1、The Hierarchy of Animals2 types of derived words2 morphemes(1 stem&1 affix)File 5.3The Hierarchical Structure of Derived Words 3 morphemes(1 stem&2 affixes)prefix+stemstem+suffix 2 morphemes(1 stem&1 affix)unhappyun happybreakablebreak able affixstem(verb)new word(adj.)-ableadjustadjustablebreakbrea
2、kablecomparecomparabledebatedebatable-ableaffixstem(verb)-ableadjustbreakcomparedebateFact 1The stems with which a given affix may combine(their input)normally belong to the same part of speech class.affixnew word(adj.)-ableadjustablebreakablecomparabledebatable击添加标题Fact 2The words formed by the add
3、ition of a given derivational affix to some stem(their output)also normally belong to the same part of speech class.击添加标题The stems with which a given affix may combine(their input)normally belong to the same part of speech class.The words formed by the addition of a given derivational affix to some
4、stem(their output)also normally belong to the same part of speech class.2 facts about words with one derivational affixprefix+stem+suffixprefix1+prefix2+prefixn+stem+suffix1+suffix2+suffixn3 morphemes1stem&2 affixes unusable(不能用的)un-,use,-able irreformability(不可改造性)ir-(非),re-(重新),form(形状),-able(能的),
5、-ity(性质)antidisestablishmentarianism(反对教会与国家分家学说)anti-(反),dis-(分离),establish(建立),-ment(状态),-arian(主义的),-ism(学说)which affix attaches to the stem firstly?3 morphemes假设2:Adj.假设1:Adj.e.g.unusableprefix:un-suffix:-ableverbun use able Adj.un use able假设2:Adj.假设1:Adj.verbun use able Adj.un use able un-+stem(adj.)=new word(adj.)stem(verb.)+-able=new word(adj.)Ambiguous wordsMore than one meaningMore than one way to be analyzed2 meaningsnot able to be lockedable to be unlocked Adj.Adj.un lock able Adj.Verbun lock able e.g.unlockable2 ways to analyze