1、雅思听力同义词替换4大类型实例讲解 雅思听力同义词替换4大类型实例讲解,我今日给大家带来了雅思听力同义词替换4大类型实例讲解,盼望能够关心到大家,下面我就和大家共享,来观赏一下吧。 雅思听力同义词替换4大类型实例讲解 雅思听力同义替换之近义词替换 顾名思义,近义词替换是通过近义词的方式来展现题目和录音内容的联系,这种同义替换也是全部同义替换类别中最基本、最简单把握的形式。考生若是对单词的近义词非常熟识,那么便可以轻松解决这类问题。 例1 Most useful lanerrywhether thinks Antarctica was part of another continent beca
2、use _ A. he has done his own research in the area. B. there is errywhether认为南极洲曾属于另一个大陆是由于什么”。在录音中,考生可以听到Dr Merrywhether提到:“ because fossils and rocks have been discovered in Antarctica which are the same as those found in places such as Africa and Australia.”在这里,fossils and rocks代指了选项B中的类别词arch 3.
3、nationalities: Canadian and Australian, total 7 persons 4. dont ask for kitchen 5. need restaurant 6.最贵的房间 maximum price: $120 7. parents-in-law 房间盼望有 eehan 2. Recruit 3. 日期:9 October 4. basic requirements: EnICHEL MARTIN, HOST: Were ARTIN: Do you find specific characteristics in the individuals who are likely to enARTIN: What has struck you about - I mean, as we mentioned earlier, you started this research three decades aARTIN: John Pryor is a distinichel. Its nice to talk to you. 雅思听力高频词汇 stereotype 刻板印象 sexual harassment 性骚扰 perspective 观点 distinplaint 埋怨 characteristics 特点