1、双重谓语 在英语中,有时某些实意动词可兼作系动词,在句中具有既表行为又表状态的双重作用。这种有双重作用的谓语我们称之为双重谓语(Double Predicate)。由于这种双重谓语有其自身的特点,与系表谓语又有所区别,学习时应特别注意。一、双重谓语的形式与特点:双重谓语的基本形式是:行为动词表语(说明主语从事该行为时所处的状态),用作双重谓语的动词多为那些表示位置移动变化的行为动词。如:return,leave,go,come,arrive,start 等。其具体的结构形式主要有以下几种:1.动词形容词(1)He left this morning very gay(He was very g
2、ay when he left this morning)上午离开时,他很开心。(2)She lay there motionless(She was motionless when she lay there)她躺在那儿一动不动。2.动词名词(1)She left a shy girl and returned a young mother(She was a shy girl when she left and a young mother when she returned)她离开时还是一个害羞的女孩,回来时却是一位年轻的母亲。(2)He lived a hero and died a
3、martyr(He was a hero when he lived and a martyr when he died)他生前是英雄,死后为烈士。3.动词介词短语(1)He died in despair(He was in despair when he died)他死时非常绝望。(2)He left in tears(He was in tears when he left)他离开时眼含泪水。(3)He ran into the room out of breath(He was out of breath when he ran into the room)他冲进房间时已是上气不接下气
4、。4.动词分词(短语)(1)They lay there chatting(They were chatting when they lay there)他们躺在那里聊天。(2)He wandered wondering(He was wondering when he wandered)漫步时,他在冥思。(3)He came home exhausted(He was exhausted when he came home)他回家时已是筋疲力尽。5.动词 what 从句(1)He returned home what he had always been(He was what he had
5、 always been when he returned home)回家时,他还是老样子。双重谓语结构很少有否定形式,但偶尔也出现否定形式。这时,要特别注意否定的形式在前,意义在后,即否定后移现象。如:(1)She didnt arrive accompanied by her daughter(She was not accompanied by her daughter when she arrived)她抵达时不是由她的女儿陪同。(2)He didnt pass noticed(When he passed he was not noticed)他路过时没人注意。二、双重谓语与系表谓语
6、的区别:双重谓语与系表谓语就形式看,有时非常相似,但其意义和用法是不同的。学习时,切不可混淆。为便于区别,笔者从以下几个方面加以简析和说明。1.通过去掉其表语来判断是双重谓语还是系表谓语。因为,如果把双重谓语中的表语去掉,该 动词仍然保留其原意;但如果把系表谓语中的表语去掉,该动词的意义就会有所变化。试比较:(1)He stood there silent他静静地站在那儿。(2)He stood firm他立场坚定。如将例(1)中的表语 silent 去掉,变成 He stood there,很显然句中的谓语动词 stood 仍然保留其原意,故该句中的谓语结构为双重谓语;如将例(2)中的 fi
7、rm 去掉,变成 He stood,显然句中谓语动词的意义与原句不同,故该句中的谓语属系表谓语。2.通过变更谓语动词来判断是双重谓语还是系表谓语。因为,在系表谓语中,如果将其动词换成另一个动词,句子的意思不会受太大影响;而在双重谓语中,如果将动词换成另一个动词,句子的意思就会有所不同。如将将句子“He went away disheartened”中的动词改成 came back 时,显然该句的意思发生了变化,故该句的谓语属双重谓语。3.就其结构看,双重谓语动词后常常出现一些用来表示地点或方向的小品副词。如:about,back,up,down,away,here 或 there 等;而系表谓
8、语动词后一般没有这类副词。如:(1)He came back tired(双重谓语)(2)The screw came loose(系表谓语)14系表谓语可用于表让步或原因的倒装结构中,而双重谓语则不能。我们可以说:Angry as he was,I persuaded him to remain silent 但不能说:Angry as he came,I persuaded him to re-main silent 而只能说:Although he came angry,I persuaded him to remain silent 或者说:Angry as he was when h
9、e came,I persuaded him to remain silent 5.含系表谓语的句子可有一般疑问句、特殊疑问句和感叹句形式,而含双重谓语的句子只有一般疑问句形式。如:我们可以将含有系表谓语的句子 “He turned poor”变成:(1)一般疑问句:Did he turn poor?(2)特殊疑问句:WhatHow did he turn?(3)感叹句:How poor he turned!但是,像“He died poor”这样含双重谓语的句子就只能有一般疑问句的形式,即:Did he die poor?如要表达特殊疑问和感叹的意思也只能通过以下方式来表达。如:What was he like when he died?How poor he was when he died!6.双重谓语动词除了 live 和 die 外,一般不能接表永久性状态或性格的表语。我们可以说:He was kind,但不能说:He went away kind。