1、机电工程技术2010年第39卷第12期机电工程技术2010年第39卷第12期基于 ANSYS Workbench 的带环肋耐压壳体的刚度分析熊传志,江国金,胡必文,詹传明(中国船舶重工集团公司第七一研究所,湖北宜昌443000)收稿日期:20100619摘要:承受外压或是内压的耐压壳体,为了提高壳体的刚度而又不过多的增加壳体的厚度,一般在耐压壳体的内表面或是外表面增加加强筋。借助于ANSYS Workbench软件进行数值仿真,对到底是内表面加强筋还是外表面加强筋能更好地提高壳体的刚度进行了分析,得出比较明晰的结论。关键词:耐压壳体;加强筋;数值仿真中图分类号:TP391文献标识码:A文章编号
3、体在实际用途中要考虑的其它特性,建立理想的耐压壳体模型。单纯地从增强壳体刚性的角度出发,加强筋到底是添加在壳体的内表面还是外表面能更好的达到效果,传统的计算方法不能有效地给出结论。借助于有限元软件ANSYS Workbench可以精确地计算出加筋壳体的最大变形,通过对比内外表面分别加筋壳体的最大变形,可以判断出哪种加筋方式能起到更好地提高壳体刚度的作用。2 ANSYS程序的理论背景及应用ANSYS的理论基础是起源于结构矩阵分析的有限元单元法4。有限元单元是一种多物理场数值计算方法,它是结构工程师和应用数学研究人员共同智慧的结晶。1956年,Turner和Clough等人首次将刚架分析的矩阵位移
4、法应用于飞机结构的分析中。之后的1960年,Clough将这种处理问题的思路推广到求解弹性力学的平面应力问题,给出了三角形单元求解弹性力学问题的正确答案,并且首次提出了“有限单元法”的名称。之后,应用数学家和力学家们则通过研究找到了有限元方法的数学基础变分原理,进而将这一方法推广应用于求解各种数学物理问题,如热传导、流体力学以及电磁场问题等。ANSYS Workbench作为ANSYS公司在2002年开发的新一代产品研发平台5,不但继承了ANSYS经典平台(ANSYS Classic)在有限元仿真分析上的所有功能,而且融入了UG,PROE等CAD软件强大的几何建模功能。ANSYS Workbe
5、nch与经典版本比起来操作更加简单,在几何模型的建立以及网格的划分方面更加快捷,最关键的是ANSYS Workbench的后处理更加详尽,它将各种数据整理的非常有序,大大减轻了用户后处理的劳动强度,节约了宝贵的时间。3建立有限元模型,施加约束及载荷31建模ANSYS Workbench软件本身建模的功能已经比较强大了,但采用三维CAD软件PROE建立带肋的压力容器会更加方便。分别建立内表面和外表面加肋的理想模型,以IGES的格式保存,以备后面直接导入到ANSYS Work-bench中进行分析。为了保证仿真结果的可对比性,建立的内表面加肋几何模型与外表面加肋几何模型的壳体和肋骨尺寸是完全一致的
6、,唯一的区别是一个肋骨加在壳体的内表面,一个加在壳体的外表面。整个耐压壳体的材料都是结构钢,其材料塑性如表1所示。一号模型为外表面加筋,二号模型为内表面加筋。制造业信息化39机电工程技术2010年第39卷第12期机电工程技术2010年第39卷第12期图2外表面加筋的耐压壳体几何模型利用PROE建 立的二维示意图如图1所示,平 面 图 绕 左侧 的 轴线 旋转 即 可 得 到外 表 面加 筋的 圆 柱 壳 体,平 面图 绕右 侧 的 轴 线旋 转 即可 以得到内表面加筋的圆柱壳体。壳体的壁厚和环肋的尺寸都在平面图中表达的非常清楚。采用这种方式建立的内外加筋的圆柱壳体除了筋的分布表面不同,体积、质
7、量、筋的分布形式都是完全一样,这样在后面的有限元仿真过程中,计算出来的结果会有很强的对比性。壳体壁厚H20mm,外径R120mm,矩形截面尺寸为8mm10mm。32划分网格网格划分的好坏和疏密关系到计算精度和计算时间,考虑到对比内外加筋壳体的变形,需要将一号模型和二号模型的网格数量划分相同。采用控制单元尺寸的方法来划分网格,可以保证两个模型的网格数一致。对于所建立的理想模型,采用控制element size105,划分出的网格大小疏密比较适中,满足计算精度要求。利用ProE建立的外表面加筋的圆柱壳体,以IGES的格式保存后导入到ANSYS Workbench中,如图2所示。利用ProE建立的内
8、表面加筋的圆柱壳体,以IGES的格式保存后导入到ANSYS Workbench中,如图3所示。在ANSYS Workbench中采用自适应划分网格的方式,通过控制单元大小划分得出的外表面加筋壳体的有限元网格如图4所示。在ANSYS Workbench中采用自适应划分网格的方式,通过控制单元大小划分得出的内表面加筋壳体的有限元网格如图5所示。33加载对模型的两端施加固定约束,约束可能与实际工程应用有一定的差别,但考虑到计算结果的可对比性,统一采用对壳体两端固定约束。表面施加均布压力载荷(1MPa)。34求解本文的研究目的是比较不同加筋方式对刚度的影响,所以主要是求解壳体的最大变形量,另外也可以附
9、带求解壳体的当量应变和当量应力作为参考。图1带肋耐压的二维模型图3内表面加筋的耐压壳体几何模型图4外表面加筋的耐压壳体有限元模型(1号有限元模型)制造业信息化表1结构钢材料属性属性杨氏模量泊松比密度数值2e005 MPa03785e006kgmm340机电工程技术2010年第39卷第12期机电工程技术2010年第39卷第12期图5内表面加筋的耐压壳体有限元模型(2号有限元模型)4从后处理中查看求解结果在后处理中提取壳体的变形即deformation值,计算结果以云图的形式显示,如图6所示,图左侧的数值列表是壳体变形的几个极值,从小到大依次从下往上排列。通过位移变形的云图显示可以非常直观地看到耐
10、压壳体的变形大小的趋势,壳体两端由于约束的原因基本没有变形,而中间则变形最大。具体的位移大小会在下列表格中列出。(1)在承受外压1MPa均布载荷的情况下,分别计算内表面加筋圆柱壳体和外表面加筋圆柱壳体的最大变形。结果如图6、图7、表2、表3所示。(2)在承受内压1MPa均布载荷的情况下,分别计算内表面加筋圆柱壳体和外表面加筋圆柱壳体的最大变形。求取过程同承受外压的壳体是完全一致的。结果如图8、图9、表4、表5所示。图6外表面加筋应力云图(外压)表2后处理结果输出类型最小值最大值总的变形0mm29896e003mm当量弹性应变54898e006 mmmm46511e005 mmmm当量应力109
11、8MPa93022MPa图7内表面加筋应力云图(外压)表3后处理结果输出类型最小值最大值总变形0mm29525e003mm当量弹性应变53459e006mmmm46131e005mmmm当量应力10692 MPa92262 MPa图8外表面加筋应力云图(内压)类型最小值最大值总的变形0mm2709e003 mm当量弹性应变54682e006 mmmm46628e005 mmmm当量应力10936 MPa93257 MPa表4后处理结果输出(下转第76页)制造业信息化41机电工程技术2010年第39卷第12期机电工程技术2010年第39卷第12期图9内表面加筋应力云图(内压)(3)对比内外表面加
