1、U nit one My name is Gina.教 材 分 析1.话 题:Maki ng new frfends2功能目标:1)使学生学会用英语介绍自己。与 使学生学会用英语和别人打招呼。3.文化目标:1)让学生初步体会用英语和别人交流的感受,培养学生学习英语的兴趣。通过对英文名字的介绍,对比中西方表达名字的不同,了解中西方文化的差异。3 通过对西方一些成功人士英文名字的介绍,使学生了解成功是由不懈的努力和艰苦的奋斗得来的。通过介绍英文名字的由来,使学生产生对西方文化的好奇及兴趣。4认知目标:1)词 汇:cbck,he lb,hj and,questbn,ansvey bok fi rst
2、 nan last nan e 语法项目:一般现在时be的用法以特殊疑问词what开头的问句形容词性物主代词my you;h herW hat s=Vhat i s I m=Iam My name s=VIy nane i s3语言目标:Wha s your nan&My name i sG i naI m G i na N re to meet youPerbd one取材分析:这是课本的第一部分,题目是M ym anei sG i na有很多学生第一次学习接触英语,为了调动他们的积极性,不产畏难情绪,尽量简单的处理教材。Language toptW ha s your nanMy name
3、 i sG haLanguage sti ategfes Tak about the nan esM a i n vocabu lai y nam e m eet h 年 fi rst nam g last nan g anave boy,gi rlII语言结构:present tense to bq whatquestbn Possessi ve adj my you?h与 h e r。III语言功能询问姓名及怎样回答.M活动设计:采访调查 Whaf syour fi rstnamV.Teachi ng stepsStep 1:G tee ti ngsStep 2 WordsLeam the
4、 new wordsA fi rst li sten to the recorder the students read after the recorderB:read the new words after the teacherStep 3:laW ri te Engli sh words for the thi ngs i n ti i e pfctui e How many th i ngs do youkno哂Step 4 lb Li sten and number the conversatbns.three ti nesStep 5 2a Li sten to the four
5、conversatbns and nunber the conversatbns Q 4Step 6 2b L i sten and ci i cfe the names you hear.Step 7 3a read the nanesW ri te the fi rst nan esand the last namesStep 8 Lei s sum whatwe have teamed thi s classW ordsSentencesSan ethi ng elseStep 9 Hcmewoi k教后一得:学生学习英语的积极性很高,因为有很多是第一次接触英语,教师要积极引导,迅速让学
6、生掌握学习英语的方法。Perbd 2敞材分析:这是课本的第二部分,活动内容比较多,学生对教材很有兴趣,例如做学生证,用英语填写自己的名字。Language topEWha*s your nanMy nane i sG haWha s your fi rst nanMy fi rst i s rWha syour lastnan&My last nan e i s-rLanguage sti ategi es Talk about the nan esM ah vocabuhi y nh num be;phon card,fem nan fi rst nameII语言结构:present ten
7、se to bg whatquestbn Possessi ve adj my you;h h e r。ni语言功能询问姓名分别问姓和名)及怎样回答,要求学生分清姓和名.M活动设计:采访调查 Wha s your fi rst nanV.Teachi ng stepsStep LG leethgsStep 2 Shg an Engli sh songStep 3:Look at the prtui e Fhd the last nan es and w ri te the bebw.1.Karen.2 Peter3.Dav i d_4 Jm _5.M ari a_Step 4 3b Look
8、at the D card and anver the questbnsW ha s her tetephone ni m bePW hat sher fan i namWha s her fi rst nanStep 5 3c Make an D card foryourselfName:TanyaLast name:OlpezTelephone number535-2375Step 6 Le s sum whatwe have teamed thi s classW ordsSentencesSan ethi ng elseStep 8 Hanewoi k教后一得:这节英语课,很成功,学习
9、积极参与实践活动,手脑兼用,高高兴兴地戴上了自己亲手做的D caidPerbd 3 Self check1.G ive the fbllfbimsofthe folbwing 写出下面的非缩略形式。1)Wha syournam?0 H is nan e s Jin.L3 1 m Jenny_二2下面是一个学生的电话号码本中的三页,按要求完成下列各题。y Address BookN a i n e :P e t e r C l i n t o nS e x:b o yT e l:9 8 5-6 3 7 2F a x:9 8 5-6 3 4 51)Read the statenentand cii
10、cleT for a true orF for false.下面的表述对的圈住T,错的圈住F.0 H is first nan e isC In ton.TF0 H i s l a s t n a m e i s C l i n t o aTF$H i s t e l e p h o n e n u m b e r i s 9 8 5-6 7 3 2TF H e r e m a i l i s p e t e i c l i n t o r y a h o o,c a n.TF S h e i s a g i r lTF2)F i l l h t h e b h n k s 根 据 下 面 通
