1、实用英语读写课程标准课程名称、代码:实用英语读写920032总学时数:54 (理论课学时数:36 实践课学时数:18)学分数:3适用专业:商务英语课程类型:专业必修课一、课程的性质实用英语读写是商务英语专业的一门专业必修课,属于职业基础课。根据专业人才 培养目标的要求,学生对于英语语言技能的掌握涉及到听、说、读、写、译五个方面。写作 是英语表达的核心能力之一,将实用英语读写设置为专业必修课,使学生通过基础训练 和课堂实操逐步掌握这一核心技能。二、课程定位商务英语专业人才培养立足广州,面向珠三角地区中小型涉外企业,培养具有良好的职 业人文素养、较扎实的英语基础和较强英语综合运用能力,掌握相关商务
2、知识和技能,能 从事涉外商贸服务工作的高素质、高技能应用型英语人才。本课程有针对性的专门对写作能 力进行训练,在课程设计上加入听、说、读、译等能力穿插训练,使学生较熟练地运用英语 进行日常交流,到达较强的听、说、读、写、译综合应用能力。实用英语读写是一门实 用性很强的课程,开设在第二学期,有综合英语、实用英语口语、英语视听说等作 为先行及平行课程,在课堂实践中有针对性的培养学生初步的英语写作能力,包括短文、各 类社交、商务和企业内部文稿、简历以及四级写作备考,同时也为大二专业性更强的国际 商务函电、商务英语等后续课程和今后的实际工作打下良好的基础。三、课程设计思路通过企业岗位工作调查,近几年商
3、务英语专业毕业生主要在国际商务沟通(涉外助理、 英语 客服、英语初级翻译)和国际商务操作(外贸业务员、单证员、跟单员、跨境电商 师)等岗位就业,其中明确要求学生能用中英文草拟各种文件并处理有关商务函件。本课程按照学生语言学习由词到篇的特点、能力水平提高和实际工作流程的需要由浅入 深逐步教学。整门课分五大模块化进行教学,即:Introduction to practical English writing, Social correspondence, Employment correspondence, In-house correspondence, 以及Essay writing,每一模块
4、根据典型乍任务进行课堂设计,做到教、学、做相结合, 实现理论与实践一体化。鉴于学生现有的英文水平,在五个模块逐一展开的同时,还会穿插 有英语语法和基本写作技巧能力训练。整门课程的教学过程当中做到写作与阅读、听力、口 语相结合,以提高学生英语综合运用能力。十一、课程教学环境和条件在多媒体教室教学中,利用实用英语读写网络课程平台,在网络上为学生自 主性学习提供较为丰富的自学资源材料,积极开发教学资源,实现教学资源共享。在 充分利用现有的教学设备和条件的基础上,不断开发新的教学资源,同步编写学习手 册,重视计算机和网络技术在更新教学内容、改变学习方式、培养学习自觉性、提高 教学效率和教师自身业务素质
5、中的重要作用。十二、课程教学资源使用教材:任奎艳,彭春萍.世纪商务英语写作训练.大连:大连理工大学出版社,2015 参考书目:丁往道.英语写作手册,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1998宋梅梅.实用阶梯英语,大连:大连理工大学出版社,2011袁亚平,林敏.英语基础写作教程.广州:中山大学出版社,2008赵萱,郑仰成.应用文写作教程.北京:高等教育出版社,2011SocialEmploymentIn-houseEssay writingcorrespondencecorrespondencecorrespondence写 作 工 作 流 程L资讯:获取写作对象、内容、格式、目的、预期目标等一系列信
6、息。2.计划:讨论如何根据某种文体要求和需要撰写文书,并制定撰写方案。3.决策:汇报撰写方案的内容,由老师组织点评后进一步优化撰写方案,并确定最正确 方案。4.实施:撰写文书(生成和表述;提炼和组织;修正和润饰)5.检查:多遍检查(格式是否符合规范;内容是否完整;语言表达是否恰当)6.评估:上交撰写文书,小组汇报,老师点评。四、课程目标本课程服务于高职高专人才培养目标,以“工学结合,能力为本”的教育理念为指导, 坚持“实用为主,够度为用”的原那么,采用多种教学方法相结合,培养学生实际应用语言的 技能,特别是用英语处理与未来职业相关的能力。1、知识目标:(1) 了解英文写作的习惯,掌握商务英语写
7、作的原那么。(2)巩固基本句型结构和语法知识,有效防止重大语言、语法错误。(3)掌握基本的写作流程,提纲的编列方法,以及引言段、正文和结尾段的写作方法。(4)熟悉各类英文社交、商务和企业内部文稿的格式、习惯和常见句型。(5)掌握英文简历写作的特点和重点。2、职业技能目标:(1)具有较好的用英语表达思想的书面表达能力。(2)以英文写作为载体,培养学生具有独立思考、从不同角度考虑问题等思维能力。(3)能根据提纲、图标或数据表格等,写出一篇长度为150200个单词左右的短文, 内容切题、结构严谨、条理清楚、语法正确、语言通顺、表达得体。(4)能撰写各类英文社交、商务和企业内部文稿,格式正确、表达得体
8、。(5)能结合自身情况撰写一份具有竞争力的简历。3、素质目标(1)具备用英语语言文字清晰准确表达思维的素质。(2)具备发现、分析和解决问题的素质。(3)具备通过各种媒体资源获取并整理信息的素质。(4)具备良好的职业道德素养。(5)具备涉外企业职员的素养和气质,具有商务文化意识。五、专业技能(资格)证书全国国际商务英语证书(一级)、剑桥商务英语证书(中级)六、课程衔接综合英语、实用英语口语和英语视听说是本课程的先修以及平行课程,学生 要到达大学英语四级的水平,具有基本的听、说、读、写、译综合应用能力,初步掌握英语 语言文字得书面表达能力,掌握英语基本句型结构和语法知识。通过课堂实践中有针对性的
