1、在整堂课的教学中,刘教师总是让学生带着问题来学习,而问题的设置具有一定的梯度,由浅入深,所提出的问题也很明确我们毕业啦其实是答辩的标题地方Optimization of spray drying process for developing seabuckthorn fruit juice powder using response surface methodologyReporteReporter rDateDateLai Yunfei2016/11/10在整堂课的教学中,刘教师总是让学生带着问题来学习,而问题的设置具有一定的梯度,由浅入深,所提出的问题也很明确pintroductioni
2、ntroductionpExperimentalExperimentalpResults and Results and discussiondiscussionpConclusionConclusionCONTANTS在整堂课的教学中,刘教师总是让学生带着问题来学习,而问题的设置具有一定的梯度,由浅入深,所提出的问题也很明确introductionintroductionExperimentaExperimental lResults and Results and discussiondiscussionConclusionConclusionlSeabuckthorn(Hippophae
3、 rhamnoides),a deciduous shrub with yellow or orange berries is attracting considerable attention mainly for its medicinal value and great economic potential(Li and Schroeder 1996;Li and Wang1998).lSeabuckthorn juice can be effectively utilized for development of nutritive rich fruit juice powder by
4、 utilizing spray drying process.lThe aim of this study was to find out optimum conditions for spray drying process viz.,inlet air temperature and maltodextrin concentration levels for developing seabuckthorn fruit juice powder(SFJP)that should have desirable physico-chemical properties(moisture,solu
5、bility,dispersibility,vitamin C,overall color difference value).在整堂课的教学中,刘教师总是让学生带着问题来学习,而问题的设置具有一定的梯度,由浅入深,所提出的问题也很明确introductionintroductionResults and Results and discussiondiscussionConclusionConclusionExperimentaExperimental llProcess flow chart for development of Process flow chart for develop
6、ment of seabuckthorn fruit juice powderseabuckthorn fruit juice powderuRaw materialsRaw materialsSeabuckthorn fruits;Maltodextrin DE 10;tricalcium phosphate(Food grade)All other chemical reagents;uPreparation of seabuckthorn fruit juice slurryPreparation of seabuckthorn fruit juice slurrywashed thor
7、oughly and crushed in a mixer grinder,squeezed in muslin cloth and sieved through strainer(30 meshes)to get fine juice;pasteurized at 75 C for 30 min in water bath;在整堂课的教学中,刘教师总是让学生带着问题来学习,而问题的设置具有一定的梯度,由浅入深,所提出的问题也很明确introductionintroductionResults and Results and discussiondiscussionConclusionConc
8、lusionExperimentaExperimental lthe maltodextrin was dissolved in small portion of the juice and then added to the rest of the juice in a commercial blender(1 min at low speed and 2 min at high speed);Tricalcium phosphate was then added to the liquid slurry and then again mixed for 3 min in the blend
9、er at high speed to get uniform slurry.uSpray dryingSpray dryingThe slurry was spray dried in a pilot-scale spray dryer;inlet air temperature:148.79191.21 C;vacuum:50 Hg;outlet air temperature:6590 C;feed rate:30 rpm;air pressure:2.1 kg/cm2;The samples were then transferred to paper foil polyethylen
10、e packages of size 15 cm x 20 cm and sealed immediately .在整堂课的教学中,刘教师总是让学生带着问题来学习,而问题的设置具有一定的梯度,由浅入深,所提出的问题也很明确introductionintroductionResults and Results and discussiondiscussionConclusionConclusionExperimentaExperimental lSeabuckthorn berries Extraction of juicePasteurization(75C,30 min)Blending(M
11、altodextrin and tricalcium phosphate)Fruit juice slurrySpray drying(Inlet air temperature:148.79 191.21C)(Outlet air temperature:65-90C)(Feed rate:30 rpm)(Air pressure:2.1 kg/cm2)(Vacuum pressure:50 Hg)Seabuckthorn fruit juice powder(SFJP)Fig.1 Process flow chart for development of seabuckthorn frui
12、t juice powder在整堂课的教学中,刘教师总是让学生带着问题来学习,而问题的设置具有一定的梯度,由浅入深,所提出的问题也很明确introductionintroductionResults and Results and discussiondiscussionConclusionConclusionExperimentaExperimental llOptimization of spray drying process for development of Optimization of spray drying process for development of seabuc
13、kthorn fruit juice powderseabuckthorn fruit juice powderuStatistical analysisStatistical Software:Design Expert(Version 6.0.10,Stat-Ease Inc.,Minneapolis,MN).uThe RSM was used to derive the optimum formulation conditions using a five parameter five level Central Composite Rotatable Design(CCRD)which
