1、2022六级翻译_六级翻译方法 六级翻译由我整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来便利,猜你可能喜爱“六级翻译方法”。 时间的唯一作用就在于它筛出了糟粕,因为只有真正优秀的文学作品才能存留下来。那些杰出的伟人不会从这个世界消逝,它们的灵魂保存在书本里,云游四方。书是活的声音,它所包含的才智今人依旧倾听。因此,我们依旧时刻受到过去伟人的影响。那些世界巨匠像过去一样活在人世间。 The only effect of time has been to sift out the bad products;for nothing in literature can long survive but what
2、 is really good.The great and good do not die from this world.Embalmed in books,their spirits walk abroad.The book is a living voice.It is an intellect to which one still listens.The great and the good will be always remembered as time goes by. 书籍具有不朽的精神,他们是迄今为止人类所创建持续最久的产品。宇宙会损坏,塑像会颓废,但是书籍却能常存人间。对于
3、思想而言,时间并不重要,它们今日让然能同多年前第一次在作者的头脑中刚刚产生时那样鲜活。当年的话语和思想如今依旧通过书本在向我们生动的述说。 Books poe the eence of immortality.They are by far the most lasting products of human effort.The universe can be damaged,temples and statues decay,but books survive.Time is of no account with great thoughts,which are as fresh toda
4、y as when they first paed through their authors minds ages ago.What was then said an thought still speaks to us as vividly as ever from the printed page. 老年为少年之过来人,少年为老年之候补者,老与少,只不过时间上之差别而已。然中国习惯,对老少之间,往往划有无形界限。在客观上,有时重老而轻少,有时重少而轻老。在主观上,老者自恃其老,少年自矜其少。几千年来,遂形成老者自以为持重练达而菲薄少年为少不更事;而少年自以为新锐精进而轻视老者为老朽昏庸。
5、此真所谓偏颇两失之见也。 Old Age and Young The aged are the antecedents of the young, and the young are the candidates of the aged.The difference between age and youth is only a matter of time.But, according to the Chinese custom, there is always an invisible line of demarcation between them.Objectively speakin
6、g,sometimes the aged are held in esteem and the young are made light of; sometimes it is just the other way round.Subjectively speaking, the aged are self-conceited because of their good old age, while the young think no small beer of their own youth.For thousands of years it has been aumed that the
7、 aged, thinking themselves experienced and more skillful, look down upon the young for their greenne in worldly affairs, while the young, thinking themselves fresh in life and more energetic, call the aged old fogies.Either of these views, of course, is far from being impartial. 红楼梦问世二百年以来,通过汉文原文和各种
8、译文读过此书的人,不知有多少亿!这么多的读者哪一个是先看指责家的文章,然而再让指责家牵着鼻子走,按图索骥地去读原作呢?我看是绝无仅有的。一切文学作品,特殊是象红楼梦这样宏大的作品,内容异样地丰富,涉及到的社会层面异样地多,简直象是一个宝山,一座迷宫。而读者群就更加困难,他们来读红楼梦,会各就自己的特点,观赏该书中的某一个方面,受到鼓舞,受到启发,引起了宠爱;也可能受到打击,引起了憎恶。总之是千差万别。Ever since the publication of A Dream of Red Mansions some 200 years ago, hundreds of millions of
9、people have read its Chinese original or its translations in various languages.Of these innumerable people, how many have read the novel by starting with a perusal of the critics articles and allowing themselves to be led by the nose by the critics as to how to read the novel? Next to none.All liter
10、ary works, especially a monumental one like A Dream of Red Mansions, are extremely rich in content and involve diverse social strata-to such an extent that they virtually resemble a mountain of treasure or a labyrinth.And the readers are even more complicated, differing from each other in family bac
11、kground.They will each appreciate a certain aspect of the novel according to their own individuality.They may feel inspired and enlightened, and hence love it, or they may feel hurt, and hence loathe it.In short, there actions vary. 一个好青年必需身体健康。无论从事什么行业,健康的身体才是胜利的基础。它使我们能够努力工作,坚决不移;使我能够奋斗,坚持下去。除此之外,
12、我们更能适应当前的工作,能为胜利而奋斗,能够忍受艰苦,能够报效国家。一个好青年必需培育良好,高尚的品行。许多学问渊博的人误入歧途。他们对社会甚至对国家的破坏大于贡献。他们只追求自己的利益,而不知道道德为何物。这个观点看来,“德行”对一个优秀青年更为重要。对于一个好青年来说,学问是自己的事,不能依靠别人。 A good young man must have a healthy body condition.No matter what kind of job you engaged in,a healthy body is the base of succe.It makes us work
13、hard and unswervingly;it makes us endeavor and insist.Besides these,we can adapt to the present job better,fight for the succe,bear the hardships and serve our country.A good young man must cultivate a fine and lofty character.Many learned people go astray and the harm they have done to the society
14、or even the country exceeds his dedication.They only chased after their personal interests without knowing what the morality is.From this point of view,“morality”is more important to an excellent young man.To a good young man,knowledge is his own busine,and he can not depend on others. 九寨沟的山水风光,纵有万丽
15、千奇,一旦离开原始的自然美,就一切都没有了。”他们的见解是精辟的。当你步入沟中,便可见树正群海荡漾生辉,瀑布舒洒碧玉。一到金秋,满山枫叶绛红。盛夏,湖山幽翠。仲春,树绿花艳四时都呈现出它的自然原始,安静幽深。 All the beauty of Jiuzhaigou is endowed by nature.If the natural charm were removed, there would be no more of Jiuzhaigou.Mystic lakes and sparkling waterfalls captivate your eyes as you enter th
