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1、2007年1月MBA英语联考真题及答案lSection I Vocabulary (10 points)Direcctioons:Theere aree 200 inncommpleete senntenncess inn thhis secctioonFFor eacch ssenttencce ttherre aare fouur cchoiicess maarkeed AA,B,CC,annd DDChhoosse tthe ONEE annsweer tthatt beest commpleetess thhe ssenttencceTThenn bllackken thee coor

2、reespoondiing lettterr onn thhe AANSWWER SHEEET witth aa peenciil1Hiss wiife hass beeen _a lott off prresssuree onn hiim tto cchannge hiss joobAtakkingg BeexerrtinngCgivvingg Dppushhingg2It is esttimaatedd thhat,ccurrrenttly, abboutt 500,0000 sspecciess beecomme _evveryy yeearAexttincct BinsstinnctC

3、disstinnct DDinntennse3Johhn ssayss thhat hiss prreseent jobb dooes nott prroviide himm wiith enooughh _foor hhis orgganiizinng aabillityy Ascoope Bsspacce Ccappaciity Drannge4Manny _willl bbe oopenned up in thee fuuturre ffor thoose witth aa unniveersiity eduucattionnAproobabbiliitiees Brreallitiie

4、s Cneccesssitiies DDoppporrtunnitiies5Aftter hiss unnclee diied,tthe youung mann _thee beeauttifuul eestaate witth wwhicch hhe cchanngedd frrom a ppoorr maan tto aa weealtthy nobbleAinhhabiitedd BBinnherriteedCinhhibiitedd Diinhaaledd6Thee maanagger is calllinng oon aa_ cuustoomerr trryinng tto ttal

5、kk hiim iintoo siigniing thee coontrracttAproospeerouus BpreelimminaaryCpesssimmisttic DDprrosppecttivee7In 19991,wwhille tt11ee ecconoomiees oof iinduustrriallizeed ccounntriies mett ann ecconoomicc_,tthe ecconoomiees oof ddeveeloppingg coounttriees wweree grrowiing verry ffasttArevvivaal Breppress

6、sioon Crreceessiion DDreecovveryy8Thee deestrructtionn off thhe ttwinn toowerrs _sshocck aand angger thrrougghouut tthe worrldAsummmonned BBteempttedC proovokked DDsttumbbledd9Aboout 20 of thee paasseengeers whoo weere injjureed iin aa pllanee crrashh arre ssaidd too bee inn _conndittionnAdeccisiive

7、 BBurrgenntCvittal DDcrritiicall10Thhe iinteeracctioons bettweeen CChinna aand thee USS wiill surrelyy haave a ssignnifiicannt _on peaace andd sttabiilitty iin tthe AsiiaPaccifiic rregiion andd thhe wworlld aas aa whholeeAimpporttancce BBimmpreessiionCimppactt Dimppliccatiion11Thhe ppoorr coounttrie

8、es aare exttremmelyy _tto iinteernaatioonall ecconoomicc fllucttuattionns-Aincclinned BBvuulneerabbleCatttracctedd Drreduucedd12Apppliicannts shoouldd noote thaat aall possitiionss arreto Ausstraaliaan ccitiizennshiip rrequuireemenntsAsubbjecct BBsuubjeectiiveCobjjectted DDobbjecctivve13Wee aiim tto

9、 eensuure thaat aall canndiddatees aare treeateed ffairrly andd thhat theey hhavee eqquall _too eemplloymmentt oppporrtunnitiiesAenttrannce BBenntryyCacccesss DDaddmisssioon14Suucceessfful leaarniing is nott a(n)_acctivvityy buut cconssistts oof ffourr diistiinctt sttagees iin aa sspeccifiic oordeer

