1、2023 届辽宁省葫芦岛市普通高中高三一模试题含答案(九科试卷)目录1.2023 届辽宁省葫芦岛市普通高中高三一模地理试题含答案2.2023 届辽宁省葫芦岛市普通高中高三一模化学试题含答案3.2023 届辽宁省葫芦岛市普通高中高三一模物理试题含答案4.2023 届辽宁省葫芦岛市普通高中高三一模政治试题含答案5.2023 届辽宁省葫芦岛市普通高中高三一模生物试题含答案6.2023 届辽宁省葫芦岛市普通高中高三一模语文试题含答案7.2023 届辽宁省葫芦岛市普通高中高三一模历史试题含答案8.2023 届辽宁省葫芦岛市普通高中高三一模数学试题含答案9.2023 届辽宁省葫芦岛市普通高中高三一模英语试
2、题含答案2023 年葫芦岛市普通高中高三年级第一次模拟考试地理年葫芦岛市普通高中高三年级第一次模拟考试地理考生注意:考生注意:1.试卷满分试卷满分 100 分,考试时间分,考试时间 75 分钟。分钟。2.答题前,务必在答题纸上按要求填写信息,并将核对后的条形码贴在指定位置上。作答必须涂或写在答题纸上,在试卷上作答一律不得分。选择题作答必须涂在答题纸上相应的区城,非选择题作答必须写在答题纸上与试卷题号对应的位置。答题前,务必在答题纸上按要求填写信息,并将核对后的条形码贴在指定位置上。作答必须涂或写在答题纸上,在试卷上作答一律不得分。选择题作答必须涂在答题纸上相应的区城,非选择题作答必须写在答题纸
3、上与试卷题号对应的位置。3.考试结束,只将答题卡交回。考试结束,只将答题卡交回。一、选择题:本题共一、选择题:本题共 16 小题,每题小题,每题 3 分,共分,共 48 分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。金丝玉(石英岩)是产于中国古丝绸之路新疆的阶地、戈壁滩、沙漠等地域,存在于经过河流长距离搬运的次生矿床中。其内部特有流纹构造,纹理清晰,这种流纹构造俗称“萝卜纹”,据此完成 12 题。1.金丝玉内部的“萝卜纹”()A.属于层理构造B.与河流搬运有关C.属于生物遗迹D.由岩浆侵入造成2.昆仑山北坡河流克里雅河,拾玉料的
4、最佳时间是()A.春季早晨B.夏季上午C.秋季中午D.冬季傍晚下图为全球部分渔场和某季节热带辐合带位置示意图。据此完成 34 题。3.影响热带辐合带在亚洲东部纬度位置偏高的主要因素是()A.东南季风B.日本暖流C.东南信风D.夏威夷高压4.当处上升流减弱时,可能会出现()A.东南信风势力增强B.黄河下游的洪涝多发C.海水垂直温差增大D.全球的冰川储量增加在农业大省江西,一些地区的中低产农田正在加紧建设中,昔日“小碎田”“斗笠田”正在变成连片的“大田”。经过改造,这里的碎块田已经平整为大片的梯田,当地正在开展大规模的土地流转。据此完成 56 题。5.安义县进行土地整治的主要原因是()A.劳动力的
5、成本上升B.农村产业结构调整C.土地流转费用上涨D.土地利用方式改变6.通过“小田”变“大田”的方式有利于()土地利用有效化缓解耕地非粮化种植结构复杂化田间管理专业化A.B.C.D.雷州半岛自古以来就是全国闻名的苦旱之地。环北部湾广东水资源配置工程(下图)计划从珠江流域西江干流取水,通过泵站加压,基本采用全线封闭输水方式输水至云浮、茂名、阳江、湛江等地,工程建成后,将系统解决粤西人民用水问题。据此完成 78 题。7.雷州半岛自古以来就是全国闻名的苦旱之地的原因是()降水季节分配不均蒸发量大地势起伏大河流短小A.B.C.D.8.分配沿线调配水量的主要依据是()自然条件经济结构人口分布污染程度A.
