1、索网幕墙通过室内外脚手架配合进行安装。Cable-net curtain wall will be erected under the cooperation of indoor and outdoor scaffoldings.2.1安装流程2.1 Installation flow测量放样钢柱安装索网安装调整玻璃安装调整清洁打胶。Staking out in survey Steel column installation Cable net installation Adjustment Glass installation Cleaning and sealant installati
2、on2.2测量放样2.2 Staking out in survey首先依据总包单位的0.000以及轴线进行复核。复核完毕,符合要求后,依据轴线与垂直索相对位置,进行拉索平面校准,将垂直索线弹在地面上,如图示。First carry out double check according to 0.000 of the general contracting work unit and axial line. If it meets the requirements after double check, conduct cable plane calibration as per axial
3、lines relative position with the vertical cable and snap the vertical cable line onto the ground just as the following picture shows.将水平索拉点用墨线弹在结构立面上,如图示。Snap the horizontal cables tension point with ink line onto the structure faade as the picture shows.2.3钢柱安装2.3 Steel column installation钢柱通过螺栓与埋板
4、连接,校准后进行焊接。Steel columns are connected via bolts and cast-in plate and will be welded after calibration.2.4索网的安装2.4 Cable net installation(1)钢索的预拉(1)Pre-stretching of the steel cable索网在建设时必须施加预应力。具体的做法是,按设计所需预应力的 60%80%张拉索网的钢索,然后自然放松钢索一段时间。如是重复几次,即可完成索网的预拉工作。Pre-stress must be inflicted during the c
5、able net construction. The concrete practice is: stretch the cable nets steel cables as per 60%80% of the pre-stress required by the design and loosen the steel cable for a period of time naturally. Repeat this several times and the pre-stretching of the cable net is completed. (2)索网就位 (2) Cable net
6、 setting1)借助于临时支承,将已经预拉并按准确长度准备好的垂直索就位。1) Set the vertical cables that has been pre-stretched and prepared as per accurate length with the aid of temporary supporting.2)将水平钢索与已安装在垂直钢索上的扣件连接,并在锚固端张拉。2) Connect the horizontal steel cables to the fasteners already installed on the vertical steel cables
7、 and stretch it at the anchor end.索网校正并经监理验收合格后进行玻璃夹安装。安装时,根据玻璃夹位置图安装,定位玻璃夹。The glass will be installed after the cable net has been corrected and accepted by the supervision. Install and locate the glass clip as per the glass clip location map during installation. 2.6玻璃面板安装2.6 Glass panel installat
8、ion(1)玻璃安装之前应再次调整钢拉索,达到设计要求的分格尺寸。(1) Steel cables shall be adjusted once again before the glass installation to meet the module dimension required by the design.(2)玻璃通过吸盘吊运到安装位置。当玻璃到位时,脚手架上人员尽早抓住吸盘,稳定玻璃,以免发生碰撞,出现意外事故。 (2) The glass will be swung to the installation location with sucker. When glass i
9、s in place, the personnel on the scaffolding shall seize the sucker as early as possible and stabilize the glass to prevent casualty arisen from collision.(3)玻璃安装好后,调整玻璃上下、左右、前后缝隙的大小,拧紧玻璃夹将玻璃固定住。 (3) The glasss upper and lower, right-and-left, front and back joints size shall be adjusted after the g
10、lass installation, and the glass clip will be screw down to fix the glass.(4)待全部调整完毕后,进行整体立面平整度的检查,确认无误后,进行打胶。(4) When all the adjustments are done, check the evenness of the integral faade. After it has been confirmed correct, carry out sealant installation.2.7打胶2.7 Sealant installation玻璃打胶时,需由内外两侧
11、施工人员配合施工。Constructors from internal and external sides shall cooperate together to carry out sealant installation.将转接件分别焊接在埋件上及工字钢上,然后将立柱用螺栓与转接件连接起来。经检查符合要求后将螺栓拧紧。Weld switchover pieces separately on embedment and I-steel, and then connect the mullion with bolts and switchover pieces. After is has b
12、een confirmed to meet the requirements, screw down the bolts.立柱全部安装完毕后进行横梁的安装,横梁未安装之前,首先将角码插到横梁的两端,将横梁担住。然后用螺栓固定在立柱上。The transoms will be installed after all mullions are installed. Before the transoms are installed, first insert the bracket to two terminals of the transom to support it then make us
13、e of bolts to fix it on the mullion.在未装板块之前,先将压板固定在横梁、立柱上,拧到5分紧,压板以不落下为准。Before the plates are installed, first fix the pressure plate on the transom and mullion, screw it to 50 percent tight and the pressure plate will be based on not falling down.压板安装后,进行面板的安装,将面板块轻轻地搁在横梁上向左右移动,推入到压板内。Panel instal
14、lation starts after pressure plate installation. Rest the panel gently on the transom and make it move right and left and them push it into the pressure plate .待面板安装后,左右、上下调整,调整完后再将螺栓拧紧。After the panel is installed, make left-and-right, upper and lower adjustment and after that screw the bolts tight
