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1、.1/10Introduction:Introduction:This guide is aimed primarily at those of you who have little to noBritish Parliamentary experience.It is intended to illustrate themechanics and basic tactics of BP.Sometimes beginners can be discouragedby BP because of various factors in the round.But BP done well ca

2、n be anincredibly rewarding experience,and trying BP can improve the way youdebate in other styles.This guide also includes a DVD of the Hugill 2003 Final as an example of aBP round.TheThe Basics:Basics:In BP there are 4 teams in each round.Two teams represent the Government,and two teams represent

3、the Opposition.The Government supports theresolution,and the Opposition opposes the resolution.The teams are alsodivided into the Opening and Closing halves of the debate.The teams areorganized like this in the room:|Opening Government(OG)|Opening Opposition(OO)_|_|Closing Government(CG)|Closing Opp

4、osition(CO)|There are two speakers on each team.Each speaker has a title.The titlesare:OG:Prime MinisterOO:Leader of the OppositionDeputy Prime MinisterDeputy Leader ofthe OppositionCG:Member of the GovernmentCO:Member of the OppositionGovernment WhipOpposition WhipThe speaking order is as follows:1

5、.Prime MinisterFirst Speaker,OG2.Leader of the OppositionFirst Speaker,OO.2/103.Deputy Prime MinisterSecond Speaker,OG4.Deputy Leader of the OppositionSecond Speaker,OO5.Member of the GovernmentFirst Speaker,CG6.Member of the OppositionFirst Speaker,CO7.Government WhipSecond Speaker,CG8.Opposition W

6、hipSecond Speaker,CODebates are presided over by a Speaker,who is often the Chair of theadjudicator panel.The Speaker keeps time and calls debaters to the floor.Each debater has 7 minutes to speak.The first and last minutes areprotected time.This means that no POIs may be offered during this time.Th

7、e Speaker will give a signal at the end and the beginning of protectedtime,at the seven-minute mark,and at the end of grace.The Speaker willprobably not give time signals otherwise,so it is recommended thatdebaters bring a stopwatch to time themselves or their partner.There are no Points of Order,or

8、 Points of Personal Privilege.At the end of each debate,the teams will be ranked from first place tofourth place.Each ranking has a point value associated with it.Thecommon point values used are as follows:First Place=3 pointsSecond Place=2 pointsThird Place=1 pointFourth Place=0 pointsYour points a

9、re added over the course of the tournament.The break isdetermined by point total,and speaker points if some teams have the samepoint total.MatterMatter andand MannerMannerIn BP there are two categories that you are judged on as a speaker.Matteris the content of your speech,and manner is how you pres

10、ent that content.Matter and manner are weighted equally.The lists include some of the morecommon elements of matter and manner,but are not exhaustive.MatterMatter Includes:Includes:Substantive arguments for your sideRebuttal argumentsCase Studies/Facts.3/10POIsMannerManner Includes:Includes:HumorApp

11、ropriate languageEngaging the audienceRolesRoles ofof thethe TeamsTeams andand SpeakersSpeakersYoull hear a lot about the“roles”of teams and speakers in BP.Inorder for a round to be able to develop properly,the teams participatingin the round must fulfill certain criteria.When they succeed they will

12、have fulfilled their role and they will be developing the debate.If theyfail then the debate will suffer in quality because of it,and this willabsolutelyabsolutely be considered in the adjudication.RolesRoles ofof thethe TeamsTeams(Overview)(Overview)Opening Government:Defines the terms of the debat

13、eOpens the case for the GovernmentOpposes the case of the Opening Opposition when it is presentedOpening Opposition:Opposes the case of the Opening GovernmentOpens the case for the OppositionClosing Government:Extends the Government caseOpposes the cases of the Opening and Closing Opposition teamsSu

14、mmarizes the debateClosing Opposition:Extends the Opposition caseOpposes the cases of the Opening and Closing Opposition teamsSummarizes the debateRolesRoles ofof thethe SpeakersSpeakers(Overview)(Overview).4/10Prime Minister(Opening Government):Defines the resolutionIntroduces the Government caseLe

15、ader of the Opposition(Opening Opposition):Rebuts what PM saidIntroduces Opening Opposition caseIfIf theretheres s goinggoing toto bebe a a definitionaldefinitional challenge,challenge,thethe LOLO mustmustmentionmention itit inin theirtheir speech,speech,otherwiseotherwise allall thethe otherother t

16、eamsteams inin thetheroundround mustmust acceptaccept thethe originaloriginal definitiondefinition(See:(See:ChallengingChallenging thetheDefinition)Definition)Deputy Prime Minister(Opening Government):Rebuts what LO saidContinues Opening Government caseDeputy Leader of the Opposition(Opening Opposit