6、B.C.D.2023 年 2 月,M 奶茶公司澳大利亚店正式试营业。仅仅四年时间,M 公司就成功打开澳大利亚、韩国、新加坡、日本、马来西亚等多国市场。下图为 M 公司商业模式图。据此完成 910 题。重要伙伴:重要伙伴:原料供应商设备供应商技术和装饰供应商关键业务:关键业务:门店管理新口研发品牌管理供应链管理核心资源:核心资源:门店网格供应链能力营销破圈能力价值主张:价值主张:物美价廉健康新鲜客户细分:客户细分:大学生群体三四线下沉市场成本结构:成本结构:原料成本租金成本生产成本研发成本物流成本营销成本渠道通路:渠道通路:加盟店、直营店小程序外卖平台收入来源:收入来源:加盟收入直营店收入9.M
7、 公司的成功,除了为消费者提供极具性价比的茶饮品,更加注重()A.形象视觉和门店设计B.自主研发和独立生产C.品牌营销和创新管理D.控制原料和研发成本10.M 公司多在高校附近选址。但在日本的首店一反常态,选址在主打高端时尚和创意服饰的商业区,主要原因是()A.人流量大,市场广阔B.打响品牌,促进销售中期元日C.参与竞争,提高收入D.便于管理,吸引加盟甘肃省天水市桥子沟流域包括自然条件相似的东沟和西沟两个小流域。东沟通过修建梯田等措施进行治理,西沟基本保持原状。根据水文站的观测数据得知,在每平方千米面积内,东沟、西沟年径流量分别为 4700m3、12500m3。下表为黄土高原小流域梯田减沙与梯
8、田面积关系的相关数据。据此完成 1112 题。梯田占流域面积的比例(%)0510152030405060梯田减沙比例(%)0828506782899294注:梯田减沙比例指修建梯田后减少的输沙量占治理前输沙量的比例。11.修建梯田对流域地表径流的影响不包括()A.降低水流速度B.促进泥沙就地沉积C.截留雨水和径流D.改变坡面水流路线12.根据表中数据,对梯田面积变化与梯田减沙关系描述准确的是()A.随着流域梯田面积比例增加,梯田减沙比例增加,增加速度由慢变快B.随着流域梯田面积比例减少,梯田减沙比例增加,增加速度由慢变快C.随着流域梯田面积比例增加,梯田减沙比例增加,增加速度由快变慢D.随着流
9、域梯田面积比例减少,梯田减沙比例增加,增加速度由快变慢虹螺山自然保护区(下图)处于辽西走廊中段(12015N,4IE)。该保护区由大虹螺山和小虹螺山组成,是我国环渤海和京津唐地区的重要生态屏障、虹螺山为燕山山系,黑山余脉向渤海延伸部分。地质构造以花岗岩为主,小虹螺山下部为石灰岩。据此完成 1314 题。13.虹螺山自然保护区的主要生态功能是()A.储备耕地资源店B.生态旅游C.保护生物多样性D.防风固沙14.虹螺山地表形态的形成过程可能是()A.沉积作用地壳抬升岩浆活动风化侵蚀B.沉积作用岩浆活动地壳抬升风化侵蚀C.岩浆活动沉积作用地壳抬升风化侵蚀D.岩浆活动地壳抬升风化侵蚀沉积作用根据国家测
10、绘地理信息局公布的信息数据,不同日期最早日出的地点不同。下图中、分别表示二分二至日及 2023 年某日中国迎来的第一条展线。据此完成 1516 题。15.四条晨线所代表的日期正确的是()A.3 月 21 日B.12 月 22 日C.6 月 22 日D.42 月 11 日16.期间辽宁葫芦岛的正午太阳高度变化是()A.变大B.变小C.先变大后变小D.先变小后变大二、非选择题:本题共二、非选择题:本题共 3 小题,共小题,共 52 分。分。17.(16 分)阅读图文材料,完成下列要求。泰顺县位于浙江省南部,九山半水半分田,境内沟谷纵横,溪流交错,素有“千桥之乡”的美称。生活在这里的人们过溪涉水,多
11、靠碇步将一些形状大小基本一致的石块在水中排列成道,石块之间相隔约一步之遥。碇步桥是桥梁的原始雏形,虽然其数量在减少但在泰顺依然有广泛分布,其中仕水碇步以精妙的水工景观(下图左),通行而不阻水,简易实用而优美最为著名。(下图右)为泰顺县水系分布图。(1)结合材料信息,分析泰顺县桥梁众多的原因。(6 分)(2)分析碇步桥数量减少的原因。(4 分)(3)结合材料信息,说出适合修建碇步桥河段的河流特点。(6 分)18.(18 分)阅读图文材料,完成下列要求。和长在传统土壤里的生长环境不同,“空中草莓”(下图)长在“椰糠基质”上,采用无土栽培技术种植。“空中草莓”对植株的成活率及产量都有极大的提升。江苏
12、省盐城市近郊的新民村自二十世纪九十年代末引进栽培以来,带领大家通过草莓种植成为远近闻名的“草莓村”。近年来,新民村先后引进 20 多个草莓新品种,极大地优化了草莓品种结构。(1)相比传统土栽草莓,指出种植“空中草莓”的优点。(6 分)(2)分析新民村草莓产业快速发展的原因。(6 分)(3)请你针对如何提升新民村草莓产业的竞争力提出合理化的建议。(6 分)19.(18 分)阅读图文材料,完成下列要求。“十四五”期间,国家已明确提出积极推进东南部沿海地区海上风电集群化开发。“向海争风”正成为东部沿海地区绿色低碳发展的“蓝色动力”。图 1 为中国规模以上风电产业产业园区分布情况(单位/个)。图 2
