1、外商独资企业章程(中英文版)Aticle of Association for Zhonba Ergy eources Serice Cmpan Cataloge Chapte 1 Geneal Poisions Chatr 2 jective,Scop a cale of Proctio and Binss Chpter 3 Tota Inestmnt mnt nd the Reiered Capitl Chaptr 4 Inesors Chpr 5 Board f Direcors Chapter Spervir Chapter 7 Busis Mngemt Office hapter 8
2、 Lbr Maagement Chter 9 de nio Chapter 10 Txin ad Fance Chapte 11 Exchang Managemet Chtr 1 Dstributin o Proft per 13 Dration and rinaion Caer 1 Isurn Captr 15 uppntary Proviins Captr neral Proions Aticle In accordance th Law the Peples Rpbi f China o Foren-apal ntrrie,Compay aw of the PR and other re
3、lan Chinese las ad rglation,_Trasur China Invetmet Litd intends t set up Zhoga Eegy Resources Servce Co。Ltd.(hereinafter referred as th Coy),an exclusively oreignowne eneprise.or thi purpoe,tes Article of ssociation hreunder are worked out。Aicl 2 h vetn party i a leal peso regste wih Hog Kg acordanc
4、e with the laws of Hng Kon。ac iomao s folows:The lgal nae f the ivting r is reaure Chia Intent imited ts egal rreetative:am Nationality he legal adre o te Copany at Roos 04A,Campion Bildg,2872 De ex Rd enta,Hong Kog.Tl:Fax:rtice The ame f the Cmpny n Chee s 中宝能源设备服务有限公司 Th name o te many in Engish i
5、 Zongba Energy esouce ervie Copan.The leg adres of the Copa is at 6,angwu Aveu,Xin nternina Tde&ogistic Pk,Xn,ina.Article 4 Chairma f te oard is t legl reprseative,peorm his or er dutes oy with t stplation f the Cine las,ecrs an elvant regulton。rtle 5 Th Compay is Chese legal erson,its ativites i un
6、r th govenanc of Chinse lw d gulatin Al th legitiate rihts n nes of the coma is nder he guarantee ad protecion of hinse aw.h copany fm is Co。,Ltd he resposibiity of h ineto i limited o he rgiserd apial f te cmpany.Company is resnible fr th ets by l its assets。Afer being gr Chia relevant patments,com
7、pany can s u brances or subsidirie n dotc o abrad.Chate 2 Objecies,Sope ad Scale of Puin an Busiess Article 6 Te objeive f th Company i strengthen eomic cooperation and echolcal exhange,ls pomote e deloment of Chiese nationl econoy an ensure satisfctory ecooic nfits for h nvesn paty。Artcle 7 Th busn
8、s scope of the Coany is iig eqpment ad accsories sale,labo sevces,illn egineering,petroeum technoloy osuig d servics(ae the rang are fre fro tate las and regltions an etrictions pibt operating te projec,voving lieing qualication,with operatin ermt)Cater 3 oa Inestmet Amout and te Regitd aita Aricle
9、Th amut o tot instment of the Compay is USD,000,00;the eistered capa i USD50,00,000。The registerd apta i pid in _ instalments。Witn thre moths un the issance f bines license,_ of t first istallment shall be aid,an e rst part all e id of in to ear。The difernc between e total ao of ineset and the rgist
10、ed capial c otin rom bnk lons or shahole lan。tile he poportion or xpor of the Copan i _。e Bo of Drectors or the corporte managemen with authorzatin from the d o Diretors can dede at is own discreto o oestic or versa sae of the pruct of e Coman。Chaptr 3 Tol Invstmen Amun and the Rgistered Catal Artic
11、le 1 T amont of totl nvement f the Compay s _;te regitered capital is _。Aticle 1 The cntrbution mthds he Company are,ash _;nd equiva f _。Artile 12 The ivestng prty sall tribte te reisted caial wit e flwg meod:(ot:cos one f them)1。Payin al he capia within six monts upo he issunce bune licens.。Te reis
12、red cpita i pid in _ intalmes。Wthin tre months upon he issance of uness ense,_ of the fst isallmn hll b pai,acountin for _%of it bscrb cail,ad th rst part ll be ad f i _ mhs。(Noe:The conribio to e fist insallment shal not be ss than 5 f subsid captl.)The capita conriuion o each prty shal converted a
13、coding to the curnt numraire exchange rate of the People Ban o ia。he capil ntrit in ind hll be rcognized as vailable on h dy when the Compan ais the certiicate of g。rtice ithi 30 dys upon he capitl cotiutin of he Comany o ny instllment,the Cmny shall nae ceied ulic accounta reistered China to vrfy t
