1、Li&Fung(Trading)LimitedFactory Self Assessment(Social Compliance)Child Labour1Legal minimum age:法定最低工作年齡2Does the factory have a copy of local laws showing minimum age for working in this area?YES()NO()N/A()廠內有沒有任何法律文件說明本地最低工作年齡3Does the factory have a written policy regarding the minimum age of wor
2、kers hired?YES()NO()N/A()工廠有沒有書面政策關於僱用的最低年齡4Are age documentation records and personal files maintained in the factory for all employees?YES()NO()N/A()全廠員工的年齡証明文件及人事檔案是否齊備5Is there any evidence of child labour in the factory?YES()NO()N/A()有沒有跡象及證據僱用童工Illegal Labour6Does the factory maintain appropri
3、ate records regarding juvenile labour hired?YES()NO()N/A()工廠有沒有保持關於僱用青年工的適合的記錄7Does the factory maintain appropriate records regarding foreign labour hired?YES()NO()N/A()工廠有沒有保持關於僱用外國勞工的適合的記錄Force Labour8Does the factory have a written policy against use of prison or forced labour?YES()NO()N/A()有沒有制
4、度關於招聘強迫勞工/非自願勞工9Does your factory hire or evidence of prison,indentured,bonded and/or force labor in the factory?YES()NO()N/A()否有或有沒有跡象及證據聘請囚犯工,抵債工,契約工(非自願)或有強迫工人工作?10Are workers free to leave the employment at their own freewill?YES()NO()N/A()員工是否可依循己願離職11Are workers ID being withheld?YES()NO()N/A(
5、)員工有沒有被扣起證件12Can employees refuse overtime without repercussions?YES()NO()N/A()員工能否拒絕加班13Are employees allowed to use toilet facilities freely during working hours?YES()NO()N/A()員工在上班時間內是否可以自由地使用洗手間14Do all employees have equal access to fresh drinking water?YES()NO()N/A()員工是否能享用清潔的飲用水15Are workers
6、granted freedom of movement in/out of the dormitories?after working hour?YES()NO()N/A()工廠員工是否可以自由進出宿舍?Employment Practices(Disciplines)16Does the factory have a written policy against use of corporal punishment?YES()NO()N/A()廠規內是否列明任何有關體罰制度17Are there any indications of corporal punishment or mental
7、 coercion against workers?YES()NO()N/A()廠內有沒有實施任何體罰或精神壓迫的措施18Are employees allowed to converse during working hours?YES()NO()N/A()員工上班時可否交談Discrimination19Does the factory have a copy of any local laws regarding discrimination?YES()NO()N/A()廠內有沒有任何關於歧視的法律文件20Is there any evidence of discrimination i
8、n respect of race,gender or religion?YES()NO()N/A()有沒有跡象及證據工廠涉及性別,宗教,種族等歧視21Are all workers given equal opportunity to work in the factory?YES()NO()N/A()是否所有員工均有平等的工作機會Factory Self Assessment_COC(ENG-CHI)VER 1:2007P.1 of 5Health&Safety22Is factory clean and well ventilated?YES()NO()N/A()工廠是否清潔及空氣流通2
9、3Is factory well lit?YES()NO()N/A()工廠光線是否充足24Is the exterior of the building well maintained?YES()NO()N/A()工廠外牆是否保養良好25Are toilet facilities available on each floor?YES()NO()N/A()工廠是否每層樓房均有提供廁所26Are toilet facilities functional&clean?YES()NO()N/A()洗手間是否設備完善及清潔27Are bathroom facilities functional wit
10、h running water?YES()NO()N/A()浴室設施是否提供自來水28Is the canteen clean and well ventilated?YES()NO()N/A()飯堂是否清潔及空氣流通29Are first aid supplies available on each floor?YES()NO()N/A()每層樓房是否均有急救用品30Are kits regularly checked and restored?YES()NO()N/A()急救箱用品是否定期檢查及補貨31Are there any trained First Aider?YES()NO()N
11、/A()有沒有受訓的急救員32Are there medical facilities on site?YES()NO()N/A()現場有沒有醫療設施33Are machine guards available for all hazardous moving parts,when required?YES()NO()N/A()是否所有危險的機械部份均已安裝保護裝置34Are machine guards in good condition?YES()NO()N/A()機械保護裝置是否完整無缺35Is suitable personal protective equipment availab
12、le?YES()NO()N/A()工廠有否提供合適的個人保護設備36Is the personal protective equipment in good condition?YES()NO()N/A()個人保護設備是否狀態良好37Are electric wiring,switches&other electrical appliances used safely?YES()NO()N/A()所有電線,電開關及電器是否安全地使用38Are cylinders containing compressed air used&stored safely?YES()NO()N/A()壓縮空氣樽的使
13、用及存放是否安全39Are cylinders&gas storage devices properly labelled?YES()NO()N/A()壓縮空氣樽及容器有沒有標籤40Does the factory have a written policy regarding the use and storage of chemicals,solvents&YES()NO()N/A()cleaning agents?工廠有沒有儲存或使用化學品政策文件41Are chemicals separated and contained safely?YES()NO()N/A()化學物品是否被安全地
