1、考研英语写写作必备:294句热点话话题亮点词词句1. suuperiior tto ottherss高人一等等2. Thhe laarge scalle deeveloopmennt off Wesst Chhina is oof prrofouund ssigniificaance西部大开开发具有深深远意义3. reevitaalizee ourr nattion实现我们们民族的伟伟大复兴4. laag beehindd(发展)滞滞后5. thhe oppeninng-upp polliciees开放政政策6. luure mmore foreeign capiital吸引更多多的外资7.
2、leeave farr behhind把把远远地甩甩到后边8. Inn addditioon, tthe wwests unniquee unffavorrablee geoograpphic posiitionns grreatlly liimit its deveelopmment另另外,西部部极为不利利的地理位位置限制了了其自身的的发展。9. suubsisstencce prrobleem温饱问题题10. IIf leeft uunchaangedd, thhe unnderddevellopmeent iin thhe weest wwill greaatly affeect oov
3、eraall pprospperitty annd evven ssociaal sttabillity.这种状况况若不改变变的话,西西部的落后后将极大地地影响共同同富裕的目目标甚至社社会稳定。11. HHowevver, the westtern regiion ddevellopmeent iis a longg-terrm syystemmaticc proojectt.然而,西西部开发是是一个长期期的系统工工程。12.Itt callls ffor ttremeendouus efffortts off sevverall gennerattionss.它需要几几代人的共共同努力。13
4、.ecconommic pprospperitty经济繁繁荣14. ssociaal prrogreess社会进步步15.poolitiical stabbilitty政治稳定定16. bbeauttifull lanndscaape风光秀丽丽17.a deepp-roooted conccept一个根深深蒂固的观观念18. mmaterrialiisticc soccietyy物质社会会19.bee conncernned aaboutt关心20. tthe ssensee of achiievemment成就感21.inn terrms oof从的角度22. aa souund aatti
5、ttude一种正确确的态度23. sstrivve foor为而努力24. bbookwworm书呆子25. tthe ppursuuit oof ouur iddealss对我们理理想的追求求26. mmaterrial welll-beiing物质财富富27. uutiliize tthe nnaturral rresouurcess利用自然然资源28.meeet tthe ffuturre neeeds满足将来来的需要29. CCompeetitiion eexistts evverywwheree andd it is oone oof thhe mootivee forrces of
6、 tthe ddevellopmeent oofsocieety竞争是社社会生活中中的一个司司空见惯的的现象30. HHowevver, we ooftenn finnd coompettitioon exxistss toggetheer wiith ccoopeeratiion.然而,我我们经常发发现竞争与与合作共存存的情况。31. WWhilee we are advoocatiing ccompeetitiion, we ccant forrget coopperattion.我们在倡倡导竞争是是不可忽略略合作。32. PPure and excllusivve coompettiti
7、oon leeads to ffailuures.纯粹排他他的竞争会会导致一事事无成。33. OOnly comppetittion togeetherr witth coooperratioon heelps us aa greeat ddeal in oobtaiiningg ourr goaals aand ssatissfyinng ouur neeeds.只有既竞竞争又合作作,我们才才能实现目目标,才能能满足自身身需要。34. TThe ccurreent eeducaationn sysstem现行教育育体制35.(bbe)aimeed att致力于36. tthe ppractt
8、icall appplicaationn of whatt theey haave llearnned他们所学学知识的实实际运用37. cchalllengee exaaminaationn-oriienteed edducattion挑战应试试教育38. aadvoccate quallity-orieentedd eduucatiion倡导素质质教育39. ffocuss on the studdentss abiilityy as a whhole重视培养养学生的整整体能力40. pplay a keey roole起到到关键作用用41. ccontrributte too sollvi
9、ngg thee prooblemm of有有助于问题的解解决42. bbringg up a neew geeneraationn培养一代代新人43. oon a largge sccale大规模的的44. ccompuulsorry edducattion义务教育育45. aa topp priioritty最优先(事事项)46. wwaterr losss annd sooil eerosiion水土流失失47. EEvideentlyy, thhe deeteriiorattion of tthe qqualiity oof thhe ennviroonmennt thhreatten