14、 dictated 14 experimental runs.在整堂课的教学中,刘教师总是让学生带着问题来学习,而问题的设置具有一定的梯度,由浅入深,所提出的问题也很明确introductionintroductionResults and Results and discussiondiscussionConclusionConclusionExperimentaExperimental luTable 1 shows the real and coded values of the independent variables used to determine the optimumaFo
15、r drying 100 g fruit juice slurry by keeping juice(100 g)and tricalcium phosphate(2 g)as constant variables在整堂课的教学中,刘教师总是让学生带着问题来学习,而问题的设置具有一定的梯度,由浅入深,所提出的问题也很明确introductionintroductionResults and Results and discussiondiscussionConclusionConclusionExperimentaExperimental lThe responses for each run
16、(Table 2)were subjected to multiple regressioThe responses for each run(Table 2)were subjected to multiple regression n analysisanalysis.Initial level of vitamin C in fruit juice slurry before spray drying was 504.0 mg/100 g在整堂课的教学中,刘教师总是让学生带着问题来学习,而问题的设置具有一定的梯度,由浅入深,所提出的问题也很明确introductionintroducti
17、onResults and Results and discussiondiscussionConclusionConclusionExperimentaExperimental lYK=f(X1;X2)K=1,2,3,4,5;Y1(moisture constent),Y2(solubility),Y3(dispersibility)Y4(vitamin C),Y5(overall color difference value);X1 :levels of inlet air temperature;X2:maltodextrin concentration Y=0+1X1+2X2+11X1
18、2+2X222+12X1X2regression coefficients:0,1,2,11,22,12;X1:the coded levels of inlet air temperature X2:the coded levels of maltodextrin concentration this equation was used to evaluate the linear,quadratic and interactive effects of independent variables on the chosen response.在整堂课的教学中,刘教师总是让学生带着问题来学习
19、,而问题的设置具有一定的梯度,由浅入深,所提出的问题也很明确introductionintroductionConclusionConclusionExperimentaExperimental luTable 3 shows the ANOVA data for response variables and their significance at 95%confidence level along with correlation coefficients.A hig correlation coefficient(R 0.7478)explained the goodness of f
20、it of the experimental data in the response surface models of moisture content,solubility,dispersibility,vitamin C content and overall color difference value.This function showed that over 74.78%of the total variation was accounted for or all the five response surface models fitted the data well and
21、 were adequately explained.Results and Results and discussiondiscussion在整堂课的教学中,刘教师总是让学生带着问题来学习,而问题的设置具有一定的梯度,由浅入深,所提出的问题也很明确introductionintroductionConclusionConclusionExperimentaExperimental luThe regression coefficients obtained for the second order polynomials(SOP)of the five responses are shown
22、 in Table 4.Results and Results and discussiondiscussion在整堂课的教学中,刘教师总是让学生带着问题来学习,而问题的设置具有一定的梯度,由浅入深,所提出的问题也很明确uMoisture contentobtianed the Eq.(4)by Table 4:the moisture content decreased with the increase in inlet air temperature(maximum influence)as well as maltodextrin concentration.This may be d
23、ue to generation of high hot air during drying,which might have trapped the moist air that was found in the fed product and it might have reduced the moisture content to a greater extent(Jaya and Das 2004).uSolubility and dispersibilityobtianed the Eq.(5)and (6)by Table 4:introductionintroductionCon
24、clusionConclusionExperimentaExperimental lResults and Results and discussiondiscussion在整堂课的教学中,刘教师总是让学生带着问题来学习,而问题的设置具有一定的梯度,由浅入深,所提出的问题也很明确a decrease in the maltodextrin concentration level in the fruit juice slurry increased the solubility and dispersibility values of the fruit juice powder.This m
25、ay be due to presence of less amount of insoluble residue and formation of very few lumps as a result of use of lower amount of additive i.e.maltodextrin(Abadio et al.2004;Jaya and Das 2004).uVitamin C contentVitamin C contentobtianed the Eq.(7)by Table 4:introductionintroductionConclusionConclusion
26、ExperimentaExperimental lResults and Results and discussiondiscussionvitamin C content of the juice powder increased significantly by reducing the spray drying condition i.e.inlet air temperature(maximum influence)and food additive i.e.maltodextrin concentration in the fruit juice slurry.which could