13、耐压壳体也会涉及到加筋的情况,除此之外,现在的很多耐压壳体都是采用复合材料缠绕而成,复合材料耐压壳体在承受压力时的变形特性是否与传统材料一样,在后续的研究中都可以对这些类型的耐压壳体进行分析计算,为实际应用提供理论参考。参考文献:1 刘晓欧,尹韵平,严光洪基于MSC Nastran的水下环肋圆柱壳体振动模态计算方法 J计算机辅助工程,2006(S1):1241272 尚晓江,邱峰,赵海峰 ANSYS结构有限元高级分析方法与范例应用(第二版)M北京:中国水利水电出版社,20083 李兵,何正嘉,陈雪峰 ANSYS Workbench设计、仿真与优化 M北京:清华大学出版社,20084【奥】约瑟夫
14、L泽曼,弗朗茨拉舌尔,塞巴斯蒂安辛德勒压力容器分析设计直接法 M北京:化学工业出版社,20105 安世亚太公司,ANSYS Workbench结构分析技术培训教程Z 2010第一作者简介:熊传志,男,1986年生,湖北江陵人,硕士研究生。研究领域:计算机辅助设计。(编辑:吴智恒)类型最小值最大值总变形0mm27033e003 mm当量弹性应变52788e006 mmmm46056e005 mmmm当量应力10558 MPa92112 MPa表5后处理结果输出表6内外加筋壳体的最大变形的比较内压外压内表面加筋29525e3mm27033e3mm外表面加筋29896e3mm2709e3mm差值00
15、371e3mm000573e3mm差额百分比124021图5PWM仿真波形图术实现对直流电机的速度控制。从仿真效果来看,它能对直流电机的速度进行50档的调节,若将此系统的电机功率驱动部分电路加以优化和实现,此系统可以被推广使用,并能满足一般直流电机的速度控制要求。参考文献:1 韩志荣,黄乡生,李跃忠 AT89C51单片机在直流电机闭环调速系统中的应用 J华东地质学院学报,2002,25(1):70742 江世民基于Proteus的单片机应用技术 M北京:电子工业出版社,20093 阎石数字电子技术基础(第五版)M北京:高等教育出版社,20064Atmel 8Bit Microcontrolle
16、r with 4k Bytes Flash AT89C51M USA:Atmel Corporation,19975 林金阳,王明福基于MC51单片机的直流电机PWM调速系统 J长春工程学院学报(自然科学版),2009,10(3):32356 林志琦,郎建军,李会杰,等基于Proteus的单片机可视化软硬件仿真 M北京:北京航空航天大学出版社,2006第一作者简介:黄伟锋,男,1979年生,硕士,讲师。研究领域:电子信息及自动化技术应用。(编辑:向飞)!(上接第41页)工业自动化76Abstracts10-12-13 The Development of Enameled Flat Coppe
17、r Wire and the Research of Flat Micro-Wire Enamelling Process10-12-18 Research on Testability Technology and Its Application in Engineering Equipment10-12-32 FEA for Basic Parts of High Speed NC Maching Center10-12-22 The Expert System Oriented Object for the Fault Diagnosis of NC MachineTools10-12-
18、35 A Research on the New Model of Manufacture Based on the Cooperation Theory10-12-24 The Parametric Design of Conjugate Cam Based on VC+10-12-37 Based on MEWNET-W Data Sharing and Application10-12-28 Research on Model Simplification and Characteristics Recurrence from Global Machine10-12-39 The Sti
19、ffened Analysis on Ring-Stiffener Pressured Cylindrical Shell Based on the ANSYS Workbenchelement method,thus minimal model and the corresponding static and dynamic characteristics should be extracted.This paper presents the key nodes selection principle from the minimal model,compiles relevant soft
20、ware to read result data files,extracts relevant HE Jian-wen,HUO Jun-chao,YU Zhao-qininformation of nodes coordinate,static displacement,dynamic vibration mode and draws minimal model diagrams of global Abstract:A brief introduction about the Flat Micro-wire enameling machine,static and dynamic defo
21、rmation.Taking XK713B Vertical process and its research achievements are presented.Based on the Boring and Milling Machine as an example,establishing the model introduction of research achievements and the methods of coating of global machine,analyzing its static and dynamic characteristics,on flat
