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1、2022年山东省职业院校技能大赛高职组导游服务赛项题库目录第一部分 导游知识测试题库(1000题)2一、旅游热点问题题库(100题)2二、导游基础知识题库(共330题) 16三、旅游法规题库(共240题)42四、导游业务题库(共330题)68第二部分现场导游词创作及讲解题库101一、讲解主题(30个)101二、团型(5种)102第三部分 导游英语口语测试题库(30题)103Dialogue 1103Dialogue 2103Dialogue 3103Dialogue 4104Dialogue 5104Dialogue 6104Dialogue 7104Dialogue 8105Dialogue

2、 9105Dialogue 10105Dialogue 11105Dialogue 12106Dialogue 13106Dialogue 14106Dialogue 15106Dialogue 16107Dialogue 17107Dialogue 18107Dialogue 19107Dialogue 20108Dialogue 21108Dialogue 22108Dialogue 23109Dialogue 24109Dialogue 25109Dialogue 26110Dialogue 27110Dialogue 28110Dialogue 29110Dialogue 30Ill(

3、)个等级。A.2B.3C.4D.5答案:A三、多选题(至少有两个选项是正确的,多选、少选、错选、不选均不得分)1 .抗美援朝战争期间,中国人民志愿军涌现的特级英雄有()。A.杨根思B.黄继光C.邱少云D.王海E.罗盛教答案:AB.讲好红色故事的三重维度是()。A.科学性 B.生动性 C.互动性 D.政治性E.趣味性答案:ABD3.2021年11月30日至12月3日,联合国世界旅游组织全体大会第24届会议在 西班牙马德里召开,由中国文化和旅游部推荐的()成功获评“最佳旅游乡村”。A.贵州大冲村B.浙江余村C.安徽西递村D.山东濯村E.陕西龙源村答案:BC.我国“十四五”旅游业发展规划提出,要创新

4、“四个共同”的中华民族历史观 在旅游景区景点展陈方式,向游客讲好中华民族共同体故事。“四个共同”是指 ()OA.我国旅游业高质量发展是各民族共同努力的B.我国辽阔疆域是各民族共同开拓的C我国悠久历史是各民族共同书写的D.我国灿烂文化是各民族共同创造的E.我国伟大民族精神是各民族共同培育的答案:BCDE.按照旅行社老年旅游服务规范,以下说法正确的有()。A.人数超过50人需配随团医生B.老年游客连续游览时间不宜超过3小时C.连续乘坐汽车时间不超过3小时D.老年团的领队要具备紧急救护技能E.连续乘坐汽车时间不应超过2小时答案:BDE6.在澳大利亚阿德莱德召开的国际灌排委员会第73届执行理事会上,2

5、022年世 界灌溉工程遗产名录公布,我国4个工程()全部申报成功。至此,B.熟悉饭店楼层电梯间的位置C提醒游客阅读客房内的安全避险线路示意图D.提醒游客阅读客房内的服务指南E.掌握领队和全体游客的房间号码答案:ACE第二部分现场导游词创作及讲解题库一、讲解主题(30个)1 .民族传统节日(3个)汉族清明节藏族雪顿节蒙古族那达慕大会2 .工艺美术(6个)青花瓷 景泰蓝 中国书法 四大年画藏族唐卡中国剪纸3 .饮食文化(5个)中国茶文化 云南普洱茶 中国四大菜系北京烤鸭四川火锅4 .历史文化(6个)都江堰水利工程“洪洞大槐树”辛亥革命红军长征精神 “两弹一星” “四史”教育5.建筑艺术(6个)成昆

6、铁路港珠澳大桥 上海石库门北京四合院福建土楼藏族碉楼6,古典园林艺术(2个)北京颐和园承德避暑山庄7,表演艺术(2个)京剧 越剧二、团型(5种)1、政务考察团2、商务考察团3、老年旅游团4、亲子旅游团5、中学生研学团第三部分导游英语口语测试题库(30题)Dialogue 1Perform as a local guide. The tour group has lunch in a restaurant. One of the tourists complains the food is too cold and the service is so poor.Your dialogue wil

7、l include the following points:A. Apologize.B. Give a reason for the problem.C. Promise to take action.D. Answer questions if there are any.Dialogue 2Perform as a local guide in a Beijing city bus tour. The tourists ask you a lot of questions. Your dialogue will include the following points: A. Intr

