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1、Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.Section I Use of EnglishDirections: Read the following text Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A,B,C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1 (10 points)The outbreak of swine flu that was first detected in Mexico was declared

2、a global epidemic on June 11, 2009. It is the first worldwide epidemic 1 by the World Health Organization in 41 years.The hheigghteenedd allertt 22 aan eemerrgenncy meeetinng wwithh fllu eexpeertss inn Geenevva tthatt asssemmbleed aafteer aa shharpp riise in casses in Ausstraaliaa, aand rissingg 3 i

3、n BBrittainn, JJapaan, Chiile andd ellsewwherre.But tthe epiidemmic is “ 4 ”inn seeverrityy. AAccoordiing to Marrgarret Chaan, thee orrgannizaatioonss diirecctorr geenerral, 55 thhe ooverrwheelmiing majjoriity of pattiennts expperiienccingg onnly milld ssympptomms aand a ffulll reecovveryy, oofteen

4、iin tthe 6 of anyy meediccal treeatmmenttThe ooutbbreaak ccamee too gllobaal 7 in llatee Apprill 20009, whhen Mexxicaan aauthhoriitiees nnoteed aan uunussuallly larrge nummberr off hoospiitallizaatioons andd deeathhs 8 heaalthhy aadullts. Ass muush of Mexxicoo Ciity shuut ddownn att thhe hheigght of

5、 a ppaniic, casses beggan to 9 inn Neww Yoork Citty, thhe ssoutthweesteern Staatess annd aarouund thee woorldd .In thhe UUnitted Staatess, nnew casses seeemedd too faade 100 wwarmmer weaatheer aarriivedd. BBut in latte SSepttembber 20009, offficiialss reeporrtedd thheree waas 111 fluu acctivvityy in

6、n allmosst eeverry sstatte aand thaat vvirttuallly alll thhe 12 ttestted aree thhe nnew swiine fluu , alsso kknowwn aas (A) H1NN1 , noot sseassonaal fflu. Inn thhe UU.S., iit hhas 133 mmoree thhan onee miilliion peooplee , andd caauseed mmoree thhan 6000 deeathhs aand morre tthann 6,0000 hoospiitall

7、izaatioons .Federral heaalthh offficcialls 14 Taamifflu forr chhilddrenn frrom thee naatioonall sttockkpille aand beggan 115 orrderrs ffromm thhe sstattes forr thhe nnew swiine fluu vaacciine . TThe neww vaacciine, whhichh iss diiffeerennt ffromm thhe aannuual fluu vaacciine, iss 116 aheead of exppe

8、cttatiionss. MMoree thhan thrree milllioon ddosees wweree too bee maade avaailaablee inn eaarlyy Occtobber 20009, thooughh moost of thoose 17 doosess weere of thee FlluMiist nassal sprray typpe ,whiich is nott 118 forr prregnnantt woomenn, ppeopple oveer 550 oor tthosse wwithh brreatthinng ddiffficu

9、ultiies , hhearrt ddiseeasee orr seeverral othher 199 . Buut iit wwas stiill posssibble to vacccinnatee peeoplle iin ootheer hhighh-riisk grooupss: hheallth carre wworkkerss, ppeopple 200 iinfaantss annd hheallthyy yooungg peeoplle .1. A.critiicizzedB.appoiinteedC.commeenteedD.desiggnatted2. A.proce

10、eedeedB.activvateedC.follooweddD.prompptedd3. A.digittsB.numbeersC.amounntsD.sums4. A.moderrateeB.normaalC.unusuualD.extreeme5. A.withB.inC.fromD.by6. A.progrresssB.absennceC.preseenceeD.favorr7. A.realiityB.phenoomennonC.conceeptD.noticce8. A.overB.forC.amonggD.to9. A.stay upB.crop upC.fill upD.cov

11、err upp10.A.asB.ifC.unlesssD.untill11.A.excesssivveB.enormmoussC.signiificcanttD.magniificcentt12.A.categgoriiesB.exampplessC.patteernssD.samplles13.A.imparrteddB.immerrseddC.injeccteddD.infecctedd14.A.releaaseddB.relayyedC.relieeveddD.remaiinedd15.A.placiingB.delivveriingC.takinngD.givinng16.A.feas

12、iibleeB.availlablleC.reliaableeD.appliicabble17.A.prevaalenntB.princciplleC.innovvatiiveD. iniitiaal18.A.preseenteedB.restrricttedC.recommmenndeddD.introoducced19.A.probllemssB.issueesC.agoniiesD.suffeerinngs20.A.invollvedd innB.carinng fforC.conceerneed wwithhD.wardiing offfSectiion II Reaadinng CC

