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1、UNIT 4 NATURAL DISASTERS续写语料积累XUXIE YULIAO JILEI增 厚 文 学 底 蕴背诵句之美欣赏语之秀1.(行为描写)(2019全国卷I )It endsabruptly at 3,000 m et ers,giving wayto l ands of l ow grow i ng pl ant s.2.(心理描写)(2021沈阳市模拟)W i t heach vi si t,I coul d feel the ache in myheart lessen.3.(人物描写)(2020天津卷)There aret oo m any extremely lone

2、ly people i n hi scom m uni t y,w ho are easy targets ofcheating.(2021 长沙市适应性考试)The onl ydaught er of t he fam i l y w as Jane,a shygirl,aged 14,t he sam e age of m y ol destson Davi d.It seem ed t hat she cam e froma financially disadvantaged family,forshe al w ays w ore ol d cl ot hes.W orsest i l

3、 l,i n such col d days,she had no m orecl ot hes t o w ear and trembled with cold.基础知识梳理JICHU ZHISHI SHULI 构 建 知 识 体 系课标单词背诵(先填后背)1.di sast er n.灾难;灾害2.drought n.旱灾;久旱3.sl i de vi.&vt.(sl i d,sl i d)(使)滑行;滑动4.fl ood n.洪水;大量况.淹没;大量涌入”.使灌满水;淹没5.dest roy”.摧毁;毁灭6.deat h n.死;死亡7.shel t er n.避难所;居所;庇 护”.保

4、护;掩 蔽 oi.躲避(风雨或危险)8.percent n.百分之.adj.&adv.每一百中9.bri ck n.石 专;石 专 块10.m et al n.金属11.effort n.努力;艰难的尝试;尽力12.w isdomn.智慧;才智13.cont ext n.上下文;语境;背景14.vol cano n.(p/.-oes or-os)火山15.t yphoon n.台风16.hurri cane n.(尤指西大西洋的)飓风17.pow er H.电力供应;能量;力量;控制力18.pi pe n.管子;管道1 9.汕 n。4.镇静的;沉着的”.使平静;使镇静20.ai d n.援助;

5、帮助;救援物资vi.&vt.援助21.k jt.成套工具;成套设备22.crash 0a&vi.碰 撞:撞 击n.撞车;碰撞23.sweep vt.&vi.(sw ept,sw ept)打扫;清扫24.w ave n.海浪;波 浪 oi.&”.挥手;招手25.sum m ary n.总结;概括;概要26.effect.影响;结果;效果 单 词 拼写运用核心单词语境运用1.rescuen.营救;救援2.dam age vt.损害;破坏 n.损坏;损失3.t rap”.使落入险境;使陷入圈套n.险境;陷阱4.bury ut.埋葬;安葬5.suppl y n.供应(量);补给;p/J补 给 品 供

6、应;供给6.st ri ke vi.&.侵袭;突击;击 打n.罢工;罢课;袭击用所给词的适当形式填空。1.I t suddenl y st ruck(st ri ke)m e how w e coul di m prove t he present si t uat i on.2.As t hi s l ock i s dam aged/has been dam aged(dam age),t hi s door w on,t open.3.It rai ned heavi l y for t wo w eeks on end,com pl et el y rui ni ng(rui n)ou

7、r hol i day.4.M i ners t rapped(t rap)underground aft er t hesudden col l apse of t he m i ne have not yet beenrescued.7.rui n n.破坏;毁坏8.em ergency n.突发事件;紧急情况5.Buri ed(bury)i n readi ng,she di dn,t not i ceher m ot her st andi ng asi de for a whi l e.6.He cares for t he poor fam i l i es and oft ens

8、uppl i es(suDpl y)food and cl ot hi ng t o t hechi l dren i n t he m ount ai n areas.7.The survi vors w ho are wai t i ng t o be rescued(rescue)are faced w i t h a short age of dri nki ngwat er,food and m edi ci ne.8.There,re m any em ergenci es(em ergency)t hatneed i m m edi at e fi rst ai d t reat

9、 m ent.派生单词语境运用1.shock n.震惊;令人震惊的事;休 克vt.(使)震惊f shocki ng adj.令人震惊的;骇人的f shocked a的.(感至 U)震惊的2.el ect ri c adj.用电的;电动的;带电的f el ect ri cal adi.电的;与电有关的f el ect ri ci t y n.电;电能3.breat h n.呼吸;气息f breat he vi.&vt.呼吸f breat hl ess adj,气喘吁吁的;喘不过气来的4.suffer”.遭受;蒙 受 仇(因疾病、痛苦、悲伤等)受苦f sufferi ng 痛苦;受难f suffe

