021 全国乙卷)If you,re t he host,you can ask t hem t o hel p you i n t heki t chen w i t h som et hi ng and j ust remove t hem
14、 from t he si t uat i on.CA.解除 B.脱去 C.拖走2.(2021 新高考卷 I )St aff m em bers hol d pl ent y of bar event s for guest s,l i kefree shots,bar craw l s and karaoke.AA.烈酒 B.射击 C.照片3.(2020全国卷HI)And when he saw t he m i st s ri si ng from t he ri ver and t he softcl ouds surroundi ng t he m ount ai n t ops,he
15、 was reduced t o t ears.BA.使减少 B.使陷入 C.使蒸发 短语理解运用高频短语语境运用 句式辨识运用1.on eart h(放在疑问句之后表示强调)究竟;到底2.di e o u t灭亡;逐渐消失3.i n harm ony 和谐无间4.st i r up 激起5.w at ch o v e r保护;照管;监督6.on average 平均7.adapt t o 适应8.under pressure 在压力下;承受压力9.m ake o u t看清;听清;分清10.due t o 由于;因为11.search for 搜索;查找选用左面短语的适当形式填空。1.M a
16、ny t radi t i onal cust om s have di ed outbecause t hey are out of dat e.2.W e m ust t ry t o l i ve i n ham i ony w i t h t hosearound us.3.They use speci al l y t rai ned dogs t o wat chover t hei r sheep at ni ght.4.The aut hori t i es are under pressure t o bui l del ephant parks and t el l peo
17、pl e not t o buyel ephant product s.5.Every year,m any w el l-educat ed youngpeopl e go t o H ai nan Isl and t o search forsui t abl e j obs.6.O pen-m i nded peopl e are abl e t o adapt t onew condi t i ons fast er t han t hose who arenarrow-m i nded.教材原句背诵句式结构仿写1.before引导时间状语从句W e m ust m ake peopl
18、 e aware of t heprobl em and hel p prot ect t heendangered w i l dl i fe before its toolate!你必须趁着还不算太晚尽力改掉你的坏习惯!You m ust t ry t o get ri d of your badhabi t s before it s t oo late!2.This is whyThis is why w e re here 一 t o observeTi bet an ant el opes.最后期限要到了,这就是我们很忙的原因。The deadl i ne i s draw i n
19、g near and t hi si s why wv are very busy.3.现在分词短语作状语Watching them move slowly acrossthe green grass,I m st ruck by t hei r站在山顶上,我们可以清楚地看到整个村庄。St andi ng on t he t oo of t he m ount ai n,A_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _重雎考点探究ZHONGNAN KAODIAN TANJIU 突 破 思 维 瓶 颈beaut y.we can see t he w hol e vi l l
20、 age cl earl y.4.“only+状语”置于句首的倒装句式Only when we learn to exist inharmony with nature can we stopbei ng a t hreat t o w i l dl i fe and t o ourpl anet.只有当你目标明确并且持之以恒地去追求,你的梦想才能实现。Onl y when you have a cl ear goal andgo for i t wi t h perseverance can youreal i ze your dream.1.aware。力知道;发觉;有.意识的 高考原句2
21、021 全国乙卷 Bui l d respect for and awareness of t he envi ronm entand cul t ural pract i ces.(l)be(w el l)aware of/t hat .(很)清楚.m ake sb.aware of/that 使某人注意.(2)aw areness n.意识W hi l e chat t i ng wi t h t hem,I becam e aware of t he advant ages of physi cal exerci se.和他们聊天时,我意识到体育锻炼的好处。p.语块存储.becom e
22、aware of t he i m port ance of perseverance 意识到毅力的重要性be very m uch aware of t he l ack of food suppl i es 完全了 解食物供应的缺乏rai se publ i c aw areness of di sease prevent i on 提高公众对疾病防护的意识 基础练习 单句语法填空W e shoul d m ake t hem aw are of t he i m port ance of envi ronm ent al prot ect i on.H er popul ar 1962