8、oduce the sculpture on your left.B. Introduce the places of interest in the area.C. Give a brief introduction of the next stop.D.Answer questions if there are any.Dialogue 3Perform as a local guide. After the tour group check in, you make a brief introduction. Your dialogue will include the followin

9、g points: A. Give a brief introduction of the hotel.B. Room service, valet service and childrens facilities.C. Inform the dinner time and place.D. Answer questions if there are any.Dialogue 4Perform as a local guide. You are helping the tour group to check in at the reception of Hilton Hotel. Your d

10、ialogue will include the following points: A. Greetings.B. Request the tourists5 passports.C. Gives the room number and directions.D. Advises them about the time for lunch.Dialogue 5Perform as a local guide. You are picking up the tour group at Xining railway station platform. Your dialogue will inc

11、lude the following points: A. Open an informal conversation.B. Greetings.C. Ask about the trip in Qinghai Province.D. Checking the luggage.Dialogue 6Act as a local guide. You are taking a tour group in Shandong province during the spring festival. The tourists are interested in Chinese cultures such

12、 as Wushu, the Spring Festival. Your dialogue will include the following points:A.Give a brief introduction to Wushu, such as Taijiquan.B.Give a brief introduction to the customs of the Spring Festival.C.Answer some questions asked by the tourists.Dialogue 7Perform as a local guide. You are discussi

13、ng the two-day tour in Nanjing with the tour leader. Your dialogue will include the following points: A. Set start time.B. Confirm the scenic spots on the first day.C. Confirm the shopping on the second day.D. Answer questions if there are any.Dialogue 8Perform as a local guide. You are having the c

14、ruise tour on the West Lake with the tour group. Your dialogue will include the following points: A. Talk about the boat.B. Introduce the buildings on the islet.C. Introduce Su Causeway and other famous scenic spots.D. Answer questions if there are any.Dialogue 9Perform as a local guide. You are tou

15、ring the ancient town of Lijiang. Your dialogue will include the following points:A. Introduce the ancient buildings.B. Introduce Naxi people.C. Answer questions if there are any.Dialogue 10Perform as a local guide. You verify the itinerary with Mr. Smith, the tour leader. You find that there is one

16、 more tourist attraction in his tour plan. Mr. Smith insists that the trip should be arranged according to his plan. Your dialogue will include the following points:A. Make a phone call to your travel agency to know the reason for the difference.B. Apologize to Mr. Smith for the mistake made by your

17、 agency.C. Confirm the new itinerary with the tour leader.D. Answer questions if there are any.Dialogue 11Perform as a local guide. You are touring Yan,an. Your dialogue will include the following points:A. Greetings.B. Introduce the scenic spot in Yanan.C. Talk about the history of Yanan,Answer que

18、stions if there are any.Dialogue 12Perform as a local guide. You are confirming the meal reservation with a waitress. Your dialogue will include the following points:A. Introduce yourself.B. Check the reservation list.C. Confirm the time.D. Prepare dishes for a vegetarian.E. Confirm the type of paym

19、ent.Dialogue 13Perform as a local guide. You are talking about Chinese cuisine with tourists. Your dialogue will include the following points:A. Introduce three major cuisines in the world.B. Talk about the four famous cuisines in China.C. Introduce the cutting skills.D. Answer questions if there ar

20、e any.Dialogue 14Perform as a local guide. You are talking about the chopsticks with tourists.Your dialogue will include the following points:A. Introduce the history of chopsticks.B. Talk about the table manners.C. Introduce how to use the chopsticks.D. Answer questions if there are any.Dialogue 15

21、Perform as a local guide. The tour group is in the tea store. Your dialogue will include the following points:A. Introduce green tea.B. Introduce the black tea.C. Give advice.D. Answer questions if there are any.Dialogue 16Act as a local guide to explain laundry service for your tour group. Your dia

22、logue will include the following points:A. Tell the tourists the hotel has laundry service.B. Tell the tourists how to get this service.C. Tell the tourists they should pay for laundry service by themselves.Dialogue 17Perform as a local guide. A tourist doesnt feel well on the way to the scenic spot