10、Aonlly BsolleCmerre Dsinnglee15Thhe ooppoortuunitty tto eexplloree annd pplayy annd tthe enccourrageemennt tto ddo sso CCan _tthe peerfoormaancee off maany chiildrrenAwitthhoold BpreevenntCenhhancce Djusstiffy 16AAll herr haard worrk _in thee ennd,aand shee fiinallly passsedd thhe eexammAshoowedd of

11、ff Bpaiid ooffC1efft ooff DDkeept offf 17IIn oordeer tto llivee thhe kkindd off liife we wannt aand to be thee peersoon wwe wwantt too bee,wee haave to do moree thhan jusst _wiith eveentssAputt suup Bsett uppCturrn uup DDmaake up18Thhe tteamm pllayeed hhardd beecauuse thee chhamppionnshiip oof tthe

12、staate wass_.Aat hannd Bat staakeCat larrge DDatt beest19I donnt tthinnk yyoull chaangee hiis mmindd;onnce hes deecidded on so sommethhingg hee teendss too _it.Astiick to BBabbidee byyCcommplyy wiith Dkeeep oon20Toom pplacced thee baank nottes,_tthe chaangee annd rreceeiptts,bbackk inn thhe ddrawwer

13、A. moore thaan BB. bbut forrCthaankss too DD. aalonng wwithhSectiion 1I Clooze (100 poointts)Direcctioons:Forr eaach nummberred blaank in thee foolloowinng ppasssageethheree arre ffourr chhoicces marrkedd A, B, C andd D. Chhoosse tthe besst oone andd maark youur aanswwer on thee ANNSWEER SSHEEET wwi

14、thh a penncill Addvanncinng aage meaans lossingg yoour haiir, youur wwaisstliine andd yoour memmoryy,riightt ? Danna DDeniis iis jjustt 400 yeearss olld,bbut 2 1 shees worrrieed aabouut wwhatt shhe ccallls myy roolliing menntall bllackkoutts.” ”I ttry to remmembber sommethhingg annd II juust blaank

15、outt,”shee saays YYou mayy 222 aboout theese lappsess,caalliing theem ” seenioor mmomeentss ”or blaaminng earrly Alzzheiimerrs (老年痴痴呆症)”Is it an ineescaapabble facct tthatt thhe ooldeer yyou gett,thhe 23 yoou rremeembeer? Welll, sorrt oofBBut as timme ggoess byy, wwe ttendd too bllamee agge 24 prrob

16、llemss thhat aree noot nneceessaarilly aagerellateed“Wheen aa teeenaagerr caant ffindd heer kkeyss,shhe tthinnks its bbecaausee shhes ddisttracctedd orr diisorrgannizeed,”sayys PPaull Goold“A 770-yyearr-olld bblammes herr 225 ”In facct,tthe 70-yeaar-oold mayy haave beeen 26 thhinggs ffor deccadeesIn

17、 hheallthyy peeoplle,mmemoory doeesnt wworssen as 277 aas mmanyy off uss thhinkk“As we 288,thhe mmemoory mecchannismm issnt 29 ,”sayys ppsycchollogiist Ferrguss Crraikk”Its jjustt inneffficiientt”The braains pproccesssingg 330 sloows dowwn ooverr thhe yyearrs,tthouugh no onee knnowss exxacttly 311.

18、RReceent ressearrch sugggessts thaat nnervve ccellls llosee effficcienncy andd 332 theeres llesss acctivvityy inn thhe bbraiinBBut,ccauttionns BBarrry GGorddon,”Its not clear that less activity is 33 A beginning athlete is winded(气喘吁吁)more easily than a 34 athleteIn the same way, 35 the brain gets m

19、ore skilled at a task,it expends less energy on it.”Therre aare 366 yyou cann taake to commpennsatte ffor norrmall sllipppagee inn yoour memmoryy geearss,thhouggh iit 337 eeffoortMarrgarret Sewwelll saays:”Were a qquicck-ffix cullturre, butt yoou hhavee too 338 to keeep yyourr brrainn 399 shhapeeItt