10、rer .受难者;患病者5.erupt vi.&.(火山)爆发;(岩浆、烟等)喷出f erupt i on 爆发;喷发6.del i ver vi.&vt,递送;传达 vt.用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Tom had a deep affect i on for hi sgrandfat her,so he w as deepl y affect ed byhi s grandfat her,s deat h,(affect)2.The el ect ri ci t y t here has gone offbecause of a el ect ri cal faul t.The el ec

11、t ri csuppl y wi l l be rest ored i n severalhours,(el ect ri c)3.I cl i m bed up t he m ount ai n t o breat he t hefresh ai r.I becam e breat hl ess w hen I wason t he t op,but t he breat h of fresh ai r waswort h i t.(breat h)4.M ast eri ng som e basi c ski l l s wi l l great l yi ncrease one s ch

12、ances of survi val.Thankst o t hei r sw i m m i ng ski l l s,Jack and hi sfri end succeeded i n survi vi ng t he t erri bl efl ood yest erday,and act ual l y t hey are t he高 考 热 点熟 词 生 义 选出奴体字在句中的正省汉迨意麋发表f del i very 传递;交付;递送7.affect.影响;(疾病)侵袭;深深打动f affect i on 喜爱;钟爱;爱情8.l ong a t/长的;冗长的f l engt hn.

13、长;长度f l engt hen o.加长;延长9.survive说.生存;存活 a.幸存;艰难度过f survi val .生存;幸存;幸存事物f survivor”.生还者;幸存者onl y few survi vors of t he vi l l age,(survi ve)5.Sm oki ng and ash from t he erupt i ngvol cano i m m edi at el y show ered dow n ont he t ow n aft er t he erupt i on,(erupt)6.The road has a t ot al l engt

14、 h of t wo m i l esonl y,so t he w orkers have deci ded t ol engt hen i t.(l ong)7.If you pay i n advance,t he goods wi l l bedel i vered w i t hout del ay,and t he del i very i sfree of charge,(del i ver)8.W e w ere shocked at t he shocki ng newst hat he unexpect edl y di ed yest erday,(shock)9.W e

15、 can,t i m agi ne t he sufferi ng t hat t hesufferer i s sufferi ng now.(suffer)1.(2019全国卷 I )The l i kabl es,pl ays-w el l-w i t h-ot hers qual i t i es st rengt henschool yard fri endshi ps,j um p-st art i nt erpersonal ski l l s and,when tapped earl y,areem pl oyed ever aft er i n l i fe and work

16、.AA.开发;发掘 B.轻敲;轻拍 C.水龙头2.(2018浙江卷)Si nce t hen,t hi s soci et y has m oved onw ard,never l ooki ngback,as t he car t ransform ed A m eri ca from a farm-based soci et y i nt o an i ndust ri alpower.CA.电力 B.权利 C.强国3.(2017天津卷)1 sent l et t ers t o everyone I knew,t el l i ng t hem about m y proj ect.It

17、 w orked perfect l y.D onat i ons began flooding i n from hundreds of peopl e.AA.大量涌入 B.淹没 C.洪水 短 语 理解运用高频短语语境运用1.as i f似 乎;好 像;仿佛2.i n ru in s严 重 受 损;破败不堪3.i n shock 震 惊;吃惊4.be/becom e hom e t o 的豕园5.sw eep aw ay消 灭;彻底消除 e t o an end 结束7.get back up on one s feet重新站起来8.i n t he open ai r 露 天;在户外9.o

18、n h an d现有(尤 指 帮 助)10.put u p提 出;建 造;举 起;张贴选 用 左 面 短 语 的 适 当 形 式 填 空。1.I hel ped hi m put up som e shel ves i n t hebedroom t hat he had just m oved i nt o.2.I can st i l l rem em ber our w eddi ng verycl earl y as if i t w ere yest erday.3.Thi s count ry was once proud of i t seducat i on syst em b

19、ut now i t seem s t o be i nrui ns.4.The w ar cam e t o an end and t he peopl ehad t o m ake every effort t o reconst ructt hei r count ry.5.He t ook care of t he spri ng every day,and sw ept away al l t he l eaves and ot hert hi ngs t hat w oul d m ake t he w at er di rt y.句下t辨识运用教材原句背诵句式结构仿写1.too.