10、s the exisstencce off mannkindd很明显,环环境质量恶恶化会危及及人类的生生存。48. TThereeforee, thhe beest ssoluttion is tthat we sshoulld deevotee to the prottectiion oof ouur hoome wwhilee we are deveelopiing oour eeconoomy.因因此,最好好的策略是是,在发展展经济的同同时致力于于保护环境境。49. ssustaainabble ddevellopmeent可持续发发展50. BBoth the goveernmeent
11、 aand oordinnary peopple sshoulld jooin hhandss to makee thiis woorld a beetterr plaace tto liive iin, nnot oonly for oursselvees, bbut aalso for futuure ggenerratioons.政府和百百姓应携起起手来,一一起打造更更好的生存存环境,不不仅为了自自己,更为为了我们的的子孙后代代。51. SSome acaddemicc worrks aare ffull of pplagiiarissms.一些学术术作品里充充满了剽窃窃来的思想想和文字
12、。52. mmoneyy-oriienteed saalesppeoplle惟利是图图的商人53. ffake commmoditty假货54. aachieeve ssucceess取得成功功55. iimparrt knnowleedge(to)传授知知识56. tthe ssoul engiineerr of mankkind人类灵魂魂的工程师师57. rraisee teaacherrs sociial sstatuus annd immprovve thheir mateeriall wellfaree提高教师师社会地位位,改善教教师物质待待遇。58. aan emmpty slog
13、gan一个空洞洞的口号59. iinterrnatiionall preestigge国际地位位60. ppromoote tthe uunifiicatiion oof Chhina促进祖国国的统一61. iin thhe loong rrun从长远看看来62. mmake everry ciitizeen awware thatt使每个个人都意识识到63. ttake the leadd起带头作作用64. ddeforrestaationn森林砍伐伐65. eecosyystemm生态系统统66. AAccorrdingg to its defiinitiion, the purppose
14、 of ssustaainabble ddevellopmeent iis too meeet thhe neeeds of tthe ppreseent wwithoout ccomprromissing the abillity of ffuturre geeneraationns too meeet thheir own needds.根据定义义,可持续续发展战略略提出的目目的是在不不损害子孙孙后代的利利益的前提提下满足今今天人们的的需要。67. TThe ffulfiillmeent oof onnes duuty aand oobliggatioons履行某人人的职责与与义务68.
15、mmainttain the stabbilitty annd unnity of oour ccounttry维维护我们国国家的稳定定和统一69. CChilddrens loove ffor ttheirr parrentss is the lattters beest rrewarrd.孩子对父父母的爱是是对父母最最好的回报报。70. vvigorr andd vittalitty生机与活活力71.ann agee of awakkeninng觉醒的时时期72. llay aa goood fooundaationn forr thee futture为将来奠奠定坚实的的基础73. ll
16、ack of aawareenesss of timees paassagge不能意识识到时光的的流逝74. ggo siightsseeinng出去观光光75. rremaiin frresh in oones meemoryy让某人记记忆犹新76. IIt tuurnedd outt thaat结果表明(接从句句)77. llengtthen peopples liife eexpecctanccy延长人们们的寿命78. IIf scciencce iss prooperlly ussed, it wwill beneefit mankkind, whiile iif itt is mis
17、uused, it willl leaad too traagic resuult.如果正当当利用,科科学将造福福人类,如如果利用不不当,科学学将引发灾灾难。79. SSo itts upp to us tto maake ssciennce aa bleessinng raatherr thaan a cursse too mannkindd.让科学造造福而非引引发祸端,这这是我们的的责任。80. ppropaagatee enddangeered animmal sspeciies促进濒危危动物种群群的繁衍。81.prroducce reeplaccemennt orrganss forr
18、 traanspllant patiientss为病人人制造可用用于移植的的替代器官官。82. TThe ssame appllies to rrobotts.机器人也也存在着相相同的问题题。83. TThe cconceern iis goood ffor iit caalls for adeqquatee atttentiion tto thhe prrobleems oof moodernn tecchnollogy and the stepps too be takeen too guiide tthe ddirecctionn of its deveelopmment.此类想法不不无
19、裨益,它它能唤起人人们对现代代科技技术术带来的问问题的足够够重视,同同时促使人人们采取措措施引导技技术的发展展方向。84. ccome up wwith想出,找找出(答案案,计划等等)85. TToolss aree thee millestoones of ttechnnologgy ass welll ass humman bbeinggs prrogreess.工具是科科技进步和和人类进步步的里程碑碑。86. mmediccal bbreakkthroough医学上的的重大突破破87. eeradiicatee根除88.(bbe) poppularr witth受到的欢迎89.(bbe)