11、 讯 录 所 显 示 的 内 容,填上一个适当的词完成句子。ly Address BookNa m e:R i t a H a l lS e x:g i r lT e l:786-4576F a x:786-4563Ex a m p l e S h e i s a g i r l f i r s t n a m e i s R i t a0 H e r n a m e i s H a l l H e r f a x n u m b e r is H e r n u m b e r i s 786-4576.H e r e m a i l is 163.c a n.(3)An s w e r t
12、 h e f b l b w h g q u e s t f o n s i n c o m p l e t e s e n t e n c e s 用完整的句子回答下面的 问 题。ly Address Book Na m e:K e v i n Br o w nS e x:b o yT e l e p h o n e n u m b e r:361-0838(1)Wha shi s fi rstnam&L(2)W ha shi s last nan&L(3)W ha shi s te lephone num be?L教后一得:初一学生进行书面练习非常重要,要强调书写要规范,方法要掌握。Uni
13、t 2 Is this your penci I?教学目的和要求(Peachi ng ai ms and donands)Excuse me but these they good those boat hi 11 tree thei r much very muchal 1 ri ght al 1 ri ght mum fri end brother ni ce tomeet chi Id chi Idrenwelcaneour ccms cane i n oh日常交际用语Is thi s youi y/hi/her penci l-bo*Yes,i t i s./No,i t i sri
14、tHere you are.Wherd s 叫.?Vvhat are thesq/thos They re,etc.If s very goodAre thesthosthey Engli sh book短 Yes,they a r e.t h e y areri t.They re thei r books.Ihaf s al 1 ri ght.Thank you very much.These are my fri ends,Kate and her brother Ji m.felcome to our hare.Wi o am P DD you knoWWi at number i s
15、 Ji rfts bu夕 Cane i n,please语法:运用my,your,hi s,her,i ts数词以及名词的复数形式.运用 these,those和 theyperi od 1Step 1 Revi si on1.Revi seIs everyone here todaj?Fi nd out:who i s present/absent.Z Use flashcards to revi se the new WDrds i n Lhi t 5.(gi rl,boy,man,wamn,si ster,father,mother,Mr,Mrs,etc)3.Check hemework
16、.Step 2 Prsentati onPi ck up a gi rls pen and ask Excuse ms.Is thi s your per?Help her toans怔r Yes,i t i s.Say to the class Thi s i s her pen.Gi ve the pen to herand say Here you are.Help the student to ans怔r Tli ank yon Repeat wi tha boy,sayi ng Thi s i s hi s penRepeat several ti mes wi th di ffer
17、ent objects,i ncludi ng a bag apenci 1 box,a penci l,an eraser,a cup,etcGet al 1 the students to rai se thei r pens.Poi nt to a boy s pen and helpthe class say hi s pen Then poi nt to a gi rl9 s pen and say her pen Repeatthi s several ti mes at a qui cker speedStep 3 Practi ceGet thi s chai n dri 11
18、 goi ng In each case a student should pi ck up an objectbelongi ng to the person behi nd or besi de hi m or her,and askA Is thi s your bool?B Yes,i t i s.A Here you are.B Thank you.OPi ck up an i tem fran another student and ask Q Is thatyour erasei?C Yes,i t i s.B Hfere you are!Gi ve the eraser to
19、the owner.)C Thank you(lb D Is thi s her.?EtcExplai n that i t i s poli te to say Excuse md to get soreond s attenti on.Get them to repeat several ti mes.Then repeat the chai n d ri ll addi ngExcuse m e!Step 4 Presentati onPi ck up a bag belongi ng to a gi rl,poi nt to a boy and say Is that hi sba i
20、 N q,i t i sri t.I thi nk i ts her bag).Gi ve extra enphas i s to thevord her.Pi ck up a pen that belongs to a boy,poi nt to a gi rl,and askIs thi s her per?N o i t i sri t.I thi nk i f s hi s perj).Put speci al enphasi son hi s.Repeat thi s several ti nes wi th di f ferent students and di fferentob
