1、SalvationSalvationUnit 3What does“salvation”mean?savesinrevivallamb-breaking of Gods laws;disobedience to Gods will -a public religious event that is intended to make people more interested in Christianity 福音布道会福音布道会-young members of church flock or Christian congregationfold-group of people with th
2、e same(usu.religious)beliefs-set free from the eternal punishment for sinthe state of having ones soul saved from sinbring the lambs to the foldbring sb.to Christmourners bench“.when you were saved you saw a light”altar,sisters&deacons Langston Huges(1902-1967)A prolific Black American poet,novelist
3、 and dramatist.兰斯顿兰斯顿休斯休斯(1902(19021967)1967)在美国文坛在美国文坛,尤其是黑人文学方面尤其是黑人文学方面,是一个举足轻重的人物。是一个举足轻重的人物。他写过小说、戏剧、散文、历史、传记等各他写过小说、戏剧、散文、历史、传记等各种文体的作品种文体的作品,还把西班牙文和法文的诗歌翻还把西班牙文和法文的诗歌翻译成英文译成英文,甚至编辑过其他黑人作家的文选甚至编辑过其他黑人作家的文选,但他主要以诗歌著称但他主要以诗歌著称,被誉为被誉为“黑人民族的桂黑人民族的桂冠诗人冠诗人”。19601960年代黑人领袖马丁年代黑人领袖马丁路德路德金那篇流传至今、脍炙人口的金
5、们不喜欢,他们的他们的不悦也没有任何关系不悦也没有任何关系”这篇文学宣言激这篇文学宣言激励了无数黑人文学家励了无数黑人文学家,也确立了他在哈莱姆文也确立了他在哈莱姆文艺复兴运动中的领袖地位。艺复兴运动中的领袖地位。Part 1:Part 2:Part 3:Text 1:Comprehension&AnalysisSTRUCTUREBefore I was saved.(Paras 1-2)The process of my being saved.(Paras 3-14)After I was saved.(Para 15)Para1:1.When did the salvation take
6、 place?2.How did I get a chance to be saved?3.What was my aunts attitude towards this chance of salvation?4.Para 2:5.4.What happened to a person when he was saved,according to my aunt?6.5.How did I feel about salvation at first?Para 3:6.How did the meeting begin?7.What was the effect?Paras 4-6:8.Wha
7、t did the members of the church then do?9.What was the result?10.Who was Westley?11.What did Westley do?Did he see Jesus?Paras 7-14:12.What did other people do when I was left alone?13.How did I feel at that time?14.What did I decide to do?Why did I make such a decision?15.What was the reaction of t
8、he whole church?Para 15:16.What did I do at the night of my salvation?Why?What did my aunt thought why?17.Was I really saved?18.What was the effect on me of the false salvation?19.What lessons did I learn from this experience?Am I really saved?Text 1:Appreciation1.What type of writing is this text?2
9、.How is the theme of the text“salvation”strengthened?3.How does the title fit the text?4.Whats the function of detailed descriptions of environment?5.In what style is this text written?6.Any other special points?narrationrepetitionironicalcreating pressureinformal;boys narrationExaggeration;parallel
10、ism;short sentencesAutobiographyComplete autobiography:include the principal happenings from the authors infancy to the time of writing.Partial autobiography:usually confines himself to(a)limited period(s)which may be indicated in the title.1 The opening sentence of the text 2 The whole text is divi
11、ded into 3 parts Before I was saved How I was saved After I was saved3 Repetition to strengthen the theme repetition of the idea of seeing Jesus repetition of“lambs”repetition of“sin(er)”By repeating the ideas,the writer presents us with a vivid picture of how the lambsyoung sinners were brought to
12、the church meeting and saved.It gives us an understanding of how children may react to religion and why they may lie about this and other subjects.Detailed description:Line 14:the preacherLine 20:old peopleLine 30:My aunt,the whole congregationLine 36:The minister The power of other people to make a
13、 person do what they belive is right is often irresistible.Informal Englishline 19:Some of them jumped up and went to Jesus right away.line 28:“God damn!Im tired o sitting here.Lets get up and be saved!”Childs narrative styleShort sentences and very simple connectives like and,but,and so.line 49:So