20、 ensslaveed使沦为奴奴隶90. ggreennhousse efffectt温室效应应91. ddecissive facttor决定因素素92. sservee thee intteressts oof服务于利益的需需要93. II misss veery mmuch our tradditioonal cultture whosse looss iis tooo hiigh aa priice tto paay.传统文化令令我十分留留恋,它的的缺失意味味着高昂的的代价。94. GGone foreever are not onlyy, buut永远失去去的不仅是是,还有95. I
21、I treeasurre trradittionaal cuulturre, ffor iit emmbodiies tthe vvery custtoms and valuues tthat susttain our frieendshhip, famiily aand sspiriituall liffe.我珍惜传传统文化,因因为它代表表了维系我我们的友谊谊,家庭和和精神生活活的固有方方式及价值值观。96. llift inteellecctuall proopertty窃取知识识产权97. ee-commmercce电子商务务98. ccausee greeat ffinannciall
22、 lossses导致巨大大的经济损损失99. IIt iss higgh tiime ffor uus too takke alll thhe efffecttive meassuress to batttle aagainnst hhackeers.我们应立立即采取有有效措施,制制止黑壳犯犯罪。100. Spott somme weeakneess oon thhe Weeb.窥探到网上上的一些漏漏洞。101. Enhaance the manaagemeent oon thhe weeb加强对对网络的监监管力度。102. Put whatt we havee leaarnedd intto
23、 prractiice将我们所所学附诸实实践103. We sshoulld taake aadvanntagee of scieence to sservee ourr soccietyy.我们应利利用科学服服务社会。104. desiirablle满足需要要的105. The goodds coome iin alll shhapess, siizes and coloors oon thhe Innternnet.在网上,商商品的形状状,大小和和颜色一目目了然。106. clicck thhe moouse点点击鼠标107. The commmoditties theyy ordder
24、wwill be ddelivveredd to themm proomptlly.所订商品品立刻送到到。108. Oncee cheeatedd, yoou wiill ffind thatt youu havve noowherre too go to ccompllain.一旦上当当,投诉无无109. abusse滥用110. an iindisspenssablee parrt inn moddern lifee现代生活活不可或缺缺的一个方方面。111. masss eduucatiion大众教育育112. a twwo-eddged sworrd一把双刃刃剑113. a naatio
25、nnal llong-disttancee eduucatiionall sysstem全国远程程教育系统统114. provvide educcatioonal oppoortunnitiees viia Innternnet通过网络络提供教育育机会115. So II thiink ppeoplle shhouldd usee celll phhoness as litttle aas poossibble aand tturn themm offf on impoortannt occcasiions.因此,我我认为人们们应尽量少少用手机,在在重要场合合要关掉手手机。116. Of cc
26、oursse, ccyberr gammes aalso havee theeir nnegattive effeects.当然,网网络游戏也也有负面效效应。117. It iis sttronggly ssuggeestedd thaat wee shoould not induulge in tthem.我们千万万不能沉迷迷118. prohhibitt禁止119. pourr alll theeir ppockeet innto ccyberr gammes把全部的的零用钱都都花在网络络游戏上。120. skipp schhool逃学121. leadd stuudentts asstr
27、ayy将学生引引入歧途122. enhaance the puniishmeent oof thhe illlegaal owwner of tthe ccyberr barrs加强对对不良网吧吧业主的惩惩罚力度。123. In tthis way, chiildreen wiill bbecomme veery llazy and unwiillinng too usee theeir mmind这这样,学生生就变得非非常懒惰,不不喜欢用脑脑。124. E-maail, an eentirrely new way of ccommuunicaationn by meanns off comm
28、puteers, is bbecomming so ppopullar nnowaddays thatt its diifficcult to iimagiine mmoderrn liife wwithoout iit.电子邮件件作为一种种全新的通通信方式日日益普及,我我们很难想想象若无电电子邮件,现现代生活会会是什么样样子。125. langguagee barrrierr语言障碍126. But afteer alll, ccompuuter is ccompuuter, it can neveer reeplacce a humaan brrain.但不管怎怎样,电脑脑终究是电电脑,它