21、jects.Step 5 Look,1 i sten and say.SB Page 26,Pi ctures 1,2and 3,Speech Cassette Lesson 21.Say Open yourbooks to page 26.Look and 1 i stea Play the tape through once.Rewi ndand di vi de the class i n two-A and R Say Li sten and repeat.Rep 1 ay thetape,usi ng the pause button Students 1 i sten and re
22、peat.Repeat changi ngroles.Noti ce the speci al enphasi s on the word my i n the last 1 i ne.Butvi erd s my cuf?Step 6 Pai r practi ceDi vi de the class i nto groups of three Get them to practi se the di alogueswi th Pi ctures 2 and 3.After they have practi sed once or twi ce,get themto repeat the d
23、i alogue usi ng other i tons and thei r own names.Step 7 Acti ngCal 1 out four students,each wi th four di fferent objects.Col lect theobjects fran therr)and have a si mi lar di alogue The teacher begi ns tosay Excuse me.Is thi s your eraser?R/N i)etc.Conti nue unti 1 the i tems are returned to the
24、correct owners.Then cal 1out fi ve more students.Let one of them collect the objects and begi nagai nStep 8 Workbook.Sb Page 111,Wb Lesson 21.Exx,2 3 should be done i n class.Use thewDrdsi n the box to substi tute for the i tai i ci zed words i n the di alogue i n Ex.3.HkmexorkFi ni sh off the Workb
25、ook exerci ses.Wri te Exx 1 and 2 i n the exerci sebook.Note When teachi ng new words,e.g me,these,tree,meet,please,ve ry,welccme,etc remi nd the students of the spel1i ng rules taught i n theprevi ous uni t.From nowon,the students have to learn more wDrds.ffelpthem deal wi th the Engli sh spel1i ng
26、教后一得单词复数是本册的一个重点,也是一个难点.利用本单元的四个教案,通过实物.投影仪,电脑辅助进行教学,很好的解决了这个难点,取得了教好的效果.Peri od 2Step 1 Revi si on1.Ask a group to act out the di alogues f ran Page 26 wi th books.If desi red,ask another group to act wi thout books.2 Check hoework.Get seme students to read and act Ex,3 i nW)Lesson21.Step 2 Present
27、ati onHold up a bag and askWhaf s t h If s a bag Hold up two bags and sayWi at are these?They re bags.Repeat wi th a peqZ pens,a booZ books,a bo50)oxes,etc.Now get the class to ask and answr both questi ons What s thi s?Wi af rethes6Mkke sure that they pronounce the plural forms correctly.A dd/forba
28、nana,bag and penj/for book and/i/for box and bus.Also they shouldpronounce the ds i n bi rds as one soun(J/8Z not/3+ZStep 3 Practi ceChai n d ri 11.Cal 1 out several students to demonstrateAWi at are these?(Holdi ng up two pens.)B They re pens.Wi at are thes四(Holdi ng up two books.)C They re books.W
29、haf re thes6 Holdi ng up two boxes.)etc.Organi se a chai n dri ll around the class i n the same way.Step 4 Presentati onDraw a banana on the Bb.Ask Mhaf s th i夕 It s a bananaDraw two bananas and askWhat are thestf They re bananas.Write one underthe si ngle banana and tw under the twj bananas.Repeat
30、up to teaStep 5.Read and say.SB Page 27,Part 1,Speech Cassette Lesson 22 Say Turn to Page 27,Part1.Look at Pi cture 1.Vvhaf s th i或 Help than to ans怔r If s a bananaAsk How many can you se3 One,two or thre?One.)Look at Pi cture 2.Wi at are thes且(Jhey/Ihey re bananas.)Noti ce thatthe short form for Th
