1、Talent Management and Career ManagementCourse DescriptionThis course presents a comprehensive overview of how to effectively develop a talent management strategy. Topics include workforce analysis, talent acquisition, onboarding, performance management, leadership development, succession planning, r
2、etention, and engagement.Course ObjectivesOn completion of the course, students will be able to:Determine talent management strategies to support an organizations objectivesConduct a workforce analysisDevelop a talent acquisition strategy to meet an organizations human capital needsDefine critical e
3、lements of a successful performance management program Create a succession planning process and implementation planDesign a leadership development program aligned with an organizations strategic priorities and values Outline an approach to engage and retain employeesCreate a career development planC
4、ourse RequirementsStudents are expected to come to class having read the assigned materials for that class and to be ready to participate in class discussions. Students are strongly encouraged to utilize email and the internet as resources about the class, networking, communication, and research. Su
5、pplemental reading material will be assigned during the term.Required TextBest Practices in Talent Management: How the Worlds Leading Corporations Manage, Develop, and Retain Top Talent, Edited by Marshall Goldsmith and Louis Carter; 2010 Pfeiffer, San Francisco, CA, ISBN978-0-470-49961-0 “The Execu
6、tive Guide to Integrated Talent Management/ Kevin Oakes and Pat Galagan, editors; 2011 ASTD press, Alexandria, VA, ISBN10: 1-56286-754-7Syllabus modification notation: In some instances, the syllabus might need to be altered, and as the professor, I retain the right to make said changes. In such ins
7、tances, I will give notice of those changes to the class in a timely manner.Assignments and grades will be posted on Blackboard. It is students responsibility to check Blackboard to ensure that they are aware of assignments and other related communication from the professor.This is the general topic
8、al direction in which the course will proceed. However, from time to time, this direction may change as events dictate.Grading System2 PapersEach 20 percentClass participation5%Mid term exam20%Final paper35%Grading: During the semester, students will be assigned two papers; each will be 20% of the g
9、rade. First paper will be 8 pages minimum and 12 pages maximum, second paper will be 8 pages minimum and 12 pages maximum, excluding references, double-spaced, no larger than 12-point font. The mid-term exam will be in class, closed book. The midterm exam will be 20% of the grade. A final paper base
10、d on the students research of the class topics as well as classroom discussion will be 35% of the grade. The final paper will be 12 pages minimum and 15 pages maximum, double-spaced, no larger than 12-point font. Collaboration will be valued in classroom activities, along with evidence of having com
11、pleted reading assignments in preparation for class. Everyone is expected and required to participate in class. Class participation will account for 5% of the grade.The following is provided as a guide used for assessing grades in all areas of the grading system. There is no grade of D. A100-95 perc
12、entA-94-90B+89-87B86-83B-82-80C79-70F69 and belowA 95-100%Clearly stands out as excellent work. An A grade work could be used as a model for other students to emulate. Shows excellent grasp of subject matter and conceptual integration. The presentation shows excellent in-depth analytical thinking an
13、d an elegantly innovative application. It is very well written and organized. Ideas and concepts are persuasively presented. Utilizes class material, readings, and discussion. Additional input is provided, relevant to the subject, from outside sources or personal experience.A- 90-94%Represents high
14、quality performance. Shows excellent grasp of subject matter and conceptual integration. Shows a high level of thinking, analysis and application. It is very well written and organized. Utilizes class material, readings, and discussion. Additional input is provided, relevant to the subject, from out
15、side sources or personal experience.B+ 87-89%Represents very good work. Shows thorough grasp of subject matter and effective application. Shows good thinking and analysis. It is well written and organized. Additional input is provided, relevant to the subject, from outside sources or personal experi
16、ence.B 83-86%Represents good work. Shows adequate level of thinking and analysis. Standard of presentation, organization and appropriateness of application is adequate. Some level of additional input is provided.B- 82-80%Work is below graduate level expectations, marginally passing. Presentation is
17、rather general, superficial, or incomplete and not very well written. Indicates minimal level of individual thought or effort with inadequate attempts at application.C 70-79%Work is clearly unsatisfactory. It is poorly written and presented, shows poor analysis, misses important elements and lacks a
18、ny noticeable attempts at application.F 690/o and belowFails to meet minimum acceptable standards.AttendanceStudents are expected at all meetings of this course. We do understand that from time to time, family, personal and work or work emergencies may arise. In those circumstances, please contact m
19、e immediately. A student who misses more than two classes is subject to withdrawal from the class by Professor Ramsey and a final grade of F in the course.Late PapersExcept in rare circumstances, late papers are not accepted. In case of emergency, this rule can be waived with appropriate documentati
20、on and cause. Requests for extensions must reach me no later than a week before the paper is due.IncompleteIncompletes are given in only the most extraordinary circumstances and with appropriate documentation. Where an incomplete is granted, a grade of N shall be granted until the work is handed in
21、and, then, the grade shall be changed accordingly. In no case shall work submitted after the announced date (date will be announced in class) be granted an incomplete. The work shall be delivered no later than midnight on that day. Failure to adhere to this rule will result in an F.Citation SystemSt
22、udents must use APA style in all papers submitted in the course.TStudents agree that by taking this course all required papers will be subject to submission for Textual Similarity Review to T for detection of plagiarism. All submitted papers will be added as source documents in the T reference datab
23、ase solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of such papers in the future. Use of the T service is subject to the terms of use agreement posted on the T site. Class id:Students with Disabilities PolicyStudents with documented disabilities have the right to specific accommodations that do not f
24、undamentally alter the nature of the course. Some accommodations might include note takers, books on tape, extended time on assignments, and interpreter services among others. Students must obtain an official letter from the Academic Resource Center listing the exact accommodations needed. Students
25、with disabilities should contact the Academic Resource Center (ARC) (Leavey Center, Suite 335; 202-687-8354; ;) before the start of classes to allow their office time to review the documentation and make recommendations for appropriate accommodations. If accommodations are recommended, you will be given a letter from ARC to share with your professors. You are personally responsible for completing this process officially and in a timely manner. Neither accommodations nor exceptions to policies can be permitted to students who have not completed this process in advance