20、to.Chi ckens and even pi gs were toonervous to eat,and dogs refused t ogo i nsi de bui l di ngs.这 个 男 孩 很 小,举 不 起 这 么 重 的 石 头。The boy i s t oo young t o rai se so heavy ast one.2.it seemed as if.It seemed as if t he worl d werecom i ng t o an end!他 好 像 已 经 知 道 了 刚 才 所 发 生 的 一 切。It seem ed as if he h

21、ad l earned abouteveryt hi ng t hat had just happened.3.主 语+be+M/.+不定式Water,food,and electricity werehard to get.众 所 周 知,山 里 的 空 气 呼 吸 起 来 很 舒服。As w e al l know,t he ai r i n t he m ount ai nsi s com fort abl e t o breat he.4.make it difficult(for sb.)todo.它 们 不 仅 使 人 们 在 晚 上 睡 觉 困 难,而且还 损 害 着 我 们 具

22、 有 历 史 价 值 的 房 子 和重雎考点探究ZHONGNAN KAODIAN TANJIU 突 破 思 维 瓶 颈H ow ever,dangerous condi t i ons and商店。dam aged roads wi l l make itThey not onl y m ake i t di ffi cul t for peopl edifficult to deliver food andt o sl eep at ni ght,but t hey are doi ngsuppl i es.dam age t o our houses and shops ofhi st o

23、ri cal i nt erest.1.affect”影响;(疾病)侵袭;深深打动 高考原句 2020 全国卷l i ke anyone for w hom you feel affection,cust om ers can al so dri ve you m ad.(l)be deepl y/great l y affect ed by.被.深深地打动be affect ed by heat/col d 中暑/着凉be affect ed wi t h hi gh fever 发高烧(2)affect i on n.喜爱;感情I st i l l have affection for m

24、 y ol d school.我依然眷恋着母校。.语块存储.m ake a deci si on w hi ch affect s our lives做出影响我们生活的决定gai n/w i n m y m ot her s affect i ons 得到我母亲的疼爱 基础练习 单句语法填空A ffect ed wi t h hi gh fever,he st i l l cont i nued wi t h hi s research work.She t ri ed t o ensure her affect i on(affect)was equal l y shared am ong

25、al l t hreechi l dren.链接写作 句式升级(普通表达)M any young peopl e were deepl y affect ed/m oved/t ouched by hi s st oryand began t o do vol unt ary w ork for t he di sabl ed.(高级表达)D eepl y affect ed/m oved/t ouched by hi s st ory,m any young peopl ebegan t o do vol unt ary w ork for t he disabled.(过去分词短语作状语)

26、2.strike 课本义 况.&.侵袭;突击;击打罢工;罢课;袭击 增 补 义 皿 敲;(使)突然想起(l)be st ruck by.被.打动;迷恋.It st ri kes sb.that.某人突然想到.(2)be on/go on st ri ke 在/举行罢工It suddenl y struck m e how we coul d i m prove t he situation.我一下子明白我们如何能改善局面了。.语块存储.st ri ke hi m heavi l y i n t he face 狠狠打他的脸st ri ke a bal ance bet w een w ork

27、and rest 做至U劳逸结合t he m ost st ri ki ng feat ure of m odem art 现代艺术最显著的特征 一词多义 写出句中黑体部分的词性和含义She was pract i si ng surfi ng when a shark struck.0.袭击The vi si t ors w ere struck by t he beaut y of t he count ry.打动;给.以印象(3)1 heard t he cl ock striking ei ght when I woke up t hi s m orni ng.(钟)敲It struc

28、k m e t hat I w oul d have an i m port ant m eet i ng i n Shanghai t he next day.v.想起The w orkers wi l l go on strike if t he dem ands t hey,ve m ade are t urned down.罢工 链接写作 完成句子这部电影最触动我的是那位父亲对孩子深深的爱。W hat st ruck m e m ost i n t he m ovi e was t he fat her5 s deep l ove for hi s son.3.ruin 课本义,&.破

29、坏;毁坏 增补义 破产;废 墟。.使破产 高考原句,2018全国卷 H W ho w oul d w ant t o ruin t hei r good w orkout byeat i ng j unk food?(l)l i e/be i n rui ns 成为废墟fall into ruin毁灭;灭亡;崩溃be reduced to ruins 沦为废墟(2)ruin sth./sb./oneself毁坏某物/毁掉某人/毁掉自己be ruined b y.被.毁坏/破坏ruin ones health/fame/future毁坏某人的健康/声誉/前途That mistake ruined