13、为江苏风能资源分布图。2022 年 6 月 29 日,大连太平湾风电产业园正式开园。太平湾风电产业园建成达产后,年总产值将突破百亿元,带动省市 100 余家上下游企业协同发展。同时产业园立足太平湾、辐射东北亚,加强对日韩俄、东南亚等国家和地区的国际合作,引领打造开放高地新样板。(1)结合材料描述江苏风能资源分布特征。(6 分)(2)试分析江苏省发展风电产业的优势。(6 分)(3)从区域发展角度,说明太平湾建设风电产业园的地理意义。(6 分)2023 年年 3 月高三地理一模答案及评阅标准月高三地理一模答案及评阅标准一、选择题:共一、选择题:共 16 小题,每小题小题,每小题 3 分,共计分,共
14、计 48 分。分。题号12345678910答案DCACADBACB题号111213141516答案BCCBDA二、非选择题:共二、非选择题:共 3 小题,共计小题,共计 52 分。分。17.(16 分)(1)(6 分)区域内以丘陵为主;降水丰富,溪流多;取材方便;便于对外联系。(任答 3 点 6 分)(2)(4 分)季风气候,洪水期易冲毁;修水库,水位上涨,淹没消失;利用率低,缺乏修缮,保护不利。(任答 2 点 4分)(3)(6 分)地势较平坦、水流平缓;水面宽阔、水浅的溪流;洪水期较短。(3 点 6 分)18.(18 分)(1)(6 分)降低土壤依赖程度;椰糠具有无污染、通透性好、可重复利
15、用的特点;空间利用率高,提高产量;光照更充足;通风透气;采摘更方便;降低踩踏率;有效减轻土传病害和各种重茬病。(任答 3 点 6 分)(2)(6 分)公众号:高中试卷君种植经验丰富;草莓品种多、品质好;网络的发展助力销售新渠道;交通的改善,物流业的发展;市场需求的扩大;政策的支持。(任答 3 点 6 分)(3)(6 分)延长产业链,对草莓进行深加工;加大培育技术的投入,培育新品种,提高草莓品质;多种水果种植相结合满足全年产出;树立品牌意识,提高知名度;扩大销售渠道,进一步开拓市场;带动农旅融合+电商发展模式。(任答 3 点得 6 分)19.(18 分)(1)(6 分)分布不均;总体上江苏省风能
16、资源丰富;除西北小部分地区外,全省均属于风能可利用区。(3 点得 6 分)(注:按区域分布多少回答也可得分。)注:按区域分布多少回答也可得分。)(2)(6 分)国家政策扶持;风能资源丰富,同时拥有海上风电和陆地风电;华东地区风电产业上下游企业数量多;近华东电网,市场需求量大。(任答 3 点得 6 分)(3)(6 分)打造新能源产业集群,改善区域能源消费结构;改善区域环境质量,促进低碳节能,绿色发展;增产增效,促进区域经济发展;加强国际合作,促进区域联系。(任答 3 点得 6 分)第 1页/共 10页2023 年葫芦岛市普通高中高三年级第一次模拟考试英语年葫芦岛市普通高中高三年级第一次模拟考试英
17、语第卷第卷(三部分,共三部分,共 95 分分)第一部分 听力第一部分 听力(共两节,满分共两节,满分 30 分分)第一节第一节(共共 5 小题小题;每小题每小题 1.5 分,满分分,满分 7.5 分分)听下面听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.【此处可播放相关音
18、频,请去附件查看】What does Sam usually order?A.Coffee.B.Beer.C.Wine.2.【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】What kind of film does the woman want to watch?A.Comedy.B.Action.C.Drama.3.【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】What is the mans job probably?A.Adoctor.B.Acar mechanic.C.A police officer.4.【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】Why couldnt the man understand t
19、he womans aunt?A.She speaks in sign language.B.She speaks with an odd accent.C.She speaks a different language5.【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】What should the mans son do according to the woman?A.Become a member of a club.B.Spend more time studying.C.Take pictures of his friends.第二节第二节(共共 15 小题小题;每小题每小题 1.5 分,满分
20、分,满分 22.5 分分)听下面听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟,听完后各小题将给出秒钟,听完后各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】6.Where is the man working?A.In a zoo.B.