16、e ravine.The trees are their greenest in spring when intensified by colorful flowers.In summer, warm tints spread over the hills and lake lands.As summer merges into autumn, the maple trees turn fiery-red, splashing color through the thickly forested hills.Tranquility pervades primitive Jiuzhaigou t
17、hroughout the year. 近代以来,亚洲经验了曲折和艰难的发展历程。亚洲人们为变更自己的命运,始终以不屈的意志和艰辛的奋斗开拓前进道路。今日,人们所看到的亚洲发展成就,是勤劳才智的亚洲人民不屈不挠、锲而不舍奋斗的结果。 亚洲人民深知,世界上没有放之四海而皆准的发展模式,也没有一成不变的发展道路,亚洲人民勇于变革创新,不断开拓进取,探究和开拓适应时代潮流,符合自身实际的发展道路,为经济社会发展打开了广袤前景。 In modern times, Asia experienced twists and turns in its development.To change their d
18、estiny,the people of Asia have been forging ahead in an indomitable spirit and with hard struggle.Asias development achievements today are the result of the persistent efforts of the industrious and talented Asian people. The people of Asia are fully aware that there is no ready model or unchanging
19、path of development that is universally applicable.They never shy away from reform and innovation.Instead, they are committed to exploring and finding development paths that are in line with the trend of the times and their own situations, and have opened up bright prospects for economic and social
20、development. 截至2003年12月,欧盟15个成员国来华投资项目数已达16158个,合同外资金额约650亿美元,实际投入378亿美元。与此同时,中国的一些大企业如联想、海尔、华为、TCL等,也起先在欧盟投资设厂或成立营销、研发中心。欧盟还始终是中国引进先进技术和设备的重要来源。中国与欧盟在先进技术,尤其是高科技产品方面的合作有助于欧盟扩大对华出口,也有利于中国企业产业升级、技术更新,符合双方利益,具有很大的发展空间。 By the end of December 2003, the 15 members of the EU had altogether invested in 16
21、,158 projects in China with the contractual investment worth of US$ 65 billion and with the actually utilized investment ofUS$ 37.8 billion.At the same time, some of Chinas big companies like Lenovo, Haier, Huawei Technologyand TCL have started to make investment in the EU member states to establish
22、 plants or marketing, R centers.The EU has always been an important source of technology and equipment import for China.The Sino-EU cooperation in the field of advanced technologies,especially the new and high-tech products, helps expand the EU export to China and also helps Chinese enterprises upgr
23、ade their industries, renovate their technologies.All these are in the interests of both sides and have considerable space for further growth. 尽管全球大量的电子产品和鞋等都是中国制造,但这些产品的设计都是在欧美或日本完成的。中国公司制造自己品牌的产品时,通常是仿照国外。但如今不同了,他们都想开创自己的品牌。随着中国公司在设计上的改进,跨国公司意识到,他们的产品须要特地针对中国消费者的品尝进行“量身定做”了。这些使中国设计产业起先旺盛起来。 Althou
24、gh large numbers of global electronic products and shoes are made in China,the design of these products are finished by Europe and America of Japan.In the past,the Chinese companies usually imitated foreign countries when producing their own brand products.But nowadays it is all different.They want
25、to create their own brand.Along with the design improvement of the Chinese companies,the multination companies realize that their product need to be “tailored”to be the taste of Chinese consumers.All of these make the Chinese design industry become prosperous. 我们的现代化建设,必需从中国的实际动身。无论是革命还是建设,都要留意学习和借鉴
26、外国阅历。但是,照抄照搬别国阅历、别国模式,从来不能得到胜利。这方面我们有过教训。把马克思主义的普遍真理同我国的详细实际结合起来,走自己的道路,建设有中国特色的社会主义,这就是我们总结长期历史阅历得出的基本结论。 Our countrys modernization must start from the reality of China.Either on the revolution of the construction we need to learn and draw the experience from the foreign countries.But we will neve
27、r win the succe if we mechanically copy other countries experience or formats.We have already had the leon in this aspect.It is the basic conclusion which we summarized the long-term historical experience that we should combine the Marxisms universal truth with out specific situation together,walkin
28、g on our own roads and building up the socialism with Chineseaharacteristic. 六级翻译 (一)孙子兵法(The Art of War)是中国古代最重要的一部军事著作之一,是我国优秀传统文化重要组成部分。孙子(Sun Tzu),即该书作者,在书中揭示的一系列具有普遍意义的军事规律,不仅. 六级翻译 北京有多数的胡同。胡同的意思就是小巷子。平民百姓在胡同里的生活给古都北京带来了无穷的魅力。通常,胡同内有一个大杂院,房间够4到10个家庭的差不多20口人住。所以,胡同里的. 六级 翻译 上海自贸试验区,称之为“pilot fr
29、ee trade zone”(简写pilot FTZ)。其中“pilot”一词为“试验”之义。商务部的英文页面在发布相关信息时,也曾有“China (Shanghai)Pilot FTZ”. 历年六级翻译(.12 六级备考) Part Translation (5 minutes)Directions: Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets.Please write your translation on Ans. 六级翻译总结 六级翻译总结一、倍数增减的表示法1) Force N1 _(比力N2大2.5倍).answer: is 2.5 times greater than Force N2 (考点:倍数 + 形容词/副词比较级 + than)2) This. 本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第13页 共13页第 13 页 共 13 页第 13 页 共 13 页第 13 页 共 13 页第 13 页 共 13 页第 13 页 共 13 页第 13 页 共 13 页第 13 页 共 13 页第 13 页 共 13 页第 13 页 共 13 页第 13 页 共 13 页