14、隔離及儲存42Are chemicals/solvents/cleaning agents used&stored safely&all containers bear MSDS?YES()NO()N/A()化學品有沒有附有物料安全標籤42Are raw materials&finished products stored,handled&transported safely?YES()NO()N/A()工廠的原料及成品的儲存,處理及運送是否安全44Are written fire emergency evacuation plans posted?YES()NO()N/A()有沒有張貼緊急逃
15、生圖45Is there training for emergency evacuation?YES()NO()N/A()有沒有緊急逃生訓練/演習46Is Fire Drill carried out minimum twice a year?YES()NO()N/A()走火演習是否每年最少兩次Factory Self Assessment_COC(ENG-CHI)VER 1:2007P.2 of 547Are there fire extinguishers visible?YES()NO()N/A()滅火筒是否安裝在易見的位置48Are the fire extinguishers in
16、good condition?YES()NO()N/A()滅火筒是否狀態良好49Are there fire extinguishers on each floor?YES()NO()N/A()是否每層樓房均有設置滅火筒50Is there a fire alarm system installed in the factory?YES()NO()N/A()廠房是否有火警警報裝置51Do you have workers trained to use fire extinguishers?YES()NO()N/A()工廠是否有安排員工接受消防器材使用的培訓?52Are there any No
17、 Smoking signs displayed within the factory?YES()NO()N/A()廠房有否張貼 不准吸煙 告示及標誌53Is fire fighting equipment inspection recorded monthly?YES()NO()N/A()有否消防設備的每月檢查記錄54Are fire exits per floor on the factory facility/dormitory compliance with legal fire safet requirement?YES()NO()N/A()工廠的每一層車間及宿舍是否有足夠的應急出口
18、?55Are the emergency evacuation exits clearly marked and passable?YES()NO()N/A()緊急逃生出口是否清晰地標籤及可通行56Do these exits lead to a place of safety?YES()NO()N/A()逃生出口是否通往安全地方57Is there a toilet for every 20-25 people in every floor?YES()NO()N/A()每層之洗手間分配足否達至每20-25 人58Is the noise below 85 decibels?If not,ar
19、e workers provided with ear plugs free of charge?YES()NO()N/A()工厂内的噪音是否有超过85分贝?如是,工厂是否有免费提供耳塞给工人使用?59Are the dormitory site&building well maintained?YES()NO()N/A()宿舍範圍及樓房是否保養完善60Are dormitories clean and well ventilated?YES()NO()N/A()宿舍是否清潔及空氣流通61Do all workers have a minimum of 2 sq meters of livin
20、g space each?YES()NO()N/A()員工在宿舍内的空間是否不低於2平方米/人?62Does factory have broken needle policy?YES()NO()N/A()工廠是否有斷針政策63Does factory sharp tools control policy?YES()NO()N/A()工廠是否有利器管制政策Environmental Protection64Does the factory have environmental policies?YES()NO()N/A()工廠有沒有環保政策65Is factory in possession
21、of a copy of the latest edition for Environment?YES()NO()N/A()工廠有沒有最新版的國家環境保護法規?66Is there any person designated to ensure that all local laws and regulations relating to environmentalYES()NO()N/A()matters are properly addressed?工廠有沒有專人負責確保當地環保法例已貫徹地實施67Does the effluent from the factory meet local
22、wastewater discharge standards?YES()NO()N/A()工廠的廢水之排放是否已合乎當地法例的標準67Does the factory discharge its sewage&effluent into a municipal sewer system?YES()NO()N/A()廠內廢水是否排放致公共污水系統69Does the factory inspect the waste water system regularly?YES()NO()N/A()廠方有否定期檢視污水系統70Does the factory generate any emissions
23、 without control?YES()NO()N/A()工廠有沒有進行無管制的廢物排放71Are any hazardous substances exposed in the workplace?YES()NO()N/A()有沒有任何有害物質在工場內釋放Factory Self Assessment_COC(ENG-CHI)VER 1:2007P.3 of 572Has an asbestos survey ever been done for the facility?YES()NO()N/A()廠房有沒有做過石棉含量評估Employment Practices(Wages&Bene
24、fits)73Are employees compensated for overtime and pay rate not less than local government?YES()NO()N/A()員工是否可以獲得不低於本地政府規定的加班工資74Do workers have enough time off each day for lunch?YES()NO()N/A()員工每天是否都有足夠的午飯時間75Do workers have time each day for breaks?YES()NO()N/A()員工每天是否都有休息時段76Are workers entitled
25、to all statutory holidays?YES()NO()N/A()員工是否能享有所有法定假期77Does the factory have a copy of local laws showing minimum wages and overtime calcuationYES()NO()N/A()in this area?當地最低工資證明及計算方法78Does your factory pay workers the minimum wage?YES()NO()N/A()工廠支付給員工的工資是否不低於當地最低工資標準?79Are all payroll deductions l
26、egal and reasonable?YES()NO()N/A()從工資上扣減的款項是否合法及合理80Are employees compensated for accrued wages upon termination of employment?YES()NO()N/A()員工離職時的累積工資有沒有發放81Are all employees covered by medical and/or other relevant insurance in the industry?YES()NO()N/A()員工是否享有醫療及相關社會保險褔利Employment Practices(Work