13、ompprehhenssionnPart ADirecctioons: Reead thee foolloowinng ffourr teextss. AAnswwer thee quuesttionns bbeloow eeachh teext by chooosiing A, B, C, D. Marrk yyourr annsweers on ANSSWERR SHHEE 1. (400 poointts) Text 1 Thhe llonggestt buull runn inn a cennturry oof aart-marrkett hiistoory endded on a d

14、drammatiic nnotee wiith a ssalee off 566 woorkss byy Daamieen HHirsst, Beaautiifull Innsidde MMy HHeadd Foorevver, att Sootheebys iin LLonddon on Sepptemmberr 155th 220088. AAll butt twwo ppiecces solld, fettchiing morre tthann 700m, a rrecoord forr a salle bby aa siinglle aartiist. Itt waas aa laas

15、t vicctorry. As thee auuctiioneeer callledd ouut bbidss, iin NNew Yorrk oone of thee olldesst bbankks oon WWalll Sttreeet, Lehhmann Brrothherss, ffileed ffor bannkruuptccy. Thhe wworlld aart marrkett haad aalreeadyy beeen lossingg moomenntumm foor aa whhilee affterr riisinng bbewiildeerinnglyy siinc

16、ee 20003. Att itts ppeakk inn 20007 it wass woorthh soome $655 biilliion, reeckoons Claare McAAndrrew, fooundder of Artts EEconnomiics, a ressearrch firrm ddoubble thee fiigurre ffivee yeearss eaarliier. Siincee thhen it mayy haave comme ddownn too $550 bbilllionn. BBut thee maarkeet ggeneerattes in

17、ttereest farr beeyonnd iits sizze bbecaausee itt brringgs ttogeetheer ggreaat wweallth, ennormmouss eggos, grreedd, ppasssionn annd cconttrovverssy iin aa waay mmatcchedd byy feew ootheer iinduustrriess. Inn thhe wweekks aand monnthss thhat folllowwed Mr. Hiirstts salle, speendiing of anyy soort bec

18、camee deeeplly uunfaashiionaablee. IIn tthe artt woorldd thhat meaant colllecctorrs sstayyed awaay ffromm gaalleeriees aand sallerooomss. SSalees oof cconttempporaary artt feell by twoo-thhirdds, andd inn thhe mmostt ovverhheatted secctorr, ttheyy weere dowwn bby nnearrly 90%in thee yeear to Novvemb

19、ber 20008. Witthinn weeekss thhe wworlldss twwo bbigggestt auuctiion houusess. SSothhebyys andd Chhrisstiees, haad tto ppay outt neearlly $2000m iin gguarrantteess too clliennts whoo haad pplacced worrks forr saale witth tthemm. Thhe ccurrrentt doowntturnn inn thhe aart marrkett iss thhe wworsst ssi

20、ncce tthe Jappaneese stooppeed bbuyiing imppresssioonissts at thee ennd oof 119899. TThiss tiime exppectts rreckkon thaat ppricces aree abboutt 400%doown on theeir peaak oon aaverragee, tthouugh somme hhavee beeen farr moore fluuctuuantt. BBut Edwwardd Doolmaan. Chrristties cchieef eexeccutiive, saa

21、ys:Im pprettty connfiddentt weeree att thhe bbotttom.” Whhat makkes thiis sslummp ddifffereent froom tthe lasst, he sayys, is thaat ttherre aare stiill buyyerss inn thhe mmarkket. Allmosst eeverryonne wwho wass innterrvieewedd foor tthiss sppeciial repportt saaid thaat tthe bigggesst pprobblemm att

22、thhe mmomeent is nott a lacck oof ddemaand butt a lacck oof ggoodd woork to selll. Thee thhreee Dss-deeathh, ddebtt annd ddivoorcee-sttilll deelivver worrks of artt too thhe mmarkket. Buut aanyoone whoo doose nott haave to selll iis kkeeppingg awway, waaitiing forr coonfiidennce to retturnn.21. IIn

23、tthe firrst parragrraphh, DDamiien Hirrsts ssalee waas rrefeerreed tto aas “aa laast vicctorry” beccausse_.A tthe artt maarkeet hhad wittnesssedd a succcesssioon oof vvicttoriiesB tthe aucctiooneeer ffinaallyy goot tthe twoo piiecees aat tthe higghesst bbidssC BBeauutifful Inssidee Myy Heead Forreve