22、wire,the principle of Hydrodynamic Wire Coating and the forming minimal model and carrying on characteristics recurrence summarization of some paraments are described in detail.with the compiled software.The results show that,nodes of the Key words:enameling;flat copper wire;hydronamic wire coatingV
23、ertical Boring and Milling Machine are reduced from the original 153238 to 156 and the structural,static and dynamic characteristics of the machine tool parts are well reserved which lays a foundation for quantitative analysis after simplification.SUN Qi-liang,TU Qun-zhang,SUN Min,WANG Guo-Key words
24、:global machine;minimal model;information taoextraction;static and dynamic characteristics;characteristics recurrenceAbstract:Testability technology and its application in modern engineering equipment,which is a mechanical-electronic-hydraulic complex equipment,are paid more attention and developmen
25、t.Based on summarizing the development of testability technology,1222ZHU Wei,WU Zhi-heng,CHEN Min,SHI Wei-weithis paper analyzes the application characteristic and form of BIT,ATE,BIT and ATE combined test,integrated diagnostics and PHM technologies in engineering equipment,in addition according to
26、Abstract:The basic principles and methods of FEA,the static and structure and function characteristic of engineering equipment,dynamic characteristics analysis of a mechine tool was done by indicates the problem and resolvent of its testability.means of FEA software to found the largest components o
27、f static Key words:engineering equipment;testability;testability deformation and the weak link junction and make evaluations on its technology;BIT;ATEdynamic characteristics,and make reasonable proposals for sunsquent structureKey words:FEA;static and dynamic characteristics;joint;the weak linkYU Ch
28、ang-juanAbstract:Make use of VC+6.0 to develop the expert system for the fault diagnosis of NC machine tools,which denotes its data 12DONG You-geng,HUANG Xing-minlibrary and knowledge library with objects and answers the cause of NC machine tools fault simply and efficiently by forwards reasoning.It
29、s reasoner,knowledge library and data library are Abstract:This paper points out the drawbacks of the CIMS universal,which can be used in others fields by little modification.researched nowadays in our nation and proposes to apply the Key words:expert system;reasoner;NC machine tools;oriented produc
30、ed cooperative manufacture based-on the cooperation theory,objectfor it can overcome the drawbacks of the CIMS.A new model of cooperative manufacture is proposed,and it divides enterprises into three types,which are design type,manufacturing type and auxiliary type.Depending on Internet a data excha
31、nge platform is established 1,21,21WEI Fa-ming,NIAN Si-tian,HE Xue-mingto connect them to do the cooperative works.The paper also discusses quality chain management flow to solve problems of quality management,and the reliability of the information from the Abstract:According to the conjugate cam co