9、培养学生进一步的英语写作能力,包括短文、各类社交、商务和企业内部文稿、简历以及四 级写作备考,同时也为大二专业性更强的国际商务函电、商务英语等后续课程和今后 的实际工作打下良好的基础。七、教学内容及学时安排本课程总学时为 54 学时,五大模块,即:Introduction to practical English writing, Social correspondence, Employment correspondence, In-house correspondence, 以及 Essay writing, 共36学时,鉴于学生现有的英文水平,在五个模块逐一展开的同时,还会穿插有英语语法
10、 和基本技巧能力训练,共18学时。课程教学的重点是各类书信及办公文稿的格式和常用句 型;英文短文的构成和段落写作技巧;教学的难点是中式思维的干扰;正确句型的掌握和常 见语法错误。1.教学内容模块安排ModulesTasksPeriodsModule 11.1 General rules of practical writing4Introduction to practical English writing1.2 Basic writing processModule 22.1 Letters of invitation102.2 Letters of congratulations2.3
11、Letters of thanksSocial correspondence2.4 Letters of complaint2.5 Letters of apologyModule 33.1 Job advertisement6Employment correspondence3.2 Resume and cover lettersModule 44.1 Company profile84.2 MemosIn-house correspondence4.3 Announcements4.4 MinutesModule 55.1 Structure of English essay8Essay
12、writing5.2 Types of expositionsExtraBasic English writing skills18Total542.课程整体设计TasksObjectivesActivitiesPeriods1.1General rules of practical writing1. Be aware of the basic principles of business writing.2. Achieve clarity in business writing.3. Adopt proper you-attitude in business writing.1. Rea
13、d the dialog with partners, and write an email according to the requirement.2. Discuss with partners about the samples, and understand the 7Cs of business writing.3. Enhance the understanding of the rules with practice.21.2Basicwritingprocess1. Be aware of the basic process of writing.2. Askjournali
14、sticquestions to explore ideas.3. Brainstorm and work out an outline.1 . Ask students to do a 15-min paragraph writing.2 .Discuss with partners about the questions.3 .Practicing brainstorming and working out an outline.4 .Enhance the understanding of process writing with practice.22.1Letters of invi
15、tation1 .Compose appropriate invitation letters.2 . Use proper sentences to express invitation.3 .Adopt proper style and tone in the letter.1. Read the dialog with partners, and work out an invitation letter together.2. Peer-correction of the letter, and try to figure out the appropriate style for i
16、nvitation letters.3. Enhance the understanding of the invitation letters writing with practice.22.2Letters of congratulat ions1 .Composeappropriatecongratulation letter.2 .Expressproperfeelings.3 .Close the letter properly.1. Read the invitation card with partners, and work out a congratulation lett
17、er together.2. Peer-correction of the letter, and try to figure out the appropriate style for congratulation letters.3. Enhance the understanding of the congratulation letters2writing with practice.2.3Letters of thanks1. Compose appropriate letters of thanks.2. Expressthanksproperly and sincerely.3.