17、ion):Rebuts what DPM saidContinues Opening Opposition caseMember of the Government(Closing Government):Extends the Government caseRebuts what DLO saidMember of the Opposition(Closing Opposition):Extends the Opposition caseRebuts what MG saidGovernment Whip(Closing Government):MayMay introduceintrodu

18、ce newnew contentions,contentions,butbut itits s notnot generallygenerallyrecommendedrecommendedRebuts what the MO saidSummarizes the debateOpposition Whip(Closing Government):AbsolutelyAbsolutely nono newnew contentionscontentions maymay bebe introduced,introduced,butbut newnew evidenceevidenceinin

19、 supportsupport ofof existingexisting contentionscontentions maymay bebe introducedintroducedRebuts what the GW saidSummarizes the debateRoleRole ofof thethe OpeningOpening GovernmentGovernment.5/10The first goal of an OG team is to present a clear,coherent,and aboveall,contentious case.Remember tha

20、t the OG case must be contentiousenough to last for eight speeches,and 56 minutes of debate.One of themost important things OG teams should keep in mind is that bold cases aregenerally better to run than squirreled cases that run out of steam withinthe first few speeches.It is debate,after all.This

21、doesnt mean thatyou should propose that humans eat their young.But it does mean that youshouldnt be afraid of proposing controversial models or cases.The majorpoint:Propose bold,but not suicidal cases.The next thing that you must remember as OG is that your case must bewithin the spirit of the resol

22、ution.At most BP tournaments theresolutions are directed.This means that the resolution will hint at thetopic that should be discussed.However,the wording will usually be suchthat the OG will have a degree of flexibility in how they frame their case.However,a degree of flexibility does not mean that

23、 the OG can ignore theresolution(like we do at most CUSID tournaments).An example of an acceptable and unacceptable interpretation of aresolution:Resolution:Resolution:THWTHW SellSell itsits ChildrenChildrenAcceptable:THW Legalize Surrogacy for ProfitUnacceptable:THBT Developing Nations Should Prior

24、itize EconomicDevelopmentOver Environmental ProtectionThe reason why the second interpretation is abusive is because theoriginal resolution clearly hints at a topic involving the exchange ofchildren for some benefit.This could be a myriad of things,fromsurrogacy for profit,to foreign adoption limits

25、.So the OG has a degreeof flexibility in choosing a topic relating to the selling of children.With this in mind,the second interpretation clearly goes against thespirit of the resolution.TheThe RoleRole ofof thethe OpeningOpening OppositionOppositionThe Opening Opposition role is probably the one th

26、at debaters new to BPwill have the least amount of trouble with.Its fairly similar to the.6/10standard CP Opposition,but with different timings.However,there aresome extremely important differences between the two.As the OO team,your role is twofold.You must refute what the OG team hassaid,but it is

27、 not enough to simply poke holes in the OG case.YouYou mustmustalsoalso bringbring inin constructiveconstructive argumentsarguments ofof youryour ownown.It is not enough to gointo a BP round as an OO team and do a rebuttal-only opposition.A good OOcase would make sense if the wording of the resoluti

28、on were reversed,andOO became the OG.You have to bring your own constructive analysis to theround.Good OO teams will often tie in some of their rebuttal with theirconstructive points as well.This allows the judges to see that youreengaging with the other teams arguments as well as using them to buil

29、dup your own.Using this style will also help you stay under the time limit,which is often a difficult thing to do if youre faced with a lot ofrebutting and summarizing.So remember:Its not enough to say why their ideas are stupid,you haveto say why your ideas are smart.TheThe RoleRole ofof thethe Clo

30、singClosing TeamsTeamsThe closing positions of the debate are where we see the most significantdifference between BP and CP debating.Both closing teams are expected tooffer an extension for their opening teams case.What is an extension?An extension can take many forms:Switching the focus of the deba

31、te from practical to philosophicalarguments,or vice versaBringing in new practical/philosophical argumentsFocusing on a specific case studyFocusing on an already mentioned argument and expanding on itsignificantlyThis is an incredibly short list of acceptable extensions.The main goalfor a closing te

32、am is to differentiatedifferentiate yourselfyourself fromfrom thethe openingopening team,team,butbutstillstill supportsupport themthem.It is very important that you support the opening team.But at the same time its still important for your arguments to be betterthan theirs.So you have to make sure t