31、ey are i s They re.Ask Hbw many can you see,twq,three or foui?(Rw.)Repeat wi th the other pi ctures.Then ask What can you see i n Pi cture 2?Ss:Tvo bananas.Do the same for the other pi ctures i n randan order.Step 6 Presentati onSB Page 27,Part 2.Books closed Use flashcards or draw a qui ck sketchof
32、 a car on the Bb.Step away frem i t and usi ng a poi nter askWi af s that?(If s a car.)Repeat wi th a bi rd,a cat,an egg and a cake.Iteach a tree and a boat.NDW draw a second car,and,poi nti ng to i t ask What are thostf(They recars.)Repeat wi th bi rds,eggs,cakes,boats and trees.Be sure to stand ba
33、ck and poi nt when you ask,so students areri t con fusedby these and those Tfeach hi lls,boats and pi ctures i n the same way.Getthe students to read the di alogue i n Part 2 i n pai rs.Step 7 Ask and answerSB Page 27,Part 2 Cal 1 out a student and ask What can you see i nthe pi cture Wi at are thos
34、口 Poi nt to the bi rds i n the pi cture.They rebi rds.Get hi m or her to ask you a si mi lar questi on.Ask the students towork i n pai rs to ask and ansvr si mi lar questi ons usi ng the pi cture.Step 8 WbrkbookSB Page 112,W B Lesson 22.DD EXX.W EX 1 contai ns the numbers fromone to thi rteen.Help t
35、he students to spel 1 fourteen and f i fteen.Tel 1 thanthe numbers f ran thi rteen to ni neteen al 1 end i n teen They are al 1 formedby the number plus teen,except for thi rteen and fi fteen g i ch aresli ghtly di fferent.HmeworkFi ni sh off the Workbook exerci ses.Choose Exx 2 or 3 for wri ttenhcm
36、swork.教后一得单词复数是本册的一个重点,也是一个难点.利用本单元的四个教案,通过实物.投影仪,电脑辅助进行教学,很好的解决了这个难点,取得了教好的效果.Peri od 3Step 1 Revi si on1 Revi se Mi af s th i 夕 加 hat are thesd?(They re.)1 i ke thi s:Hold up a bag and ask What?s thi s?(If s a bag)Hold up two bagsand askWhat are thesM(They re bags.)Repeat,tfelp the class to ans,we
37、r.Repeat wi th pens,books,etc Get the class to ask questi ons and gi veansxrs.Check for the use of plural foi ms.3.Revi se What s that?/What are thos6 i n a si mi lar way.Thi s ti me usepi ctures fran magazi nes,pi ctures on the wal 1 or Bb drawi ng toerrphasi ze that that and those refer to i tems
38、that are not near.Chai n dri 11.Cal 1 out several students to demonstrate.AWi at are thes6(Holdi ng up three pens.)B They re pens.Wi at are thosa poi nti ng to trees outsi de.)C They re trees.Wi at are thesM etc.Then get the class to conti nue thi schai n dri 11.Step 2 Pronunci ati on prat i ceVWi t
39、e these 1 i sts on the Bb one at a ti me and get the students to practi sereadi ng and pronounci ng them correctly.Wri te the phoneti c symbols i fyou thi nk they wi 11 help the students.l./sZ /T/3./i 力desks bi rd/3”busesbooks trees boxescat”gi rls orangesbi kes boysAfter wri ti ng each li st,under
40、1 i ne the endi ngs and explai n These wordshave the.sound DD EX 2 i n Wb Lesson 23.Step 3 Presentati onTake out a bag wi th saw oranges or pears i n i t.Hold i t up and let severalstudents feel the bag Ask Are these applet?Seme students wi 11 say Yes,they are Others may say No,they re not.S ti ll o
