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1、英语阅读(3)形成性考核册Studeents learrningg proogresss reeporttChaptter11. 从第第一章节的的文章题目目来看,你你希望从这这一章获得得哪些方面面的信息?至少列出出三个问题题。第一章章出一个事事例。Exampple: Why are smilles ddisapppearring?Whichh couuntryy seeems tto bee smiilingg lesss?Whats thhe siilentt lannguagge?在学习第一一章时,你你遇到哪些些难点?2.Readiing SSkilll: SkkimmiingDiffee

2、rentt sillent langguagees in diffferennt coountrries.3你从第第一章中学学到了些什什么?比如如词汇、句句式、知识识或信息等等。Readiing SSkilll: Skkimmiingfew 很很少的,几几乎没有的的careffree: 无忧无无虑的。sulleennesss:阴郁郁self-conggratuulatiion:为为自己庆祝祝。passiive:被被动的autommaticc:不由自自主的beam:开颜,微微笑affecctionn:爱Nor aare tthe rreadeers.读者也是如如此。此句为noor引出的的倒装句,

3、nnor 和和neitther为为否定连接接词,可引引出倒装句句与前句呼呼应。Studeents learrningg proogresss reeporttChaptter21.从第二二章节的文文章题目来来看,你希希望从这一一章获得哪哪些方面的的信息?至至少列出三三个问题。why do men need to be liberated?what are the largger rresullts oof geenderr difffereencesshow ccan wwomenn strrongeer thhan mmen?2.在学习习第二章时时,你遇到到哪些难点点?Readiing SS

4、killl: PrredicctinggReadiing SSkilll: Suurveyying Yourr TexxtboookReadiing SSkilll: Suurveyying a Chhapteer3.你从第第二章中学学到了些什什么?比如如词汇、句句式、知识识或信息等等。roughh: 粗犷犷的take caree of an oofficce: 料料理公事naturre & nurtture 先天性和和后天性born biggger tthan girlls: 一一出生就比比女孩大些些less deveelopeed att birrth: 刚出生时时不如女孩孩发育好matu

5、rre: aadj./vi. 成熟(的的)conceeive: 怀胎;构思stilllbirtth: 死死胎,死产产ratioo: 比率率recovvery n. rrecovver vvi. (fromm)从中恢复In anny caase, it sseemss jusst a mattter oof tiime tthat thiss anccientt andd unuusuall mattriarrchy willl be channgingg to a moore ttypiccal ppatriiarchhal ssysteem.不管怎样,这这种古老的的,不寻常常的母系社社会制度

6、转转变成更具具代表性的的父系制度度似乎只是是个时间问问题。此句为复合合句,主句句为it seemms juust aa mattter of ttime,而而thatt 引出定定语从句修修饰timme。Studeents learrningg proogresss reeporttChaptter31.从第三三章节的文文章题目来来看,你希希望从这一一章获得哪哪些方面的的信息?至至少列出三三个问题。What can we do in educational reform?Couldd theere bbe anny apppliccatioons oof thhe moontesssorii i

7、deeas tto unniverrsityy eduucatiion?How tto prrevennt thhe vooicess froom thhe cllassrroom?2.在学习习第三章时时,你遇到到哪些难点点?提高阅读速速度预测生词前缀后缀3.你从第第三章中学学到了些什什么?比如如词汇、句句式、知识识或信息等等。be faaced withh面临着literracy: abiilityy to readd & wwritee有文化/读写能力力 litteratte addj. aable to rread & wrrite 有文化的的/有读写写能力的 illiiteraate

8、aadj./n. uunablle too reaad & writte不识字字的/文盲盲diverrse aadj. diffferennt kiinds of 不不同的,多多种多样的的diveersiffy vtt.使多样样化valuee vt. atttach impoortannce tto重视increeasinngly compplex: morre annd moore ccompllex日益益复杂be caaughtt bettweenn A & B: be iin a dileemma困困于A与BB之间;左左右为难,进进退维谷statee-manndateed addj.国家

9、家规定的mmandaate vvt.颁布布,委托,批批准throww outt: reejectt/exccludee拒绝,排排斥a gapp (diifferrencee) beetweeen A & B: A和BB之间的差差距What new challlengges ddo Ammericcan tteachhers of EEngliish tthinkk theey wiill fface overr thee nexxt fiive yyearss? 美国英语教教师认为他他们在未来来5年将会会面临什么么新挑战?此句为主谓谓宾句型:主句为ddo Ammericcan tteachhe

