1、练习13星座是什么鬼:揭开蛇夫座的真实面纱(双语)The astronomical zodiac actually contains 13 constellations -the 12 that were familiar with plus another one, called Ophiuchus.天文星座实际上有13个星座一一12个我们很熟悉的星座加上另外一个蛇夫座。Ophiuchus was deliberately left out of the original zodiac, over 2000 years ago, even though the Sun clearly pas
2、ses in front of it after passing in front of Scorpius (commonly known as Scorpio) and before reaching Sagittarius. The reason for this is not known, but it may be because ancient astrologers wanted to divide the 360 degree path of the Sun in a mathematically pleasing way - 12 equal parts, each one o
3、f 30 degrees.2000年前,尽管太阳在经过天蝎座(英文Scorpius通常写作Scorpio)后光明正大地在 蛇夫座面前经过,并朝着射手座方向前进,蛇夫座还是被人故意从原有的星座中剔除。其原 因不得而知,但可能是因为古占星家想用比拟方便的算术法来划分太阳的360度运动路径 分成12等份,每局部30度。However the true boundaries that divide the constellations, as described by the International Astronomical Union, are far from equal. For examp
4、le Ophiuchus is behind the Sun for a full 19 days of the year. Thats 12 days more than its neighbour, Scorpius.不过,据国际天文联合会称,真正划分星座的分界线很难均等化。举个例子,蛇夫座在 位于距太阳后面整整19天路程的位置,比附近星座天蝎座多出12天路程的距离。So if you were born between 30 November and 18 December, why not claim yourself a totally new star sign?所以如果你是在11
5、月30日到12月18日中间出生的,为什么不把自己归入到一个新 的星座中去呢?小编提示:对照着以下星座表,白羊座 更新日期04.19,05.13金牛座 更新日期05.14.06.20双子座 更新日期06.21 ,07.19巨蟹座 更新日期07.20.08.19狮子座 更新日期08.20.09.15处女座 更新日期09.16,10.30天秤座 更新日期10.31,11.22天蝎座 更新日期11.23,11.29蛇夫座 更新日期11.30,12.17射手座 更新日期12.18.01.18摩羯座 更新日期01.19,02.15水瓶座 更新日期02.16.03.11双鱼座 更新日期03.12.04.18看看现在的你是哪个星座吧原来日期03.21.04.20原来日期04.21 .05.21原来日期05.22.06.22原来日期06.23,07.23原来日期07.24.08.23原来日期08.24.09.23原来日期09.24,10.23原来日期10.2411.22原来日期11.2312.21原来日期12.2201.20原来日期01.21 .02.19原来日期02.20.03.20(来源:)