27、Hours)Legal maximum working hours per month 法定最高工時:Normal 正常:Overtime 加班:Legal minimum wages 法定最低工資:82Does the factory have a copy of local laws showing maximum working hours in this area?YES()NO()N/A()廠方是否存有關最高工時的當地法例資料83Does the factory have a written policy regarding working hours?YES()NO()N/A()工
28、廠有沒有工作時間的政策文件84Is time worked documented by time card or other record?YES()NO()N/A()員工的工時有沒有記錄85Are there any employees whose normal number of working hours including overtime exceed theYES()NO()N/A()maximum number of hours allowed by law?有沒有員工的工時(包括加班)超過最高法定86Do workers have at least one day off in
29、 seven?YES()NO()N/A()員工是否每7天有1天休息87Is your factory in excess(over)of 60 hours per work week(included OT)?YES()NO()N/A()工廠每週的工作時間是否超過60小時?(包捨加班)?Freedom of Association88Is there a written policy or procedure on grievance?YES()NO()N/A()有沒有文件列明廠內之申訴機制89Do the employees have the legal right to form or b
30、elong to a union?YES()NO()N/A()員工有沒有組織及參加工會的權利Legal Requirements90Is factory in possession of a copy of the latest edition of the local/National Labor Code?YES()NO()N/A()工廠是有沒有最新版的國家勞動法法規?91Is factory in possession of a copy of the latest edition of the local/National Law forYES()NO()N/A()Health&Saf
31、ety in workplace?工廠有沒有最新版的國家安全生産法規?Factory Self Assessment_COC(ENG-CHI)VER 1:2007P.4 of 592Is the vendor free of citation or penalties from violations of labor laws regulations in the past?YES()NO()N/A()過去是否沒有違反任何勞動法及被罰款93Has the facility in the last two years violated or been cited for any violatio
32、n of laws or otherYES()NO()N/A()regulations regarding sewage,hazardous waste or other substances or emissions?工廠在過去兩年有沒有因廢料之排放及處理而被檢控或罰款94Is the factory currently under any legal lawsuit by any party?YES()NO()N/A()工廠目前是否有觸犯法律而涉及司法訴訟?95Does the factory have a current legal permit to operate?YES()NO()
33、N/A()工廠是否持有有效的營業執照/工廠執照?96Does the factory have a current export license to export goods?YES()NO()N/A()工廠是否持有有效的出口許可證或自理報關登記証?97Does your factory practice legal trans-shipment?工廠的貨物生産是否涉及兩個或以上國家而合法地進行有關之產地來源規定?YES()NO()N/A()98Are you performing trans-shipment for any Li Fung customers?YES()NO()N/A()
34、工廠對利豐的客戶的貨物生産是否涉及兩個或以上至國家而合法地進行有關之產地來源規定?99Will your factory allow access to all records/areas,interview workers and areas of the factory?YES()NO()N/A()工廠是否允許評估員察看工廠的任何地方及資料或訪問員工?100Is your factory currently holding a valued certificate from the local authorityYES()NO()N/A()in compliance to local fi
35、re regulations?工廠是否持有當地消防部門簽發的消防驗收批文?Sub-Contractor101Does factory use any sub-contractors?YES()NO()N/A()工廠是否使用外判商來完成訂單?102Has factory conduct assessment its sub-contractors on COC requirement?YES()NO()N/A()工廠是否對外判商的社會責任狀況進行評估?Management System103Are employees given work to complete at home or YES()
36、NO()N/A()factory allow employees complete their work at home?員工有沒有被安排將工廠的工作帶返家完成,或工廠是否容許員工把工序帶返家中完成104Are laws and/or policies posted?YES()NO()N/A()有關法例及/或政策有否張貼在工廠內105Are employees paid on time?YES()NO()N/A()工廠是否依時發工放資給員工106Does the factory have a copy of local laws for factory safety and working c
37、onditions?YES()NO()N/A()工廠有沒有保留有關工作環境安全的法律文件107Are written dormitory rules posted?YES()NO()N/A()有沒有張貼宿舍使用守則108Are common or recreational areas available?YES()NO()N/A()廠區有否提供公共及康樂設施109Are employees trained on the proper use of required safety and/or personal protective equipment?YES()NO()N/A()員工是否已接受
38、有關安全知識及如何正確地使用個人保護裝置的培訓110Are any emergency exits blocked or locked during working hours?YES()NO()N/A()在上班時閒有沒有任何一個緊急出口被鎖上或阻塞111Do you have all the employees wage record for the last 6 months?YES()NO()N/A()工廠有沒有最近六個月的有員工的工資發放表?112Do you have all the employees clock cards for the last 6 months?YES()NO()N/A()工廠是否有最近六個月的有員工的工時記錄表?Shaded Box-Complied 合乎要求White Box-Violates 違規Factory Self Assessment_COC(ENG-CHI)VER 1:2007P.5 of 5