1、媒介研究究常用术术语解析析AcCoont(0000)累积积接触度度(以千千人为单单位)Accuumullateed CConttactts iin 0000s指多个载载体所到到达的总总人次,以以千人次次表示,也也即多个个载体的的接触度度之和。The acccumuulatted nummberr off inndivviduualss reeachhed by a pplann off suuppoortss exxpreesseed iin tthouusannds.公式: AcCContt(0000) =计划划中每个个载体的的接触度度(以千千人为单单位)之之和Formmulaa: AAcC
2、oont(0000) = Suum oof CC onnt(0000) foor eeachh suuppoortss inn a plaanAcCoost累累积成本本Accuumullateed CCostt计划中各各载体广广告段位位的累积积价格。The tottal ratte ccardd coost forr a plaan oof ssuppportts.公式: AcCCostt =计计划中每每个载体体的成本本之和Formmulaa: AAcCoost = SSum of thee c ostt foor eeachh suuppoort in thee pllanAcCoost/G
3、RPP累积每每收视点点成本(也称累累积每毛毛评点成成本)Accuumullateed CCostt peer rratiing poiint (allso knoown as AcCCostt peer GGRP)每个载体体的广告告成本除除以累积积毛评点点数。The summ off thhe ccostts oof eeachh suuppoort divvideed bby tthe nummberr off Acccummulaatedd GRRPs.公式: AcCCostt/GRRP =累积成成本/累累积毛评评点Formmulaa: AAcCoost/GRPP =AAcCoost/ A
4、ccGRPPAcCoost/Connt累积积每千人人成本(以千人人为单位位)Accuumullateed CCostt peer tthouusannd (alsso kknowwn aas AAcCoost perr thhoussandd)计划中各各载体分分别到达达一千人人次所需需的累积积成本,以以元表示示。The acccumuulatted cosst oof tthe plaan oof ssuppportts ffor eveery onee thhoussandd acccummulaatedd coontaactss, eexprresssed in currrenncy un
5、iits.公式:AAcCoost/Connt =累积成成本x 10000 /累积接接触度(0000)Formmulaa: AAcCoost/Connt = AccCosst xx 10000 / AAcCoont (0000)AcDuurattionn累积时时长Accuumullateed DDuraatioon计划中各各载体的的累积持持续时间间或长度度,以秒秒表示。The acccumuulatted durratiion or lenngthh off a plaan oof ssuppportts, exppresssedd inn seeconnds公式: AcDDuraatioon
6、=计划中中每个载载体的时时长之和和Formmulaa: AAcDuurattionn =SSum of thee duurattionns oof eeachh suuppoortss inn a plaan.AcGRRP累积积收视率率(以百百分比为为单位) (也也称累积积毛评点点)Accuumullateed RRatiingss inn % (allso knoown as Acccumuulatted Grooss Rattingg Poointt)累积接触触度(以以千人为为单位)除以推推及人口口,以百百分比表表示。The rellatiion bettweeen tthe nummbe
7、rr off Acccummulaatedd Coontaactss inn thhoussandds ddiviidedd byy thhe UUnivversse, exppresssedd inn peerceentaage.公式: AcGGRP =累积积接触度度(0000)/总体推推及人口口Formmulaa: AAcGRRP = AccConnt(0000)/UnniveerseeCov(0000)覆盖盖率(以以千人为为单位)Accuumullateed RReacch iin 0000s ffor a SSeriies of Suppporrts指特定的的媒介计计划(广广告投放放计
8、划)实实施时所所能达到到的不重重复的观观众人数数,以千千人表示示。The tottal nummberr off inndivviduualss, eexprresssed in thoousaandss, wwho havve vviewwed at leaast oncce wwithhin a ccamppaiggn oor aa pllan of suppporrts.Formmulaa: CCov(0000) = Suum oof tthe co ntaactss inn 0000ss foor ssuppporttsCov%覆盖率率(以百百分比为为单位)Accuumullateed
9、 RReacch iin % foor aa Seeriees oof SSuppportts指特定的的媒介计计划(广广告投放放计划)实实施时所所能达到到的不重重复的观观众人数数占总体体电视推推及人口口的百分分比。The tottal nummberr off inndivviduualss whho hhavee viieweed aat lleasst ooncee wiithiin aa caampaaignn orr a plaan oof ssuppportts, exppresssedd ass a perrcenntagge.Formmulaa: CCov% = Summ off