29、永永远不可能能取代人脑脑。127. for the sakee of relaaxatiion为了达到到放松的目目的。128. Partticippate in ssociaal acctiviitiess参与社会会活动129. Nowaadayss theere iis offten a laack oof unndersstandding betwween the audiiencee andd thee gennerall dirrectoors oof thhe annnuall sprring festtivall gallas.如今,观观众和春节节晚会导演演组之间常常缺乏相互互理解
30、。130. takee thee firrst sstep迈出第一一步 1311. unnethiical不道德的的132. Ecollogissts ppointt outt thaat a clusster of hhigh-risee buiildinngs iin a cityy oftten ooverbburdeen puublicc traanspoortattion and parkking-lot capaacitiies.生态学家家指出,城城市里的高高层建筑群群使公共交交通和停车车容量负担担过重。133. inteerferre wiith干涉,影影响134. In oor
31、derr to prottect the onlyy earrth ffor oourseelvess andd forr ourr chiildreen, llets woork ttogetther and keepp ourr citties fromm groowingg furrtherr in heigght!我们只有有一个地球球,为了我我们自身及及后代着想想,兴建摩摩天大楼风风不可涨!135. Havee morre saay inn thee intternaationnal aaffaiirs在国际事务务中有更多多的发言权权136. try to ggive up tthei
32、rr abssolutte poower in ffamilly too givve a bettter iimagee to theiir chhildrren尽量放弃弃他们(父父母)在家家中的绝对对权利,在在孩子面前前树立良好好的形象。137. laidd-offf worrkerss下岗工人人138. calll on the effoorts fromm alll siddes号召各个个方面做出出努力139. job vacaancy就业空位位,就业机机会140. seizze evvery channce tto beegin a neew caareerr抓住一切切机会来开开创新的
33、事事业141. new postt新的岗位 1422. soociall traansfoormattion era社会转型型阶段143. a raationnal ssysteem off setttingg priices合理的定定价体系144. imprrove the quallity提高质量 1455. loower the costt降低成本本146. cheaap inn priice aand hhigh in qqualiity质优价廉廉147. Geneerallly sppeakiing, the advaantagges oof urrbaniizatiion ccan
34、 bbe liistedd as folllows.一般说来来,城市化化可以带来来下列好处处。148. quiccken our pacee加快我们们的步伐149. imprrove the stanndardds off livving提高生活活水平150. lotttery tickkets of ssociaal weelfarre, ssportts inndusttry aand ffootbball gamees福利彩票票,体育彩彩票和足球球彩票151. lotttery citiizenss“彩民”152. sponnsor charritiees orr athhletiic
35、deeveloopmennt扶持慈善善事业与体体育发展153. try ones luuck碰运气154.mmake easyy monney轻松赚钱钱155. greaat teemptaationn巨大的诱诱惑156. In mmy miind, lotttery is mmuch the samee as gambblingg in natuure aand iit ceertaiinly brinngs mmore negaativee efffectss thaan poositiive eeffeccts, if aany.在我看来来,购买彩彩票与赌博博在性质上上并无二致致,它有很
36、很多负面作作用,而正正面作用却却微乎其微微。157. earnning-quicck-buuck mmentaalityy迅速暴富富的思想158. Secoondlyy, noot a few peopple, beinng inndulgged iin lootterry, llose not onlyy iniitiattive for workk butt alsso inntereest iin liife.第二,不不少人对彩彩票痴心不不改,对工工作失去了了积极性,对对生活失去去了兴趣。159. Wishhful thinnkingg如意算盘盘160. falll intto foou
37、r ccateggoriees归结为四四类161. addiictioon too druugs吸毒成瘾瘾162. habiituall druug-taakerss(吸毒)瘾瘾君子163. Firsst, mmass mediia keeep uus weell iinforrmed of tthe hhappeeninggs off thee worrld wwhichh wouuld ootherrwisee remmain unknnown.首先,通通过大众传传媒,我们们对世界风风云变幻了了如指掌,否否则我们就就会一无所所知。164. Theyy musst maake ggreatt
38、 efffortss to meett thee sattisfaactioon off thee aduults, andd at the samee timme goo outt of theiir waay too avooid iimpossing bad inflluencce onn thee chiildreen.他们既要要努力满足足成年观众众的需求,又又要避免影影片对儿童童产生不利利影响。165. Filmms annd TVV serries oughht too eduucatee thee youung bbut nnot tto ruuin tthem.影片和电电视节目