41、thers may say I thi nkthey re.Smi le and say You dori t kn血 Open the bag and say Look!Theseare(pea.rs).Thach Are those.?For exanple,put a smal 1 pi cture wi th tw cars i nthe corner of the rocn)and ask Are those Chi nes“Japanese car夕 Thestudents try to guess.They may answer Yes,they are./No,They re
42、not.Then bri ng the pi cture closer so that they can confi nn that they ararenot Chi nesqZ Japanese cars.Step 4 Read and saySB Page 28,Part 1,Speech Cassette Lesson 23.Play the tape.Students1 i sten,and then 1 i sten and repeat Get two or three pai rs to read aloudthe di alogue.Then get the students
43、 to read i n pai rs.Later,get sanestudents to read and act.Step 5 Look,1 i sten and saySB Page 2,part 2,Speech Cassette Lesson 23.Let the students 1 i sten tothe tape and then get them to practi se the same way as i n Step 4.Putthe students i n groups of three Band0.Later,call out several groupsto r
44、ead the di alogue and act i n front of the class.Step 6 WorkbookSB Page 113,Wb Lesson 23.Do Exx.1 3 i n pai rs oral ly.Then check theansrs wi th the whole class.WL 4 i s opti onal.DD thi s exerci se i f youthi nk your students are ready.Poi nt to the pi cture and draw the student8a t t e n t i o n t
45、 o t h e d i f f e r e n c e b e t w e n w r i t t e n En g l i s h a n d Ch i n e s e,i n c l u d i n g t h e w o r d o r d e r a n d t h e u s e o f t h e v e r b t o b eH o m e w o r kF i n i s h o f f t h e W b r k b o o k e x e r c i s e s.R e v i s e t h e n e w 1 a n g u a g e i t e r n s i n
46、Le s s o n s 21,22 a n d 23.Do Ex.2 i n t h e e x e r c i s e b o o k.教后一得单词复数是本册的一个重点,也是一个难点.利用本单元的四个教案,通过实物.投影仪,电脑辅助进行教学,很好的解决了这个难点,取得了教好的效果.P e r i o d 4S t e p 1 R e v i s i o n1.Ca l 1 t h e r e g i s t e r.G e t t h e s t u d e n t s t o t a l k a b o u t v h o i s n o t a t s c h o o lt o d a
47、 y,e t c.2 R e v i s e t h e n u b m e r s 1-28 a n d t e a c h 29 a n d 30.3.U s i n g f l a s h c a r d s,r e v i s e t h e p l u r a l w o r d s t a u g h t i n t h i s u n i t:h i l l s,b o a t s,b i r d s,e t c.Do Ex.2 i n t h e M b Le s s o n 23.4.U s e t h e s a m e c a r d s t o p r a c t i
48、s e W i a t a r e t h e s Ar e t h e s e.?An d f u r t h e ra w a y,W h a t a r e t h o s M Ar e t h o s e.?S t e p 2 R e a d,1 i s t e n a n d s a yS B P a g e 29,P a r t 1,S p e e c h Ca s s e t t e Le s s o n 24(p h o n i c R e a d i n g W)r l .F o l l o w t h e s a n e s t e p s a s i n Le s s o
49、 n 20.S t e p 2.p l e a s e s e e P a g e s148 167 o f t h e TB)As i n Le s s o n 20,u s e f l a s h c a r d s r a t h e r t h a n g o i n gs t r a i g h t t o t h e b o o k.1.Bo o k s c l o s e d S a y Li s t e n a n d p l a y t h e t a p e.2.P l a y t h e t a p e a g a i n.S a y Li s t e n a n d r
50、 e p e a t.W r i t e t h e l e t t e r O o nt h e Bb,a n d n e x t t o i t w r i t e n o,h e l l o,t h o s e,h e r n s,z e r o a n d g e t3.S t u d e n t s r e a d a l o u d e a c h w o r d i n t u r n a s y o u p o i n t t o i t.4.Ex p l a i n t h a t i n Ch i n e s e t h e s e w o r d s a l 1 h a