10、rs of EEngliish tthinkk;Whaat neew chhalleengess为宾语从从句中谓语语facee oveer的宾语语Studeents learrningg proogresss reeporttChaptter41.从第四四章节的文文章题目来来看,你希希望从这一一章获得哪哪些方面的的信息?至至少列出三三个问题。Does the French suffer fewer heart attacks and less obesity than Americans?What is tthe ffavouuritee Freench foodd?What is tthe

11、“New Lifeestylle inn Chiina” aboout2.在学习习第四章时时,你遇到到哪些难点点?根据上下文文猜测生词词词义怎样找出文文章的大意意3.你从第第四章中学学到了些什什么?比如如词汇、句句式、知识识或信息等等。根据上下文文猜测生词词词义amaziinglyy: itt is amazzing thatt; too onees ammazemmentobesiity nn. 肥胖胖(病) obesse addj. eextreemelyy fatt/oveerweiighthedonnism n. 享享乐主义 hedoonic adj.享乐的be/beecomee ca

12、uutiouus abbout对对谨慎【bbe caarefuul abbout】alcohhol iintakke酒精摄摄入量with gustto: wwith vigoorouss enjjoymeent/zzest兴兴致勃勃地地moderrate: witthin reassonabble llimitts适度的的,有节制制的serenne plleasuure醇静静的愉悦Whilee mucch off thee worrld, and the Unitted SStatees inn parrticuular, hass gonne onn an antti-faat ccampa

13、aign, thiis iss abssoluttely not the casee in Frannce.虽然世界大大部分地区区,尤其美美国,已经经开展了“反油腻食食物”运动,法法国却决不不是这么回回事。本句为复合合句,Whhile引引出的是让让步状语从从句而不是是时间状语语从句。Studeents learrningg proogresss reeporttChaptter51从第五五章节的文文章题目来来看,你希希望从这一一章获得哪哪些方面的的信息?至至少列出三三个问题。Why aging is the number one problem in the world?What is tth

14、e ddepenndenccy raatio?Are ttheree enoough seniior hhoness in Nansshi DDistrrict to ttake caree of the peopple oover 60 llivinng I thaat diistriict?2.在学习习第五章时时,你遇到到哪些难点点?如何准确地地猜词义如何理解构构词法根据构词法法猜测生词词含义3.你从第第五章中学学到了些什什么?比如如词汇、句句式、知识识或信息等等。addreess: direect tto thhe atttenttion of; put forwward提提出(以引引起

15、的注意意)pose challlengge too:向提出挑战战in teerms of就而言,从从角度来来讲As thhe soociall strructuure cchangges iin teerms of ddemoggraphhics, so willl traaditiion. = Frrom tthe ppointt of vieww of demoograpphicss, thhe soociall strructuure cchangges, so ttradiitionn willl chhangee as welll.accouunt ffor: takee up (在

16、比例例、数量上上)占careeer-orrientted以事事业为导向向的;把心心思放在事事业上的attenntivee adjj.关心体体贴的,殷殷勤的atttendd vt.照顾,护护理run vvt. mmanagge/opperatte经营Now tthat oveer-poopulaationn annd tthe aagingg criisis aree seeen ass prooblemms byy moddern sociiety worlld-wiide, it iis immporttant thatt thee eldderlyy aree nott ignnoredd

17、, allienaated or mmistrreateed, bbut rratheer trreasuured for theiir grreat storre off expperieence.既然“人口口过度”和“老龄化危危机”已成为现现代社会所所面临的问问题,那么么有一点显显得很重要要,即,老老年人不应应该被忽视视,孤立,虐虐待,而应应因其丰富富的社会经经验受到重重视。本句是复合合句,Noow thhat引出出让步状语语从句;iit为形式式主语;tthat引引出真实主主语从句Studeents learrningg proogresss reeporttChaptter61.从第六六

18、章节的文文章题目来来看,你希希望从这一一章获得哪哪些方面的的信息?至至少列出三三个问题。What are the values of Biodiversity?Have you notiiced any trennds iin Chhina towaards presserviing bbiodiiverssity?What are somee posssiblle cooursee forr thee losss off bioodiveersitty?2.在学习习第六章时时,你遇到到哪些难点点?Readiing sskilll: woord aanalyysisHow tto guuess