14、I got up.line 19:But most of us just sat there.line 18:And the little girls cried.1 Exaggeration:line 23;line 46;line 312 Parallel constructions:paragraph 2:you saw a light,and something happened to you inside!And Jesus came into your life!And God was with you from then on.hot,crowded church could s
15、ee and hear and feel Paragraph 3:moans and shouts and lonely cries and Wont you come?Wont you to Jesus?Yong lambs,wont you?And the little girls cried.And some of them jumped up and went to Jesus right away.Paragraph 4:came and knelt around us and prayed with jet-black faces and braided hair,with wor
16、k-gnarled handsLanguage StudyThere be+doingescort(cf.accompany)lonely&alonemembership (Countable&Uncountable)moan,cry,wail,sob,weep,whimperbutsave furtherbreak into(cf.burst into)hold up Language studyI was saved from sin when I was going on thirteen.-I was set free from the eternal punishment for m
17、y wrong doing and disobedience to God when I was approaching thirteen.“Im seventeen,going on eighteen”.(“Sound of Music”)preach:1 preached the Gospel 传福音 to deliver(a sermon)讲(道)布道2 preached tolerance and peaceful coexistence 宣扬容忍及和平共处(to advocate)e.g.,Practice what you preach.3 to preach at(to)sb.对
18、某人谆谆告诫,唠叨,教训 e.g.,He does nothing but preaching at his children.preach up 赞扬;吹捧,推崇 e.g.,He is always preaching(up)the value of cold bath.preach against 极力反对 e.g.,Do all the churchmen preach against drug taking?.and some very hardened sinners had been brought to Christ.-and some sinners who had never
19、 showed signs of shame or repentance were saved from sin.harden:1)to make hard or harder e.g.,The earth hardens under the hot sun.2)(figuratively)to become unfeeling,unsympathetic e.g.,I hardened my heart against him.我硬下心肠对待他。be hardened to (be used to)对变得不在乎 e.g.,He is becoming hardened to failure.
20、be quite hardened to the cold weather here.the membership of the church had grown by leaps and bounds-the number of the members of the church increased rapidly.membership:1 My membership has just been renewed.(the state of being a member 成员资格 U)2 The trade union has a large membership.(The total num
21、ber of members in a group全体成员Gp)by leaps and bounds adv.=Very quickly 飞跃地 growing by leaps and bounds 长得飞快 to bring the young lambs to the fold-lamb:迷途的羔羊-to bring those young innocent children to Jesus Christ.(to save their soul and free them from sin)escort:1)v.to accompany as an escort e.g.,a gro
22、up of soldiers escorted the President 一队士兵护卫着总统。2)n.a person who goes with someone as a guard or as an honor e.g.,an escort of soldiers一队卫兵 n.a person who accompanies some for courtesys sake e.g.,Kates escort arrived to take her out for the evening.accompany,conduct,escort 这些动词指伴随或陪同他人或其他人时对他们加以比较。A
23、ccompany suggests going with another on an equal basis:e.g.,She went to Europe accompanied by her colleague.Conduct implies guidance of others:e.g.,The usher conducted us to our seats.Escort stresses protective guidance:e.g.,A group of soldiers escorted the President.dire picturesdire:direr,direst1
24、Warning of or having dreadful or terrible consequences a dire economic forecast2 Urgent;desperate in dire need dire povertybraided辫成辫子形的,辫成麻花状的 wear ones hair in braidsbraid fact with fiction 把事实与虚构混淆起来work-gnarled gnarled:1 Having gnarls;knotty or misshapen:多节的:有多节的;多节的或扭曲的:gnarled branches多节瘤的枝干2(
25、figuratively)Rugged and roughened,as from old age or work:饱经风霜的 e.g.,the gnarled hands of a carpenter.moanmoan(line 14)crycry(15)wailwail(32)weep;sob;weep;sob;whimperwhimpercrycry and weepweep both involve the shedding of tears;e.g.e.g.The child was crying because he was lost.crycry has the widest u
26、se and may be the result of unhappiness,joy,etc.weepweep is more formal than cry and can suggest stronger emotions.e.g.e.g.The hostages wept for joy on their release.sobsob indicates crying with irregular and noisy breathinge.g.e.g.He sobbed for hours when his cat died.wailwail indicates long noisy