20、s llikee haavinng aa goood boddyYYou Cannt ggo tto tthe gymm onnce a yyearr 400 exxpecct tto sstayy inn toop fformm.”21A. allmosst B. selldomm CC. aalreeadyy D. nevver22A. jooke B. lauugh CC. bblamme DD. ccritticiize23A. muuch BB. llitttle C. morre D. leess24A. siincee B. foor C. byy D. beecauuse25A

21、. meemorry BB. mmindd C. trooublle D. heealtth26A. diisorrganniziing BB. mmispplaccingg C. puuttiing DD. ffinddingg27A. swwifttly BB. ffreqquenntlyy C. tiimelly DD. qquiccklyy28Amatturee B. addvannce CC. aage D. groow29A. brrokeen B. pooor C. peerfeect D. worrkinng30A. paatteern B. tiime CC. sspacce

22、 D. infformmatiion31A . wwhy B. howw C. whaat D. whhen32A. siincee BB. hhencce C. thaat D. altthouugh33A. irrreggulaar B. bettterr CC. nnormmal DD. wworsse34A. faamouus B. seenioor C. poppulaar D. traaineed35A. ass B. tiill C. thhouggh D. yeet36A. sttagees BB. sstepps C. addvanntagges D. puurpoosess

23、37A. maakess B. takkes CC. ddoess DD. sspennds38A. reest BB. ccomee C. worrk DD. sstuddy39A. too B. foor C. on DD. iin40A. soo B. or CC. aand D. iffSectiion Reeadiing Commpreehennsioon (440 ppoinnts)Direcctioons: Thheree arre 44 paassaagess inn thhis parrt, Eacch ppasssagee iss foolloowedd byy soome

24、 queestiionss orr unnfinnishhed staatemmentts. Forr eaach of theem ttherre aare fouur cchoiicess maarkeed AA, BB, CC, aand D. Youu shhoulld ddeciide on thee beest chooicee annd bblacckenn thhe ccorrrespponddingg leetteer oon tthe ANSSWERR SHHEETT wiith a ppenccil.Questtionns 441 tto 445 aare bassed

25、on thee foolloowinng ppasssagee: Prriorr too thhe 220thh ccentturyy, mmanyy laanguuagees wwithh smmalll nuumbeers of speeakeers surrvivved forr ceentuuriees. Thee inncreeasiinglly iinteercoonneecteed mmodeern worrld makkes it mucch mmoree diiffiicullt ffor smaall lannguaage commmunnitiies to livve i

26、in rrelaativve iisollatiion, a keyy faactoor iin llangguagge mmainntennancce aand preeserrvattionn. Itt reemaiins to be seeen wwhettherr thhe wworlld ccan maiintaain itss liinguuisttic andd cuultuurall diiverrsitty iin tthe cennturriess ahheadd. MManyy poowerrfull foorcees aappeear to worrk aagaiins

27、tt itt :ppopuulattionn grrowtth, whiich pusshess miigraant poppulaatioons intto tthe worrlds llastt issolaatedd loocattionns; masss ttourrismm; gglobbal tellecoommuuniccatiionss annd mmasss meediaa; aand thee sppreaad oof ggigaantiic gglobbal corrporratiionss. AAll of theese forrcess apppeaar tto ss

28、ignnifyy a futturee inn whhichh thhe llangguagge oof aadveertiisinng, poppulaar ccultturee, aand connsummer prooduccts beccomee siimillar. Allreaady Engglissh aand a ffew othher majjor tonnguees hhavee emmergged as glooball laanguuagees oof ccommmercce aand commmunnicaatioon. Forr maany of thee woor

29、ldds peooplees, leaarniing onee off thhesee laanguuagees iis vviewwed as thee keey tto eeduccatiion, ecconoomicc oppporrtunnityy, aand a bbettter wayy off liife. Onnly aboout 3,0000 lannguaagess noow iin uuse aree exxpecctedd too suurviive thee coominng ccentturyy. AAre mosst oof tthe resst ddoommed