21、In a library.C.In a computer company.7.How did the man find the information about his present job?第 2页/共 10页A.On the Internet.B.From his friend.C.Through an agency.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】8.How does the woman feel?A.Jealous.B.Delighted.C.Disappointed.9.What is the woman going to do this e
22、vening?A.Play bowling.B.Stay at home.C.Go to the theater.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】10.What does the woman advise the man to do?A.Take a bath.B.Wash his clothes.C.Join a football team.11.Which sport did the man play?A.Rugby.B.Football.C.Table tennis.12.What is the weather like today?A.Rainy.
23、B.Windy.C.Snowy.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】13.What makes the film unique to the woman?A.It is the womans first time producing.B.There is only one man in the movie.C.It has great special effects14.What type of film is the woman starring in?A.An action film.B.Aromantic comedy.C.A science-ficti
24、on film.15.When will the film be out in the UK?A.On 21st December.B.On 14th December.C.On 7th December.16.What is the man probably?A.Aproducer.B.Acomedian.C.A host.听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】17.What is Nike launching?A.Anew bag.B.Anew pair of shoes.C.A new line of sportswear.18.Why does Nike r
25、elease the new product?A.To increase profits.B.To improve quality.C.To be environmentally friendly.19.How much water can be saved in Nikes manufacturing process?A.10%.B.50%.C.100%.20.What is the speakers attitude towards Nike?A.Cautious.B.Confident.C.Anxious.第二部分 阅读第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分共两节,满分 50 分分)第 3页/共
26、10页第一节第一节(共共 15 小题小题;每小题每小题 2.5 分,满分分,满分 37.5 分分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AMarvelous Scenic Walks Near LondonThere are plenty of walking routes in London.If you fancy something a bit more rural,then the green andpleasant land has plenty
27、to offer.Goring Gap and the Thames PathIf youre in the mood for a gentle rural walk,the Thames Path is far from boring.The 5-mile footpath followsthe curve of the river,winding past wildflower meadows(草地).Post-walk pub:Pangbournes seventeenth-century pub The Swan serves high-end dishes.Bag a table o
28、n theriverside or keep toasty by one of its open fires.Box HillTo admire this spots rural views,first youve got to jump across 17 stepping stones and climb 272 steps to thetop of Box Hill,where the path begins.The total distance is 6.8 miles.Post-walk pub:The cavernous Tree on Box Hill has an attrac
29、tive menu and huge beer garden,or sample aglass of Juniper Hill at Denbies Winerie.ASouth Downs Ridge(山脊)If youve already done the classic Seven Sisters clifftop walk or cant face all those hills,this is a long butlovely alternative.The route covering 14.3 miles snakes along a ridge and a river vall
30、ey.Post-walk pub:There are always 10 real beers at the old-school pub The Wellington.Chess Valley in the ChilternsChess Valley in the Chiltern Hills isnt home to any chess masters,but it used to produce a kind of waterplant.This walk of 4.9 miles follows the river,winding through rolling meadows and
31、 woods.Post-walk pub:The George&Dragon is a simple old coaching pub on the High Street with a log fire,realbeers and giant burgers.21.Which of the following walks covers the shortest distance?A.Box Hill.B.ASouth Downs Ridge.C.Chess Valley in the Chilterns.D.Goring Gap and the Thames Path.22.What do
32、the listed scenic walks in the text have in common?A.The pubs are pretty and old-fashioned.B.Visitors can relax at special pubs after walks.C.There are rivers winding through the meadows.D.The food served there is expensive and of high quality.23.Where is this text probably taken from?A.Ageography b
33、ook.B.A travel brochure.第 4页/共 10页C.Afashion website.D.Ascience magazine.B“Keep a sharp lookout,”Miller told Olden,a strong German dog,glancing toward the back seat.In the poorlight,Miller could just make ou the badge(徽章)shining smartly from his partners collar.Suddenly the carsheadlights lit up a f
34、igure breaking the lock on the building,Miller shouted the order Go!In a flash,Olden jumpedthrough the cars open window and bit the suspect on the leg.Over the next few months,Miller kept his relationship with Olden strictly professional.The dog was keptoutside,regardless of the weather and the time
35、.Sometimes during storms,Olden would stick his nose out of hisdoghouse and bark at the back door.Miller pretended not to hear.To test Oldens discipline,hed give him the orderStay“and then hed leave.When he returned,Olden was still glued to the spot where he had left him.At thatmoment Miller wanted t