15、.3.6 扣盖安装3.6 Capping installation扣盖安装之前应利用线锤或全站仪将内压板调整为横平竖直,然后再进行扣盖的安装,扣盖安装应用橡胶锤进行击打安装。Before capping is installed, make use of line hammer or total station apparatus to adjust the internal pressure plate to be horizontally and vertically straight and then install the capping. The capping shall be i
16、nstalled by means of rubber hammer knocking. 3.7打胶3.7 Sealant installation板块安装固定完成后,进行打胶工序。在扣盖接缝两侧先贴好保护胶带,按工艺要求进行净化处理,净化后及时进行打胶,打胶后刮掉多余的胶,并做适当的修整,拆掉保护胶带及清理胶缝四周,胶缝与基材粘结应牢固无孔隙,胶缝平整光滑、表面清洁无污染。After the plate is installed and fixed, sealant installation begins. Stick protective tape first on both sides
17、of the capping joints and carry out cleaning as per technological requirements. After cleaning, conduct sealant installation timely and scrape off the redundant sealant after that and make proper finishing. Dismantle the protective tape and clean the sealants joints circumference. Bonding of sealant
18、 joints and base material shall be solid and without pores, and the sealant joints shall be smooth and even, without any pollution on the surface.5.1施工流程5.1 Construction flow测量放线及结构检查钢结构吊装龙骨安装百叶安装面板安装打胶Measurement and line setting-out as well as structure inspection Steel structure lifting Frame ins
19、tallation Louver installation Panel installation Sealant installation5.2施工方案5.2 Construction scheme(1)测量放线及结构检查(1) Measurement and line setting-out as well as structure inspection按总包方提供的基准轴线,标高线进行复核,确定无误后,定出安装基准线。根据基准线拉设位置钢线,以此为立框基准。为保证不受其它因素影响,上下钢线保持固定支点,进出位置线以外墙轴线为基准挂线。从而保证骨架安装符合设计及规范要求。Carry out
20、double check on the elevation line based on the basic axial line the general contractor provides. After it has been confirmed correct, determine the installation guide line. Set position steel line based on the guide line and take this as the vertical frame bench-mark. To avoid the influence from ot
21、her factors, the upper and lower steel line will maintain fixed pivot while the in and out position line will hang the line based on the external wall axial line, ensuring that the framework installation conforms to the design and code requirements.(2)钢结构吊装 (2) Steel structure lifting考虑到防腐要求,我们拟对钢结构
22、的构件在工厂内加工完成,并进行防腐处理,运至现场后,进行现场整体装配。这样,可减少现场防腐工作量,避免现场进行防腐处理而造成的质量不易控制的问题。Taking account of the corrosion protection requirements, we plan to carry out machining of the steel structure components and make corrosion protection treatment on them, them transport them to the construction site for field i
23、ntegral assembling. In doing so, working load of field corrosion protection could be reduced and uncontrollable problems of quality caused by field corrosion protection treatment can be eliminated.钢结构吊装至屋顶后,焊接在结构上。The steel structure, after being lifted to the roof shall be welded on the structure.(
24、3)龙骨安装 (3) Frame installation依据放线的位置进行龙骨安装。待安装完成后,经自检合格后填写隐蔽单,报监理验收,验收合格后焊缝涂刷两道防锈漆,然后进行下道工序施工。Frame will be installed according to the line setting out position. After the installation is finished and it has been confirmed qualified by self-check, fill in the concealed list and report it to the supe
25、rvision for acceptance. After the acceptance has confirmed it qualified, two coatings of antirust paints shall be brushed on the welded joints before the next item of construction is carried out.(4)百叶安装 (4) Louver installation龙骨安装完毕后,对工厂组装好的百叶进行安装。After the frame installation is completed, louvers a
26、lready assembled in factory shall be installed.(5)面板安装 (5) Panel installation面板依据板片编号图进行安装,施工过程中不得将不同编号的板块进行互换。The panels will be installed as per the plate sheet serial number graph and interchange of the plates with different serial number is strictly forbidden in the course of construction.(6)打胶
27、(6) Sealant installation对于屋面工程,此工序非常重要,密封不好,就会漏雨。板块安装固定完成后,进行注胶工序,此时应先将保护胶带沿胶缝边缘贴好,胶缝部位用规定溶剂,按工艺要求进行净化处理,然后打胶、刮胶、拆除边缘保护膜,使基材与胶粘结牢固无孔隙,胶缝平整光滑、玻璃表面清洁、无污染。This working procedure plays an important role in the roof engineering. Not being sealed well, it will lead to rain leakage. When the plate is insta
28、lled and fixed, sealant installation starts, while at this point it should first stick the protective tape well along the sealant joint rim, then clean the sealant joint place with stipulated solvent as per the technological requirements. After this, proceed with sealant installation, scraping, and removal of rim protective membrane, making the base material and sealant bond solid without any pores and the sealant joints smooth and even without any pollution on the glass surface.