14、h capitl d pese a report o the vifcaton o capital Within 30 days upn rceip of the por on capital eifcaio,the Comany shall rnt a crtifcate o capl contrbu t the invetig ary d file wit th riinal eainatn an appva authrty and te adnisa epartmen f inustry and cmrce。Aril 4 Te reaumnt of regised capital r o
15、tal vesmet amout sall,afte beig unaniouy aeed by the Board of iecor,be submitted to the origina eamination d approal uthority or approval ad go through alterato fomaits wih the adiisraie departmen of dustry and cmer。Chapte 4 Board of Direcors Article 15 The ompy shall st u te Board of Diretors,whc l
16、 b h highs aurity f the ompn。It shall dide n l maj isues cocerng h Coany。The ate of issance o th pprovl cetifca o the oman hall be te dte of the eablishment f e Board of Diretor。Artcle 16 T Bard f irctrs is coposed of _dirctors,wit cairpersn an _ vicecharpss。Th mmbers of h oad hall e ppointed by the
17、 iveting ary.Th term f ffice for he dirtos,cairon and vicechairpersons s four yeas,nd heir em f offi ay be renewed f ntinuoly appointed by the aontg pary。Any ary ll infor the ote arty of its aintment or replacement o diecors and t it on e wth th dmnstrative epatment induy and commre。Arile 7 Th charp
18、ersn of th Bo i th lgl representtive of th Comay。Shoul t harperon b uabe to eercise his/her rspnsbitis fo y eso,he/se shal authorz the iecarerson or ay oter director o exercis rights nd fufi obligatons。ticle 8 The oard of rectrs shal one t east one metin evr yar。T ting shll b caed ad pesid or b te c
19、hairpeson of te ard e chairrsn may conene n interm meeng as a prposal ma b more tan on hi of the otal numr of drectors.ticle 19 he oar meein(ncluding inerm meing)sall t be hed ithou the ttenane of ore tan two thrds of drcto.Each director hs one vte。rticle 0 In ae recr cao tten the oad etin,hshe shou
20、ld ssue a lettr f attorney trstin other pers attd th oard mein ad vote o is/hr behalf。ul eshe ot attnd or ntst ther peron to atend he ard meetng in due orse,he/she shal be deemed t wav is/h rgh。Aril 21 Unanimos proval of all the irecor prese o oard meeting shal e requied or any decso conceri t flloi
21、ng issues:1.modiictin of the rticle f ciation of the opany;2。emination or disotion o the Coman;.edjstmet of reistered cpital o th Cmp;4.spit of te Compan or merge ih com organizatons。5.issues which,ori the Bd of Dico,ust be nanimul passe y all director。Oher iss n e pased by the ecios of ple marty。Ar
22、ticl 2 Eah oard etng sall hav etild nutes,wich shall be gned by all te drec pree at h meeng。Te meetin iue hall b ut on file o te opany for fuue rferene.Chaptr 5 Business Managment fice Arcl 23 Th Coman exerciss genal manage resposiiliy stem under h ladrhip of the r of irctor,ith _ geneal manager nd
23、_ depu genra maaers to b egaed by he Boa of Directrs。icle h gneral maager is drely resonsl to th oa Dictors and hall carr out the vrus ecisions f the Bard nd oanize and gude th oeall poducio f he Company he depu geneal managers shal sss the geral mnager i isher w。T term of rfernce of the eneral mang
24、 a eputy geerl mangers hl be ecded b the Board o etors。Artice 2 eval derment anaes may be ppoin by mnagement ffie t b epnsible for th wrk in rious departms repetivly,andle the mes nd over by the geneal manager ad depuy eeral manaers e responible o them。rticl 26 Te neral maager,he eput eneral manager
25、 a all the other managers all earnesl erform their dty d shll not hod concurent pst as a mnger r othr fms f emplyee or other cmanie。n cse of alpatice r seous rctn of dut on the part of te geeral anar ad ey gnral mnagrs,ty can be smise at a tim upon th ecision o h Board meig。Aticle The epartents of t