19、 the meanning of tthe wwordss by breaakingg theem innto ppartss.3.你从第第六章中学学到了些什什么?比如如词汇、句句式、知识识或信息等等。Readiing sskilll: woord aanalyysisbiodiiverssity bioo- (bbioloogy; speccies; plaants & annimalls) + divversiity (richh varrietyy)生物多多样化reafffirm vt. re- (agaain) + afffirmm重申,再再肯定mediccinall adjj. me

20、edicaal mmediccine n.be addapteed too 适应wipe out 摧毁high-yielldingg adjj. 高产产的indiggenouus addj. 本本土的hybriid addj. 杂杂种的,混混合的Biodiiversse arreas alsoo conntainn genneticc ressourcces tthat may be nneedeed too breeed ccrop plannts aand aanimaals aadaptted tto chhangeed coondittionss.生物多样的的地区还具具有基因资资源用以

21、培培育庄稼和和动物以适适应改变了了的环境。该句是复合合句,Biiodivversee areeas aalso conttain geneetic resoourcees是主句句,之后tthat引引导定语从从句修饰ggenettic rresouurcess,adaaptedd to channged condditioons是过过去分词作作定语,修修饰croop pllantss andd aniimalss.Studeents learrningg proogresss reeporttChaptter71从第七章章节的文章章题目来看看,你希望望从这一章章获得哪些些方面的信信息?至少少列出

22、三个个问题。WWhat are areaa lisstinggs?What are typee of placces llisteed?Whichh couuntryys peeoplee do not eat beeff?2.在学习习第七章时时,你遇到到哪些难点点?How tto geet thhe maain iidea of aa passsagee?How tto prredicctwhaat wiill bbe diiscusssed in tthis readding?3.你从第第七章中学学到了些什什么?比如如词汇、句句式、知识识或信息等等。Readiing sskilll: to

23、opic and the mainn ideeadown-homee adjj. hoome-sstylee 地道的的,正宗的的speciialtyy n. 特色菜,特特产loccal sspeciialtyy 土特产产best-sellling adj. 最火旺旺的dimsuum sppot 点点心店eat-iin onnly只在在店内用餐餐【takkeawaay外卖(食品/餐餐馆)】herbaal addj. 草草药的 hherb n. 草草药certiify vvt. 证证明,授予予合格证the rreal thinng ooral Eng.真正风风味;上等等货, 地地道货, 原装货in

24、terrior adj. 内部的的autheenticc adjj. 真正正的,可信信的As duusk ffallss in Maniilathhe baalut nighht saalesmmen aappeaar caarryiing wwickeer baasketts coontaiiningg a mmixtuure oof eggg annd duuck eembryyos wwhichh aree a nnatioonal deliicacyy andd creediteed wiith eenhanncingg malle sttrenggth.当夜幕降临临马尼拉时时,晚上卖

25、卖毛蛋的商商贩出现了了,他们背背的柳条蓝蓝里装着蛋蛋和鸭毛蛋蛋,这些东东西是他们们的民族风风味,据说说可以壮阳阳。该句为主从从复合句,As dusk falls in Manila是时间状语从句,the balut night salesmen是主句中主语,appear为谓语动词,carrying 到句尾为现在分词短语做伴随状语,其中containing a mixture of egg and duck embryos为现在分词做定语,修饰wicker baskets,which are a national delicacy and credited with enhancing male

26、 strength是定语从句修饰a mixture of egg and duck embryos.Studeents learrningg proogresss reeporttChaptter81.从第八八章节的文文章题目来来看,你希希望从这一一章获得哪哪些方面的的信息?至至少列出三三个问题。What does the title “Bargain Fashion”suggests?Wheree cann we findd thee barrgainn shoops?How ccan wwe trransllate fashhion?2.在学习习第八章时时,你遇到到哪些难点点?Skim t

27、o gget tthe ggenerral iideaRecoggnizee thee suppportting poinnts3.你从第第八章中学学到了些什什么?比如如词汇、句句式、知识识或信息等等。Readiing sskilll: suupporrtingg parragraaphsscaveenge vt. (+foor) ssearcch thhrouggh foor ussefull matteriaal 搜寻寻可用之物物hand-me-ddown n. ssth. handded ddown to oone ppersoon affter beinng ussed aand dd

28、iscaardedd by anotther别别人用过的的且不要了了之后传给给另一个人人的;便宜宜的旧货;旧衣服rummaage vvi. ssearcch thhorouughlyy by handdlingg, tuurninng ovver, or ddisarrrangging the conttentss of彻彻底搜查(通过搬运运、翻动或或弄乱来搜搜寻)thrifft shhop: a shhop tthat sellls ussed aarticcles, esppeciaally clotthingg, ass to beneefit a chharittablee orgga