23、. Your dialogue will include the following points:A. Soothe the tourist.B. Tell the driver to the nearest hospital.C. Take care of the tourist.D. Take the other tourists as scheduled.Dialogue 18Perform as a local guide. A tourist complains the bus is too messy. Your dialogue will include the followi

24、ng points:A. Apologize.B. Give a reason for the problem.C. Promise to take action.D. Answer questions if there are any.Dialogue 19Perform as a local guide. The tour group is going to leave for the USA tomorrow. You are confirming the itinerary for the next day with the tour leader. Your dialogue wil

25、l include the following points:A. Confirm flight tickets.B. Departure time.C. Check out procedure.D. Remind of the documents.Dialogue 20Perform as a local guide. A tourist is very angry because the bathroom is in a terrible condition. Your dialogue will include the following points: A. Apologize.B.

26、Give a reason for the problem.C. Promise to take action.D. Answer questions if there are any.Dialogue 21Perform as a local guide. A tourist is very angry because some of his valuables were stolen. Your dialogue will include the following points: A. Apologize.B. Get the details.C. Promise to take act

27、ion.D. Answer questions if there are any.Dialogue 22Perform as a local guide. You are on the way to the Great Wall. The tourists want to know more about it. Make a dialogue with them. Your dialogue will include the following points: A. Introduce the significance of the Great Wall.B. Introduce the ma

28、in scenic spots in the Great Wall.C. Give precautions.D. Answer relevant questions.Dialogue 23Perform as a tour guide. One of the tourists wants to know something about Shandong cuisine. Your dialogue with the tourist will include the following points:A. Briefly introduce Shandong cuisine, including

29、 three regional cuisines.B. Introduce the local cuisine including some local special dishes.C. Recommend some restaurants.D. Answer questions if there are any.Dialogue 24Perform as a local guide. You are on the way to the Potala Palace with a group. Today tourists will celebrate the Tibetan New Year

30、. They seem to be quite interested in it. Make a dialogue with the tourists. Your dialogue will include the following points:A. Introduce the Potala Palace.B. Introduce the traditional Tibetan New Year.C. Give suggestions.D. Answer some questions asked by the tourists.Dialogue 25Perform as a tour gu

31、ide. A tourist in room 400 is very annoyed about the loud music and voices from room 401. Make a dialogue with the tourist. Your dialogue will include the following points:A. Apologize.B. Give explanations.C. Offer solutions.D. Answer questions if there are any.我国的世界灌溉工程遗产达30项。A.四川省通济堰B.江苏省兴化垛田C.浙江省

32、松阳松古灌区D.江西省崇义上堡梯田E.福建省黄鞠灌溉工程答案:ABCD7.2022“北方冰雪旅游海外推广季”由文化和旅游部、国家广播电视总局、国家体 育总局与北京、河北、()、新疆等7省(自治区、直辖市)共同举办,旨在向海外民众全面介绍中国北方特色冰雪文化、冰雪运动和冰雪旅游,展现中 国人民迎接北京冬奥的热烈情感。A.黑龙江B.吉林C.辽宁D.内蒙古E.山东答案:ABCD8.依据导游管理办法,下列说法正确的有()。A.导游每年累计培训时间不得少于72小时B.设立导游星级评价制度,共分为五级C.导游星级评价不设立评定机构D.导游从业可以不经旅行社委派E.导游应向旅游者告知和解释文明行为规范、不文

33、明行为可能产生的后果 答案:BCE9.依据旅游不文明行为记录管理暂行办法,旅游者有下列行为(),将被纳入“旅游不文明行为记录”。A.扰乱航空器、车船或者其他公共交通工具秩序B.破坏公共环境卫生、公共设施C.损毁、破坏旅游目的地文物古迹D.参与赌博、色情、涉毒活动E.破坏生态环境,违反野生动植物保护规定答案:ABCDE10.依据旅游不文明行为记录管理暂行办法,旅游者有下列行为(),将被纳入“旅游不文明行为记录”。A.违反旅游场所规定,严重扰乱旅游秩序B.违反旅游目的地社会风俗、民族生活习惯C.不顾劝阻、警示从事危及自身以及他人人身财产安全的活动D.违反旅游目的地社会风俗、民族生活习惯E.参与赌博