10、 thhe cco nntaccts in 0000s forr suuppoortss / Uniiverrse of thee chhoseen ttarggetTgAffin%集中度度Affiinitty (alsso kknowwn aas CConvverssionn)目标观众众(如115到334岁的的人群)的收视视率(%)与参参照观众众(如所所有4岁岁以上的的人口)的收视视率(%)之间间的关系系指数。注注意:用用户可选选择参照照观众。An iindeex oof tthe rellatiionsshipp beetweeen thee raatinng iin % foor aa
11、taargeet aaudiiencce (i.ee. AAll 15-34) annd ffor a rrefeerennce auddiennce (i.e. Alll Inndivviduualss 4+). Notte: Thee usser cann chhoosse tthe reffereencee auudieencee.公式: TgAAfinn% = 目目标观众众收视率率(%) /参参照观众众收视率率(%) xx 1000Formmulaa: TTgAffin% = (Rttg% forr thhe ttargget auddiennce / RRtg% foor tthe
12、reffereencee auudieencee) xx 1000AvFiid平均均忠实度度Averragee Fiidellityy反映观众众平均忠忠诚度的的指数,以以百分比比表示,最最小值与与最大值值分别是是0%和和1000%。注注意:指指数越高高,观众众对特定定时段越越忠实。An iindeex sshowwingg thhe aaverragee looyallty of vieewerrs, exppresssedd ass a perrcenntagge wwithh a minnimuum aand maxximuum rresuult of 0% andd 1000% ress
13、pecctivvelyy. NNotee: TThe higgherr thhe iindeex, thee viieweers aree moore loyyal forr thhe sspeccifiied perriodd annd ccondditiionss onn ann avveraage daiily bassis.公式:AAvFiid = (收收视率% /平平均到达达率%) x 1000Formmulaa: AAvFiid = (RRtg% / AvRRch%) xx 1000AvRcch%平平均到达达率(以以百分比比为单位位)Averragee Reeachh inn %特
14、定时段段内平均均每天的的符合到到达条件件的接触触总人数数占总体体电视推推及人口口的比例例。到达达条件一一般是“至少收收看了11分钟”。注意意:用户户可以改改变收看看的最小小分钟数数或收看看时间在在整个时时段中的的最小百百分比来来自行定定义到达达条件。The perrcenntagge oof tthe aveeragge ddailly cconttactts ddiviidedd byy thhe uunivversse oof tthe resspecctedd taargeet. By deffaullt, thee deefinnitiion of coontaactss iis ha
15、vvingg viieweed aat lleasst 11 miinutte forr thhe ccondditiionss sppeciifieed.Notee: TThe deffiniitioon ccan be deffineed bby tthe useer eeithher by thee nuumbeer oof mminuute(s) vieewedd orr peerceentaage of thee tiime bannd vviewwed.Formmulaa: AAvRcch% = (Summ off thhe cc onntaccts in 0000s perr d
16、aay / Nuumbeer oof ddayss) / Unniveersee off thhe rresppectted tarrgett x 1000AvRcch(0000)平均到到达率(以千人人为单位位)Averragee Reeachh inn 0000ss在特定时时段内平平均每天天的符合合到达条条件的接接触总人人数,以以千人表表示。“接触度度”的默认认定义为为在指定定条件下下“至少收收看了11分钟”。注意意:用户户可根据据收看的的最小分分钟数或或收看时时间在整整个时段段中的最最小百分分比来自自行定义义。The aveeragge ddailly cconttactts eexprr
17、esssed in thoousaandss. BBy ddefaaultt, tthe deffiniitioon oof conntaccts iss hhaviing vieewedd att leeastt 1 minnutee ffor thee coondiitioons speeciffiedd. NNotee: TThe deffiniitioon ccan be deffineed bby tthe useer eeithher by thee nuumbeer oof mminuute(s) vieewedd orr peerceentaage of thee tiime
18、bannd vviewwed.Formmulaa: AAvRcch(0000) = Summ off c onttactts iin 0000s pper dayy / Nummberr off daaysContt(0000)接接触度(以千人人为单位位)Conttactts iin 0000s特定载体体所到达达的人次次,以千千人次表表示。The nummberr off inndivviduualss reeachhed by a ggiveen ssuppportt exxpreesseed iin tthouusannds.Formmulaa:Coont(0000) = Suum oof
19、 tthe n uumbeer oof iindiividdualls cconttactted in a ssuppporttCostt成本Costt一个载载体的广广告段位位的价格格。The ratte ccardd coost forr a suppporrt.Costt/Coont每每千人成成本CPM (Coost perr thhoussandd)在广告媒媒介计划划中,载载体每到到达一千千人次的的受众量量所需要要花费的的成本,以以元表示示。The cosst oof tthe suppporrt ffor eveery onee thhoussandd coontaactss, eex
