1、毕业实习报告作者所在系部: 外 语 系 作者所在专业: 英 语 作者所在班级: 11711班 作 者 姓 名 : 张 三 作 者 学 号 : 指导教师姓名: 李 四 完 成 时 间 : 2012年6月 北华航天工业学院教务处制指 导 教 师 情 况姓名技术职务工作单位指 导 教 师 评 语指导教师评定成绩:指导教师签字:_ _ 年 _ 月 _ 日答 辩 委 员 会 评 语最终评定成绩: 答辩委员会主任签字:_ 单位(公章) _ 年_月_日摘 要黑体,小二,加粗,居中。合作原则和礼貌原则作为最基本的会话原则在我们日常生活会话中广泛应用。合作原则是Grice提出来的,其中包括四条准则:数量准则、质
2、量准则、关系准则和方式准则。他试图弄明白,人们是怎样传递没有明确说出来的含义的。Geoffrey Leech为了解决Grice的合作原则中所不能解决的关于会话含义的问题提出了礼貌原则。礼貌原则是有效沟通的重要保证。他列出了六大准则:得体原则,慷慨原则,赞誉原则,谦逊原则,一致原则和同情原则。今天在中国很多的家庭中都存在着父母和独生孩子的沟通问题,他们不知道如何和孩子进行有效地沟通。没有很好地沟通,家长们更可能误解孩子,发生争论甚至导致关系破裂。孩子也不再信任和理解他们的家长,孩子在家里经常感觉不到被爱和欣赏。所以培养好的沟通技巧是快乐生活的重要组成部分。在这篇论文中将收集一些关于合作原则和礼貌
3、原则的相关知识,利用两大原则指导会话实现孩子和父母的有效沟通让生活更幸福。摘要内容宋体,小四,不加粗。段落按照“首行缩进”,每段开头空两格,标点符号占一格,段落两端对齐。 内容自行更换(空一行)关键词:“关键词”三个字用黑体,四号,后面的内容用宋体,小四,不加粗,词与词之间留空间,不加标点符号。 Abstract英文摘要Times New Roman,小二,加粗,居中Cooperative principle and politeness principle as the most basic communication principles is widely used in daily l
4、ife communication. The cooperative principle was proposed by Grice, it has four categories of maxims: Quantity, Quality, Relation, and Manner, he explored the question how people manage to convey implicature, which is not explicitly expressed. Geoffrey Leech put forward the politeness principle in o
5、rder to solve the problem of conversational implicature unsolvable by Graces cooperative principle. The politeness principle is the important guarantee of the effective language communication. He lists six maxims: Tact Maxim, Generosity Maxim, Approbation Maxim, Modesty Maxim, Agreement Maxim, and S
6、ympathy该部分为Times New Roman体,小四号,内容自行更换 Maxim. Today many Chinese family have communication trouble with their only child, they do not know how to have effective communication with their child. Without good communication; parents are more likely to have misunderstandings, arguments and even break-ups
7、 with their child. The children do not trust, understanding their parents, they often can not feel loved and appreciated in the family. Therefore, developing good communication skills is an important part of living a fulfilled life. The paper collects some relevant knowledge about the cooperation pr
8、inciple and the politeness principle. Using two principles to give guides to the conversation to make the parents and child have effective communication to make the happiness life come true.(空一行)Key words: 该部分为Times New Roman体,四号,加粗ContentsTimes New Roman,小二,加粗,居中(空一行)Times New Roman,小四,加粗,后面的页面用罗马数
9、字,小写。章节根据自身实际情况进行分配。Abstract in ChineseiAbstractiiIntroduction1Chapter 1: Introduction of the Internship21.1 21.2 41.3 71.4 9一级标题Times New Roman体,小四,加粗,二级、三级标题Times New Roman体,小四号字,从Introduction部分开始,页码用阿拉伯数字。Chapter 2: Process and Content of the Internship112.1 112.2 112.3 12Chapter 3:My View on the
10、 Internship133.1 133.2 13Conclusion16Acknowledgments17Internship ReportIntroductionTimes New Roman体,小二号字,加粗。正文使用Times New Roman体,小四号,两端对齐,首行缩进2字符,行距固定值20磅This report is concerned with This report comprises three parts. Chapter 1 suggests Chapter 2 focuses on. Chapter 3 discussesChapter 1: 章节后面的冒号删除
11、People found that cooperative principle and politeness principle are vital to the effective communication, so I decided to do some research in this field and try to give hints to people who have problems in communications, especially to those spoiled only child in the family. (内容自行更换)1.1 Work tasks
12、(二级标题小三号字,Times New Roman体,加粗,左对齐)正文使用Times New Roman体,小四号,两端对齐,首行缩进2字符,行距固定值20磅In social science generally and linguistics specifically, AcknowledgmentsTimes New Roman体,小二号字,加粗。根据实际情况撰写During the production of this thesis, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor Mr. li for his
13、 unfailing patience, helpfulness and supervision. In addition, my friends give me great encouragement and support during the completion of my graduate thesis, so Id like to send them my heartfelt thank too. Finally I am also like to thank the following important people in my life: my parents for giv
14、ing me the opportunity to make my dream come true; my brother for always being there to smile, offer support and make me smile. Their unselfish love accompanies me throughout all these years and gives me endless strength.Thanks to all the English department faculty members and Staff .Thank you all.圈内使用 Times New Roman 体,小四号,两端对齐,首行缩进2字符,行距固定值20磅最后注意单位是“外语系”而不是“英语系”,应该改为“”,不能是“English Department”。