27、crying in grief or complainte.g.e.g.The mourners were wailing loudly.moan moan indicates a long low sound expressing pain or unhappiness,usually without the shedding of tears.e.g.e.g.A moan escaped the badly wounded soldier.e.g.e.g.The prisoner moaned out a prayer for mercy.e.g.e.g.The sick child wh
28、impered.whimper whimper indicates low crying sounds.Children or little animals whimper with fear or in complaint.hold uphold up1.to support sth and prevent it from falling down e.g.e.g.The roof is held up by pillars.2.(often passive)to delay someone or somethinge.g.e.g.The building work has been hel
29、d up by bad weather.e.g.e.g.Sorry were late-we were held up at work.3.to remain strong and not become weakere.g.e.g.His physical condition held up remarkably well.4.hold sb/sth up as=to use sb/sth as an examplee.g.e.g.His son was held up as a model of hard work.Andthewholebuildingrockedwithprayerand
30、song.Rock:to move gently backwards and forwards or from side to side,or to make something do thise.g.Thewavesrockedtheboatfromsidetoside.Jimrockedwithlaughterwhenheheardwhathadhappened.whileprayersandsongsswirledallaroundmeinthelittlechurch.swirl:vi.1.Tomovewithatwistingorwhirlingmotion;eddy.旋动:扭动或旋
31、动旋动:扭动或旋动;旋涡旋涡e.g.,Smokeswirledupthechimney.Whenthedancepartywasinfullswing,musicandsongsswirledallaroundtheballroom.2.Tobedizzy;swim.晕眩;头眩晕眩;头眩n.e.g.,Shedancedwithaswirlofherskirt.envyenvygluttonygluttonygreedgreedlustlustprideprideslothslothangerangerOriginal SinOriginal Sin Seven Deadly Sins Seve
32、n Deadly Sins Original sin is said to result from the Fall of Man,when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit of a particular tree in the Garden of Eden.This first sin(the original sin),an action of the first human beings,is traditionally understood to be the cause of original sin,the fallen state fro
33、m which human beings can be saved only by Gods grace.a revival in Vancouvera revival in VancouvercongregationWhat do people usually do at a congregation?Preaching,singing,praying&shouting!Special revival meeting for children intends Special revival meeting for children intends to produce an early in
34、terest in Christianity to produce an early interest in Christianity and to stir up the religious faith among them.and to stir up the religious faith among them.revivals for children around the worldChildren Praying Jesus is called Jesus is called the Lamb of Godthe Lamb of God in the in the New Test
35、ament New Testament(新约新约新约新约).believers in Christianity believers in Christianity =sheepsheeptheir children their children =lampslampsGod God =shepherdshepherd mourners bench -the front row of seats at a revival meeting,reserved for those who are to make confessions of their sins.mournersbench Light
36、&star are often used metaphorically in Christianity.altar altar 圣坛圣坛圣坛圣坛sister sister 修女修女修女修女deacon deacon 执事执事执事执事a dire picture of hella dire picture of hellmoans&shouts moans&shouts&lonely cries&lonely cries in hellin hellwork-gnarled handsjet-black faces and braided hairKnickerbockersKnickerboc
37、kersKnickerbockeredKnickerbockered-legs-legsHoly TrinityHoly Trinity-Holy Father-Holy Father-Holy Son-Holy Son-Holy Spirit-Holy Spirit (Holy Ghost)(Holy Ghost)According to Christianity,According to Christianity,Holy TrinityHoly Trinity is the union is the unionof three divine persons,of three divine
38、 persons,the the FatherFather,sonson,and,and Holy Holy SpiritSpirit,in one God.,in one God.Listen,Christ,You did alright in your day,I reckon-But that days gone now.They ghosted you up a swell story,too,Called it Bible-But its dead now,The popes and the preachersveMade too much money from it.Theyve