24、er wwon oveer aall massterrpieecessD iit wwas succcesssfuullyy maade jusst bbefoore thee woorldd fiinannciaal ccrissis22. BBy ssayiing “sppenddingg off anny ssortt beecamme ddeepply unffashhionnablle”(Linne 11-2,Parra,33), thee auuthoor ssugggestts tthatt_A ccolllecttorss weere no lonngerr acctivvel

25、yy innvollvedd inn arrt-mmarkket aucctioonsB ppeopple stooppeed eeverry kkindd off sppenddingg annd sstayyed awaay ffromm gaalleerieesC aart colllecctioon aas aa faashiion hadd loost itss apppeaal tto aa grreatt exxtenntD wworkks oof aart in genneraal hhad gonne oout of fasshioon sso ttheyy weere no

26、tt woorthh buuyinng23. WWhicch oof tthe folllowwingg sttateemennts is NOTT trrue?A SSalees oof cconttempporaary artt feell draamatticaallyy frrom 20007 tto 220088B TThe artt maarkeet ssurppasssed manny ootheer iinduustrriess inn moomenntumm.C TThe artt maarkeet ggeneerallly wennt ddownnwarrd iin vva

27、riiouss waays.D SSomee arrt ddeallerss weere awaaitiing bettterr chhancces to comme.24. TThe thrree Ds menntioonedd inn thhe llastt paaraggrapph aare _.A aaucttionn hoousees favvoriitessB coonteempoorarry ttrenndsC ffacttorss prromootinng aartwworkk ciircuulattionnD sstylles reppressenttingg immpree

28、ssiioniistss25. TThe mosst aapprroprriatte ttitlle ffor thiis ttextt coouldd bee _.A FFlucctuaatioon oof AArt PriicessB Upp-too-daate Artt AuuctiionssC AArt Marrkett inn DeecliineD Shhiftted Inttereest in ArttsText 2I wass adddreessiing a ssmalll ggathheriing in a ssubuurbaan VVirgginiia lliviing ro

29、oom-aa woomenns grooup thaat hhad invviteed mmen to joiin tthemm. TThrooughhoutt thhe eevenningg, oone mann haad bbeenn paartiicullarlly ttalkkatiive, frrequuenttly offferiing ideeas andd annecddotees, whiile hiss wiife satt siilenntlyy beesidde hhim on thee coouchh. TTowaard thee ennd oof tthe evee

30、ninng, I ccommmentted thaat wwomeen ffreqquenntlyy coompllainn thhat theeir hussbannds donnt tallk tto tthemm. TThiss maan qquiccklyy nooddeed iin aagreeemeent. Hee geestuuredd toowarrd hhis wiffe aand saiid, “Shhess thhe ttalkker in ourr faamilly.” Thee rooom burrst in lauughtter; thhe mman loooked

31、d puuzzlled andd huurt. “IItss trrue,” hhe eexpllainned. “WWhenn I comme hhomee frrom worrk II haave notthinng tto ssay. Iff shhe ddidnnt keeep tthe connverrsattionn gooingg, wwedd sppendd thhe wwholle eevenningg inn siilennce.”This epiisodde ccrysstalllizzes thee irronyy thhat altthouugh Ameericcan

32、 menn teend to tallk mmoree thhan wommen in pubblicc siituaatioons, thhey oftten tallk llesss att hoome. Annd tthiss paatteern is wreeakiing havvoc witth mmarrriagge.The ppattternn waas oobseerveed bby ppoliiticcal sciienttistt Anndreew HHackker in thee laate 19770s. Soocioologgistt Caatheerinne KKo

33、hller Rieessmman repportts iin hher boook DDivoorcee Taalk thaat mmostt off thhe wwomeen sshe inttervviewwed bbut onlly aa feew oof tthe menn gavve llackk off coommuuniccatiion as thee reeasoon ffor theeir divvorcces. Giivenn thhe ccurrrentt diivorrce ratte oof nnearrly 50 perrcennt, thaat aamouunts

34、s too miilliionss off caasess inn thhe UUnitted Staatess evveryy yeear- a virrtuaal eepiddemiic oof ffailled connverrsattionn.In myy owwn rreseearcch, commplaaintts ffromm woomenn abboutt thheirr huusbaandss moost oftten foccuseed nnot on tanngibble ineequiitiees ssuchh ass haavinng ggiveen uup tthe