20、prresssed in currrenncy uniits公式:CCostt/Coont =广告告成本xx 10000 /接触触度(0000)Formmulaa:Coost/Connt = Coost x 110000 / Connt (0000)Costt/GRRP每毛毛评点成成本CPRPP (CCostt peer rratiing poiint)指每得到到一个收收视率百百分点所所需要花花费的成成本。The aveeragge ccostt foor oone rattingg poointt.公式:CCostt/GRRP =广告成成本/毛毛评点Formmulaa:Coost/GRPP
21、= Cosst oof tthe suppporrt / Raatinng iin % off thhe ssuppportt1+(0000), 22+(0000), 33+(0000)n+(0000)接触触度分布布(以千千人为单单位)Disttribbutiion of Conntaccts in 0000s收看广告告或节目目一次、二二次或n次次的人数数(以千千人为单单位)。注注意:用用户可通通过“最大接接触度数数”选项来来定义“n”的数目目。The nummberr off inndivviduualss inn thhoussandds wwho havve vviewwed a cca
22、mppaiggn oor aa pllan of suppporrts oncce, twiiceor n ttimees. Notte: Thee usser cann deefinne tthe nummberr off nn bby uusinng tthe Maaximmum nummberr off coontaactss ooptiion.1+(%), 2+(%), 3+(%)n+(%)接接触度分分布(以以百分比比为单位位)Disttribbutiion of Conntaccts in %收看广告告或节目目一次、二二次或n次次的人数数,以百百分比表表示。注注意:用用户可通通过“最
23、大接接触度数数”选项来来定义“n”的数目目。The nummberr off inndivviduualss inn thhoussandds wwho havve vviewwed a ccamppaiggn oor aa pllan of suppporrts oncce, twiiceor n ttimees, exppresssedd ass a perrcenntagge. Notte: Thee usser cann deefinne tthe nummberr off nn bby uusinng tthe Maaximmum nummberr off coontaactss o
24、optiio nn.公式: n+(%) = nn+(0000) /总总体电视视推及人人口Formmulaa: nn+(%) = n+(0000) / UUnivversse oof tthe choosenn taargeetDuraatioon时长长一个载体体的持续续时间或或长度,以以秒表示示。The durratiion or lenngthh off a suppporrt, exppresssedd inn seeconnds.ExcRReacch %边际到到达率(以百分分比为单单位)Excllusiive Reaach in %在媒介计计划中,去去掉某条条插播或或某个载载体而损损失的
25、到到达率(0000)占占总体推推及人口口的百分分比。The nummberr off Reeachh inn % whiich is excclussivee caan bbe rreacchedd byy a parrticculaar sspott/suuppoort.ExcRReacch (0000)边际际到达率率(以千千人为单单位)Excllusiive Reaach in 0000s在媒介计计划中,去去掉某条条插播或或某个载载体而损损失的到到达率,以以千人表表示。The nummberr off Reeachh inn 0000ss whhichh iss exxcluusivve
26、ccan be reaacheed bby aa paartiicullar spoot/ssuppportt.Fid忠忠实度Fideelitty指特定频频道(时时段/节节目)的的收视率率与到达达率的百百分比值值。最小小值与最最大值分分别是00%和1100%。注意意:指数数越高,观观众对特特定时段段和条件件越忠实实。An iindeex sshowwingg thhe lloyaaltyy off viieweers, exxpreesseed aas aa peerceentaage witth aa miinimmum andd maaximmum ressultt off 0% annd
27、 1100% reespeectiivelly. Notte: Thee hiigheer tthe inddex, thhe vviewwerss arre mmoree looyall foor tthe speeciffiedd peeriood aand conndittionns.公式: Fidd = (收视视率% /到达达率%) x 1000Formmulaa: FFid = (Rtgg% / Rcch%) x 1000OTS平平均暴露露频次Oppoortuunitty TTo SSee (allso knoown as Aveeragge FFreqquenncy)在广告排排期或
28、载载体计划划中每条条插播被被观众平平均收看看的次数数。The aveeragge nnumbber of conntaccts perr viieweer iin aa caampaaignn, oor aa pllan of suppporrts. Reelattionn beetweeen thee cuumullateed cconttactts aand thee cooverragee reeachhed in a pplann off suuppoortss.公式: OTSS =累累积接触触度(0000) /到到达率(0000)Formmulaa : OTSS = Acccumuu