27、 be due to use of high temperature during processing.在整堂课的教学中,刘教师总是让学生带着问题来学习,而问题的设置具有一定的梯度,由浅入深,所提出的问题也很明确uOverall color difference valueOverall color difference valueobtianed the Eq.(8)by Table 4:it is clear that an decrease in maltodextrin concentration level in the fruit juice slurry decreased t
28、he overall color difference value of the fruit juice powder,while the reduction in inlet air temperature doesnt showed any prominent remarkable effect.This may be due to use of maltodextrin concentration at a lower extent,which might have not reduced the intensity of the bright orange color of the f
29、ruit juice slurry.introductionintroductionConclusionConclusionExperimentaExperimental lResults and Results and discussiondiscussion在整堂课的教学中,刘教师总是让学生带着问题来学习,而问题的设置具有一定的梯度,由浅入深,所提出的问题也很明确introductionintroductionConclusionConclusionExperimentaExperimental lResults and Results and discussiondiscussionuT
30、he contour plot for moisture content,solubility,dispersibility,vitamin C content and overall color difference value as a function of levels of inlet air temperature and maltodextrin concentration is shown in Fig.2ae.u The optimum area was obtained by superimposing(graphical method)the contour plots
31、from which the optimum formulation was obtained(Madamba 1997).在整堂课的教学中,刘教师总是让学生带着问题来学习,而问题的设置具有一定的梯度,由浅入深,所提出的问题也很明确introductionintroductionConclusionConclusionExperimentaExperimental lResults and Results and discussiondiscussion在整堂课的教学中,刘教师总是让学生带着问题来学习,而问题的设置具有一定的梯度,由浅入深,所提出的问题也很明确introductionintro
32、ductionConclusionConclusionExperimentaExperimental lResults and Results and discussiondiscussionuOptimization of fruit juice powder processingOptimization of fruit juice powder processingThe desired goals for each variable and response were chosen as summarized in Table 5a.Table 5b shows that the so
33、ftware generated one optimum conditions of independent variables with the predicted values of responses.(X1 :levels of inlet air temperature;X2:maltodextrin concentration;Y1(moisture constent),Y2(solubility),Y3(dispersibility),Y4(vitamin C),Y5(overall color difference value)在整堂课的教学中,刘教师总是让学生带着问题来学习,
34、而问题的设置具有一定的梯度,由浅入深,所提出的问题也很明确introductionintroductionConclusionConclusionExperimentaExperimental lResults and Results and discussiondiscussionuVerification of second order polynomial modelVerification of second order polynomial modelThe SFJP was developed using the derived optimum processing conditi
35、ons to check the validity of the SOP model.(inlet air temperature level of 162.5 C and maltodextrin concentration level of 25 g for drying 100 g)The experimental values for moisture,solubility,dispersibility,vitamin C and overall color difference value were determined and compared with the predicted
36、 values of the SOP model(Table 6).在整堂课的教学中,刘教师总是让学生带着问题来学习,而问题的设置具有一定的梯度,由浅入深,所提出的问题也很明确introductionintroductionExperimentaExperimental lResults and Results and discussiondiscussionConclusionConclusionuFourteen different runs according to the CCRD were used to study the quality parameters of SFJP at
37、 various levels of inlet air temperature and maltodextrin concentration.uThe response surface methodology was used to optimize the processing conditions using moisture content,solubility,dispersibility,vitamin C content and overall color difference value as responses.uThe SOP models for moisture con
38、tent,solubility,dispersibility,vitamin C content and overall color difference value were statistically significant.u By superimposing the contour plots,an optimum spray drying process i.e.inlet air temperature level of 162.5 C and maltodextrin concentration level of 25 g for drying 100 g of fruit ju
39、ice slurry was recommended with predicted responses close to experimental values.uThe SFJP sample developed using the optimized spray drying process compared well with the commercial fruit juice powder sample in terms of nutritional properties.在整堂课的教学中,刘教师总是让学生带着问题来学习,而问题的设置具有一定的梯度,由浅入深,所提出的问题也很明确THANKS