32、ntour equation of a cooperative manufacture.curve,this study has designed visualized application software using Key words:cooperative manufacture;design type;manufacturing the VC+programming software and three dimensional graph type;auxiliary typesoftware-package OpenGL.This software can obtain a ca
33、m actual outline cloud and generate the corresponding outline cloud document according to the motion law and the correlation structure size of driven part.The cloud document is entered in UG NX5.0 to XU Yi-beicomplete the cam contour curve the plan as well as the cam entity model design.Abstract:Thi
34、s article introduced the method that realizes data Key words:conjugate cam;profile surface equation;parameter sharing between the FP2 programmable controllers.Sets up the design;profile point cloudsMEWNET-W network through the example to realize data sharing.Key words:MEWNET-W network;the data share
35、s;FP2 PLC1112WANG Qing-fu,ZHAO Hong-lin,LI Dian-xin,WU Zhi-heng,234ZHANG Hua-wei,ZHANG Guang-peng,MU Dong-hui,1CHEN Shi-guangXIONG Chuan-zhi,JIANG Guo-jin,HU Bi-wen,ZHAN Chuan-mingAbstract:Withstanding external pressure or internal pressure of the Abstract:Because of dense grids and multiple nodes w
36、hich block pressure hull,in order to increase the stiffness of the shell,but rapid acidification quantitative analysis while calculating the static without much increase in the thickness of the shell,we usually and dynamic characteristics of the global machine with finite increase the inner surface
37、of the shell in the pressure or the outer(Guangdong University of Technology,Guangzhou510006,China)(Engineering Institute of Engineering Corps,PLA Univ.of Science and Technology,Nanjing 210007,China)(1.East China JiaoTong University,Nanchang 330013,China;2.Guangdong Machinery Research Institute,Guan
38、gzhou 510635,China)(Mathematics and Information Science College,Langfang Teachers College,Langfang065000,China)(1.Xian Polytechnic University,Xian710048,China;2.Xian North Qinchuan Group Co.,Ltd,Xian710048,China)(1.School of Mechanical Engineering,Jiangnan University,Wuxi214122,China;2.Jiangsu Colle
39、ge of Information Technology,Wuxi214153,China)(Guang Mei shan railroad responsibility Limited company,Guangzhou510620,China)(1 China University of Petroleum(Beijing),Beijin102249,China;2 Guangdong Machinery Research Institute,(No.710R&D Institute,CSIC,Yichang443003,China)Guangzhou 510635,China;3 Xia
40、n University of Technology,Xian 710054,China;4 Beijing No.2 Machine Tool Works Co.;Ltd.Beijin 100072,China)115116surface of stiffener.In the end whether the inner surface of the ribs Abstract:Tool radius compensation is an important function of or the outer surface of ribs can better enhance the sti