26、 Comany a te set f department sucture shall be planned b th gneral manager and ut geel manage throgh consultaion nd shl b determne y he Boar o Dictrs。Ohr subdepartnts nd the etp f piions oter tan senior manrs hal b dtrmined b the genral ger an he eputy gneal maner trog conultatio。Artile In ase o mal
27、practice o erius derlcio o ty o te part f he senio magrs,the Board of Directs sall hve the power t ismis them at ny ime。Chapter 6 Taxation,nanc and oeign Exchange Manament Artic 29 Te Compay shal py vais its of taxe ccordane wth elat inese aws and tiation n taxatio。Arile Staff mmes an wokers o the C
28、opny sll pay iniiual incoe tx acrdng o Indivdal Income x Lw f e Peo epublic of Ca.Artcl 31 Te Company sall impleent accuni sstm n accoranc with rlvant finaial mnagemen syse o e Peoples Reubli hna。he Cmpy shl,acording to interaoal pacice,adpt rl acouting sy and bi-crt oeeping method。Artil 2 The isal
29、year of th Compa shall b fo anuary 1 o Dcembe 1 of eac Georan caendr yr。Th firs scl a shll be fom h dy wen the busines liene s isse to December 31 of he same yar。rtice 3 Al accunig ochers,ccoun ooks and tatmnts shall e wttn in hise ad shall,if itn in foreign lnguae,be sppemened wh Chinese Article 34
30、 The omany shall se R okeepig。onvrsin o RM with othe curece hll be calculatd n the bais o middl rae promulgatd by the t dmiistraton of orgn Exchange on the day of arisi Article 35 Th opany hall,in ccodace with appliabl Chnese laws ad egultion,pen orei currenc cou an RM cct i omic an。Article In th fs
31、 monts of ech ical yr,he gnea mnger all prpae he revious ys lance she,proit and lss tament nd pft dsributn propos and submit them to th Bard of Dirtrs for emtion and ppra。Final ceing an emnaio of the ompany ll b coucted b an dit rgistered i Chna nd th auditrs reot shall be subm to the oard of irecto
32、rs。Article 7 The forign exange isses f he ompany shall be hald n accorda with the lean aw and regulations conernin oregn xchange aminisratn Capter 7 Distibuion Prfits Artil 38 Te ompay hall t as alocations fo reserve fuds,expasio funds f the Comany n welfar funds an bonuses fo aff n orers fr t afein
33、etx pit The spcfi prtio of ocatios sall be eid by Board of Directs i accrdan wth Ruls r th Impemtati of h Law of the Peoe epubc of Chin on Forgn Cial Enterpris ad ter relvant aw and reulatons o China.Aricle The raining profit ter ayent o compy incom ta an allocation of vrious fuds n accrdane wit he
34、stipulations o Articl 38 shll be ditrted the nvestin at acordig to the decsion of t Boa o Director Aticl 0 The profi of he ompny sall be distrbuted auly nd no proits hll be distribted shoul the losss i h prevos yeas not coere。T undistributed profits n e past fil yars can b ditrutd tehe with th ditri
35、buabe prfits in te crent fisca yar Capter 8 Laor anaement Article 41 Sh issues f e Cmpan as recruitmnt,plme,disissal,rsigatio,elfe,labo potecio nd bor discipine shall be anled in acrde with elvan spultions f Chna on lao an socil insuance.h Copany shal ot poy chid bor。Atice 42 e omany shal enter ino
36、abo contrat wih h employes n shall ile with the oa labor dmiistaton auoriy。rtice 4 The Co has the wr to pse pnihen such s isciinar rning,demerit ecordig,wa eution and ven dismiss in cae o grav mcoduct on the taff membrs nd orke violating he rue,region an laor dpline of t Copny.iis f staff mmber or w
37、orker shall b fied wi the locl labr admiistration ahty。rtile 44 he wes and remunetio o te taff memers nd orkrs o te Comany shl be decded by the Boar f Diretrs in accdnce with lvant tipultions n hna ad acordng t te situton of te Cpay an sall be ecifically sipulaed n t lar contact。hater 9 Tade Union A
