1、高考读后续写素材积累:场景描写1 .When Jalil entered the clearing, he wouldthrowhis jacket on the tandoor and open his arms.Mariam wouldwalk, then finally run, to him, and he wouldcatch her under the arms and toss her up high. Mariam wouldsqueal(尖叫).这段见面场景描述渲染了Jalil与Mariam之间的爱。父亲:throwhis jacket on the tandoor and
2、open his arms;catch her under the arms and toss her up high。女儿:walk, then finally run, to him;squeal (这样的场景描述可以借鉴引用到其他见面的场合)现在这么亲密的关系描述,其实也为下文,Mariam为何伤心绝望形成巨大反差做了铺垫。这段话的场景移动是跟着根着人物的移动而移动的。通过人物的行走,或是视觉来移动场景,这是最常见的移动方式。一般场景描写中,最简单的有三个要素:远景、近景、人物。但因为真实的世界比动画要丰富,因而还能听到声音,闻到味道,有时候还有冷热软硬等触觉。因此可以进行更多元素的描绘
3、。所以会变成:远景、近景、人物、声音、气味、触觉六个元素。在这个场景中就出现了声音squeal(尖叫)。2 Her gaze skimmed over all of these things before they found a face,across the garden, in an upstairs window. The face was therefor only an instant, a flash, but long enough.Long enoughfor Mariam tosee the eyes widen, the mouth open. Then it snapp
4、ed awayfrom view. A hand appeared and frantically(狂暴地)pulled at a cord. The curtainsfell shut.玛丽亚姆怀着急切的心情前去看望父亲,到了父亲家后,发现父亲并不想见她,躲避她。在这段文字中,我们看到:玛丽亚姆扫视四周发现花园对面,一扇楼上窗户内的脸。她看到他的眼睛睁得大大的,他的嘴巴张开着see the eyes widen, the mouth open,说明父亲见到她很惊讶。然后消失了,窗户也被关上。这一闪而过的场景,玛丽亚姆终身难忘,也彻底粉碎了她之前对父亲的幻想。而且在第二句话中用了对比:for
5、only an instant短暂,但足够长long enough。第二句话最后一个词汇long enough与第三句话的开头用了long enough,用了重复的写作手法来强调这张脸短暂的停留却给玛丽亚姆带来极大的震撼。这里的场景描写先是自下而上,从大到小,先整体再局部。局部描写时的细节描写:face。后来作者围绕“脸”展开描述。3A gust of windblew and parted thedrooping branches of the weeping willowlike a curtain, and Mariamcaught a glimpse of what was benea
6、th the tree:the straight-backed chair,overturned.The ropedropping from a high branch.Nanadangling at the end of it.Mariam看到母亲的最后一幕。场景的描写:风 柳条 椅子 绳子 母亲。作者先写自然景观,然后写映入眼帘的母亲,寥寥数语就将场面描述地很形象,印象深刻。4 The room hada bedwith a green-flowered blanket knit in a tightly woven, honeycomb design.The curtains,pulle
7、d back to reveal the garden below, matched the blanket. Beside the bed wasa three-drawer chestwith a flower vase on it. There wereshelvesalong the walls, withframed pictures of people Mariam did not recognize. On one of the shelves, Mariam saw a collection of identicalwooden dolls, arranged in a lin
8、ein order of decreasing size.对房间里面摆设的描述。我们来看看作者描述的顺序。首先是大件的物品,床bed,床上的毯子,然后窗帘(窗帘的颜色与毯子相配),curtains,接下来描写床边的衣柜chest,以及架子shelves,架子上有玩偶dolls 等,并运用with短语,过去分词,倒装等表达主语的状态。这里的场景描写遵循从大到小,从整体到细节的顺序。先挑大物件写,再集中到小物件上。5Kabulwasfar more crowdedthan the little that Mariam had seen ofHerat. There werefewer treesa
9、ndfewer garispulled by horses, butmore cars, taller buildings,more traffic lights and more paved roads.对于两个地方特点的对比:Herat 赫拉特(阿富汗西北部城市)与Kabul喀布尔(阿富汗的首都),后者:more crowded,fewer trees;fewer garis;more cars; taller buildings;more traffic lights and more paved roads.6 Mariam quickly surveyed the narrow, u
10、npaved road along which Rasheeds house was situated.The houseson this road were crowded together andshared common walls, with small, walled yardsin front buffering them from the street. Most of the homes hadflat roofsandwere made of burned brick,some of mud the same dusty color as the mountainsthat
11、ringed the city. Gutters(水沟) separated the sidewalk from the road on both sides and flowed withmuddy water. Mariam saw small mounds of flyblowngarbagelittering the street here and there. Rasheeds house had two stories. Mariam could see that it had once been blue.Mariam对Rasheed居住环境的第一印象:路边的房子很拥挤,房子与房
12、子之间shared common walls,,院子:with small, walled yards;屋顶:flat roofsandwere made of burned brick,some of mud the same dusty color as the mountains。路上:Gutters(水沟)flowed withmuddy water;垃圾:garbagelittering the street here and there。远景近景相结合,有序展开描述。描写的时候把一个动画定格,看到有前景(近景)、后景(远景)。很多场景都是按照人物的视觉、听觉或者感觉到的顺序来写的。
13、简单的就是她看到了什么,听到了什么。先看到就先描写看到的,先听到就描写听到的。因为人的感官敏锐度不同,所以一般先写看到的,然后是闻到的和听到的。先描写主要的,然后再是细节。除了从大到小,还有远到近。除了感官顺序,还有时间顺序。种种排列方式,不一一列举了。7 The floor wassticky(粘的)and the airsmoky. (场景描写)地面:sticky(粘的);空气:smoky后半句用了省略。寥寥数语,简洁清晰,干净利落。在复杂的场景描写中,往往夹杂着,远景、近景、人物、声音、味道。但有时只精炼的描绘几个要素反而能达到不错的效果。方寸的拿捏和详略的掌握,需要在写作的过程之中不断摸索,才能找到自己最喜欢的描绘方法。学科网(北京)股份有限公司