39、应应对未成年年人起到教教化作用而而不是教唆唆作用。166. combbine bookk knoowleddge wwith praccticee将书本知知识与实践践结合167. Thouugh iit dooes ggood to ccolleege sstudeents in mmany wayss, thhe gooldenn weeek caan neever be ssaid to bbringg no probblemss.对大学生生而言,尽尽管黄金周周好处多多多,但其负负面效应也也是客观存存在的。168. cherrish timee珍惜时间间169. Nowaadayss we
40、 havee heaard ttoo mmuch abouut piiracyy herre annd thhere.今天,盗盗版现象随随处可见。piratted vvideoos annd poornoggraphhic ppubliicatiions盗版影碟碟或淫秽出出版物170. makee greeat ffortuune oovernnight一夜暴富富171. authhentiic coopyriight holdders版权合法法持有者172. prossecutte起诉173. emplloy mmore scieentiffic aand aadvannced insppe
41、ctiion mmethoods利用更多多科学,先先进的检测测手段174. onlyy atttach impoortannce tto suuperfficiaal chharaccteriisticcs只注重产产品的外在在特征175. telll thee autthenttic ccopy fromm thee fallse oone将正版与盗盗版区分开开来176. Actiions speaak loouderr thaan woords.行动胜于于空谈。177. The earlly 19990s wiitnesssed an uunpreecedeentedd tidde off
42、rurral wworkeers ffloodding intoo bigg citties.20世纪90年代初初期,农民民工开始如如潮水般地地涌入大城城市。178. No oone ddeniees thhe immporttant conttribuutionn rurral wworkeers hhave madee to urbaan deeveloopmennt.没有人能能否认农民民工为城市市建设做出出的重要贡贡献。179. An iindisspenssablee parrt off urbban llife城市生活活中不可或或缺的一部部分180. Yet an aanti-mig
43、rrant attiitudee runns coonsisstenttly tthrouugh tthe mmainsstreaam off urbbanizzatioon.然而,反反对农民工工进城的态态度一直贯贯穿于城市市化主流进进程之中。181. Theyy alsso bllame themm forr thee shaarp rrise in uurbann criime rrate.他们还把把城市犯罪罪率的急剧剧上升归罪罪于农民工工。182. Mostt of the goveernmeent oofficcialss aree honnest and harddworkking,
44、 butt casses oof diishonnestyy andd corrrupttion in ggoverrnmennt arre frrequeentlyy repporteed inn reccent yearrs.大多数政政府官员是是诚实敬业业的。但近近年来官员员渎职,腐腐败案件时时有发生。183. seekk easse annd coomforrt贪图安逸逸享乐184. negllect ones duuty玩忽职守守185. Theyy abuuse tthe ppowerr enttrustted tto thhem bby thhe peeoplee.他们滥用用人民赋
45、予予的权利。186. goveernmeent aat alll leevelss各级政府府187. launnch aa nattionwwide camppaignn agaainstt alll forrms oof coorrupptionn在全国范范围内开展展反腐败斗斗争。188. servve thhe peeoplee whoole-hhearttedlyy全心全意意为人民服服务。189. expoose aand ddenouunce the offeenderrs曝光和和揭发违法法犯罪者190. supeervissory authhoritties监督部门门191. a g
46、uuaranntee to sstrenngtheen thhe ecconommic cconsttructtion促进经济济建设的保保证192. takee strrict and effeectivve meeasurres采取严厉厉,有效的的手段193. Honeesty can earnn govvernmment highh preestigge ammong peopple, and mainntainn thee cloose tties betwween goveernmeent aand iits ppeoplle.诚实守信信能为政府府赢得威信信,加强政政府与人民民的密切联联系。194. a drramattic iincreease急剧的增增长195. shorrtsigghteddnesss短视的行行为,无远远见的行为为196. quitt schhool辍学197. earnn onees liivingg谋生198. makee thee farrmerss fullly aawaree of the impoortannce oof thhe yooung geneeratiions edducattion使农民充充分认识到到青少年教教育的重要要性。199. lighhten theiir fiinanccial burdden减轻他们们的经济负