29、nizzatioon旧货商商店(尤指指为慈善机机构谋福利利而出售旧旧衣物等用用过的东西西的商店)comb vt. searrch tthorooughlly 彻底底搜查vintaage aadj. old-fashhioneed老式的的on thhe chheap oraal 便便宜地,节节约地quartterlyy newwspapper季刊刊报纸readeershiip n. tottal nnumbeer off reaaderss读者总数数peoplle frrom aall ssectoors oof soocietty: ppeoplle frrom aall wwalkss of

30、 lifee; peeoplee of all circcles各各界人士Rummaagingg thrroughh thrrift shopps, ccombiing wweekeend fflea markkets and yardd salles, visiitingg vinntagee fasshionn stoores, andd eveen suurfinng thhe Innternnet hhas bbecomme a passsion for peopple sseekiing oout ffashiion ttreassuress on the cheaap.从便宜货中中

31、寻找时尚尚的人们,狂狂热地在旧旧货商店,周周末跳蚤市市场和庭院院旧货出售售中精挑细细捡,还逛逛老时尚店店,上网寻寻货。这是简单句句,主语由由Rummmaginng,coombinng, vvisitting和和surffing几几个动名词词短语构成成,hass beccome 是系动词词作谓语,aa passsionn为表语,之之后的成分分是介词短短语作状语语,其中又又有seeekingg 现在分分词短语作作定语修饰饰peopple.Studeents learrningg proogresss reeporttChaptter91.从第九九章节的文文章题目来来看,你希希望从这一一章获得哪哪些

32、方面的的信息?至至少列出三三个问题。What is the title “Are you ready?” discussing/What typee of writting is “the techhnoloogy bbuyerrs guuide”?Are ttheree anyy plaacesssimillar tto Gaavzottas iin Chhina?2.在学习习第九章时时,你遇到到哪些难点点?Readiing ssill: scaanninngIn whhat wway ccompuuterss cann repplacee humman bbeinggs.How ccoul

33、dd moddern techhnoloogy mmake the lifee bettter?Underrstanndingg thee lonng seentennces3.你从第第九章中学学到了些什什么?比如如词汇、句句式、知识识或信息等等。grazee on the grasss 吃草草electtroniic uppdatee 更新的的电子指令令go abbout 着手干anti-stattic aadj. 抗静电的的dust vi. 吸尘fold awayy 叠好calorrie-ccountted mmealss 计量了了卡路里的的饭菜all-ssensiing aadj. 全感

34、的scenaario n. 景景象fenceed innto ttheirr urbban gghetttos 被被圈进城市市少数民族族聚居区Throuugh tthe iintellligeent ddoorss, whhich can recoognizze faamilyy memmberss by theiir faaces and finggerprrintss, annd thhe weeatheer-seensittive winddows, whiich ccleann theemsellves, thee homme roobotss aree goiing aaboutt

35、theeir jjobs in ssilennce.透过能通过过家庭成员员面容和指指纹来识别别他们的智智能门,通通过天气敏敏感窗户能能自洁,可可以看到机机器人正来来来往往静静悄悄地工工作。 本句为主从从复合句,主主句是thhe hoome rrobotts arre gooing abouut thheir jobss in sileence, throough介介词短语作作状语,这这个成分很很长,里面面有两个并并列词组tthe iintellligeent ddoorss和the weatther-senssitivve wiindowws作介词词宾语,且且分别后接接whicch引导的的非限

36、定性性定语从句句。Studeents learrningg proogresss reeporttChaptter1001.从第十十章节的文文章题目来来看,你希希望从这一一章获得哪哪些方面的的信息?至至少列出三三个问题。What is the most innovative city?What can we ddo iff we wantt to havee a ggood quallity of llife?How ccan wwe cooexisst wiith nnaturre?2在学习第第十章时,你你遇到哪些些难点?Readiing sskilll: paatterrn off lis

37、stinggFind the signnal wwordss froom thhe reeadinng 3.你从第第十章中学学到了些什什么?比如如词汇、句句式、知识识或信息等等。Readiing sskilll: paatterrn off lisstinggturn out 原来是,证证明make up oof: 组组成at haand 在在手边,供供使用soil-freee hyddropoonic systtem:无土栽培系系统。emergge frrom:出出现in addditiion tto:并且且,此外be loookedd upoon ass: 被看作(带带有仰慕之之情)cho

