1、幼儿园小班儿童英语教案大全 对初学英语的孩子来说,第一阶段的英语学习,对将来腔调有打算性影响。如何引导孩子在引导式的英文环境下,去学习生疏的语言,除了要有配套条件外,还要考虑孩子的欢乐指数。配套条件包括适龄适性的教学方法、正确的语言学习方法、多元的互动机会,以及正向回馈及鼓舞。下面是我为大家预备好的内容,盼望你们能喜爱。 小班英语大全汇总一 objectives(目标): 1、 encouraaterials(教具预备): tape ; sticker; 魔法棒一个;各种图形的图片; 毛线;自制钓鱼工具;情境挂图;cd; teachin up(热身) : 1、 tpr:播放律动“play-wa
2、y to en fine, thank you! and you? t: im fine too. and how is the weather today? s: its su y/rainy day. t: woo you are so mae t:ok, now would you like play a e? s:yes. t: lets have a compotatio if i say the words, you should use this one, fishinidi/haley. t: can you ake the shapes by yourself. 给每位幼儿供
3、应1条毛线,让幼儿在地毯上自由创作变出各种图形,并相互用英文沟通自己创作出的图形。 五、over(结束): wootoday you are very clever, are you ha y today ? now i want to make a circle, lets make, ok? sinore we e try Dine try T: Ok, do you want to know?(引导幼儿说出Yes或No) T: Who want to try(作举手状,并引导幼儿说出Let me try) 当幼儿拿出苹果之后,老师用英文输入:Oh(惊喜的),Whats this? C:苹
4、果 T: Yes, apple!(老师要抑扬顿挫的反复输入). B、oranm!(作闻的动作)The smell is ell it! 接着问幼儿:Whats this? C:橘子 T: Yes. Oran hune fruits, Who want to help me?(作举手状) 接着当幼儿上来时,老师说:I like apple/oranp!(拿apple 的小伴侣站起来跳一下) Oranp! (拿 oranm!Sweet! T: Do you want to eat(连续引导二说出 Yes) C: Yes T: OK, follow me! I like apples/oran li
5、on. today is my birthday. im very ha y. i dre ed beautiful. i prepared a delicious cake for my friends. im busy. r: hello, everyone. im ra it. today is lions birthday. lets e. (sonp, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, ru in ra it. l: orninornin fine, thank you. come in please. r: thank you. r: ha y birth
6、day. (把礼物给狮子)here you are. we hope you like. l: thank you. sit down please. please, please(拿出一些吃的请小兔子们吃) r: thank you. teddy bear : hello, everyone. im teddy bear. today is lions birthday. we prepared a present for him. lets e. (sonp, jump, jump. ) 场景二:门铃响了,狮子再次去开门。 l: who? b: im teddy bear. l: orni
7、nornin fine, thank you. come in please. b: thank you. ha y birthday. (把礼物给狮子)here you are. l: thank you. sit down please. please, please. (拿出一些吃的请小熊吃) l: time is up. lets enjoy the birthday cake, ok? b,r,l: (最终齐唱生日欢乐歌)song: ha y birthday to you. ha y birthday to you. ha y birthday to you. ha y birthday to you. teddy bears, ra its: ha y birthday lion. 幼儿园小班儿童英语教案.大全