18、 Givespecificinformationto showappreciation.1 .Discuss the pictures with partners, and work out a thank-you letter together.2 .Peer-correction of the letter, and try to figure out the appropriate style for thank-you letters.3 . Enhance the understanding of the thank-you letters writing with practice
19、.22.4Letters of complaint1. Compose appropriate letters of complaint.2. State the problems and requests properly.3. Close the letter tactfully.1. Discuss the pictures with partners, and work out a letter of complaint together.2. Peer-correction of the letter, and try to figure out the appropriate st
20、yle for letters of complaint.3. Enhance the understanding of the complaining letters writing with practice.22.5Letters of apology1. Compose appropriate letters of apology.2. Make an apology clearly and sincerely.3. Avoid wordiness.1 . Read the dialog with partners, and work out a letter of apology t
21、ogether.2 .Peer-correctionoftheletter, and try to figure out the appropriate style for letters of apology.3 .Enhance the understanding of the apology letters writing with practice.23.1Jobadvertisement1 .Composeappropriatejob advertisement.2 .Describejobresponsibilities clearly.3 . Use listing proper
22、ly in job advertisements.1. Discuss with partners about the questions.2. Work with partners what are the composing parts of a job advertisement, and create one together.3. Enhance the understanding of a3jobadvertisementwithpractice.3.2Resume and cover letters1 . Compose appropriate resumes and cover
23、 letter.2 .Give details with numbers.3 .Avoid using too many I s in the letter.4 . Use action verbs in a resume.1 .Discuss with partners about the questions, and work out a resume together.2 .Peer-correction of the resume, and try to figure out a better copy of resume.3 . Enhance the understanding o
24、f a resume and cover letters with practice.34.1Company profile1.Learn about the basic information included in a company profile.2.Infusehumanpersonality to a profile.3.Claim uniqueness by stating special awards and honors.1 .Read the entry in a business directory with partners, and write a brief int
25、roduction about the company together.2 .Peer-correctionofthecompany profile, and try to figure out a better copy of company profile.3 . Enhance the understanding of a company profile with practice.24.2Memos1. Be able to write memos according to different situations.2. Writeeffectivesubject line for
26、a memo.3. Writeappropriatesection headings.1. Study the samples with partners, and work out the basic structure of a memo.2. Enhance the understanding of a memo with practice.24.3Announcements1. Composeappropriateannouncements.2. Usepropercapitalization.3. Adopt numbered points or bullets properly.1
27、.Study the samples with partners, and work out the basic structure of an announcement.2.Enhance the understanding of an announcement with practice.24.4Minutes1. Be able to take meeting minutes in an effective way.2. Writenumbers1.Study the samples with partners, and work out the basic structure of m
28、eeting minutes.2.Enhance the understanding of2properly.3.Adopt note-taking skills in writing minutes.meeting minutes with practice.5.1Structureof Englishessay1. Enable students to write various introductions according to different topics.2. Enable students to know how to write the body of an essay.3
29、. Enable students to write an effective conclusion.1.Study the samples with partners, and work out the basic structure of an English essay.2.Enhance the understanding of the structure of an English essay with practice.25.2Types of expositions1. Enable students to know the different types of expositi
30、ons.2. Enable students to write expositions of different types.1.Study the samples with partners, and work out the common types of expositions.2.Enhance the understanding of different types of expositions with practice.6Ex tr aBasicEnglish writing skills1 .Understandwhat asentence is.2 . Identifybas
31、icsentence elements.3 . Identify basic simple sentence patterns.4 .Make correct compound sentences.5 . Make correct complex sentences.6 .Avoidsentencefragments in writing.7 .Keeppronounsconsistent.8 . Avoid using sexist language.9 .Avoid using dangling modifiers.Explanation and practice.1810 . Keept
32、hesamestructure paralleled.11 .Varysentencestructures.12 .Avoidmisplacedmodifiers.13 .Avoid run-on sentence and know how to improve run-on sentences.14 .Use passive voice properly.1.1 Identify paragraphs.16 .Writeappropriatetopic sentences for paragraphs.17 .Developparagraphswithsupportingsentences.