34、、色情、涉毒活动答案:ABCDE11.依据旅游不文明行为记录管理暂行办法,旅游从业人员有下列行为Dialogue 26Perform as a local guide. Some foreign tourists are interested in Chinese Dragon dance. They want to know more about it. Your dialogue will include the following points:A. Briefly introduce Chinese Dragon Dance.B. Tell them they may have a c

35、lose look at Dragon Dance on the square near the hotel during 6p.m. to 8p.m.C. Answer questions if there are any.Dialogue 27Suppose you are the tour guide and you find one of your foreign tourists is bargaining at a roadside stand over some “antiques”. You go forward and have a conversation with the

36、 guest. Your dialogue will include the following points:A. Persuade the guest not to buy antique at the roadside stand.B. Offer some shops for authentic antiques with invoice.C. Introduce the customs rules regarding the antiques.Dialogue 28As scheduled, the group will visit the Mount Huangshan this

37、morning. But it rains heavily and its very dangerous for the guests. As a local guide, you want to cancel the arrangement and go to consult with the tour leader. Your dialogue will include the following points:A. Analyze the danger of going on the tour in such heavy rain.B. Apologize.C. Give explana

38、tions.D. Offer solutions.Dialogue 29Perform as a local guide. After check in at Holiday Inn, one of the tourists asks you how to use the Safe. Your dialogue will include the following points:A. Introduce the open procedure.B. Show how to change the password.C. Answer some questions asked by the tour

39、ist.Dialogue 30Perform as a local guide. The tour group is on the way to the Yu Village in Anji County Zhejiang province. Make a dialogue with them. Your dialogue will include the following points:A. Introduce the agritourism in China.B. Introduce the development of Yu Village.C. Introduce the ecoto

40、urism in China.D. Answer relevant questions.(),将被纳入“旅游不文明行为记录”。A.价格欺诈、强迫交易、欺骗诱导游客消费B.侮辱、殴打、胁迫游客C.不尊重旅游目的地或游客的宗教信仰、民族习惯、风俗禁忌D.传播低级趣味、宣传迷信思想E.国务院旅游主管部门认定的其他旅游不文明行为答案:ABCDE.发生在境外的旅游不文明行为,可由()通过外交机构、旅游驻外办事机 构等途径进行调查核实。A.国务院旅游主管部门B.当事人户籍所在地旅游主管部门C.当事人经常居住地旅游主管部门D.当事人户籍所在地公安机关E.当事人经常居住地外事部门答案:ABC.“旅游不文明行为

41、记录”内容包括不文明当事人的()等信息。A.姓名和性别B.户籍省份C.不文明行为表现及影响D.游客检讨书E.对不文明行为的记录期限答案:ABCE.依据导游管理办法,导游应当自下列情形发生之日起10个工作日内,通 过全国旅游监管服务信息系统提交相应材料,申请变更导游证信息()。A.姓名、身份证号、导游等级和语种等信息发生变化的B.与旅行社订立的劳动合同解除、终止后,在3个月内与其他旅行社订立劳动 合同的C.在旅游行业组织取消注册后,3个月内在其他旅游行业组织注册的D.经常执业地区发生变化的E.经常居住地区发生变化的答案:ABCD.依据导游管理办法,导游“经常执业地区”是指()。A.3个月内累计执

42、业达到60日的省级行政区域B.6个月内累计执业达到90日的省级行政区域C.导游连续执业的市级行政区域D.导游连续执业的省级行政区域E.3个月内累计执业达到30日的省级行政区域答案:DE.根据国家级文化生态保护区管理办法,申报国家级文化生态保护区的条件 主要包括()等。A.传统文化历史积淀丰厚,具有鲜明地域或民族特色,文化生态保持良好B.非物质文化遗产资源丰富,是当地生产生活的重要组成部分C.文化遗产传承有序,传承实践富有活力、氛围浓厚,当地民众广泛参与, 认同感强;D.在省(区、市)内已实行文化生态区域性整体保护两年E.有文化生态保护区建设管理机构和工作人员答案:ABCD17.2016年11月

