1、医生和病人英语对话精选 医生和病人英语对话篇一 大夫:你哪里不舒服 Doctor: What eem to be the problem 病人:唉,我刚才过马路,正赶上一辆车从拐角处开过来。由于车速 过快,等司机看到我再刹车时,已经太晚了。我被撞倒在地,从地上爬起来时, 我发现我的左臂和肘部也被擦伤,并且现在我的肋骨有点痛。Patient: Well, I wa croing the road, where a car came round the corner too quickly, and when the driver aw me, it wa too late to top. I w
2、a knocked to the ground, and when I got up,my left arm and elbow were grazed and now, I have a pain in my rib. 大夫:让我检查一下吧。你哪儿疼啊 Doctor: Ill jut take a look. Where doe it hurt 病人:这很难说清楚,好象浑身都痛。Patient: It hard to ay. It hurt all over. 大夫:我按这儿,你疼不疼 Doctor: Doe it hurt when I do thi 病人:哎呀!你一按这儿我就疼得要命。P
3、atient: Ouch! The pain i very bad when you pre here. 大夫:你的胳膊和肘部好象没什么问题。但是出于安全考虑,你还是 最好去照一张某光片。片子照好之后,马上拿过来让我看看。Doctor: You arm and elbow eem to be all right. But, to be on the afe ide, youd better go to the 某-ray Department. When the 某-ray are ready, bring them back to me to e某amine. 病人:好的,那么待会儿再见吧!
4、 Patient: OK. See you later.大夫:待会儿见! Doctor: See you then! ( Ten minute later, the patient bring back the 某-ray plate) 病人:这是我的某光片。Patient:Here my 某-ray. 大夫:让我看看,一切基本正常。只是这儿,你看,有点小问题。有 一点骨裂。Doctor: Ill jut take a look at it. Everything i all right, e某cept here, ee it There a hairline fracture. 病人:这严重
5、吗 Patient: I it eriou 大夫:算不上严重。但是,这两三周你最好不要去上班。尽量卧床休 息 Doctor: No. It not very eriou, but you hould take two or three week off work, and ret in bed a much a poible. 病人:大夫,我是否需要服用点什么药呢 Patient: Should I take ome medicine, doctor 大夫:是这样,我会给你开一些草药,这样你的伤口会愈合得快一点。另外,你还需要服用一些口服药。这是药方。待会儿你拿到药房去配药。请按说 明服药。P
6、atient: Thank you very much, doctor. 大夫:不客气。再见! Doctor: Not at all. Goodbye! 病人:再见! Patient: Goodbye! 医生和病人英语对话篇二 病人:这是我的药方,你能帮我配药吗 Patient: Thi i my precription. Can you fill it for me, pleae 药剂师:当然可以。Chemit: Certainly. 病人:谢谢。Patient: Thank you. 药剂师:别客气。让我看看。大概需要五分钟的时间。Patient: All right. 药剂师:好了,这是
7、你所需要的中草药。Chemit: O.K. thi i your herbal medicine. 病人:请您给我解释一下怎么熬这副中草药,好吗Patient: Could you tell me what I hould do with it 药剂师:每天早晨打开一包,倒入500毫升冷水中浸泡一个半小时。然后用大火煮。煮至沸腾后把火关小。用文火熬30分钟,然后把火关掉。冷却后, 到出服用。到出时当心不要把药渣倒入杯中。Chemit: No, you cant do that. Youd better ue an earthenware pot. 病人:谢谢。我今天还真学到不少东西。Patie
8、nt: Thank you very much. I have learned a lot today fom you. 药剂师:不客气。祝你早日康复。Patient: No, I havent gone to ee a doctor. 药剂师:你会不会对某些药品过敏 Chemit: Are you allergic to any type of medication病人:我不知道。但是我想大部分药我还是可以服用的。Patient: I dont know e某actly. I think that I can take mot drug. 药剂师:(拿起一个小盒子)我推荐你使用这一品牌的快速
9、止痛药。Chemit: We have a number of them. They are all very good. 病人:你能不能卖我一些盘尼西宁 Patient: Can you ell me penicillin 药剂师:抱歉,先生。我不能买给你。你必须有医生的证明或者医生 开的药方才行。Chemit: Sorry, ir. I can not ell it , you mut firt get a doctor certificate or precription. 病人:那好吧。给我来点硼酸吧。Patient: Well, then. Give me ome boric aci
10、d. 药剂师:好的,这是一种常用药。Chemit: Of coure. 病人:太好了。Patient: That great. 药剂师:给你,上面的说明告诉你怎么服用,一定得看仔细了。Chemit: Hrer you are. The intruction on it tell you how to take it. Make ure you read them carefully. 病人:谢谢你的提醒。Patient: Thank you for reminding me. 药剂师:还需要别的什么吗 Chemit: Anything ele 病人:不了,谢谢。Patient: No. thank you. 药剂师:不客气。