23、book Silent Spring rai sed aw areness(aw are)of t he dangersof pol l ut i on.链接写作 完成句子清楚你的弱点可能是成功的关键。Bei ng wel l aware of your ow r w eakness i s probabl y t he key t o success.2.average f课本义 口,平均数;平均水平.平均的;普通的;正常的 增补义历.平均为;计算出的平均数(l)an average of 平均有.the average o f.的平均数(2)on(the)average 平均起来above
24、/below(the)average在平均水平以上/以下There were 90 students getting full marks in the exam,with an average of 18students in each class.这次考试有90名同学满分,每班平均有18名学生。厂.语块存储.at an average speed of 100 miles per hour 以平均每小时 100 英里的速度an average high school athlete 一名普通的高中运动员sleep for about 8 hours a day on average 平均每
25、天睡 8 小时 基础练习 单句语法填空The common cold is a good example:women,on average,get fewer coldsthan men.Last year was the warmest year on record,with global temperature 0.68 above the average.链接写作 完成句子去年平均降雨量仅为18.75厘米,使其成为自1850年以来最干旱的一年。An average of just 18.75 cm of rain fell last year,making it the driest y
26、earsince 1850.3.die o u t灭亡;逐渐消失(l)dieaway(声音、光线等)逐渐消失die down(风)减弱;(声音)降低die of/from.因.而死(2)be dying for sth.很想要某物be dying to do sth.极想做某事There are new uses of words coming in and old uses dying out.单词总有新用法出现,也有旧用法慢慢被淘汰。基础练习 单句语法填空Im dying to know(know)what has happened to the young couple living n
27、extdoor.Although the wind has died down,the rain remains steady,so you still need araincoat.链接写作 词汇升级/句式升级(普通表达)As the living environment becomes worse,many of the earthsspecies are gradually disappearing.(高级表达)With the living environment becoming worse,many of the earthsspecies are gradually dying
28、out.(with 的复合结构)4.concern”涉及;让担忧;关系到.担心;忧虑;关心的事 高考原句2021 新高考卷 In 1934,with the passage of the Migratory BirdHunting Stamp Act(Act),an increasingly concerned nation took firm action to stopthe destruction of migratory waterfowl and the wetlands so vital to their survival.(l)concem oneself about/for.担
29、忧/关心.be concerned about/over/for.关,ll、;挂念.be concerned with/in.与.有关;牵扯到;参与as/so far as.be concerned 就.而言(2)concemingp%p.有关;涉及The public have shown great concern about food safety,because it is related topeople5 s health.公众非常关心食品安全,因为它关乎人们的健康。7.语块存储.a major concern for consumers消费者关注的重要问题be greatly c
30、oncerned about her appearance 非常注重她的夕卜貌cases concerning teenage crime涉及青少年犯罪的案件 基础练习 单句语法填空(T)Concemed(concem)about the health of her son,the mother goes to visit hisschool every week.In hi s lect ure,t he expert show ed us som e phot os concerni ng(concern)envi ronm ent al prot ect i on.链接写作 一词汇升级(
31、普通表达)In my opinion,you can have a bet t er underst andi ng of t he Spri ngF est i val t hrough t he act i vi t i es.(高级表达)A s far as I am concerned,you can have a bet t er underst andi ng of t heSpri ng F est i val t hi*ough t he act i vi t i es.【名师指津 concerned作”与有关”讲时,作后置定语;作“焦急的;担忧的“讲时,作前置定语。5.mea