36、o give Olden a hug,but instead quietly said,“Good boy.”One afternoon,just after Miller and Olden began their shift,an urgent call came.As Miller rushed to the spot,the suspect Steve s car sped away.Miller ran after Steve at a full speed.Finally Steve abandoned his car in a sidestreet.Miller jumped o
37、ut of his car and raced into it too.Turning a corner,he found a gun pointing right at his chest.H braced for the jolt when Steve was about to fire the gun.But suddenly a thundering bark rang out and Oldenburst around the corner,tearing straight for Steve.The gunman fired and fled.It took a moment fo
38、r Miller to react.Doctor told Miller the bullet,meant for him,missed Oldens heart by an inch.Fortunately,his partner survived.After arriving home,Miller led Olden to his doghouse.Suddenly he stopped and did something hed been wantingto do since he saw Olden.Bending down,Miller wrapped his arms aroun
39、d Olden,Then the two started rollingaround in the soft grass.24.What was Olden ordered to do in Paragraph 1?A.Be seated at the back seat.B.Catch the potential criminal.C.Break the lock on the building.D.Find out his partners badge.25.Which of the following best describes Miller as Oldens trainer?A.K
40、ind and moderate.B.Quiet and caring.C.Strict and professional.D.Smart and flexible.26.What do the underlined words”braced for the jolt mean in Paragraph 3?A.Turned off the engine.B.Caught Steves attention.C.Made a narrow escape.D.Prepared for the worst result.27.Which can be a suitable title for the
41、 text?A.APolice DogB.ATough TaskC.APerfect MatchD.ADog TrainerCRescarchers in the US treated healthy mice with a form of gene therapy that refreshed older cells,making theanimals more youthful according to biological markers that are used to measure the effects of ageing.Repeating thetrick in humans
42、 is far from straightforward,but the findings will fuel interest in new therapiesthat aim to slow orreverse theageing process as a means of tackling age-related diseases such as cancers and Alzheimers.The scientists drew on previous work by the Japanese Nobel winner Prof Shinya Yamanaka,who showed t
43、hat第 5页/共 10页a mixture of four molecules(原子)known as Yamanaka factorscan turn adult cells into youthful stem cells thatare capable of forming almost any tissue(组织)in the body.Writing in the journal Nature Aging,the US team led by Jasper and Prof Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte at theSalk Institute in C
44、alifornia and the San Diego Altos Institute,found that mice who received Yamanaka factors forseveral months were similar to younger animals in many ways,with their skin in particular showing signs ofrejuvenation(恢复青春).The experiments showed that rejuvenation was more effective when the therapy was g
45、iven for a long time7to 10 monthsstarting when the animals were 12 to 15 months old,equal to age 35 to 50 in humans.Whn olderanimals,equal to 80 years old in human terms,were treated for one month,the scientists saw little impact.Rather than using Yamanaka factors to rejuvenate aged humans,many scie
46、ntists suspect that new drugs will beneeded to partially reprogram cells safely and effectively.“In theory,biological age reversal or reduction could bepossible.However,we are at very early stages where we need to understand the basic science behind it much better,”said Dr.Tamir Chandra,an expert in
47、 the biology of ageing at the University of Edinburgh.28.Which of the following best describes the findings of the research?A.Suspicious.B.Tricky.C.Amusing.D.Inspiring.29.What can we say about Yamanaka factors?A.They are made up of three molecules.B.They can probably rejuvenate mices skin.C.They wer
48、e first found by a Japanese scientist.D.They can become a part of mices body tissue.30.What can be inferred from the findings of the experiments?A.The therapy given for a long time works better.B.Humans may have better outcomes than animals.C.The rejuvenation is more effective for people aged 12 to
49、15.D.Older animals can live longer with the help of the treatment.31.What do Dr.Tamir Chandras words mainly tell us?A.The researches are far from complete.B.The process of growing old cannot be stopped.C.The basic rule behind rejuvenation is fully understood.D.The new drug has been put into use safe
50、ly and effectively.DAway from the bright lights of the city,if you look up at the night sky you will see an ocean of bright stars.But in the illuminated concrete jungles we humans have built ourselves,its a different story.This year,Earth Hour was observed on March 26.The annual tradition,started by