43、30日教育部等11个部门出台的关于推进中小学生研学旅行的 意见,明确中小学校开展研学旅行应遵循的原则有()。A.教育性原则B.实践性原则C.安全性原则D.公益性原则E.经济性原则答案:ABCD.根据民航旅客不文明行为记录管理办法,下列()等行为将受到处罚。A.强行登机B.围堵值机柜台C.机舱内打架斗殴D.随意调换座位E.妨碍民航工作人员履行职责答案:ABCE.依据旅游市场监督检查操作指南,执法人员检查旅游团队时应重点检查 以下内容()。A.带团导游的导游证、导游身份标识B.受旅行社委派的相关材料C.选择的车辆等履行辅助人是否符合要求D.是否投保旅行社责任保险E.检查行程是否与行程单相符答案:A

44、BCE.我国“十四五”旅游业发展规划提出,大众旅游时代,旅游业发展成果要为百 姓共享,旅游业要充分发挥()的积极作用,成为具有显著时代特征的幸福产业。A.为民 B.益民 C.富民 D.利民 E.乐民 答案:ACDE.以下哪些旅游区入选首批国家湿地旅游示范基地()。A.四川省邛海泸山景区B.黑龙江省扎龙生态旅游区C.江西省东鄱阳湖湿地景区D.浙江省西溪湿地旅游区E.上海潘安湖景区答案:ABCD22.2021年11月,国家体育总局和文化和旅游部认定北京奥林匹克公园等47家 单位为国家体育旅游示范基地,其中山东省的()入选。A.临沂市雪山彩虹谷景区B.济南九如山休闲旅游度假风景区C.日照奥林匹克水上

45、公园D.威海樱花湖体育公园E.青岛奥林匹克帆船中心答案:AE.我国“十四五”旅游业发展规划提出,要健全()和黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展等区域重大战略旅游协调机制,推进跨行政区域旅游资源整合利 用。A.京津冀协同发展B.长江经济带发展C.粤港澳大湾区建设D.长三角一体化发展E.珠三角一体化发展答案:ABCD.我国“十四五”旅游业发展规划提出,西部地区发挥()等方面优势,加强旅游基础设施和公共服务体系建设,发展特色旅游。A.自然生态B.民族民俗C.边境风光D.少数民族文化E.地域广袤答案:ABC.我国“十四五”旅游业发展规划提出,依托全国红色旅游经典景区,弘扬伟大 建党精神、()等革命精神,打造

46、一批红色旅游目的地。A.井冈山精神B.长征精神C.民主精神D.延安精神E.西柏坡精神答案:ABDE.我国“十四五”旅游业发展规划提出,要有序推进邮轮旅游基础设施建设,推 进上海、()、厦门、福州等地邮轮旅游发展,推动三亚建设国际邮轮母港。A.天津 B.深圳 C.秦皇岛 D.青岛 E.大连答案:ABDE.下列关于旅游民宿基本要求与评价(LB/T 0652019)的表述,正确的 有()。A.是文旅部发布的强制性国家标准B.于2019年7月3日起实施C.将旅游民宿分为3个等级D.金宿级为高等级E.银宿级为普通等级答案:BC.我国“十四五”旅游业发展规划提出,要完善乡村旅游政策保障体系,鼓励各 地区因

47、地制宜将乡村旅游纳入县域相关规划,统筹推进乡村旅游()等基础设施建设。A.道路B.停车场C.厕所D.污水垃圾处理 E.农家乐答案:ABCD.中共中央、国务院于2021年10月印发了黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展 规划纲要,提出要保护传承弘扬黄河文化,打造具有国际影响力的黄河文化和 旅游带。该规划范围为黄河干支流流经的()等9省区相关县级行政区,国土面积约130万平方公里,打造具有国际影响力的黄河文化和旅游带。A.青海、甘肃、四川B.宁夏、内蒙古、陕西C.山西、河南、山东D.河北、安徽、江苏E.湖北、湖南、江西答案:ABC.全党必须坚持的“四个自信”是指()。A.道路自信B.理论自信C.制度自信D.政策自信E.文化自信答案:ABCE二、导游基础知识题库(共330题)一、判断题(判断描述正确请选A,判断描述错误请选B).中国地理纬度最南端的城市是三亚市。()答案:B.中国现存规模最大、保存最完整的古代城垣是南京古城城墙。()答案:B.天津杨柳青年画和苏州桃花坞年画并称为“南桃北柳”。()答案:A4,北京境内有潮白河、北运河、永定河、


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