1、全国中小学“教学中的互联网搜索”优秀教学案例评选教案设计一、教案背景1、面向学生: 小学 2、学科:英语3、课时:14、学生课前准备:一、 初读课文,了解课文大意。二、 自学课文,思考课后的问题。三、 让学生提出自学中遇到的问题。教学课题: Module3 Picnic Unit1 Will you take your kite?学习任务:Were going to have a picnic. Will you take your kite? Yes,I will.No, I wont.功能:制定并谈论计划。运用任务:1.SB 第一单元活动3。 2. AB第一单元1和2。教学重点、难点: M
2、ake and discuss the planation. 教具准备:录音机、卡片、课件一、 教材分析本模块由Unit 1 Will you take your kite? 和Unit2 On Sunday Ill go swimming两个单元组成。向我们介绍怎样制定并谈论计划、讨论一周七天的计划?本模块单词量稍微多一点,学习星期的表达方法和运用“will you.?”“Yes,I will.”“No,I wont.” 二、 教学方法:小组讨论法、启发教学法、讲授法、演示法。四、教学过程:Module3 Picnic Unit 1 Will you take your kite?教学要点:
3、介绍怎样制定并谈论计划、运用will you.?Yes,I will.No,I wont.教学过程:step1: Warm up 1)Sing a song2)Tell the students to pretend they are going on a picnic.Get them to think of things they might take. Write the words on the board. Encourage the students to think of both objects and food.3)Tell the students to close the
4、ir books. say that you are going to play the tape. The students have to tell you which objects Amy will take on the picnic. If you made a list in the warmer activity, leave it on the board. After listening,ask the students if any of the things on the list are nentioned on the tape. Tick those items.
5、4)Tell the students to choose one object that they are going to take on the picnic. It doesnt have to be on the list they made in the warmer,but they must know the word in English.5)Now ask the students questions. If you ask aboutsomething that any of the students have written down ,those students m
6、ust stand up. The winner is the last student to stay seated.Step 3: Homework1、课堂活动用书第一单元练习三。2、熟读课文。三、 教学反思课堂教学是教育教学的主渠道,是教学质量的生命线 ,备课不仅要备教学内容,还要备教学活动;不仅要备知识, 还要备学生;不仅要备过程,还要备评价。在本节课教学过程中我做到了尽量使词、句不分离;语言、情景不分离;新、旧知识不分离;知识、情感不分离。精心设计和组织课堂教学活动,注重创设较为真实的语言情景.不足之处在于学生的主体地位还没有充分地凸显出来,只有充分激发学生的学习兴趣,才能真正做到有
7、效教学。四、 教师个人介绍省份:山东省 学校:文登小学 姓名:付正芹 职称:中学二级教师 电话:0536-3750140 电子邮件:fuzhengqin12通讯地址:山东省青州市邵庄镇文登小学个人介绍本人,女,1971年3月生于一个偏僻的小山村, 1991年7月毕业于益都师范学校。光阴似箭,日月如梭,转眼已任教21余载。先后在文登中学、文登小学任教,一直工作在教育的第一线。二十一年来,风风雨雨,坎坎坷坷;兢兢业业,勤勤恳恳;任劳任怨,精益求精。我关心学生,服从领导。我深深牢记“学高为师,身正为范”, 在教学的同时,我不忘学习,先后自学了专科和本科全部课程。我很注意自身的品德行为,努力给学生树立一个良好的榜样。本学年担任四、五年级英语和一至六年级音乐。不足之处是很无能:二十年职称没变,仍是初级。最大的愿望是:努力工作,争取早日成为中级职称的老师。嘿嘿嘿请不要取笑我。