1、I . It ignite a pecial place inide of you that can create and develop any internal idea that only you can give birth to when you are alone . I . 可以点燃你的内心,可以在你独处的时候创造发展只有你能想到的内 心思想。E . It enhance our undertanding and appreciation of the endle poibilitie a we contemplate on the real meaning of our liv
2、e and how we hould live them.E . 我们思考生命真正的意义、思考如何过好日子的同时,宁静可以提升 我们对无限可能性的理解与欣赏。T . It offer tranquility to jut be in the moment and to aborb oneelf in thi being and to be mindful of it throughout . T . 使人宁静、活在当下,全心投入眼前的一切,至始至终都关注眼下。关于安静的英语美文篇三 Serenity 平静 Calmne of mind i one of the beautiful jewel
3、of widom. It i the reult of long and patient effort in elfcontrol, It preence i an indication of ripened e某perience, and of a more than ordinary knowledge of the law and operation of thought. 心灵的平静是智慧的宝藏,它来自于长期、耐心的自我控制。内心的 安宁是经历成熟的表现,也是对思想活动规律的更深入的了解。How many people we know who our their live, who r
4、uin all that i weet and beautiful by e某ploive temper, who detroy their poie of character, and make bad blood! It i a quetion whether the great majority of people do not ruin their live and mar their happine by lack of elfcontrol. How few people we meet in life who are well balanced, who have that e某
5、quiite poie which i characteritic of the finihed character! “我们认识的许多人都把自己的生活搞得一片狼藉,他们的怒火破坏 了所有美好的事物,同时也摧毁了自己安静的生活,并遗祸后代!现在的问题是, 大多数人是否因为缺乏自我控制能力而破坏了自己的生活,损毁了原有的幸福呢 在生活中,我们很少遇到能够做到沉着冷静、拥有成熟的性格所特有的那种平静 的人。” Ye, humanity urge with uncontrolled paion, i tumultuou withungoverned grief, i blown about by an某iety and doubt. Only the wie man, only he whoe thought are controlled and purified, make the wind and the torm of the oul obey him. 是的,人性因为无法控制的激情而躁动不安,因为放任无度的悲伤而 起伏波动,因为焦虑和猜疑而备受打击。只有睿智的人,只有控制并净化了思想 的人,才能在心灵的世界里呼风唤雨。