32、sure 课本义,措施;方 法 测 量;度量;估量 增补义财.有长(宽、高等)高考原句2021 新高考卷 I M any peopl e now m i sunderst and em ot i onali nt el l i gence as al m ost everyt hi ng desi rabl e i n a person,s m akeup t hat cannot bemeasured by an IQ t est,such as charact er,m ot i vat i on,confi dence,m ent al st abi l i t y,opt i m i
33、sm and“peopl e ski l l s”.(l)m easure.by.用.来衡量.be m easured by/in.用.来衡量/计算(2)t ake m easures(t o do sth.)采取措施(做某事)m ake.t o one s m easure照某人的尺寸做.A l t hough t hese measures are not effect i ve forever,t hey are vi t al for now.尽管这些措施不是永远有效的,但就现在来说是很重要的。.语块存储.t ake st ri ct m easures t o cont rol po
34、l l ut i on 采取严厉的措施控制污染a room m easuri ng 6 m et res across 六米宽的房间m easure t he success of t he cam pai gn 衡量这场运动的成败 基础练习 单句语法填空The doct or w ei ghed t he baby and m easured(m easure)i t s hei ght.The bri dge m easuri ng(m easure)2,000 m et ers i n l engt h needs repai ri ng.(3)But w ai t t i l l yo
35、u see w hat we wi l l m ake for you t o your own m easure.链接写作 完成句子/句式改写II s hi gh t i m e t hat we t ook t ougher m easures t o reduce housi ng pri ces(采取更强硬措施降低房价).f t s hi gh t i m e t hat t ougher m easures were t aken t o reduce housi ng pri ces.(被动语态)名师指津(l)m easure表“措施”时,应用复数形式。(2)m easure表”有
36、长(宽、高等)”时,为不及物动词,不可用于被动语态及进行时态。6.make out看清;听清;分清;理解;辨认出;证明m ake up组成;编造;化妆;和解m ake up for弥补,补偿m ake for朝.行进;对.有好处m ake it做成;成功;及时到达,赶得上Kat e heard a m an s voi ce i n t he background,but she couldn t make out w hat hewas sayi ng.凯特听到背景声音里面有个男性的声音,但她无法听清他在说些什么。一词多义 写出句中黑体部分的含义She j ust couldn t make
37、 out why her boyfri end deci ded t o break up w i t h her.理解Hi s w ri t i ng i s so confusi ng t hat it s di ffi cul t t o make out w hat he i s t ryi ng t oexpress.辨认出They w ere t ryi ng t o make out t hat T d act ual l y done it.证明 链接写作 完成句子你可以通过努力工作来弥补能力的不足。You can m ake up for your l ack of abi
38、l i t y by w orki ng hard.7.remind”.提醒;使想起 高 考原旬-2021 新高考卷 I G oi ng t o M ount H uangshan reminds me of t hepopul ar Beat l es,song“The Long and W i ndi ng R oad”.(l)rem i nd sb.of/about st h./sb.提醒某人某事/使某人想起某人rem i nd sb.t o do sth.提醒某人做某事rem i nd(sb.)t hat/how/w hat.提醒(某人).(2)rem i nder n.引起回忆的事物
39、;提醒人的事物Thi s phot o al bum serves as a reminder of t he m ost i m port ant m om ent s of m ylife.这个影集让我想起一生中最重要的时刻。基础练习 单句语法填空Passengers are usual l y rem i nded t o fast en(fast en)t hei r seat bel t s before t hepl ane t akes off.(2)1 put up a phot o of M essi besi de m y bed t o keep m ysel f rem
40、 i nded(rem i nd)ofm y own dream.Confuci us bel i eved kni ves w oul d rem i nd peopl e of/about ki l l i ng and w ere t oovi ol ent for use at t he t abl e.链接写作 句式升级(普通表达)1 w at ched an exci t i ng act i on m ovi e and i t rem i nded m e of m ychi l dhood dream t o becom e a kungfu m ast er.(高级表达)1
41、 w at ched an exci t i ng act i on m ovi e,rem i ndi ng m e of m ychi l dhood dream t o becom e a kungfu m aster.(分词作定语)(高级表达)1 w at ched an exci t i ng act i on m ovi e,whi ch rem i nded m e of m ychi l dhood dream t o becom e a kungfu m aster.(定语从句)8.intend vi.&vt.计划;打算;想要 高考原句 2020天津卷 M aki ng a