29、latted Rattingg inn 0000ss / Tottal Reaach in 0000sRtg(0000)收视视率(以以千人为为单位)Ratiing in 0000s对特定时时段或节节目,平平均每分分钟的收收视人数数。The aveeragge nnumbber of thee unniveersee inn 0000ss too a chaanneel, proograammee, sspott, sspeccifiied tarrgett, ttimee baand or chaanneel.Formmulaa: RRtg(0000) = Suum oof tthe tott
30、al auddiennce / TTotaal nnumbber of timme bbanddsRtg%收视率率(以百百分比为为单位) (也也称为电电视收视视率)Ratiing in % (alsso kknowwn aas TTVRss (TTV RRatiingss)针对某特特定时段段(或节节目)平平均每分分钟的收收视人数数占推及及人口总总体的百百分比。The perrcenntagge oof tthe aveeragge nnumbber of auddiennce witth rresppectt too thhe uunivversse oof tthe dettermminee
31、d ttargget.Formmulaa: RRtg% = (SSum of thee tootall auudieencee / Tottal nummberr off tiime bannd) / UUnivversse oof tthe dettermmineed ttargget x 1000 = (Rttg(0000) / Uniiverrse) x 1000Shr%占有率率(也称称为频道道占有率率)Sharre (alsso kknowws aas CChannnell Shharee)特定时段段内收看看某一频频道或某某一节目目的人数数占同一一时段所所有收看看电视人人数的百百分比,
32、也也是特定定时段内内某一频频道的收收视率占占所有频频道的总总收视率率的百分分比。The perrcenntagge oof tthe rattingg inn % forr a parrticculaar cchannnell coompaaredd too thhe ttotaal aaudiiencce ffor eittherr tootall TVV (TTTV) orr a speeciffiedd grroupp off chhannnelss.公式: Shrr% = 某某一频道道的收视视率(%) /所有频频道的收收视率(%) xx 1000Formmulaa: SShr% = (
33、Rttg% of a ppartticuularr chhannnel / RRtg% off TTTV) x 1100TgSaat%观观众构成成Targget Proofille (alsso kknowwn aas TTargget Satturaatioon)对于特定定频道(或或节目),目目标观众众平均每每分钟的的收视人人数(千千人)占占参照观观众平均均每分钟钟收视人人数(千千人)的的百分比比。注意意:用户户可选择择参照观观众。An iindeex oof tthe rellatiionsshipp beetweeen thee raatinng iin 0000s oof aa taa
34、rgeet aaudiiencce (i.ee. AAll Malle) andd a reffereencee auudieencee (ii.e. Alll IIndiividdualls 44+). Noote: Thhe uuserr caan cchooose thee reeferrencce aaudiiencce.Formmulaa: TTgSaat% = (Rtgg 0000ss foor tthe tarrgett auudieencee / Rtgg 0000ss foor tthe reffereencee auudieencee) xx 1000CTTVV%时段段频道
35、贡贡献Timee Baands CConttribbutiion to Reffereencee Chhannnel Grooups TTotaal特定频道道特定时时段观众众收视时时间与该该市场所所有频道道在参考考时段观观众总收收视时间间的百分分比值。注注意:“参照频频道组”及“总体时时段”可由用用户选定定。The conntriibuttionn off TVV viiewiing to a ppartticuularr chhannnel forr a speeciffiedd tiime bannd, commparred to thee TVV viiewiing of a rrefe
36、erennce chaanneel ggrouup ffor a ddeteermiinedd tootall tiime bannd uusinng tthe aveeragge mminuutess viieweed. Notte: Thee RRefeerennce Chaanneel GGrouup andd TTotaal TTimee Baand ussed as reffereencee caan bbe sspeccifiied by thee usser.公式: CTTTV% = (某一频频道指定定时段的的收视时时间(分分钟)/所有频频道参考考时段总总收视时时间(分分钟) x
37、 1100Formmulaa: CCTTVV% = Miin. of a ppartticuularr chhannnel forr a timme bbandd / Minn. oof rrefeerennce chaanneel ggrouup ffor tottal timme bbandd) xx 1000CChnn%时段段贡献Timee Baands CConttribbutiion to itss Chhannnels TTotaal特定频道道特定时时段的观观众收视视时间与与该频道道观众总总收视时时间的百百分比值值。注意意:用作作参照的的“总体时时段”可由用用户选定定。The co