39、sold you to too manyGoodbye,Christ Jesus Lord God Jehovah,Beat it on away from here now.Make way for a new guy with no religion at all-A real guy namedMarx Communist Lenin Peasant Stalin Worker ME-I said,ME!(From Langston Huges“Goodbye,Christ”,1932)salvation 1.something that prevents or saves someon
40、e or something from danger,loss,or failurebe somebodys/somethings salvatione.g.A drug treatment program was Rons salvation.salvation of The Internet turned out to be the salvation of the company.2.in the Christian religion,the state of being saved from evil e.g.Christians hope and pray for salvation
41、.and some hardened sinners 1.To make hard or harder.使硬化:使变硬或更硬2.To enable to withstand physical or mental hardship.使经得起考验:使能经受住身体的或精神上的困苦 3.To make unfeeling,unsympathetic,or callous:使无情:使没有感情、无同情心或冷酷:4.To rise and become stable.Used of prices.变稳定:上涨且变得稳定。用于价格harden:vt.&vi.hardened adj.V.harden同义词辨析
42、:同义词辨析:harden,acclimate,season,toughenwas hardened to life on the frontier;顽强地面对前线的生活;顽强地面对前线的生活;is becoming acclimated to the tropical heat;对热带的高度逐渐适应;对热带的高度逐渐适应;became seasoned to life in prison;对监狱的生活习以为常;对监狱的生活习以为常;toughened by experience and criticism.soften 由于坎坷的经历和人们的指责而麻木不仁由于坎坷的经历和人们的指责而麻木不仁
43、The central meaning:to make resistant to hardship,especially through continued exposure词组:词组:E.g.He is becoming hardened to failure.他对失败已变得不在乎了。他对失败已变得不在乎了。harden off 使(植物)茁壮以便在露天生长使(植物)茁壮以便在露天生长harden to 对对变得不在乎变得不在乎Please Translate:这几个南方人现在对这儿的寒冷气候已习以为常了。这几个南方人现在对这儿的寒冷气候已习以为常了。The southerners are
44、quite hardened to the cold weather here now.had grown by leaps and bounds.leap:vi.&vt.n.Vi.To spring or bound upward from or as if from the ground;jump E.g.leaped over the wall;salmon leaping up river.Vt.To jump over:跳过跳过:E.g.couldnt leap the brook.n.The act of leaping;a jump.跳:跳跃的动作跳:跳跃的动作现在除成语外现在除
45、成语外,普通用普通用 jump习惯用语:习惯用语:a leap in the dark 盲目的冒险行动盲目的冒险行动;死死 a leap from rags to riches 由穷人一跃变为富翁由穷人一跃变为富翁 by leaps and bounds 突飞猛进地突飞猛进地 with leaps and bounds 飞跃地飞跃地,迅速地迅速地 Look before you leap.谚谚三思而后行。三思而后行。leap at 急切地抓住急切地抓住(机会等机会等)had grown by leaps and bounds.Please Translate:茱莉的阅读正在突飞猛进的提高茱莉的
46、阅读正在突飞猛进的提高。Julies reading is improving in leaps and bounds.sth increase very quicklyEvery night for weeks there had been much preaching,singing,praying,and shouting,and some very hardened sinners had been brought to Christ,and the membership of the church had grown by leaps and bounds.Please paraph
47、rase:Every night for weeks,the priests gave sermons,and people sang songs in praise of God,worshipped God and shouted for joy.Some sinners who had never showed sings of shame or repentance were saved from sin and the number of the members of the church increased rapidly.v.To accompany as an escort.S
48、ynonym:accompany E.g.A group of soldiers escorted the President.The queen was escorted by the directors as she toured the factory.n.One or more persons accompanying another to guide,protect,or show honor.护卫队,仪仗队护卫队,仪仗队That night I was escorted.mourners bench withsinnersPlease translate:当诺贝尔奖得主由主席陪同上
49、讲台时,整个当诺贝尔奖得主由主席陪同上讲台时,整个大厅顿时爆发车一阵欢呼声和鼓掌声。大厅顿时爆发车一阵欢呼声和鼓掌声。As the Nobel Prize winner went onto the platform escorted by the chairman,the whole hall rocked with cheers and clapping.all moans and shouts and lonely cries and dire pictures of hellmoan:n.A low,sustained,mournful cry,usually indicative of
50、 sorrow or pain.呜咽:一种很低,痛苦的,悲伤的哭,呜咽:一种很低,痛苦的,悲伤的哭,moan:v.To utter a moan or moans.发出呜咽声发出呜咽声词组:词组:have a moan 发牢骚发牢骚,诉苦诉苦 make(ones)moan 哀叹哀叹;抱怨抱怨,诉苦诉苦 moan and groan 呻吟不止呻吟不止all moans and shouts and lonely cries and dire pictures of hellPlease translate:小女孩显然受伤不轻,她哭了好几个小时,小女孩显然受伤不轻,她哭了好几个小时,现在仍在呻吟。