38、osse too: 决定定,选择Speciialissts iin a variiety of ffieldds frrom eenginneeriing tto aggricuulturre, hhave comee toggetheer too creeate susttainaable liviing eenvirronmeents in ssome of tthe lless acceessibble ppartss of the worlld whhere the popuulatiion iis ovverfllowinng.从工程到农农业的各行行各业的专专家们走到到了一起,在在人

39、口过多多而交通不不便的地区区创造出可可持续性的的生活环境境。该句为复合合句,主句句主语是SSpeciialissts;介介词短语iin a variiety of ffieldds frrom eenginneeriing tto aggricuulturre作定语语,句谓语语动词是hhave comee;动词不不定式短语语to ccreatte suustaiinablle liivingg envvironnmentts inn somme off thee lesss acccesssiblee parrts oof thhe woorld作作目的状语语; whhere引引导定语从从句修

40、饰tthe wworldd.Studeents learrningg proogresss reeporttChaptter1111.从第十十一章节的的文章题目目来看,你你希望从这这一章获得得哪些方面面的信息?至少列出出三个问题题。How wwas pprintting deveelopeed?Who mmade an eefforrt onn devvelopping prinntingg?How ddo thhe muusiciians findd a wwholee worrld tto exxplorre?What doess “worlld muusic” meaan?2.在学习习第

41、十一章章时,你遇遇到哪些难难点?Readiing sskilll: teext-mmappiing oof a chroonoloogicaal paassaggeHow tto maake aan teext-mmap3.你从第第十一章中中学到了些些什么?比比如词汇、句句式、知识识或信息等等。Readiing sskilll: teext-mmappiing oof a chroonoloogicaal paassaggeEmperror FFredeerickk II:神圣罗马帝帝国皇帝腓腓特烈二世世(11994-12250)thinkk后也可跟跟从句作宾宾语。at laarge: 大多数

42、数,整个go thhrouggh: 经经历A papper mmold, proobablly a sievve off coaarselly wooven clotth sttretcched in aa fouur-siided bambboo fframee, waas ussed tto diip upp thee beaaten fibeer annd hoold iit foor drryingg.而后用制纸纸的模子将将拍烂的纤纤维汲出,并并将其置于于其中晾干干,这种模模具大约是是用四周竹竹蔑框将粗粗布绷平的的细眼筛子子。句子主语是是A paaper moldd;谓语是是 wass

43、 useed;a sievve off coaarselly wooven clotth sttretcched in aa fouur-siided bambboo fframee是papper mmold的的同位语,其其中又有sstrettchedd过去分词词短语作定定语修饰ssievee;两个并并列动词不不定式短语语dip和和holdd作状语。Studeents learrningg proogresss reeporttChaptter1221.从第十十二章节的的文章题目目来看,你你希望从这这一章获得得哪些方面面的信息?至少列出出三个问题题。Who aand wwhat is tthe

44、 aarticcle aaboutt?What are the mainn poiints abouut “out of AAfricca”?What doess thee Winnter Olymmpic Glorry liike?2.在学习习第十二章章时,你遇遇到哪些难难点?Are mmaless givven mmore oppoortunnitiees inn spoorts thann femmaless in Chinna?Throuugh ssubtiitless to get the ideaas off thee orgganizzatioon off thee reaadi

45、ngg.3.你从第第十二章中中学到了些些什么?比比如词汇、句句式、知识识或信息等等。crosss-couuntryy 越野赛赛launcchingg padd 发射台台neutrral vvenuee 中立地地点stem fromm:来自even thouugh:即即使 the mmore the moree:Most peopple tthinkk thaat iff a wwomann goees ouut off thee couuntryy, shhe wiill bbe sppoileed, tthat she willl leaarn mmore thann thee othher

46、s, andd thaat whhen tthey telll herr to do ssometthingg, shhe wiill ssay nno.许多人认为为女人若是是迈出国门门,就会学学坏,她会会比别人懂懂得多,因因此让她做做些事,她她会说不。该句为复合合句,其中中thinnk后接三三个由thhat 引引导的宾语语从句,其其中第一个个宾语从句句里含有iif 引导导的状语从从句; 第第三个宾语语从句里含含有wheen 引导导的状语从从句。Studeents learrningg proogresss reeporttChaptter1331.从第十十三章节的的文章题目目来看,你你希望从这这一章获得得哪些方面面的信息?至少列出出三个问题题。What are the purpposess of “The art of rreadiing” ?Whats thhe sttandaard oof “The art of rreadiing” ?Was tthe iimagee of the othee


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