38、nntriibuttionn off TVV viiewiing of a ppartticuularr chhannnel forr a speeciffiedd tiime bannd, commparred witth tthe TV vieewinng oof tthe samme cchannnell foor aa tootall tiime bannd. Notte: Thee TTotaal TTimee Baand ussed as thee reeferrencce ccan be choosenn byy thhe uuserr.公式: CChhn% =某一一频道特特定时
39、段段的收视视时间(分分钟)/该频道道总收视视时间(分分钟)xx 1000Formmulaa: CCChnn% = Miin. of a ppartticuularr chhannnel forr a timme bbandd / Minn. oof tthe samme cchannnell foor ttotaal ttimee baand) x 1000TBInndexx%时段段指数Timee Baand Inddex某一频道道特定时时段的频频道占有有率与这这一频道道参照时时段的频频道占有有率之间间的关系系指数。注注意:两两个时段段都可由由用户指指定.The inddex of thee
40、reelattionnshiip bbetwweenn chhannnel shaare forr a speeciffiedd tiime bannd ccomppareed tto aa reeferrencce ttimee baand forr thhe ssamee chhannnel. Noote: usser cann sppeciify botth ttimee baandss.公式: TBIIndeex% = (指定时时段频道道占有率率/参照照时段频频道占有有率) x 1100Formmulaa: TTBInndexx% = (CChannnell Shharee foor
41、tthe speeciffiedd tiime bannd / Chhannnel Shaare forr reeferrencce ttimee baand) x 1000Rch%总到达达率(以以百分比比为单位位)Totaal RReacch iin %特定时段段内的符符合到达达条件的的接触总总人数占占总体电电视推及及人口的的百分比比。默认认“到达”定义为为指定条条件下“至少收收看了11分钟”。注意意:用户户可根据据收看的的最小分分钟数或或收看时时间在整整个时段段中的最最小百分分比来自自行定义义。The tottal nummberr off coontaactss foor aa sppe
42、ciifieed pperiiod divvideed bby tthe uniiverrse of thee reespeecteed ttargget andd exxpreesseed aas aa peerceentaage. Byy deefauult, thhe ddefiinittionn off cconttactts is Haavinng vviewwed at leaast 1 mminuute foor tthe conndittionns sspeccifiied. Inn thhis casse, an inddiviiduaal wwilll bee coonsi
43、iderred as a conntacct if he hass viieweed aat lleasst ffor onee miinutte ffor thee tootall peeriood sspeccifiied. Noote: Thhe ddefiinittionn caan bbe ddefiinedd byy thhe uuserr eiitheer bby tthe nummberr off miinutte(ss) vviewwed or perrcenntagge oof tthe timme bbandd viieweed.Formmulaa: RRch% = Su
44、mm off c onttactts iin 0000s ffor thee whholee peeriood / Unniveersee off thhe rresppectted tarrgett x 1000Rch(0000)总到到达率(以千人人为单位位)Totaal RReacch iin 0000特定时段段内的符符合到达达条件的的接触总总人数,以以千人表表示。“到达”的默认认定义为为在指定定条件下下“至少收收看了11分钟”。注意意:用户户可根据据收看的的最小分分钟数或或收看时时间在整整个时段段中的最最小百分分比来自自行定义义。The tottal nummberr off coont
45、aactss foor aa sppeciifieed pperiiod exppresssedd inn thhoussandds. By deffaullt, thee deefinnitiion of coontaactss iis Havvingg viieweed aat lleasst 11 miinutte forr thhe ccondditiionss sppeciifieed. In thiis ccasee, aan iindiividduall wiill be connsiddereed aas aa cconttactt iif hhe hhas vieewedd
46、att leeastt foor oone minnutee foor tthe tottal perriodd sppeciifieed. Notte: Thee deefinnitiion cann bee deefinned by thee usser eittherr byy thhe nnumbber of minnutee(s) viieweed oor pperccenttagee off thhe ttimee baand vieewedd.Formmulaa: RRch(0000) = Suum oof cc onntaccts in 0000s forr thhe wwholle pperiiodMin人人均接触触分钟数数TV CConssumpptioon观众日平平均收视视时间(分分钟)与与总体电电视推及及人口的的比值,可可