33、18 . Keep the whole writing in good transition and coherence.Total54八、教学说明L任务驱动教学本课程在实训工程中强调能力本位、任务驱动,采取基于工作流程的六步教学模式,即: 资讯、计划、决策、实施、检查、评估,在不同阶段通过任务驱动,如:小组合作撰写邀请 信邀请客户,撰写投诉信投诉商品质量,发布招聘信息,简历筛选等,锻炼并有望提高学生 的专业能力、方法能力和社会能力。在实训工程中,学生在教师的引导下,紧紧围绕每一个 任务活动中心,通过对学习资源的主动应用,进行自主探索和互动协作的学习,完成既定任 务。2 .以学生为中心本课程在
34、上述基于工作流程的六步教学模式下,采用多种教学方法,如:情景教学法、多媒 体教学、案例教学法、研讨互助法、角色扮演法、任务驱动法、工程教学法、翻转课堂等, 以学生为中心,多样化教学方法,防止传统写作课的枯燥模式。教学过程中,结合英语听、 说、读、译等多种能力的练习与表达,以提高学生英语综合运用能力。3 .融入素养教育让“商务文化意识”贯穿于教学的始终。学习与任务相关的英语国家的文化背景知识, 培养跨文化交际意识与能力。培养有效的英语学习策略,探索与建立符合学生自己需要的个 性化学习策略系统,培养学生的人文素质。4 .信息化教学改革本课程开始建设精品在线课程,学生不仅可以在网上进行课后的巩固练习
35、,也可以进行 自主学习,拓展由于课时和学生不同水平的限制未能在课堂上涉及的内容,更能灵活使用翻 转课堂、微课等多种信息化学习途径,提高与同学的协作式互动学习与语言交际能力,使教 学真正到达了提高学生英语实际应用技能的目的。九、教学评价1.考核(1)职业素质评价:本课程对于学生的职业素质评价在课内评价和课外评价中均有体 现,如:出勤、活动参与、学习态度、个人作业、小组作业等。评价以百分制计入,在各项 所归属的某一方面(课内评价或课外评价)乘以权重已计入总评。(2)工程评价:工程名称工程任务评分标准工程1:商务社交信函撰写任务1:撰写邀请信邀请客户1 .信函设计30%2 .信函内容30%3 .总结
36、汇报40%任务2:撰写投诉信投诉商品 质量1 .信函设计30%2 .信函内容30%3 .总结汇报40%工程2:聘用文书撰写任务3:发布招聘信息1 .文书设计30%2 .文书内容30%3 .总结汇报40%任务4:简历筛选1 .简历制作50%2 .自我介绍30%3 .交流互动20%(3)终结考核评价占总评的40% ,在期末采用闭卷笔试的方式进行考核。2.成绩形成过程性评价(60%)终结性 评价 (40%)课内评价(30%)课外评价(30%)期末考 试出勤(10%)课前预 习 (5%)活动参 与 (10%)学习态 度 (5%)自主学 习(5%)个人作 业 (10%)小组作 业 (10%)课外活 动 (5%)分成假设干个小组,设立组长,进行阶段性的自评、组员互评、小组间的评价等。建立学习档案,以评价学生的学习过程、努力程度、进步轨迹及取得得成就。