38、ricle 45 he saff membrs and orkers f th mpany have the ight t set p gassroot trae uon rgnizatio and arry ot trde nion activities in accrdanc wit h prvisons of re Unon Law the Peoples epubli of Cina。Artice 4 The trade uio of t Company represe he interests of he staff eer d worer.It lays the follwn ol
39、es:safeguarding the lawul rits d inteess of staf membes ad woers accoring to law,assting the mpay in prop allocation and tilizatin f employee welfare and bons fund,rganing the af membrs and orkrs to tudy olitc,scen,technly an profesnal kdge nd carr ut rreaiol and physical ctvs,educating the staff mm
40、ber ad workers to oberve labo iscplie an rie o fulfll the vars economic targets o the omany。Artice 47 he rd union f h Compay ca,on behalf of the staf ers nd workers,enter into clctive labr ctract it he Cpny an spervise the erforne of the aor cotra.Aric When th Cmany study n deci on he ssus relating
41、to saff memb n worers uch as rward ad puishmnt,wae ysm,wfare,abo protection nd insran,te reresntati f the td union hve the right o attend h meetig as nonvoing delegate。Te Cmpany sall liste to e opinon f th tra unon and eek cooato om the ade union.Ari 49 The Cony hall ativl upt the wr of the trade un
42、o nd,in accrdace with ae Unin aw f te Poles Repuli of ina,pvide he trade uni h neessay premiss and facil o conduct ork,ho metng ad ary clltie welfare,ctral and physica aviies r e staf mems an worers.Articl 5 e Company hall allocate on mnthly basis 2 of he cually pai wages of the staff meber an orker
43、s s its trade ui fnd,which shall be ue b its trade unin i acodanc with measues o AlChina sociatio of Trade Uio the maagemen of tade uion fud。Chaptr 0 nsane rtcle 5 Inurac poices th Cpany n vious kin o rsks shall be underwrittn wt the insurnc omas in hna。Tyes,vue and duaton f nsrance shall be decided
44、 y te Bad f ctrs i cornce wth the sulatons o th nsrane comanies.hptr 1 Durton,Disoluin and Liqidation rl 52 he operang per of the Cany is _ yers nd sal str rm th at n hch t biss cense of the oman s issued.Artle 53 Sold th inesting paty ecde t etnd the oatng perio,i shal submit a rten picton to the i
45、inal exmiation an ppoval autrity at ease 6 moths prior o the epry dte of the oertin eiod。The duration an be etndd upn he approv of te eaminn nd appva authority a completion of regttin omlitie n th ginl regisatin tiy。Arcle 54 I addtin o expiaio of th opeating erio,th oad o Diectors n decie t trmiate
46、th Comny aead o ti du to the following eason:1。avy losses due t mismngmen;.Uable to go o usiess due o heavy losses caused by orce mjeure uch natul diaster and war;3。Banrupt;。evk ccing to law due o voaion of Chne as and rglation d amag to ubl intrests;。currnce of other cases fr erminati as tipula in
47、the peset Articles f Assoiai.Arcl 5 Upon th xpration or trmnatn of he opertin piod of th Copn,th Board o irecors sall fomlte lqudaon procedures ad rncles a organize a liqudation commtt。Te udato comtee shal b comsed of at least three mmbers,who will b seecd y the oard of Dircors from te drtos or engg
48、d by the oar f Direcos from the relevan pofesinas。Atcle 56 Th liquidtio ommite shall condt liqidaton on the oay in accordnce wi Liquidton Maures fo Forignfunded Entpie.Th ro of th liquidtion ommitte is heck up oleely te asst,edts rghts and iabiliie of th mny,peae balan sheet ad sttemt of assts,fmuat
49、e lidatin schee ad mpemet ti sceme ftr h nestos pas it.ricl 57 Drin th prid f liquidaon,he iuidaion ommitee sall ct s the lal reresenve of th Coan in ilin and rspdg to lawsuts。Article 8 The lquidton expees shall b pd i piit from the xising asse of the mpany。Arile 5 After e liquain of the Company s o
50、vr,te emainin assts after liidin of dts hl b isrbute to te istig part。rticle 60 After te liqidation s over,the Cmpan sl go tou he formalites of registration canclaion wth h adminiratv dearte o iduy a comere,had i th busness liene or cellain d announe the liqitio to he pic.Chaptr 12 Rules nd Reuatns