35、 chaancee foor aa caareeer tto aaccoompaany a hhusbbandd too hiis, or doiing farr moore thaan ttheiir ssharre oof ddailly llifee-suuppoort worrk llikee clleanningg, ccookkingg annd ssociial arrranggemeentss. IInstteadd, ttheyy foocussed on coommuuniccatiion yeaars befforee, tthatt moost wivves wannt

36、 ttheiir hhusbbandds tto bbe, firrst andd fooremmostt, cconvverssatiionaal pparttnerrs, butt feew hhusbbandds ssharre tthiss exxpecctattionn off thheirr wiivess.In shhortt, tthe imaage thaat bbestt reepreesennts thee cuurreent criisiss iss thhe ssterreottypiicall caartooon sceene of a mman sitttinng

37、 aat tthe breeakffastt taablee wiith a nnewsspapper helld uup iin ffronnt oof hhis facce, whiile a wwomaan gglarres at thee baack of it, waantiing to tallk.26. WWhatt iss moost wivves maain exppecttatiion of theeir hussbannds? AA TTalkkingg too thhem B Trrusttingg thhem CC SSuppporttingg thheirr caa

38、reeersD Shhariing houusewworkk27. JJudggingg frrom thee coonteext, thhe pphraase “wrreakkingg haavocc” (Linne 33, PParaa 2) moost proobabbly meaans_. AAgeenerratiing mottivaatioonBexeertiing infflueenceeCcaausiing dammageeDcreeatiing preessuure28. AAll of thee foolloowinng aare truue EEXCEEPT _. AAm

39、een ttendd too taalk morre iin ppubllic thaan wwomeen BBneearlly 550 pperccentt off reecennt ddivoorcees aare cauusedd byy faaileed cconvverssatiionCwoomenn atttacch mmuchh immporrtannce to commmunnicaatioon bbetwweenn cooupllesDa femmalee teendss too bee moore tallkattivee att hoome thaan hher spoo

40、usee29. WWhicch llf tthe folllowwingg caan bbestt suummaarizze tthe maiin iideaa off thhis texxt? AAThhe mmoraal ddecaayinng ddeseervees mmoree reeseaarchh byy soocioologgistts. BBMaarriiagee brreakk-upp sttemss frrom sexx innequualiitiees. CCHuusbaand andd wiife havve ddifffereent exppecttatiionss

41、frrom theeir marrriaage. DDCoonveersaatioonall paatteernss beetweeen mann annd wwifee arre ddifffereent.30. IIn tthe folllowwingg paart immmediiateely aftter thiis ttextt, tthe autthorr wiill mosst pprobbablly ffocuus oon AAThhe mmoraal ddecaayinng ddeseervees mmoree reeseaarchh byy soocioologgistts

42、. BBMaarriiagee brreakk-upp sttemss frrom sexx innequualiitiees. CCHuusbaand andd wiife havve ddifffereent exppecttatiionss frrom theeir marrriaage. DDCoonveersaatioonall paatteernss beetweeen mann annd wwifee arre ddifffereent.Text 3 Oveer tthe passt ddecaade, maany commpanniess haad pperffectted t

43、hee arrt oof ccreaatinng aautoomattic behhaviiorss -haabitts- aamonng cconssumeers. Thhesee haabitts hhavee heelpeed ccomppaniies earrn bbilllionns oof ddolllarss whhen cusstommerss caat ssnaccks or wippe ccounnterrs aalmoost witthouut tthinnkinng, oftten in ressponnse to a ccareefullly dessignned s

44、ett off daailyy cuues. “Thheree arre ffunddameentaal ppubllic heaalthh prrobllemss, llikee diirtyy haandss innsteead of a ssoapp haabitt, tthatt reemaiin kkilllerss onnly beccausse wwe ccant ffiguure outt hoow tto cchannge peooplees habbitss.” Saiid DDr. Currtiss, tthe dirrecttor of thee Hyygieene C

45、ennterr att thhe LLonddon Schhooll off Hyygieene & TTroppicaal MMediicinne. “Wee waanteed tto llearrn ffromm prrivaate inddusttry howw too crreatte nnew behhaviiorss thhat happpenn auutommatiicallly.” Thhe ccomppaniies thaat DDr. Currtiss tuurneed tto Proocteer & Gaamblle, Collgatte-PPalmmoliive andd Unnileeverr- hhad invvestted hunndreeds of milllioons of dolllarrs ffinddingg thhe ssub


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