30、 his chances of getting the jo b.那一个错误断送了他获得此工作的机会。pay a visit to the ruins of the ancient city 游览古城遗迹build a new life out of the ruins of his career事业失败后重新开始新的生活 基础练习 单句语法填空Does Kilimanjaro deserve its reputation as a crowded mountain with lines oftourists ruining(ruin)the atmosphere of peace?When

31、they returned to Rockaway the next day,they found their neighborhoodin ruins(ruin)after the attack of a terrible hurricane.链接写作 完成句子一个曾经那么美丽的村庄在地震中被毁掉了,真是可惜。It was really a pity that a village that was once so attractive was ruined/fell intoruin in the earthquake.4.bury,课本义 埋葬;安葬 增补义 使专心;使沉浸;隐藏(l)bu

32、ry.in.把.埋到.里;使.沉浸于be buried inbury oneself in埋头于;专心于(2)bury one s face in ones hands 双手掩面Though the idea may be dead,it is far from being buried,尽管这种思想可能已无人相信,但还远没被人遗忘。基础练习 单句语法填空He stood on the sidewalk with his hands buried(bury)in the pockets.She sank dow n on t he ground,buryi ng(bury)her face i

33、 n her hands.链接写作 一句多译由于他专心看书,所以不知道外面下雨了。H e di dn,t know i t was rai ni ng out si de because he buri ed hi m sel f i n hi s books.H e di dn,t know i t was rai ni ng out si de because he w as buri ed i n hi s books.Buryi ng hi m sel f i n/Buri ed i n hi s books,he di dn,t know i t was rai ni ngout s

34、i de.名师指津1表示“专心于;致力于”的短语还有:be devot ed t obe l ost/engaged/absorbed i nfocus/concent rat e onfi x/concent rat e one s at t ent i on on5.suffer 课本义”.遭受;蒙受讥.(因疾病、痛苦、悲伤等)受苦 增补义皿经历(l)suffer pai n/defeat/l oss/povert y/hunger/hardshi p 遭受痛苦/失败/损失/贫穷/饥饿/苦难suffer from.受.折磨,受.之苦;患.病(2)sufferi ng(s)(指肉体或精神上遭

35、受的)痛苦,疼痛,困难(3)sufferer.患者;受害者Hi s school w ork i s suffering because of fam i l y problem s.由于家庭问题,他的学业日渐退步。.语块存储.suffer a cri si s of confi dence 遭受信任危机suffer l oss of m em ory aft er an acci dent 事故后失去记忆suffer from separat i on from t hei r parent s 遭受与父母分离的痛苦 基础练习 单句语法填空W i t hi n a few days she

36、had becom e seri ousl y i l l,sufferi ng(suffer)great pai nand di scom fort.The ol d m an i s sai d t o have gone t hrough vari et i es of sufferi ngs(suffer)duri ngt he war.链接写作 句式升级(普通表达)He had never suffered such a great l oss before i n hi s l i fe,so heal m ost l ost t he hope for l i fe.(高级表达)

37、N ever before i n hi s l i fe had he suffered such a great l oss,so heal m ost l ost t he hope for life.到装句)(高级表达)N ot havi ng suffered such a great l oss before i n hi s l i fe,he al m ostl ost t he hope for life.(现在分词短语作状语)6.survive 课本义 况,生存;存 活”,幸存;艰难度过 增补义 征比活得长(l)survi ve sth.幸免于;从.中挺过来/活过来surv

38、i ve from sth.从.中存活/流传下来survi ve on sth.依靠.生存下来survi ve sb.比某人长寿(2)survi vor n.幸存者survi val H,生存;幸存;幸存事物Hi s onl y chance of survival was a heart t ranspl ant.只有进行心脏移植,他才有望活下去。.语块存储.m anage t o survi ve t he crisis设法度过这次危机be abl e t o survi ve i n t he m arket pl ace 在市场竞争中生存下去survi ve her husband b

39、y t en years 比她丈夫多活十年 基础练习 单句语法填空I don t know how you can m anage t o survi ve on your sm al l sal ary.The survi vor(survi ve)from t he pl ane crash coul d do not hi ng but w ai t forrescue on an i sl and.(3)If he coul dn,t fi nd hi s way out of t he forest,t here w oul d be l i t t l e chance ofsur