30、 in thee ceentuury aftter thaat? Whhethher mosst oof tthesse llangguagges surrvivve wwilll prrobaablyy deepennd oon hhow strronggly cullturral grooupss wiish to keeep ttheiir iidenntitty aalivve tthrooughh a nattivee laanguuagee. TTo ddo sso wwilll reequiire an empphassis on billingguallismm(maastee

31、ry of twoo laanguuagees). Biilinnguaal sspeaakerrs ccoulld uuse theeir ownn laanguuagee inn smmalller sphherees-att hoome, ammongg frriennds, inn coommuunitty ssetttinggs-annd aa gllobaal llangguagge aat wworkk, iin ddeallinggs wwithh gooverrnmeent, annd iin ccommmercciall sppherres. Inn thhis wayy,

32、 mmanyy smmalll laanguuagees ccoulld ssusttainn thheirr cuultuurall annd llingguissticc innteggritty aalonngsiide glooball laanguuagees, rattherr thhan yieeld to thee hoomoggeniizinng(同同化的)fforcces of glooballizaatioon. Irroniicallly, thhe ttrennd oof ttechhnollogiicall innnovvatiion thaat hhas thrr

33、eatteneed mminooritty llangguagges couuld alsso hhelpp saave theem. Forr exxampple, soome exppertts ppreddictt thhat commputter sofftwaare traansllatiion toools willl oone dayy peermiit mminooritty llangguagge sspeaakerrs tto bbrowwse thee Innterrnett ussingg thheirr naativve ttongguess. LLingguisst

34、s aree cuurreentlly uusinng ccompputeeraaideed llearrninng ttoolls tto tteacch aa vaarieety of thrreatteneed llangguagges.For mmanyy enndanngerred lannguaagess, tthe linne bbetwweenn reevivval andd deeathh iss exxtreemelly tthinn. LLangguagge iis rremaarkaablyy reesilliennt(有有活力的的),hhoweeverr. IIt i

35、is nnot jusst aa toool forr coommuuniccatiing, buut aalsoo a powwerfful wayy off seeparratiing diffferrentt grroupps, or of demmonsstraatinng ggrouup iidenntitty. Manny iindiigennouss(原生生的,土土著的)ccommmuniitiees hhavee shhownn thhat it is posssibble to livve iin tthe moddernn woorldd whhilee reeclaaim

36、iing theeir uniiquee iddenttitiies thrrouggh llangguagge.41.Miinorrityy laanguuagees ccan be besst ppresservved in _. Aaan iincrreassinggly inttercconnnectted worrld Bmaiintaainiing smaall nummberrs oof sspeaakerrs Crellatiivelly iisollateed llangguagge ccommmuniitiees Dfolllowwingg thhe ttradditiio

37、n of thee 200th ceentuury42.Acccorrdinng tto PParaagraaph 2, thaat tthe worrld cann maainttainn itts llingguissticc diiverrsitty iin tthe futturee iss _. Aunccerttainn BBunnreaalissticc Cforreseeeabble DDdeefinnitee43.Acccorrdinng tto tthe autthorr, bbiliinguualiism cann heelp_. Asmaall lannguaagess

38、 beecomme aacceeptaablee inn woork plaacess Bhommogeenizze tthe worrlds llangguagges andd cuultuuress Cglooball laanguuagees rreacch hhomee annd ccommmuniity setttinngs Dspeeakeers maiintaain theeir linnguiistiic aand cullturral ideentiity44.Coompuuterr teechnnoloogy is hellpfuul ffor preeserrvinng mminooritty llangguagges in thaat iit_. Amakkes leaarniing a gglobbal lannguaage unnneceessaary Bfacciliitattes thee leearnningg annd uusinng oof tthosse llangguagges Craiisess puubliic aawarreneess of sav


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