41、ffness of the CNC machine tools.In production,a reasonable compensation for shell,by means of ANSYS Workbench simulation software can be use of tools is very important significance.This paper elaborates the more clarity to the conclusion.process and application of tool radius compensation in CNC mil
42、ling,Key words:pressure hull;ring-stiffener;numerical simulationand what issues should pay attention to,in order to ensure the efficiency of CNC milling and precision.Key words:tool;radius compensation;programming;processingDU Hai-xiaAbstract:In this paper,optimization of the helical gear reducer is
43、 discussed.Taking the minimum distance of center of center axis as YANG Zhi-hongthe object function,building an optimum design of mathematic model and setting up restriction condition,the optimal design uses Abstract:This paper introduces that we can programme by using the method of punishment funct
44、ion.The result proves that the variable replacing the function code or address of program with design efficiency is improved and the process of optimization is advanced Macro-program programming provided by FANUC greatly simplified.system,which lets the NC programs have popularity and flexibility Ke
45、y words:reducer;optimal design;MATLAB;distance of center and simplifies the NC programs and greatly improves the of axiscompilations speed and the programs quality of parts machining program.The author advocates that we should attach more importance to Macro-program and popularize it as a very conve
46、nient and applied programming method.Key words:macro-program;variable;program flow control;XU De-zhuo,ZENG Pu-fangapplicationAbstract:This paper mainly introduced how to write ladder-diagram and achieve tools changing automatically,by using built-in PLC,internal variables and macro program,according
47、 to the time sequence in actions,on a domestic economical CNC milling machine system.The difficulty in tool magazine controlling is how SHEN Chang-shengto deal with the real-time data,and this paper analyzed the process detailedly.Abstract:For NC machining,the size and shape of parts are mainly Key
48、words:economical CNC;milling system;PLC;tool magazine;determined by the program code.Shape can be divided into Tools exchanging automaticallymacroscopic and microscopic.Macroscopic shape error is often said shape error,while the microscopic shape error is surface roughness,both of which are focus fo
49、r studying the machined surface quality.How to control the program code to obtain the correct shape and good surface roughness is the content of this paper.This paper has expounded the effect of the program code on MEI Jing,YI Meng-qing,KE Jianthe machined surface quality by using a specific combine
50、d cycle Abstract:Three-phase asynchronous motor or hydraulic motors is instruction of FANUC system and given some specific suggestions the power source for the traditional tool magazine of machining and comments.center,machining is the guarantee of the accuracy of its positioning,Key words:NC machin