40、vi val(survi ve).链接写作 句式升级(普通表达)After we survived the crisis,we believed that our company wouldhave a brighter future.(高级表达)Having survived the crisis,we believed that our company wouldhave a brighter future.(现在分词短语作状语)名师指津survive表示“幸免于”时,是及物动词,因而不需要加多余的介词in,from等。7.effect.课本义 影响;结果;效果 增补义 效力 高考原句2

41、02 0新高考卷 I To test the effect of social influence on eatinghabits,the researchers conducted two experiments.(l)side effects 副作用come/go into effect 生效bring/carry/put.into effect 实施.;使.生效/起作用have an effect/influence on/upon 对.产生影响in effect有效;实际上(2)effective adj.有效的;有影响的Reading books of traditional cul

42、ture can have a good effect on the children.|M J读传统文化书籍对孩子们有很好的影响。基础练习 单句语法填空One of the most effectivefeffect)ways to reduce stress is to talk about feelingswith someone you trust.The decision was made yesterday and will remain jn effect until furthergovernment instructions.链接写作 一句多译全球变暖正在对全世界数百种动植物

43、产生重大影响。Global warming is having a great effect on/upon hundreds of plant and animalspecies around the world,(effect)Global warming is greatly affecting hundreds of plant and animal speciesaround the world,(affect)8.put up 课本义竖起;建造 增补义张贴;举起;留宿put o ff推迟,拖延put in加入,放入put forward提出,提前put up w ith容忍,忍受;

44、受苦put aside储存;留出 一词多义 写出句中黑体部分的含义The names of the candidates fbr the post will be put up on the collegenoticeboard.张贴He decided that he would drive all the way home instead of putting up at ahotel for the night.留宿Please put up your hand if you are in favour of this decision.举起A new supermarket will

45、be put up in this neighborhood next year.建造 链接写作 一完成句子我想人们对这种胡闹总有一个承受极限。I think there is a limit to how much of this nonsense people are going to put upwith.鼓励孩子们存一些零花钱以备不时之需。The children are encouraged to put aside some of their pocket mooey for a rainyday.我们所有人都很高兴,一个合适的解决办法已由女主席提出来了。All of us are

46、 delighted that a proper solution has already bean put forward by thechairwoman.9.教 材 原 句 It seemed as if the world were coining to an end!仿佛到了世界末日!句法句式(l)It seems/seemed(to sb.)as i f.意为(对某人来说)似乎.”;as if在句中引导表语从句。(2)asif除了引导表语从句,也可引导状语从句。(3)as i f从句中可使用虚拟语气:与现在事实相反,谓语动词用一般过去时;与过去事实相反,谓语动词用“h ad+过去分

47、词”;与将来事实相反,谓语动词用would/could/might+动词原形”。【金句推送】It seemed almost as if he were falling in slow motion.他看上去几乎是以慢动作倒下的。基础练习 单句语法填空When a pencil is partly in a glass of water,it looks as if it were broken(break).He shrugged his shoulders as if to say(say)that there was nothing he could doabout it.The pro

48、fessor paused as if expec3ng(expect)his students to ask questions onthe point he had just made.链接写作1 完成句子一对年轻夫妇在船上吃饭,谈笑风生,好像他们是世界上仅有的人。A young couple was eating on the boat,talking and laughing loud as if theywere the only people in the world.名师指津asif/though从句可用省略形式,后面直接跟名词、介词短语、形容词、不定式或分词。1 0.教材原句W

49、ater,food,and electricity were hard to get.水、食物和电都难以获得。句法句式“主语+b e+a办+不定式”结构中,用不定式的主动形式表示被动意义。使用此结构须具备两个前提条件:(1)不定式和句子的主语之间构成逻辑上的动宾关系;(2)常用形容词有:good,difficult,hard,easy,comfortable,interesting,exciting 等。【金句推送】The p叩er is not easy to keep,but the QR code is easy to keepand share.纸质的东西不容易保存,但二维码很容易保存

50、和共享。名师指津 不定式和句子的主语之间构成逻辑上的动宾关系;若不定式为不及物动词,其后应该加相应的介词。如:She is a woman easy to deal with butdi ffi cul t t o work with.基础练习 单句语法填空The probl em l ooks rat her easy,but i n fact i t i s very hard t o deal w i t h.Hi s purpose of w ri t i ng t he art i cl e i s not very easy t o fi gure(fi gure)out.链接写作


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