33、hat your case has an over-archingtheme that the judges can easily identify,that makes your team distinctfrom the opening team,and still supports the opening team.This doesnthave to be difficult.Many teams stress themselves out about the closingpositions because of the extension,but being on the clos

34、ing half of the.7/10debate has distinct advantages.The closing teams have the ability notonly to introduce their own constructive matter and rebut what the otherteam has said,but also to summarize the debate in their own words.The summary is to be done by the second speaker on each closing team.This

35、is an integral part of the role of each closing team.There are many waysto summarize the debate.Some speakers like to identify the main themesthat were analyzed during the round.Some speakers like to label each teamwith a name describing their arguments.One of the easiest ways fordebaters new to BP

36、to go through their summary speech is to identify threequestions that need to be answered at the end of the round,and say whyyour side,and particularly your team,bring the best resolution to thosequestions.Any style you choose is fine so long as it gives a substantivesummary of the arguments in the

37、round,and why you won those arguments.Asa reminder:TheThe OppositionOpposition WhipWhip isis notnot allowedallowed anyany newnew argumentsarguments inin theirtheirspeech,speech,andand itit isis highlyhighly recommendedrecommended thatthat thethe GovernmentGovernment WhipWhip focusfocusentirelyentire

38、ly onon summery,summery,asas well.well.BasicBasic TacticsTactics andand Pitfalls:Pitfalls:POIs:POIs:GiveGive twotwo POIs,POIs,andand taketake twotwo POIsPOIsPOIs shouldnt be given for the sole purpose of destroying the otherteams case.POIs should build your case up as well.If youre in the opening ha

39、lf of the debate your priority in the secondhalf should be to remain involved.Make sure your arguments arent lostamong the second half of the debate.POIs are the best way toaccomplish this.If youre in the second half of the debate then you should be extremelycareful about the POIs that you give to f

40、irst half teams.Sometimesyour opening team may try and steal your extension if you give too muchaway in your POIs.Try to remain involved in the debate by standing on POIs,but do notharass the speaker by continually standing on POIs and saying thingslike On Liberty,On the Geneva Convention,etc.It is

41、always better to get in one or two excellent POIs than four orfive mediocre ones.One of the best ways to accomplish this is for youand your partner to put a sheet a paper between you with your best POIwritten down.Then,when the speaker takes either of you youre certainto have an excellent POI.Just b

42、ecause everyone else is standing up on a POI doesnt mean youhave to,Sometimes when a speaker says something monumentally stupideveryone on opposite benches will stand up.Usually the speaker wonttake a POI at that time,but if theres someone who stood up late,they.8/10just might let them ask a questio

43、n.Often,the debater giving the POIwill be caught off-guard by this.So dont stand up on a POI justbecause everyoneelse is.But if you do,make sure you have aquestion.Let people finish their question before you wave them down,but if theystart to make a speech,or refuse to sit down,start waving them dow

44、nimmediately.If they still wont sit down then the speaker will dealwith them.Finish your thought before you accept a question.It is very easy toforget where you were if you allow someone to interrupt you.If you want to get your question taken it is often better to stand atthe end of the speakers poi

45、nt.Theyll be more likely to take you.If you are in a round with teams of very disparate skills,it may atfirst seem like a good idea to take POIs from the weakest team.Andthat canwork.But the judges will be more impressed if you givea good answer to a difficult POI than if you smack down a weak POI.S

46、oyou might want to choose to take POIs from the better team.This willshow the judges that youre willing to engage the better team in theround.Organization:Organization:At the beginning of your speech tell the judges what youre going to bespeaking about.More advanced debaters may feel comfortable spe

47、aking without numberingtheir points or signposting where theyre going with their speech.Butthe majority of beginning BP debaters will probably find it helpful tonumber their points and to make very clear to the judges what theyrespeaking about.This helps the judges keep track of your most importantp

48、oints,and it helps you cover everything you need to.Pay attention to your timing.If you say that youre going to introducethree constructive points and then you run out of time,that willreflect poorly on you.AlwaysAlways fillfill youryour time.time.SpeakingSpeaking Style:Style:The most important thin

49、g is to keep the audience engaged.You dontwant them drifting off and thinking youre boring.There are many ways to keep the audience and judges engaged.Theseinclude humor,intelligent analysis,and delivery.Not everyone can be a funny speaker,and thats ok.Most people arent.But it will help if you can u

50、se a few funny quips,or open with a joke.9/10Avoid being monotonous.Vary your tone and pace of delivery.NeverNever insultinsult anotheranother debatersdebaters race,race,gender,gender,sexualsexual orientation,orientation,ororreligion.religion.AnythingAnything offensiveoffensive willwill bebe penaliz


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