42、ful l-l engt h cl ay fi gure w oul d not exhaust m yst rengt h一and t hat i s w hat I intend t o do.(l)i nt end doi ng/t o do sth.打算做某事i nt end sb.t o do sth.打算让某人做某事(2)be i nt ended for.专为.而设计的;专供.使用的be i nt ended t o do sth.目的是做某事(3)i nt ent i on n.意图;目的;打算wi t h an/t he i nt ent i on of doi ng sth
43、.打算或意图做某事I had intended goi ng t o t he park,but m y son asked m e t o keep hi m com pany t ot he bookstore.我本来打算去公园的,但我儿子要我陪他去书店。基础练习 单句语法填空I am not sat i sfi ed w i t h your expl anat i on and i nt end t aki ng/t o t ake(t ake)t hem at t er furt her.O ri gi nal l y,we had i nt ended(i nt end)t o g
44、o t o It al y,but t hen w e w on t he t ri p t oG reece.(3)It i s obvi ous t hat t he m agazi ne i s i nt ended t o appeal(appeal)t o w orki ngw om en i n t hei r 20s and 30s.链接写作 一句式升级(普通表达)The program m e was i nt ended t o hel p t he hom el ess and i t t urned outt o be a great success.(高级表达)The
45、program m e,w hi ch was i nt ended t o hel p t he hom el ess,t urnedout t o be a great success.(定语从句)(高级表达)The program m e,i nt ended t o hel p t he hom el ess,t urned out t o bea great success.(分词短语)(高级表达)The program m e,w i t h t he i nt ent i on of hel pi ng t he hom el ess,t urned out t o be a g
46、reat success.(介词短语)9.due to由于;因为be due for st h./t o do sth.预定或预计做某事(be)due t o(doi ng)sth.(是)因为(做).be due t o sb.应支付给某人;应归于某人H ave t hey been pai d t he m oney t hat i s due to them?他们应得的钱付给他们了吗?基础练习 单句语法填空O bvi ousl y,t he t eam,s success was l argel y due t o t he effort s of t he capt ai n.The e
47、m pl oyee was due for a rai se i f t hi s assessm ent w as sat i sfact ory.The bus arri ved an hour l at e due t o bei ng hel d(hol d)up by t he heavy fog.链接写作 句式改写The Engl i sh versi on of t he novel i s due for publ i cat i on next year.f The Engl i sh versi on of t he novel i s due t o be publ i
48、shed(publ i sh)next year.(不定式)1 0.教 材 原 句 This is why we re here-to observe Tibetan antelopes.这就是为什么我们在这里观察藏羚羊。句法句式Thi s/That i s wh y.这就是为什么;所以”。比较:Thi s/That i s because.”这是因为.”。金句推送 M any coupl es l i ve apart,and this is why som e of t hei r m arri agesbreak up.许多夫妻分居,这就是某些人的婚姻会破裂的原因。基础练习 单句语法填空
49、 1 m al l ergi c t o al cohol and t hat s why I keep off al cohol i c dri nks.H e enj oys l i vi ng i n t he count ry and t hat i s because count ry l i fe gi ves hi mpeace and qui et.链接写作 句式升级(普 通 表 达)1 m afrai d he s m ore of a t al ker t han a doer,and t hat i s why he neverfi ni shes anyt hi ng.
50、(高 级 表 达)1 m afrai d he,s m ore of a t al ker t han a doer,w hi ch i s why he neverfi ni shes anyt hi ng.(定i吾从句)XX.教 材 原 句 It is hard work,but the young people working at the shelterthink it is worth it.这是非常艰苦的工作,但是在收容所工作的这些年轻人认为这样的工作很有意义。句法句式w orki ng at t he shelter是现在分词短语作定语修饰名词peopl e,people和w o